Read Dark and Deadly: Eight Bad Boys of Paranormal Romance Online

Authors: Jennifer Ashley,Alyssa Day,Felicity Heaton,Erin Kellison,Laurie London,Erin Quinn,Bonnie Vanak,Caris Roane

Dark and Deadly: Eight Bad Boys of Paranormal Romance (39 page)

BOOK: Dark and Deadly: Eight Bad Boys of Paranormal Romance
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She lifted her other leg and lay back in the chair, and eased her fingers down. Payne stared, eyes wide, breathing hard and fast. The muscles of his arms bunched and tensed as he struggled against his bonds. Blue and gold sparked in his eyes, flaring around his enlarged pupils. She moaned and he growled, one of pleasure this time and need. She knew what he wanted her to do, and she obeyed the silent command. She slipped her fingers inside and struggled to resist closing her eyes. Payne’s cock pulsed, leaping each time she withdrew. He shuffled to face her but remained on his knees. She threw caution and all sense of embarrassment to the wind and thrust her fingers into herself. Another shiver of bliss raced up and down her quivering thighs as she imagined it was Payne inside her, filling her up, taking her hard and fast, deep and rough, as he had promised he would.

Payne groaned. He looked like a man firmly over the edge now.

“Have you been good?” she said, surprised that she had voiced those words and how husky they had sounded.

He nodded eagerly, clearly straining for some sort of pleasure or touching her. Elissa decided it was time to reward his patience and fulfil one of her desires. She wanted to feel his mouth on her flesh. She had wound herself so tightly that she was the one aching for release now.

She stood on shaky legs and approached him. She grabbed his rope leash with her right hand and stepped between his splayed legs.

“Kiss me.” She used the leash to pull him closer. He didn’t hesitate.

He leaned forwards and kissed her curls and her thighs, teasing her a little with his tongue. Elissa let him have his way, enjoying the attention he lavished upon her, knowing that she would be in control again soon enough. He ran his tongue up her thigh and kissed across the front of her groin. The tip of his tongue dipped between her plush petals. It wasn’t enough.

She stepped back, breaking contact, and was surprised that he didn’t growl. She rewarded him and herself by raising her right leg and hooking it over his left shoulder. She fed the rope beneath herself and held it in her right hand again.

“I said kiss me.” She pulled on the rope, bringing his mouth to her.

Payne was on her in a heartbeat, his mouth feasting on her, tongue delving deeply to tease her. He shifted lower, arching backwards until he was beneath her, licking her from her slick core to her aroused nub. He tasted her so eagerly that she shuddered from his ferocity. A man had never been like this with her, so hungry for her, so wild and desperate. It thrilled her as much as what he was doing. He suckled her and she grasped his hair with her left hand, twisting the sandy spikes in her fingers, holding him against her. She rocked against his face, unable to keep still. Her legs threatened to give out as the pleasure overwhelmed her.

He lowered his mouth and thrust his tongue into her channel, mimicking sex. Elissa stilled above him, moaning with each plunge of his tongue. She glanced down between them, desperate for a glimpse of his cock. She caught sight of it, dark and tipped with a second bead of his seed, a sign that he was enjoying licking and suckling her. Gods, she wanted him inside her.

The markings that ran over his shoulders and down his spine swirled in hues of red but slowly began to turn blue and gold. He licked upwards again and suckled her clitoris. Elissa rocked her hips. His markings all changed colour.

Payne jerked away. No. Elissa tried to tug him back to her using the rope but he growled and she knew it was a warning.

She looked down into his eyes. They shone as brightly as his markings, vivid cerulean and clearest gold.

“You need to be careful.” His voice was a low growl of warning drenched in passion and arousal. “If my skin markings change like this, back off and wait until they become muted and the colours of passion again or risk the consequences.”

Elissa nodded. A shiver raced down her arms. Part of her feared the consequences he spoke of but the rest of her ached to experience them.

“You need to embrace this side of your nature, Payne,” she whispered and stroked his cheek. “It’s the whole point of this. Accept the desires running through your blood and your urges. Feed on this. Bathe in the passion, the desire and the need. Take it all.”

