Daniel's Dream (5 page)

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Authors: Andi Anderson

Tags: #Source: Amazon, #M/M Contemporary

BOOK: Daniel's Dream
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Chapter Eight

After they explored the building and made a list of different ideas and things they thought it was going to need, both men decided to forgo going out for a dinner and movie. They picked up some thick T-bone steaks from their local butcher, rented an action movie from the local video store and headed home to have a nice, relaxing night together.

They were greeted by a happy and wiggly barking Fred at the front door. They gave him plenty of attention before Nick started the grill and Josh worked on the salad and baked potatoes. He popped them into the microwave, went to the refrigerator, and grabbed a couple of beers then walked out onto the back porch to join his lover.

Nick stood at the edge of the porch, against the railing and looked out into their backyard. Between the birds chirping and the gentle breeze in the air, it really had turned out to be a beautiful day.

Josh stepped out onto the back porch and watched his lover silently for a few moments. Josh was happy at how everything turned out. He had been thinking of approaching Nick with his idea for months, but he never knew how to broach the subject with his stubborn lover. He knew Nick would initially balk at the idea of spending Josh's life savings for his dream, but Josh didn't look at it that way. If the money he had saved could help them build a solid business and foundation together, then it was money well spent. Besides, thinking about spending every day together, and more time with Daniel, made the idea even more appealing.

Yes, it was a risk; with today’s economy one really never knew. But, Josh was confident that it would be a successful venture for them. Granted, even though many of the townspeople of Charlestown were quite liberal, he knew that there would be some parents who would not approve of leaving their child in a daycare run by an openly gay couple. But, there would be others for whom it wouldn’t be an issue.

He walked up behind Nick and handed him a beer. Standing there, Josh set his beer on the porch railing, wrapped his arms around Nick and pressed his body close. Nick placed his free hand on top of Josh's arms and leaned heavily back into his arms. They stood like that quietly, and took in the colorful foliage and sounds coming from the birds in the backyard.

Josh heard Nick take a deep breath and his deep baritone voice barely rose above the sounds of nature around them.

"I was just standing here thinking about how much my life has changed since I met you and Danny. I never knew how empty my life was until I met the two of you. I love you both so much, Josh. Thank you for making my life complete."

Josh pressed his eyes closed and took a deep breath, inhaling his lover's clean citrusy smell. He loved the comforting way Nick's body fit perfectly against his own. "I feel the same way, Nick. You know that, don't you?"

Nick gently disengaged from Josh's embrace and turned around to face him. His indigo eyes shone with sincerity and love. "I do. We're going to be very happy, aren't we?"

"Damn right."

Nick laughed and the thoughtful mood was broken. "Come on Green-Eyes, let's check on the fire."

While Nick checked the coals, they heard a happy bark coming from next door. Josh looked over and saw his next door neighbor's German Shepherd, Shep, running along the fence and barking playfully at Fred.

Shep was a friendly dog and both Daniel and Fred loved to play with him.

"Shep! Come here boy!" The masculine voice of his neighbor called over the excited barking.

"I'll be right back," Josh said as he walked down the steps of the porch and over to the fence to talk to his next door neighbor.

Jackson Edwards was a quiet man. He and his partner, Ben, had lived next door to Josh for years. Josh remembered the many barbeques they used to throw and they were always surrounded by family and friends, but ever since Ben's death several years ago, Jackson's once outgoing and fun personality changed, and now he was always seemed sad and alone.

"Hi, Jackson. How've you been?" Josh offered his hand to the handsome man.

Josh was rewarded by one of Jackson's rare smiles. "Good, Josh. It's been a while, huh?"

Jackson pushed his long brown hair off of his face and shook his hand. He had dimples on both cheeks that make him look younger than his thirty-something years and his dark green eyes sparkled with amusement.

"Sorry about Shep. He still thinks he's a pup." Jackson gave him a wink and released his hand.

"No problem. You know we adore Shep. If Daniel was around, he'd be begging for Shep to come over and play with him and Fred." Josh laughed.

Jackson nodded. "Where is Daniel?"

"He's spending the night with a friend tonight. Nick and I actually have the house to ourselves."

"That's nice for all of you."

"It is. Did you get the invitation in the mail? We're having our commitment ceremony next week and Nick and I both hope you'll be there." He reached over the fence and patted the top of Shep's head.

"I did. I'll be there, Josh. I'm thrilled for the both of you." A wistful look fell over Jackson's face.

"Thanks, Jackson."

"Well, Shep and I have an appointment with a pot roast and a good book. I'll see you next week. Congratulations, Josh. I hope you have many happy years together." Jackson gave him a small smile and wink and turned away to walk toward his house.

