Danny's War (Rolling Thunder Series Book 3) (26 page)

BOOK: Danny's War (Rolling Thunder Series Book 3)
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Ryder chuckled.

Danny’s eyes narrowed on Ryder causing Ryder to sit back and put his hands up in defense. “Whoa, easy now. You have to admit, it’s kind of funny.”

Danny’s lips formed a reluctant smile as he shook his head.

“I’ll go with you. Your friends all left this morning, right? You can’t go alone. I’ll go with you. Molly’s working tonight, so I have the time. We can go right after work.”

“You don’t have to do that, Ryder.”

“I know I don’t. I want to. That’s what friends are for.”

Danny looked into Ryder’s green eyes and saw a friend looking back at him.

“Okay. Sounds good.”



The yellow house.”

Danny pulled into the driveway of a house at the edge of the downtown area of Green Bay. Not the worst neighborhood, not the best. The houses were interspersed with old Victorians that'd been lovingly restored and older nondescripts homes that needed some TLC. Scott’s house was the latter.

Danny’s truck looked too big for the narrow driveway and stood taller than the front door. They looked at each other before climbing out of the truck. Ryder broke the silence. “Let’s do it.”

Danny nodded and climbed out. Upon approaching the door, it jerked open and there he was, Scott in all his glory. He was wearing a ratty pair of shorts and a t-shirt that had cheesy yellow streaks across the front. He was glassy-eyed, his hair was mussed and looked in serious need of some shampoo and water. Scott’s glassy eyes narrowed in on Danny for a long moment. He slid his gaze to Ryder and then back to Danny.

“I don’t know you two. Whataya want?” His speech wasn’t quite slurred but not clear either.

“We’d like to talk to you.”

“I’m expecting company.”

“Now you have it.”

Scott chuckled, “True. But not you.”

“Who are you expecting?”

Scott’s eyes narrowed as he looked at Danny again. “Who are you?”

“Danny Schaefer.”

Scott’s eyes widened and his mouth flopped open just enough to show his mouth yellowed from…Cheetos?

“You’re with Tammy now. I’ve got nothing to say to you.”

“I have something to say to you. I don’t know why you did what you did. I can’t see any reason to hurt someone like you hurt her. She didn’t do anything to hurt you. It was dirty. It was nasty and underhanded. But that’s over. What I don’t understand is why you'd do something to hurt her again. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Scott finally showed some real emotion, his voice raised as his hands flew wide. “What the fuck is wrong with me? Look at this shithole. I can’t afford to move anywhere else because I have fucking attorney’s fees up the ass. I lost my job because of that whiney bitch. I’m broke, and I found someone who was willing to pay for something that I can’t do a fucking thing with for fear of going to jail.”

Danny’s fists balled at his sides. Ryder watched him trying to get a grip on his anger, worried this was a very bad idea.

“Did he contact you?”

“Yeah. He found me from Court records. Offered me twenty thousand dollars and said I would never be tied to it again.”

“So, naturally, being the piece of shit you are, you couldn’t wait to get your hands on the money.”

Scott turned and walked inside. Danny and Ryder watched him go in and when he didn’t make a move to close the door, Ryder shrugged and walked in first. He saw Scott sprawled in a chair in the corner of the room. He looked back at Danny and jerked his head toward the inside. Danny followed him in.

Scott looked at the two hulking men standing in his minuscule living room and swallowed. Grabbing his beer can off the side table he finished what was left of it and smacked it back down on the table, sending the empty Cheetos bag to the floor.

After a long silence, he added, “I didn’t jump at the chance.”

Danny’s brows shot up. “That right? How’s that?”

“He threatened me.”

“Hamilton threatened you?”

Scott nodded his head, barely, but it was enough to be noticed.

“With what? What could he possibly threaten you with?”

Scott heaved out a heavy breath and leaned forward. “He said he has a whole team of computer geeks who could upload that video to the Internet and make it look like I did it. I’d go to jail for violation of the restraining order and there’d be a trial and he said nobody would be able to unscramble the metadata enough to know it wasn’t me.”

Danny’s thoughts went back to the day in the parking lot. “Is that what you were arguing about with Hamilton?”