He groaned and delved between her thighs again. Elissa wasn’t prepared for the pleasure and it shot through her, pushing her over the edge. She clutched his hair and cried his name as she climaxed, rocking against his tongue. He dropped lower and lapped at her, and the thought that he wanted to taste her pleasure as it flowed out of her sent her climbing towards her next orgasm.

She tipped her head back and breathed hard.

Take all of me, Payne.

Her body screamed it but her heart couldn’t voice the words.

It was too dangerous.

If she wasn’t careful, there would be consequences worse than he had threatened.

Consequences that could get her killed like her sister.


Payne was on fire, burning for her, desperate to taste her again. He kissed her inner left thigh, teasing her down from her climax. Her pleasure rocked him still, mingling with his own, drugging him and making it hard to control his incubus nature. He pressed his teeth to her soft flesh, feeling it quivering and her pulse beating hard against his lips, trying to rouse his more dominant vampire nature in order to suppress his other side. His fangs didn’t lengthen but his incubus instincts did recede a fraction. It was always hard to suppress his incubus urges with his vampire desires even at the easiest times, like when he was at Vampirerotique and the shows were taking place. Now, it was verging on impossible. His incubus hungers pushed him to keep going, to lick and tease her to a second orgasm so he could feel that intense rush of pleasure flow through him. It forced his vampire side to recede.

He knew that he needed to embrace the incubus part of himself, just as Elissa had said, but he was afraid of what might happen if he did.

She was so tempting. Her taste, her scent, her sweet arousal and the way she had moaned when he licked her, all of it pushed him to do as she was commanding and feed on her sexual energy.

Sexual energy that he had awoken in her.

A blind man could see that she was new to all of this. That was the only reason he was letting her do this with him. If he had discovered that she had done this with other men, he would have pictured her with them each time she touched him and would have lost control, and it wouldn’t have been his incubus side in command.

His vampire nature said to possess her and claim her, to make her belong to him.

Submitting to her like this was a way of achieving that. He had spoken the truth to her when he had detailed what he wanted to do to her, but it wasn’t his incubus side that wanted it. It was the vampire in him that wanted to spoil her to all others and make her need him as she had never needed another.

Elissa tugged on the rope and Payne obediently stood, his legs aching as his muscles stretched. He loved the way her cheeks flushed and desire heated her eyes whenever he followed a command without a moment’s pause. It pleased her. She enjoyed controlling him.

He couldn’t deny that he enjoyed it too.

Or that he was waiting for her to take things to the next level.

She looked so damn hot in that outfit, even more so now that she had ditched her knickers. He wanted to take hold of her, force her to bend over and sink his cock into her hot sheath. He wanted to seize control.

It was hard to deny that urge.

Elissa turned her back on him and he groaned under his breath, his gaze raking over every sensual inch of her, following her sexy curves to her bare bottom. She yanked on the rope around his neck and Payne moved, drifting along behind her, staring at her bottom and imagining being inside her, thrusting into her just as he had threatened.

She led him to the bedroom and he raised his eyebrows, intrigued as to what she had planned now. He could hear her nerves in the frantic beat of her heart but he could sense her pleasure too. She was enjoying this, and he was too, but only because she hadn’t done anything to push him too far yet. He hoped that it continued that way.

Elissa turned and rounded him, forcing him to turn with her. She pressed her hot palms against his chest and shoved. He fell onto the bed.

“Up,” she said and jerked her chin.

Payne obeyed, shuffling further onto the bed, his heart picking up pace now. He wanted to know what came next. His cock slapped his stomach, eagerly putting in its opinion. Hell, he wanted her on him too. His balls ached, tight with the need to find release, and he wasn’t sure how much more he could take.

It was uncomfortable with his arms bound behind him. The rope bit into his wrists. The pain only added to his pleasure.

Elissa mounted the bed and straddled his legs. She crawled up the length of him, giving him a breathtaking view of her cleavage. He ground his teeth when she licked up the length of his cock, briefly teasing the crown with her tongue.

“Don’t move.”

Payne tried hard to obey that order, even when every instinct screamed at him to thrust. She licked him again and fondled his balls, and he couldn’t stop himself when she gave them a brief, hard squeeze.

He moved.