Josh watched Jackson and Shep walk into their house and was saddened for the man. He wished Jackson would snap out of his solitary shell and rejoin the living.

Maybe someday he would.

"Josh! Supper is ready."

Josh turned around and walked toward his smiling lover and thanked God for the life they had together.

* * * *

After they ate a delicious supper, Josh and Nick settled down to watch the action movie they had picked out. Both men had changed into their favorite pajama pants and were sharing a bowl of popcorn between them.

"Vin Diesel is a badass," Nick said as he grabbed another handful of popcorn.

"No shit. I think Paul Walker is pretty hot, too."

Nick looked at him and raised his eyebrow. "I didn't say Vin Diesel is hot. I said he's a badass."

"I know what you said."

Nick growled and threw a piece of popcorn at him. "Well… Vin Diesel

Josh laughed. "You know you kind of look like him."


"Paul Walker. Especially when he was younger and he sported that sexy beach boy look. You look like a combination between Chase Crawford and Paul Walker, just better looking and a lot sexier."

Nick gave him a heated look. "You think I'm sexier than both of them?"

"Hell yeah. Much."

"Oh, Mr Thomas, you are so getting laid after that comment." Nick removed the bowl of popcorn off of Josh's lap and set it on the coffee table. He grabbed Josh's hand and pulled him off of the couch and led him to their bedroom.

They stopped at the edge of the bed and Nick pulled Josh to him and pressed their lips together. Josh slid his tongue into Nick's warm, wet mouth. Their tongues and lips explored each other's passionately as they pulled at their clothes. They disengaged only long enough to remove their t-shirts and resumed their heated kissing. Josh lay back on the bed and pulled Nick on top of him.

They ground their bodies against each other and a warm hand ran down Josh's hip and below it. Nick cupped his hand on Josh's buttock and lifted slightly, so their hard cocks started rubbing together with delicious friction.

The vibration of Nick's moan against his mouth made him answer with one of his own. He could feel the sticky, warmth of their precum as their cocks moved in tandem.

Josh pulled away from Nick's mouth and latched onto Nick's neck and sucked. "Slide up here, baby. I need to taste you."

Nick pulled away and looked down at him. His face was flushed with passion and his blue eyes blazed brightly down at Josh. He gave a slight nod and sat up on his hands and knees. Nick worked his way up Josh's body until he held onto the headboard and then that gorgeous, hard cock was mere inches from Josh's mouth.

Josh reached up and took a firm grasp of Nick's cock and gave it a couple of strong pumps. Nick moaned when he reached down with his other hand and cupped his balls and gave them a light squeeze.

"Please, Josh… don't tease." Nick panted from above.

Josh lifted his head up and licked the tip of it. It was hot and slick and had a clean and slightly salty taste. Wanting more, Josh opened his mouth and slid it around Nick’s cock and gave one strong suck. He pulled back far enough for it to almost fall out of his mouth. He wrapped his free hand around the base and started moving his mouth slowly back and forth as he sucked and teased the underside with his tongue.

"Oh yeah… take it Green Eyes… take it all in." Nick's deep voice panted from above.

Josh worked Nick's cock deeper into his mouth and worked his mouth and his hand in sync, harder and faster. Nick moaned loudly and moved his hips in motion with Josh's hand and mouth. Soon, Nick took control of the movement as he began to actively fuck Josh's mouth.

"So go-od… I'm cooooming." Nick stuttered and then gave a loud groan.

Semen spurted out of Nick's cock to the back of Josh's mouth. Josh quickly swallowed down Nick's salty essence and rubbed his hands softly down Nick's ass and thighs. He loved the way Nick tasted. Hell, he loved everything about Nick.

Nick gently pulled away from Josh's mouth and his cock was released with a soft 'pop'. He slid his backside down onto Josh's stomach and leaned down and gave him a kiss.

"Your turn, Green Eyes."

Josh reached over to the bedside table and grabbed the bottle of lube. Nick reached his hand out, and Josh opened the top and poured a liberal amount on his fingers and started warming it up. He lifted up and moved back to spread the warmed lube all over Josh's hard cock.

Nick's slick fingers worked their magic, coating Josh's prick. Nick started working his hand up and down it with a firm, confident grasp that made Josh's toes curl. After a couple of strokes, Nick would rub his thumb over to the tip of it, and tease the slit of it lightly with his thumbnail.

"I want to fuck you, Nick." Josh said as he grabbed Nick's hips and pulled his ass closer to his cock.

Nick rarely bottomed, and when he did, he didn't like a lot of prep. He seemed to like the burn and being stretched by Josh's cock instead of fingers. Josh also knew that Nick would be still be relaxed after his intense orgasm.