Scott looked up at Danny, surprise on his face. “How do you know that?”

“I saw you. I was sitting in The Wheel having lunch.”

Scott groaned and dropped his dirty head into his dirtier hands. After a few seconds he yelled out, “FUCK.”

Allowing him the time he needed to gather his thoughts, Danny and Ryder stood and waited him out. As Scott lifted his head, his eyes were glistening with unshed tears.

“Look. I’m sorry I ever did that to her. She didn’t deserve it. I not only fucked up her life, I royally fucked up my own. Even my friends think I’m dirty now and most of them won’t have anything to do with me.”

He folded his hands together in front of him, sniffed a few times and finally watched as both Ryder and Danny’s faces softened, just a bit.

“Whatareya gonna do? Kill me? Call the cops? What?”

Ryder actually chuckled. “We look like murderers to you?”

Scott looked Ryder and shook his head no. “You don’t. He looks like he could kill me.”

“Well, that’s why I’m here, to make sure that doesn’t happen. He doesn’t need to sit in jail because of a piece of shit like you.”

Taking a calming breath, Danny finally said, “Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to call the police and have them come out and take your statement.”

Scott’s unshed tears actually started sliding down his cheeks, leaving a clean trail in their wake.

Danny pulled out his cell phone and tapped the numbers to dial the police department. He stepped outside with a nod to Ryder and spoke for a few moments before returning to the smelly house.



across the street from Stateside, Tammy clapped her hands as the last of the screws was inserted into the new sign.

“It’s so beautiful,” she cheered as Danny stood next to her, lovingly watching her delight.

She looked up at him and smiled her brightest smile. Unable to resist, he leaned down and kissed her lips. “You’re chilly. Let’s get you inside, we have a lot of unpacking to do before going to Paul and Grace’s.”

“Oh, my God, I’m so excited. I can’t believe Noah's sitting up now. And so damn cute.”


Laughing she said, “Right. Sorry.”

Walking into the new Stateside Home for Retired Veterans, Tammy’s smile was bright. Employees and the residents and their families were bustling about as everyone was moving in today. Charles and his company, LexRanch, built them a beautiful new building on the edge of town, nestled on fifty acres. They were able to add things they wouldn’t have been able to add in their old building. They had gardens and those who were able and willing would be able to work in the gardens where they intended to grow vegetables for their meals. They had a veterinary clinic at the front of the building which doubled as therapy for the veterans but also as an income source for Stateside as they would be able to care for pets, either in the ‘extended stay’ area or just as a daycare. Grooming stations were set up as well and the small pet store attached should act as a fabulous income source. LexRanch ensured they had beautiful medical facilities on site and the kitchen and dining rooms were spacious and highly appointed.

Danny and Tammy walked hand-in-hand into the activities room which was comfortable and relaxing. The furniture and colors of soft tans, deep brown-oranges and soft greens were inviting. The light oak wooden tables glistened with a high polish and the soft floral arrangements beautifully decorating various tables and shelves added the feel of home. The large entertainment center graced one wall in dark mahogany. But Danny’s favorite wall was across from the entertainment center.

Charles had personally spared no expense to make sure Tammy’s mural wall was carefully cut out of the former Stateside building and brought to this new building. Upon installation, Tammy set out to finish her mural. Lex, Dirks, and Coop came back to visit and talked her through their experiences in Afghanistan, Danny right there with them. The residents sat and listened and asked questions as she worked her brushes across the wall, adding a perfect picture of each of them in battle.

She looked up at his beautiful face now and softly smiled as she saw the pride so often on his face when he looked at the mural. He led her to the end where he and his friends were lovingly memorialized and he smoothed his hand over the soft cool texture. He slowly turned toward Tammy and held her face between his palms. Staring into each other’s eyes, each were lost in the other. Slowly, Danny knelt on one knee as Tammy’s hands flew to her face.

“I love you, Tammy. More than I'll ever be able to tell you. More than I'll ever be able to show you. Because of you, I’m whole. Because of your love, I’m strong. Because of you, I see a future with little brown-haired, brown-eyed babies. I want our house full of them. Tammy Davis, will you marry me?”

