Dark Desire in Elk's Crossing [Sequel to Ecstasy in Elk's Crossing] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (8 page)

BOOK: Dark Desire in Elk's Crossing [Sequel to Ecstasy in Elk's Crossing] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Before you kiss me,” Annika said as she turned toward Sven, “I have to let the two of you know that I’m out of commission for the rest of the night. Like I explained, I hadn’t been with a man in three years, so I’m a little sore right now.”

“I’m sorry I hurt you,” Sven said.

“I’m not sorry,” Annika replied, reaching up to slide her hand around his neck as he bent to kiss her. “Not even a little bit.”

As Annika kissed Sven, she felt Joshua ease the cocktail glass out of her hand, and then a moment later he guided that hand up to his shoulder. Now that she had both hands free, she put her arms up on their shoulders and then slowly and passionately took turns kissing Sven, then Joshua. It was wildly disorienting and wickedly arousing to be kissing two sexually skillful and physically gorgeous men. When Joshua squeezed her breast through the teddy, Annika’s moan of approval was swallowed up in the kiss Sven was giving her. Three minutes passed before Annika took a step backward to disengage herself from the triangle of bodies.

“My knees are weak,” she whispered, her lips moist from the kisses. “I know it’s a cliché, but my knees really are weak.”

Each man stood with a cocktail glass in one hand, and an unbelted robe hanging from his shoulders. Sven, wearing the loose-fitting boxers, had a long cock angling out through the gaping fly. Joshua, in boxer-briefs, had an erection tenting the cotton.

In a slightly tremulous whisper, Annika said to Joshua, “Let it out.” She closed her eyes briefly as a wave of lust washed over her. “I want to see it.”

Joshua pushed his underwear down to the tops of his thighs. His cock, quite rigid though not yet fully erect, angled out away from his body.

“I seem to have,” Annika whispered, her gaze dancing from one cock to the other, “an embarrassment of riches.” The men simultaneously stepped closer, and Annika reached for them, wrapping her fingers around the shafts of both cocks. She felt them throb in her hands, rapidly growing to their full stature. “I might be out of commission, but you men obviously aren’t. However, I think you’ll still find me, um, fun to be around.”

She sank slowly to her knees, with Joshua slightly to her right and Sven slightly to her left. She stroked the cocks, working her hands from the plump crowns all the way down to the bases, then back up again. It was almost surreal for Annika to be watching her own hands caressing two cocks simultaneously. Her mouth watered in anticipation of the feast before her, but she did not act immediately on her desires.

I’ve never really liked giving blow jobs, but just the thought of sucking on Sven and Joshua makes my pussy wet. What’s gotten into me…besides these two magnificent cocks?

She kissed the head of Sven’s cock, smacking her lips against it several times before letting her tongue snake out to moisten the taut flesh. This was the first time in her life she’d ever been on her knees to suck a man while he stood, and she discovered that she rather liked her lovers towering over her. There was something dominating in their stance, and something submissive in her posture, that made her clit burn with a forbidden D/s desire.

When she pushed her lips over Sven’s knob to take it completely into her mouth, he groaned softly. Annika put her tongue in motion against the underside, and she felt the crown pulse hotly, the shaft growing fractionally thicker and harder.

She took him in and out of her mouth a dozen times before turning her attention to Joshua and repeating the process. As she sucked, Annika’s head was spinning dizzily at the confusing reality that she was giving blow jobs to two men at the same time—and loving every second of it.

Earlier, when she’d taken first Sven’s cock into her pussy, then Joshua’s, she hadn’t had them simultaneously. First one had fucked her, and then the other bent her at the waist and took her from behind. The climaxes she experienced were magnificent, but she wasn’t with the men at the exactly same time.

Tonight I had the cum of these two men in my pussy at the same time. Soon I’ll have their cum in my stomach at the same time. What in hell has happened to me?

While sucking on Joshua’s cock, she stroked Sven’s saliva-moistened shaft. On a whim, with her left hand she reached down and, easing her fingers into the leg hole of her cotton teddy, she touched the lips of her pussy. She felt the slick cream of her excitement on her labia, and when she touched her clit, felt an almost electrical charge of lust go through her. The soft, feminine moan she heard surprised her because she was the one who made the passionate sound. Under the tutelage of Sven and Joshua, Annika was discovering that she was, in fact, a passionate woman.

