Dark and Damaged: Eight Tortured Heroes of Paranormal Romance: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set (119 page)

BOOK: Dark and Damaged: Eight Tortured Heroes of Paranormal Romance: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
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She imagined herself on her knees before the powerful alpha, looking up at him, his penis in her trembling hand. Aurora saw herself opening her mouth wide to encase his thick length.

She fed the fantasy. She envisioned Robert, clutching her shoulders as he thrust deep into the moist cavern of her mouth. Then he pulled out, and guided her down to the soft bed of moss. As they lay on their sides, he opened her legs and put his mouth on her as she took his shaft into her mouth again.

He pleasured her as he’d done at the hot spring, only now she pleasured him as well. Aurora’s hips began to undulate as she felt his tongue upon her wet sex in slow, languid strokes.

She kept pumping her mouth upon his thick cock, rolling her tongue around its rigid length, flicking it over the bulbous head. Cupping his sac, she squeezed gently.

He slid a single finger into her as he licked her clit.

Moaning, she felt her nipples turn to tiny pearls as the moon smiled down upon them. This was the sensual nature of the Lupine, wanton and fierce - the burning drive to mate overcoming all else. Her womb clenched hard as she envisioned him filling her with his seed, creating new life.

The fantasy grew wilder, more real as the sensation between her legs increased. His tongue was fire, like a dragon’s hot breath, warming her from the outside as well as inside. He would take her and claim her as his own, dominant, sexual, and overpowering. Aurora clutched a stalk of bamboo, which felt as strong as Robert’s thick shaft.

Breathing hard, she opened her eyes and stared into the grove at Robert.

He was now erect. The hard length of his penis jutted out from the dark hair at his groin.

Groaning, he arched backward against the dragon. Sweat streamed down his body, droplets cascading down the rippled muscles of his abdomen. He jerked his lean hips forward, as if engaged in sex like the others.

Or thrusting into her mouth.

Was this fantasy… or somehow a reality between them?

Aurora moved in slow, sensual rhythm as the others did, continuing the fantasy in her mind. He licked her harder now, his tongue sliding across her soft female flesh as she worked his sex with her mouth. Both of them gave pleasure to each other, faster, harder…

Arching, she squeezed her hands around the bamboo stalk. The orgasm burst out of her like a rocket as she rose to her knees. Panting, she collapsed back to the ground.

Lying there, Aurora stared at Robert. He stiffened, then convulsed.

Robert groaned. His powerful body shuddered as thick ribbons of white semen pumped out of his erect penis. He continued to ejaculate for several more seconds, shooting his seed onto the dead mango tree.

Then he collapsed backward against the dragon’s head. The tree he’d ejaculated on burst into blossoms, and then the blossoms morphed into rich, ripe fruit.

Aurora went still, the languid sensual pleasure turning to real alarm. The alpha’s seed had caused the dead tree to flower and then bear fruit.

What kind of powerful magick was this? What

He stared at the tree as Guy gave a loud shout, his shouts of pleasure echoing Helen’s. The mated couple shuddered together, and Guy collapsed atop her.

But there was no smile of pleasure on the alpha’s face, as there was on the other Lupines’ faces. He clenched his fists as the panting couples gradually separated.

A shrill whistle came from the alpha’s lips. It served as a bucket of ice water upon the Lupines. Instantly, they scrambled for their robes and dressed and removed their masks.

“Oh dear goddess,” Guy said softly, pointing at the mango tree.

“You brought the tree back to life,” Helen whispered. “What happened?”

“I did not do this. My power alone could not cause such a transformation in the mango tree. There’s a spy among us,” Robert told them.

Helen began to weep. Gathering his shaking mate into his arms, Guy stroked her head tenderly. “Impossible. The circle is unbroken, the magick strong.”

“Only one thing could have caused this.” Robert pointed to the tree, its ripe fruit glistening in the moonlight. “I bound my sexual nature to hers when I mingled my blood with hers. Only she can do this during the sacred rite.”

He flung off his mask and in a loud, deep voice that shook the trees, cried out, “Aurora!”


She’d been caught.

Aurora picked up the hem of her long gown and fled through the fields, running through the soft, damp grass. Wind whispered through the bamboo and the trees, taunting her.
Run, but you cannot hide. He will find you. He is alpha

A low growl sounded behind her. She could feel the wolf’s hot breath at her heels, sense his eagerness at the chase, hear his big paws thumping across the ground. Panic squeezing her chest, she ran faster, and then a tree root, out of nowhere, rose and tripped her. With a
she fell forward onto the grass, sprawled on her belly.