Tammy gasped as she wrapped her arms around Danny and fell on her knees to the floor in front of him. She buried her face in his neck as her tears wet his shirt. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close and waited for her to compose herself. This year had been one of struggles, awareness, truths coming out of hiding, finding strengths where once weakness had been, learning to share, and gaining self-confidence. Danny turned his head slightly and breathed in the scent of her hair as he closed his eyes and committed it to memory once again.

Tammy pulled back and held his face between her hands. She looked into his chocolate eyes, bright with moisture and watched him swallow a large lump in his throat. She cocked her head to the side and her brows furrowed just a bit.

“You didn’t answer me.”

“Oh, my God, how could you think anything other than yes, absolutely yes?”

He squeezed her again as cheers erupted behind them. Tammy turned to see their friends and family standing there witnessing this momentous occasion in her life. Her brows shot up as she saw them. She turned and looked at Danny, who shrugged in return. He reached into the breast pocket of his deep purple dress shirt and pulled out a beautiful two carat oval diamond ring with two smaller pear-shaped diamonds framing the oval.

“Let’s make it official, babe. Will you marry me?”

“YES!” she squealed. Danny slid the ring on her finger and the tears flowed down her cheeks like rain.

Danny stood and folded Tammy into a deep hug as she squeezed him with all her might. As they pulled away, Molly ran forward and wrapped Tammy in a hug as the two girls jumped up and down together while embracing. Ryder stepped forward, a smirk on his face and shook Danny’s hand while loudly slapping him on the back with the other. Jeremiah and Joci came forward to congratulate them. Joci, about eight months pregnant, actually waddled. Danny’s mom hugged Tammy and welcomed her to the family. Grace, Paul and Noah were there with ready hugs and sloppy kisses. JT and Gunnar were there as well as the rest of the crew from Rolling Thunder. Tammy’s parents and her brother rounded out the family. Last but certainly not least were Charles, Lex, Dirks and Coop as well as many of the residents who'd grown to love both Tammy and Danny.


“That was fun. I’m glad Danny was able to surprise you, Tam. He was worried about it.” Molly sipped her wine.

“I never suspected a thing.” Tammy smiled as she looked across the room at The Barn, watching Danny, Jeremiah, JT, Gunnar, Frog and Chase from Rolling Thunder sitting around a table talking. The women had retired to the sofas in front of the fireplace about an hour ago. At eleven-thirty at night, it'd been a long day of moving and setting up.

“That’s good, because he would've killed any of us who let anything slip out.” Joci laughed as she absently rubbed her baby bump.

“How are things with you and Ryder, Mol?”

Molly’s smile grew wide as she looked over and caught Ryder’s gaze. He returned her smile with one of his own and winked. “He’s still pissed that Lancaster isn’t going to jail. But, I don’t think we’ll have to worry about him ever again. The thought of going back to prison and the fines he had to pay seemed to send him packing. Last I heard he moved to Florida. Good riddance.”

Tammy shook her head. “I just don’t understand our justice system sometimes. It seems criminals get away with far too much. Danny’s pissed that Hamilton isn’t going to prison for blackmail. But, basically, there wasn’t enough proof. Scott set the record straight on his part of the whole mess, but Hamilton is like Teflon. At least he’s out of the picture now.”

Taking a drink of her wine, she leaned forward and set her glass on the table. Remembering something funny, she started laughing. “You should've seen the look on Zeke’s face when he found out LexRanch got approval to build the mall on the former Stateside spot. It was priceless. I think he’s more worried about LexRanch creating trouble for him in the future than he is about anything else.”

Molly and Joci both smiled and nodded. Jeremiah walked over and kissed Joci on the top of her head. “Let’s get you two home, baby. We’re putting a crib together tomorrow.”

Danny rolled his eyes as he settled in next to Tammy. “Good luck with that. I helped Paul put Noah’s crib together and it took us all damn day.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of. Good thing I have three smart, strong boys to help me. Right boys?”

Ryder, JT, and Gunnar nodded, each looking a bit scared at the prospect. JT rolled his eyes as he gruffed out, “Man, I’m never going through that. You guys can have it.”

Molly laughed. “You talk so big, but one day a woman is going to grab hold of you and you’ll be purring like a kitty.”

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