Darcy's Temptation (65 page)

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Authors: Regina Jeffers

BOOK: Darcy's Temptation
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Harrison tried to tease her,“Do twins run in the Darcy family?”
“We will have to wait and see,” she whispered close to his ear.
“I am sorry,” he said quietly, “my troubles forced you into an engagement you did not want at this time. Please know I will do the honorable thing, Miss Darcy.”
“Mr. Harrison, do not apologize. I chose to come to Hines Park. I could have sent a post to warn you, but I knew whatever happened to you, I must be a part of it. Are you sorry to be saddled with me after all?” Georgiana needed his assurance.
“God, no,” he nearly exclaimed. “I thought of nothing but you for months now. In fact, if I had not been thinking of you, I might have been more aware of the captain's impending attack.”
“It seems you hold me to an impossible standard.” Georgiana playfully moved the hair away from his face. “First, you say you enjoy thinking of me, and then you blame me for your current pain.”
“Miss Darcy, I assure you, I would do it all over again for the opportunity of being alone with you like this.”
“Then, Mr. Harrison, do you ever plan to ask me to marry you, or do you expect me to walk down the aisle without ever receiving your proposal?”
Harrison found his condition mortifying. “I planned to wait until I did not look so bad, and I was not lying here like a broken twig.”
Georgiana put the sleeping Ella on the end of Mr. Harrison's bed. She stared down at him. “Do you suppose, Mr.
Harrison, I am so shallow I would only love you when you are perfectly coiffed? Could I not love you in times of trouble—in sickness and in health? Do you think so poorly of me?”
Harrison did not like the gist of this conversation. “Miss Darcy, please listen to me.” He reached out for her. “I want everything to be perfect for you because I love you desperately. An edict from your brother is not what I call a moment to remember. I want a romantic moment when I can ask you to be my wife. I want to be able to take you in my arms and claim you as mine.”
“Mr. Harrison, why can this not be our romantic moment?”
“You deserve so much better than a beaten man and a darkened bedchamber. You are the most exquisite person I have ever known,” he pleaded.
“Mr. Harrison, do you not think we are beyond a proposal in the garden? Captain Rutherford took us to another level of intimacy. What I deserve is a man who accepts me for who I am, who loves me for my strength and for my vulnerability.” Georgiana's voice rose in anger.
“Georgiana,” he started, but her irritation reached its breaking point. She picked up the sleeping child and left him struggling to get out of the bed.
A few hours later, Harrison heard a light knock on the door. “Yes,” he called.
“Mr. Harrison, you wished to see me?” Georgiana voice still reflected her contempt from earlier.
“Come in, Miss Darcy.”When she opened the door, lighted candles peppered the room, and vases of flowers filled every corner. Georgiana's eyes sparkled with surprise. “My garden awaits you, Miss Darcy.Will you not join me?” Seductive overtones laced his voice.
“Mr. Harrison, what a surprise!” Georgiana's eyes did not move from his face.
Harrison offered a gesture of his hand. “I am afraid I must ask you to come to me, Miss Darcy. It took several robust men to prop me up in this bed. I cannot offer you a proper bow or a proffered arm.”
Georgiana still stood barely inside the door. “What do you plan to offer me, Mr. Harrison?” She took a few small steps toward the bed.
“Unfortunately, Miss Darcy, you already own my heart. I believe I may be running out of things of worth to offer.” He patted the edge of the bed, indicating she should join him there.
“There is only one thing of which I wish you to speak.” Georgiana moved closer to the bed but did not sit.
Harrison reached under his pillow and withdrew a small box. Then he made a point of looking deep in Georgiana's eyes, willing her to sit beside him.“Miss Darcy, from the time I came here in December, I have been unable to repress my feelings for you. I love you most ardently. Earlier today you expressed a like regard, and I pray with all my heart your affections and wishes are unchanged. I would consider it a profound honor if you would accept my hand in marriage.”