I’ve got a cock in my mouth, another in my hand, and I’m fingering my creamy pussy. Only a wanton slut would behave like that.
She moaned again, nibbling with her lips on the pulsing shaft of Joshua’s cock.
With these men, I want to be a wanton slut. But only for them. Their very own wanton slut. Me.

Her middle finger slipped smoothly between the lips of her pussy with a minimum amount of discomfort. It seemed odd to Annika that she should be more embarrassed about fingering her own pussy while two men watched than she was about being on her knees, sucking their cocks.

Her mouth was filled to overflowing with what Joshua had for her when Sven reached down and eased his longer-fingered hand inside the V-neck décolletage of her teddy to cup one trembling breast. When he lightly and briefly pinched her nipple, Annika moaned lustily and tried to take even more of Joshua’s erection into her mouth than she could fit. She sputtered and nearly choked and had to release her lover’s cock to compose herself.

“Don’t hurt yourself,” Joshua said, his tone taut with sexual tension.

Annika looked up at her men and said, “I’ve changed my mind. I want you inside me.”

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Joshua said.

“Are you going to make me beg you to fuck me?” Annika asked. She closed her eyes and tilted her face down, her palms resting lightly on her bare thighs. Quietly, she said aloud, “My God, I’m willing to beg these men to fuck me. What’s gotten over me?”

She rose to her feet, unknotted her sash, and let the shortie robe slide down her arms and fall to the floor. A moment later she’d pushed the shoulders of her teddy down her arms, and stepped out of that. Naked, feeling on the verge of a climax, she walked slowly to the sofa, then turned around toward her lovers.

“You two have turned me into a slut,” she whispered. “I’ve never done anything like this ever, ever before.”

They stripped themselves naked then crossed the room to Annika, their erections fully formed and, in her highly partisan view, mouthwateringly beautiful.

“I don’t know what to do,” Annika said, reaching out to once again wrap her fingers around two cocks, “so you’ll just have to take what you want, or let me know what you need. I just don’t—”

Sven’s firm kiss ended the discussion. He continued to feast on Annika’s mouth even as Joshua turned her so that her back was toward him and, with firm hands, moved her so that she was on her knees on the sofa.

When the kiss ended, Annika put her hands on the seat cushion of the sofa. She started to look over her shoulder at Joshua, but Sven took her chin in his palm and turned her face toward him. A moment later the crown of his cock was wedging her jaws wide apart, and his lusty flesh was sliding between her lips.

“Such a beautiful woman,” Sven said, his timbre husky, “and my cock’s in your mouth.”

Dirty talk used to turn me off. But when Sven talks dirty to me, my clit tingles. Everything about these men is completely different from all other men I’ve ever known. They’re the exception to every rule.

She was rotating her face around Sven’s cock when the head of Joshua’s erection spread the lips of her pussy then slid into her tight channel. Annika was still tender, and the size of his erection caused the most delicious pleasure/pain she’d ever experienced. He hadn’t quite worked the entire length of his cock into her pussy before Annika started coming, her voluptuous body twitching and trembling as the orgasmic contractions undulated through her.

When the orgasm subsided, she thought, I’ve never climaxed before with a cock in my mouth. But then, I’ve never had a cock in my pussy and another in my mouth at the same time, either.

It was bewildering to have cocks simultaneously seesawing into her mouth and pussy. To Annika’s utter amazement, when she regained her senses sufficiently after that first quick, shocking climax, she could feel another orgasm slowly but steadily approaching. Having two men at the same time heightened the stimulation going through her. Never before had a cock tasted so good on her tongue. Never before had it felt so naughty and exciting to get fucked doggie style.

Closing her eyes, she concentrated on all the different tactile sensations going through her. She felt, more distinctly than ever before in her life, the entire length and girth of Joshua’s cock as it slid deep into her pussy. And when his pelvis collided with the cheeks of her ass and she was knocked forward, she was aware of the sway of her breasts beneath her and of the cock that filled her mouth completely.