Elissa clucked her tongue. “I’ll have to punish you for that.”

He loved the way she blushed when she said that. It spoiled the dominant effect somewhat but he liked to see her innocence shining through. It only made what she was doing more erotic.

She gently slapped the end of the rope across his chest.

Payne groaned and she frowned. Shocked by the fact that it had thrilled him?

He wasn’t. Over the centuries, he had developed a tendency to give himself over to pain and liked to use it to get off. It was safer than allowing himself to feel a softer version of pleasure. He had closed himself off to good feelings and focused on the dark. He could see just how far he had gone now though and it unsettled him, but he couldn’t change who he had become.

He wanted to feel her whipping him. He needed the pain.

He moved again. A flicker of something like horror lit her eyes but quickly faded, her expression softening. She pulled the rope out from beneath him and waved a finger at it. It broke in two, leaving him with his wrists bound beneath him and her with a length of silver rope in her hands. She waved her hand again and it broke into two equal lengths.

Elissa folded the two strands in the middle and held that part in her hand, leaving four lengths dangling free. She stared at him, an edge of uncertainty in her eyes, but bravery too, and a touch of passion and arousal.

She brought the four strands of rope down, gently whipping his chest.

It was wrong of him but he ached for more. He wanted her to strike him harder. He moved again, trying to taunt her into it. She had sworn to punish him if he moved. Her eyes narrowed and she struck him again, harder this time. The whip slashed across his chest and then his stomach, reddening his skin. Payne needed more.

She struck again and the makeshift whip caught his cock.

Payne grunted and arched upwards, hissing from how good it had felt.

Elissa’s eyes were wide when he opened his.


She would end this game of hers now. He could see it. She would end it now that he was desperate for it to continue.

Her expression lost its stunned edge and she rallied, striking his stomach again, even harder now. He swallowed and moaned, tried to hold them back so she didn’t stop. The whip slashed him again, one of the ropes catching the sensitive crown of his erection. He clamped his teeth together and the groan still slipped out, drenched in desire, thick with hunger and pleasure. It was loud and sounded obscene to him.

Elissa blushed.

“Are you bad?”

He nodded. Very. She didn’t know how bad.

She struck him again and again, and he relished every blow. He had never craved something like this before. Each time a moan slipped free, Elissa’s look changed, slowly altering to curiosity and then desire. She upped the stakes.

She brought the whip down hard on his chest and then leaned over and kissed the marks, soothing his pain. This, he couldn’t take. It was too much. His cock strained, feeling her so close to it, her heat coming off her and washing over him. She whipped his stomach and kissed across it, licking away the red marks. He shouldn’t enjoy it so much. It was perverse. It was bliss.

He closed his eyes and tipped his head back into the mattress, relishing the bite and the sting, and the sweet reward of her lips on his flesh. He purred inside, ecstasy flowing through his veins, leaving him heavy and compliant, sated but wound tight with need at the same time. He drank in the way whipping him excited and aroused her, and him too. It was a sweet, sickly, drugging feeling.

His cock pulsed, constantly throbbing, painfully hard. Release coiled at the base, the crown so sensitive that the slightest brush of her satin bustier had him close to coming.

She swept her lips along the latest whip mark and he absorbed her pleasure, getting drunk on her desire. He ached for more. He needed more.

He deserved more.

Elissa sat back and he cracked his eyes open, ready to growl at her to make her strike him again. She stared into his eyes, bewitching him, and lightly ran her fingers down the length of his cock, grasped his balls in her hand and tugged them.

Payne couldn’t hold back. His release came upon him in a dizzying flash and he shot his seed onto his stomach, every inch of him quivering and straining, hips shallowly thrusting.

Shame blazed a trail in the wake of his climax. The moment he had his breath, he craned his neck, stared at the mess on his stomach and then up into her wide surprised eyes. Her pulse was off the scale. Her expression softened and she lowered the whip.

She frowned. “How long have you felt you deserved to be punished?”

Payne growled at her and twisted his hands beneath his back, trying to break free of his bonds. There was no way he was going to lie here and let her ask that sort of personal shit. That hadn’t been part of their agreement.

BOOK: Dark and Deadly: Eight Bad Boys of Paranormal Romance
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