Georgiana's eyes misted over; this was the moment of which she dreamed. “I receive your proposal with gratitude and pleasure,” she began. “To be known as Mrs. Harrison would honor me.”
“Say it again, Georgiana,” Harrison teased.
“I want to be your wife—the mother of your children—the mistress of your estate. Is that not enough, Chadwick?”
“I could listen to those words all day. Yet, I suspect we should make this official.” He opened the box and removed a diamond-encrusted ruby ring. Slipping it on her finger, Georgiana leaned down to kiss his lips tenderly. Harrison slid his hand to the back of her neck and held her lips to his when she started to withdraw.“So perfect,” he moaned.
“Perfect,” she whispered.
Harrison returned to her lips one more time before he released Georgiana.“Would it be too much to ask you to stay with me for a while? I do not want to be without you this evening.”
“Fitzwilliam will not be happy, but I will have cook send us both up a tray. I will leave the door open,” Georgiana reasoned. “I shall return in a few minutes.”
“You will not be gone long?” Harrison asked, a certain amount of longing found in his voice.
“Not long, my Love.” Georgiana caressed his chin line. “May I bring Lucas for you to see?”
“Babies give me wanton ideas,” he joked. “Wanton ideas of your being the mother of my children.”
“So we are back to the forwardness, are we?” Georgiana giggled.
Harrison asserted,“You like me that way.”
“True—truly I do. I will return soon.” Georgiana squeezed his hand.
Georgiana rushed to Elizabeth's room to show her sister the ring and to share her happiness.“I feel changed somehow,” the girl gushed with excitement.
“You have changed, Georgiana. You are no longer a shy, young girl; you are a confident woman. I am so proud of you.” Elizabeth hugged the girl she learned to love. “However, like your brother, I will miss you when you leave us.”
“Thank you, Elizabeth, for listening to me and hearing what I had to say.You gave me my voice and my confidence.”
“Like my darling Fitzwilliam, the person you are now is who you were always meant to be.”
“May I take Lucas to see Mr. Harrison?” Georgiana rushed about the room, trying to focus her excitement.
“I always welcome the praises of others for my children so, of course, you may. However, do not start thinking of your own family too soon.Your brother is having enough trouble
picturing you as a bride and wife without picturing you as a mother, too.”
“Fitzwilliam, I have an idea of which I wish to speak.” Elizabeth cornered him in the dining parlor. It was her first evening downstairs since having the twins.
“Yes, my Love.” Darcy took her arm to lead her to his table, a very symbolic act in his estimation, a confirmation of Darcy's “refound” devotion to her.
“When my parents and the Bingleys come to Pemberley, I would like to have a tenant celebration.”
“Of what do you have in mind?” Darcy held the chair for Elizabeth and then took his place at the head of the table.
“After Edward's wedding, my parents and the Bingleys wish to follow you back to Pemberley to meet the twins. Kitty will remain with us. The tenants are anxious to meet your heirs also; they anticipated the births for a long time. I thought a day of celebration would be appropriate—maybe something similar to an extended family picnic. We could share Mr. Harrison's engagement to Georgiana, as well as Mr. Ashford's to Kitty. The community needs to see the stability Pemberley offers, and I wish my family to see how proud I am of being your wife.”
How could Darcy refuse such a request? Elizabeth recognized the requirements of being Pemberley's mistress. “Elizabeth, I do not object to the idea, but I do not want you to overextend yourself after having the twins.”
Elizabeth squeezed his hand. “I promise not to overextend my energies. I will rely heavily on Mrs. Reynolds and the household staff. I seriously believe the tenants need to see us together as a family. After your attack, rumors flew about whether Pemberley would survive; the Derbyshire community needs to know we are united with the children, and we will be here for a long time.”