Two cocks. I’ve got two cocks inside me.

Annika was quite certain that she had been drugged, or perhaps somehow the only half-consumed gin cocktail had intoxicated her. She had to be drunk or drugged to feel so thoroughly trashy and so utterly aroused because of it. She was never more distinctly aware of every nerve in her body than at this moment.

In Norwegian, Sven said though clenched teeth, “Your mouth is so fucking hot.”

I’ve turned him on so much he’s forgetting what language to speak.

It was an ego-boosting notion for Annika, and because of it, she sucked just a little more firmly on the pumping cock that filled her mouth.

The sound of flesh slapping against flesh, of a mouth and pussy being vigorously fucked, filled the library. Annika was conscious of the sounds, and it was an erotic symphony that added fuel to her already overloading senses. Everything these men did to her pushed her relentlessly toward passion’s ultimate conclusion.

She climaxed a few seconds later, her spine bending and twisting as she shivered through the spasms while Sven and Joshua pierced her deeply. It was difficult to be careful enough to not scrape her teeth against Sven as she climaxed.

Somewhere in the throes of her climax, as her pussy clenched and flexed around Joshua’s undulated cock, he released his seed deep inside her. And moments after that, choking Annika with the immense volume of his release, Sven climaxed, his cum flooding her mouth. Annika nearly gagged on the thick cream that erupted from the big Norwegian. She swallowed, sputtered a little, but swallowed a second time.

When they were finished, Annika slumped to the side, her body naked and glistening with her own sweat and that of Sven’s and Joshua’s. The taste of cum was salty on her tongue, and the afterglow of multiple orgasms more satisfying than ever before in her life.

With a dreamy smile on her lips, Annika whispered, “I’ve got cum in my pussy and cum in my stomach. I’ve never in my life wanted to swallow cum until tonight. You men have turned me into a tramp, and I adore you for it.”

She had almost said, “and I
you for it.” She was glad that she hadn’t used the word “love,” though she wasn’t at all certain what exactly her feelings were toward the American cowboy and the Norwegian playboy and businessman.

Chapter Seven


Annika awoke the next morning alone in her guest room in the comfortable, queen-sized bed. She yawned and stretched and allowed herself the luxury of waking up slowly.

Events of the previous evening filtered slowly through her consciousness, and a smile curled her mouth. Sven was now her lover. She wasn’t
surprised that this was the case, since she’d been physically attracted to him about two seconds after first meeting him and emotionally attracted to him approximately thirty minutes after their introduction. But what was also true, and what brought a flush of embarrassment to go through her system, was that she was also the lover of Joshua Riggs, an honest-to-goodness American cowboy who just happened to own land over what Annika and Sven hoped was one of the larger deposits of oil in all of North America.

She stretched again, refusing to open her eyes. The agreement that she had come to with the men as the previous evening was coming to a close was that they would all spend the night in their own beds, and since it was past two o’clock in the morning before her seemingly inexhaustible lovers had finally had their fill of her, they’d all agreed that the day would start at noon, not at eight a.m.

Though she was shocked at her own behavior, Annika was most surprised at how much sensual pleasure it was possible to experience when two—not one, but
—sexually skilled men directed all their considerable charm exclusively on her. At first she was confused by it, since she had no experience in
sexuality, and she really didn’t know what was expected of her. But then, when she realized that both men were distinctly alpha males and would simply have her however they felt was best for everyone involved, it became an easy choice to simply let them dictate the action. When Joshua wanted her mouth, he simply took it. And when Sven wanted her pussy, he just took it. And through it all, with everything that was happening, Annika had climaxed more times in an evening—to a factor of about five—than ever before during a single encounter.

Beneath the blankets, Annika put a hand between her thighs. Through her cotton teddy, she touched the lips of her pussy and immediately winced. After a sexual drought of three years, she had gotten back in the game in a big way. With two lovers well-endowed and at their absolute physical prime, her long-neglected vagina was now suffering from an abundance of spectacular loving given by Sven and Joshua.

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