Nick straddled his hips and reached behind him. He had a firm hold of Josh's cock as he aligned it to his entrance and slowly started lowering himself down onto it.

Nick's hot, tight body was like a welcome vise holding Josh's cock. He forced himself to remain still as Nick slowly slid Josh’s cock into his entrance. Nick bit his bottom lip and a look between ecstasy and pain crossed his handsome face, which along with his chest and neck were flushed a light pink and damp with sweat.

Nick placed his hands on Josh's sweaty chest and he heard himself groan when Nick had finally worked Josh’s cock all the way inside of him.

"Ride me, Nick."

Nick looked down at him with gleaming indigo eyes and gave him a wicked grin. He began to slowly move his body up and down on Josh's shaft. Josh grabbed Nick's hips and started moving his own, to match their rhythm as they started moving faster and harder together.

Nick changed his angle slightly, and Josh could tell by the slight widening of his eyes and the way Nick's cock jutted out from his body, he was rubbing against Nick's sweet spot with every thrust.

As sexy as Nick looked as Josh fucked him and as much as he wanted it to last forever, Josh could tell by the tightening of his balls and nearly overwhelming urge to come, that he wasn't going to last much longer.

"I'm about there, baby."

Nick nodded and started moving his body faster and with more purpose. Before he knew it, Josh's body shook with ecstasy as he filled Nick's channel with his seed. He heard Nick groan and semen shot out of Nick's cock between their bodies.

They were both sweaty and sticky, but Josh didn't care. He leaned up seeking a kiss. Nick smiled and met him halfway. They caressed each other's mouths with gentle tongues and lips. Josh eased himself out of Nick and pulled the younger man on top of him.

Nick gave Josh's shoulder a tender kiss before he lay his head on it. Josh wrapped his arms around him and held Nick tightly against him.

After their heavy breathing got back to normal, Nick lifted his head off of Josh's shoulder and grinned. "You know that movie would have been a lot better if Vin Diesel would have fucked Paul Walker on top of that classic car, don't you think?"

Josh nodded and laughed.

Yeah, that would have been very hot indeed.


Daniel stood in the corner of the pavilion and watched the grooms straighten each other's white bowties. They had chosen to all wear matching white tuxedos and were doing last minute adjustments before they walked down the aisle.

In the distance, he heard the pretty music playing from the string quartet and watched family and friends sitting in white fold out chairs, quietly talking among themselves. There were multi-colored streamers and flowers everywhere making everything look bright and beautiful.

Daniel's chest pumped up with pride as he watched the two most important people in his life give each other a quick kiss and then walk over to him with huge, happy smiles on their faces.

"It's about that time, Danny. Are you ready to do this?" Nick put hand on his shoulder and smiled down at him.

"Almost… I need to ask y'all something first." He worried his teeth with his bottom lip.

Both men gave each other a 'look' before they crouched down and looked at him eye level. It meant a lot to Daniel that they realized there was something important that he needed to say, and were both willing to listen to him when he knew they were excited to get on with the ceremony.

"What is it, Daniel? Is everything alright?" Uncle Josh asked.

He looked worried and Daniel hated that, but there was something important that he needed to ask.

"I'm okay… great really…" he began. He took a deep breath and crossed his fingers behind his back. He hoped that they would be okay with what he wanted to do.

"I was wondering if it would be okay if I called y'all something besides 'uncle'. I talked it over with God and he said it would be good if I called you both something different like pop or dad. I miss momma and daddy, but now I think I have a real chance at having two dads, which would be even more awesomer than having just two uncles."

Uncle Josh and Uncle Nick looked at each other and then back at him with smiling faces. Uncle Josh's face became serious and he gently grabbed Daniel's upper arms. "Are you sure, Daniel? I know you miss your Mom and Dad a lot. Neither one of us would ever ask you to do anything you're not comfortable with doing."

Daniel smiled and nodded. "I know that, Dad. You and Poppa Nick are the best fathers I could have ever asked for. I want to be more than just your nephew." He looked at Nick. "Or your adopted nephew… I want to be called your son because both of you are the dads of my heart."

Both men smiled at him through tears and nodded.

"We'd be honored to call you son, Daniel. We both love you very much and will be very proud for you to call us your fathers," dad said. He leaned down and gave Daniel a big hug and soon they were joined by Poppa Nick in a three-way hug that made Daniel feel loved even more.

"Come on, son. Let's go do this." dad grinned and held out his right hand.

Daniel grabbed it and looked up at his Poppa Nick and held out his right hand for his other dad to take. Poppa Nick winked at him and took his hand.

Daniel knew God and his parents were smiling down at them this very moment, and that made him happy.

Together, hand in hand, they walked down the aisle and into their bright future together as a family.

Just as it was meant to be.

The End.

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