“You are so amazing, Elizabeth. I have said it before, but my words cannot do you justice.” Darcy's eyes locked onto hers. Elizabeth simply shrugged her shoulders, not accepting his praise. “Do as you think best then, Mrs. Darcy,” he added with a sense of contentment.
Over the next few weeks, Pemberley returned to a state of normalcy. The twins consumed much of Elizabeth's waking hours. Mr. Harrison recovered from Rutherford's attack; the bruising went away, and the wounds healed. Darcy and Georgiana traveled to Kent for Edward and Anne's wedding. They attended the ceremony and the breakfast; then they took their leave. Darcy delivered from Elizabeth a handwritten note of thanks to Charlotte for her loving friendship. The note also told Charlotte of Elizabeth's joy with parenthood.
On the return trip, Darcy stopped in Hertfordshire. The Bingleys and the Bennets would join the Darcys for a few days at Pemberley. The Darcys stayed at Netherfield because Darcy wished to renew his relationship with Charles Bingley. Some of his memories of Charles's friendship also resurfaced.“I found a property an hour away from Pemberley if you are still interested, Bingley.”
“Maybe we can see it when we come to Pemberley.”
“I assume the Bennets know nothing of this,” Darcy added.
Jane looked about nervously. “I do not wish my mother to suspect our plans, Mr. Darcy.”
“It would please Elizabeth to have you so close, especially after Georgiana's wedding.”
“That means a great deal to me also, Mr. Darcy. Family is important to all of us.” Jane squeezed Bingley's hand and gave him a slight nod.
“There is something else we have not told the Bennets. My wife is with child.” Bingley beamed as he said the words out loud.
“Then it is important to find you the perfect estate, and that is exactly what we will do.”
“He filled the room with candles and flowers,” Georgiana gushed.“It was perfect.”
“I am most anxious to see Mr. Ashford; it has been nearly two months. I worry he forgets me.” Kitty needed Ashford's pledge.“The wedding is six weeks away, and we have discussed nothing. I am afraid, Georgiana, he no longer loves me.”
“Oh, Kitty, if you could just see how miserable the man is without you at Pemberley, you would never question his regard. His sermons have lost their passion. Mr. Ashford goes through the motions, but, you, Kitty, bring life to the man's existence. Mr. Ashford offered to give up the living from my brother for you.What other proof do you need of his affection?”
“I hope you are right, Georgiana; I am just worried I may lose him.” Kitty dropped her eyes and bit her lower lip.“May I tell you something, Georgiana?”
“Of course, Kitty.”
“I let Mr. Ashford kiss me on several occasions. Could he think less of me because of it?” Kitty looked worried.
“Kitty, I guarantee the man loves you. If you allowed him some liberties, they have not lessened his desire to marry you. In fact, you may have increased those desires. I guarantee it, and in two days' time, you will guarantee it also.”
Elizabeth walked about the lawn of Pemberley, overseeing the festivities. She became quite adept at supervising several activities at once. Pockets of people stretched out on blankets, enjoying the late afternoon sunshine. Her parents visited at Pemberley for nearly a week.The Bennets would remain with the Darcys for three more days before returning to Longbourn.
Mrs. Bennet barely spoke the first two days at the house, too enthralled with her surroundings to dare speak to Mr. Darcy about his home. “Oh, Lizzy, bless me, I never imagined Pemberley to be such a great estate. I cannot wait to tell my sister Phillips and Lady Lucas how important you really are. You were so smart to give Mr. Darcy an heir right away.These great men expect it, you know, my girl.”
“Yes, Mama, I know.” Elizabeth's eyes rolled in exasperation.
Mr. Bennet liked hiding himself in Darcy's library. “I could spend a lifetime in that room, Lizzy.”
“Mr. Darcy does share your love of books, Papa.” Elizabeth hugged her father. “Come play with your beautiful grandchildren. Mrs. Reynolds and Hannah are bringing them down from the nursery.” Elizabeth led her father to some chairs scattered under a large Spanish chestnut.

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