The wolf snarled and bounded around her, facing her. She struggled to sit back on her haunches, holding out her hands in a defensive motion.

Aurora stared at the wolf’s eyes. They were silver, not the amber of other Lupines. Alpha. Robert was a muscled beast easily weighing as much as a small pony. A wolf with white fangs flashing in the moonlight, his lips bared to show those very sharp teeth.

“Please,” she whispered.

Growling, the wolf herded her backward. Then he shifted. Robert crouched before her, naked, furious. Her fear turned to fascination as she swept her hungry gaze over his nude form.

He waved a hand and conjured jeans and a t-shirt. She nearly sighed with sheer disappointment as he covered that magnificent body. But he remained barefoot. “You spied on us.”

“I meant no harm. I was curious.” Gods, he was so remote, and furious. Her heart pounded like a war drum. Wolves could sense the fear of their prey. Was

Hovering over her, he looked as dangerous as the beast that had bared its teeth. “You interfered with our sacred sex rites. If you are that inquisitive, I will give you a personal demonstration right now.” He seized her wrist, and she stood.

Robert pulled her to his muscled chest. “We won’t wait for the full moon when I take you.”

For a wild moment she thought he truly would do it. Strip her naked, and take her here, violently on the grass, pushing himself deep inside her. The drink she’d consumed felt like fire racing through her veins. Aurora tilted her head up.

“Then don’t.”

Black as night, his gaze smoldered as he stared down at her with the darkness that she knew meant he would take her, and take her hard. There was no second thought, no turning back. Robert tunneled his fingers through her long hair, pulled her head backward, exposing her throat. She felt vulnerable and yet alive, so wanton.

She felt the hardness of his body, smelled his intoxicating scent grow stronger, sensed the sexual frustration brimming inside him. The air grew heavy with want, the smell of the night blooming jasmine teasing her nostrils.

He kissed her hard. She melted into the kiss, as if melting into him, her fingers clutching fistfuls of his shirt. She ached to be touched, to feel his hands roving over her naked skin, cupping her breasts, teasing her nipples. Robert slipped one spaghetti strap off her shoulder, baring her breast, and his mouth encased her nipple. He sucked hard and she cried out in sheer need, each flick of his wicked tongue sending fire between her legs. So hot, so very hot. She was burning with desire.

Robert drew back and Aurora nearly sobbed for lack of his hot mouth upon her chilled skin. He stepped back and unzipped his jeans, pushing them past lean hips. From the thick hair on his groin, his penis stood hard and gleaming in the moonlight. Then he drew her down in the cold, damp grass, but she didn’t feel the coldness, only a tremendous heat.

She needed him inside her, needed his thick cock penetrating deep, claiming her as his own. Aurora hitched up her dress and he yanked off her panties. The alpha took his penis and stroked it through her slick, swollen folds. Aurora moaned, grabbing handfuls of grass. Never had her desire been so desperate, so yearning.

He positioned himself over her, panting, and grunted, his penis slipping a little inside her. Aurora’s breath caught. They were truly doing this here, now…

“Rob, Rob! Where the hell are you? I need you!”

Guy’s voice, high and panicked.

Stopping, Robert dragged in a great gasping breath, then shoved a hand through his thick hair. “I must be mad.” He stared at her, and the coldness returned to his face. “I want you. I will have you, Aurora. You will be mine, but not tonight. When the moon turns ripe, I’ll spread your legs and claim you as my own. I’ll fuck you until you scream from the pleasure, from the need for it.”

Her sex pulsed and wept, as the unfilled desire tautened her raw nerves.
Now, tonight, why not tonight?

And then she realized. The drink had enhanced her needs, turning her into a sex-starved woman with only mating on her mind.

Hot with embarrassment, Aurora slipped the strap over her shoulder, covering her breast. Robert stood, adjusted himself and then yanked up his pants. Guy raced into the clearing, worry tightening his face.

“Hurry. It’s Louis. He’s really, really ill.”

“Watch her,” he directed, and raced off.

Aurora sat on the grass, the coldness seeping into her gown. She hugged herself, refusing to look at Guy as the male circled around her.

After what seemed like an eternity, Robert returned. He gestured to Guy. “Go, enjoy your bride. I’ll handle this.”

She’d gone from a slave to an object?

Without words, he clasped Aurora’s wrist, helping her to stand, and then escorted her back to the wedding tent. The desire between them had gone cold, making her shiver with dread. Back to the table, where she had goaded Louis.

Robert picked up the empty absinthe glass, sniffed it. The stern look he aimed at her made her stomach turn.

Oh, it wasn’t good to piss off the alpha.

“You tricked Louis into drinking the whole thing.” Cracks appeared in the glass as he squeezed it. “Do you know how lethal it is for ordinary Lupines to drink straight absinthe?”

Aurora didn’t flinch at the dangerous note in his deep voice. “I drank it. I’m a puny Mage.”

“My sister and her mate are upstairs in the lodge, Louis having nearly fucked himself into a goddamn heart attack.” He stood over her, towering and threatening. “My brother-in-law could have died fucking his mate! What do you say about that?”

Her mouth trembled, but she refused to lower her gaze. Refused to be afraid. Damn, she was tired of being pushed around and afraid.

“Sounds like a hard way to go.”

No laughter from Robert. Instead he dropped the glass and dragged her with him as he walked out of the tent to the lodge.

He marched her up the stairs, into a bedroom. Louis lay upon the bed beneath the covers, his florid face flushed, panting in great, jagged breaths. In a crimson robe embroidered with a Chinese dragon, Susan sat next to him, stroking his damp hair. Other Lupines gathered around the bed, murmuring chants. A wooden bowl filled with crushed berries sat on the nightstand. Her nostrils twitched and she recognized the smell of hawthorn, an herb used to lower the heart rate.

Regret stabbed her. So did guilt. She pushed a hand through her hair. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t tell me.” Robert jerked a thumb at his sister. “She deserves your apology.”

Several pairs of accusing eyes settled on her as she walked over to Susan, her chest tight. Gods, she hadn’t wanted this. She’d only wanted to free her own sister, not cause this kind of wretched pain.

“I’m so sorry-” Aurora began.

Susan looked up, and the determination in her eyes startled Aurora. “I’m not. I’m glad he did it.”

Whispers floated through the air like the wind rustling the leaves. Robert stiffened. “Susan…”

“Oh Robert. You’re my little brother. I love you, but you have to admit it, it’s pointless.” The Lupine began to weep. “It’s already begun. The signs are there, and everyone knows it! You can’t save us all. And if we’re all going to die anyway, then at least we had some happiness. I’m so tired of you warning us to be cautious, because we’re the only blood relatives you have left. I’ve been afraid of what comes next, afraid to love him the way we were meant to love… and tonight, finally, we did what we’ve been longing to.”

Robert’s face tightened. He leaned down and pulled his sister to her feet and wrapped his arms around her as she sobbed into his broad shoulder. “No one else is going to die. I promise you, I’ll make sure of it. It’s going to be all right.”

Tears streaming down her cheeks, Susan lifted her head. “Save him.”

“The hawthorn-” he began.

“He’s eaten it and it hasn’t helped.” Then Susan looked at Aurora. “Please, can you save him with your Mage magick, as you saved the baby?”

Stricken with guilt, Aurora perched on the bed. She took a pinch of the hawthorn berries and cradled them in her palm, murmuring an ancient chant the Mages had taught her. A good chant, before everything had turned sour and only darkness remained.

It must work

She popped the berries into Louis’ mouth and forced him to chew. The Lupine’s eyes opened, and a darkness entered his gaze as he swallowed.

Then he screamed, the scream turning into an eerie howl. Louis threw back the bedsheets and growled.

And shifted.

A large gray wolf stood on the bed. The magnificent beast shook its body, fur rippling with the motion. Susan cried out with delight, and as the wolf sprang off the bed, she shifted as well. The pair ran off into the hallway.

Robert arched a dark brow at her. Aurora felt self-conscious as everyone stared.

“It was a spell for shifters to return to their beast form. They heal better in beast form.”

A half lie
. Everyone murmured and looked at their alpha. Looked at him, waiting. Wondering perhaps, if he would forgive her.

Or tear her apart.

Robert went to her as she stood. His expression darkened. “I forgive you for tricking Louis into drinking the absinthe. But you will not violate my orders again. There are things you do not and cannot understand.”

BOOK: Dark and Damaged: Eight Tortured Heroes of Paranormal Romance: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
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