Dark Endings (15 page)

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr

BOOK: Dark Endings
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I’m sobbing loudly and my tears are dripping down onto my shirt. Jagger is looking at me with those beautiful blue
eyes, his face screams emotion, desperation but mostly, love. I drop to my knees too, and I take his face in my hands.

“Yes, a thousand times, yes.”

He slumps in relief and we crash into each other’s arms, both of us clinging to each other like it’s the last time. When we finally pull back, he slides the ring onto my finger and it’s a perfect fit. It’s a beautiful square cut diamond, with a white gold band. It’s perfect. It makes everything perfect. I hear clapping and I turn to see everyone coming out from the darkness. I smile at all of them, my family, my life. They’re our glue.

I stand and rush over, letting them all hug me. Jenny squeals and jumps up and down, Ava is sobbing and the boys are clapping Jagger on the back. Then I hear a voice come from the d
arkness, ruining our moment, “Jagger?”

We all turn to see Mary
step into the light. She looks at him confused, then at all of us. “What’re you doing here?”

I don’t know why, but I suddenly feel a cold chill creep through me. What’s she doing in the darkness? What’s she doing here at this time of night? I don’t understand. Jagger walks over and
embraces her, and she wraps herself around him, sobbing. Something just doesn’t feel right to me, so when he starts telling her what’s happening, I call his name. He turns to look at me, confused.

“Can we talk a second?”

He narrows his eyes, but nods. I lead him into the darkness. “Jagger, I don’t trust her.”


“I just…I can’t explain it but I don’t trust her.”

“She’s like my mother Willow, I know you don’t get along but she wouldn’t hurt me.”

“What about me? She’d hurt me.”

“Willow, you’re over reacting.”

“Why is she here at this time of the night, hiding in the darkness?”

He sighs. “She probably just heard talking and came over.”

“Jagger, please, if you trust me with anything at all, trust me with this. I don’t trust her and I don’t think you should tell her your plans.”

“Willow, that woman raised me. I know you two don’t get along but I trust her.”

“Jagger please?”

“Don’t put me in this position Willow, don’t ask me to

I gape at him. “I never asked you to
choose Jagger, I’m asking you to be careful.”

What's she going to do? She’s an old lady.”

“Jagger, just listen!” I cry.

“No, you’re asking me to consider that my family might be lying to me. They’re all I have aside from you. She’s always been good to me. Drop it Willow, I won’t ask again.”

Then he storms off into the darkness and I rub my arms. Something is not right. Something is not right at all.






I haven’t spoken to Willow for three days. We had another massive fight over Aunt Mary when she found out I told her about our plans to end Mick. She’s over reacting, I know why but I can’t seem to get her to believe that Mary isn’t a monster. I’ve had her in my life forever, she’d never hurt me. I’ve tried ringing Willow a few times now
, but I’ve had no luck. Angel said she’s ok, but she’s not happy about me spilling to Mary.

“Hey Jagger,”
I turn to see Sharleen walk into the room I’m in, it’s the only room that has a bar. She sits beside me and orders a drink from our personal bar attendant.

“What do you want?” I mutter, taking a shot of whiskey.

“Can’t we even talk? Can’t we even try to get along?”

“You lied, cheated and oh yeah, let my father take my girl.”

She flinches. “I had no choice.”

“There’s always a choice.”

She glares at me. “Then why are you here, Jagger? Sometimes there isn’t a choice, sometimes you do what you have to.”

Dammit, the woman is right about that. I watch her shoot back a shot and turn to me.

“I know you hate me, you have every right to but I don’t see why we can’t get along.”

“I’m not here to make friends.”

She rubs her head angrily. “I’m not asking to be your friend, I’m just asking that we don’t snap and snarl at each other all the time.”



I spin on her. “What do you want from me Sharleen? You fucked me over, end of story. I can’t be nice to
you, I can’t be what you think you want me to be. I’m in love with someone else, and I’ll do whatever I can to protect her. I don’t trust you, or my father, or anyone in this damn place.”

“I heard…I heard you have a son.”

I spin so quickly she drops her glass and it shatters on the counter. “What did you say?”

I saw a notice in an old paper here. I saw his birth notice.”

Why don’t I trust that?

“Did you tell anyone?”

he shakes her head, “No, of course not.”

“I don’t know him, I heard through one of the boys that she had him.” I lie.

“It must be hard, I know how much you wanted kids.”

“Well, I can’t change it because I’m stuck fighting to keep them safe from my fucked up father.”

“I’m sorry, Jagger.”

“I don’t know if I believe that, Sharleen.”

She sits asking me basic questions for another ten minutes. When I get up to pee, I find that she hasn’t moved. She’s still there when I come back, and there’s a fresh drink on the counter. I drink it and she continues trying to talk to me. The woman won’t get a hint. Soon, my head is fuzzy and I’m easing up. I haven’t felt like this for a while, I guess whiskey was what I needed. I lick my lips a few times, but they feel a little numb. I think I’ve had too much.

“You ok?” Sharleen asks, but it sounds slurred.

“Y-y-y-yeah, all good. Goin’ to bed.”

I stand and stumble backwards. Holy shit, I’ve had far too much. Sharleen stands and grips my arm, helping me down the hall.

“How much did you drink?”

“Fucks me.”

She leads me to my room, but by the time we’re there my vision is almost completely blurred. Something’s just not right about this. I don’t feel right. My legs are heavy and my eyes are drooping. I try to reach for my face but I can’t get my hand to work.

Let’s get you laid down.”

I can hear
Sharleen’s voice, I can even feel her taking my clothes off but I can’t stop her. When she’s lying on top of me, kissing my neck and fumbling with my jeans, I try to push her away but I can’t move my hands more than an inch. Something’s very fucking wrong.

“Get off me,” I slur.

“Shhh baby, it’s going to be ok.”

The fuck?
I try to move but I’m numb. I’m lifeless. Sharleen has my cock in her hand and I can’t get her off me. I can’t even buck my hips to send her flying. She leans down and makes a groaning noise and wraps my arms around her. I can’t move them. She buries her head into my shoulder and I see a bright flash go off before everything goes black.



It’s been a week. I haven’t seen him. Angel said the plan is going ahead and they’ve gone to the island. Maybe that’s why he hasn’t called. I know why he hasn’t called, I offended him. I feel bad about that but I stand by my feelings. I don’t trust that woman. Not one single ounce. If he wants to be mad at me because I’m cautious, fine.

I’m walking home from the store one afternoon with Cody in his stroller when I hear my name being called. Chills creep up my spine when I recognize that voice. Mick. I want to run, but at the same time I can’t act like I have any reason to hide, so I turn slowly and stare at him. He’s approaching me with a wide grin on his face. I feel sick. Oh god, I feel sick. When he stops in front of me, his blue gaze drops to Cody.

“Well I’ll be dammed, I do have a grandson.”

How does he know about Cody? My blood runs cold.

“What do you want?” I manage to squeak. “You said you wouldn’t bother me if you got Jagger.”

“Yes, I did say that but I don’t have Jagger, do I? Why, my boy has been sneaking off to see his lady and baby.”

Oh no.

“Where is he? If you hurt him I swear to god…”

Mick laughs. “Jagger’s fine, better than fine actually. You didn’t really think he was coming back to you, did you? The only reason he was seeing you was because of guilt.”

“That’s not true,” I whisper.

“Isn’t it? Where has he been the last week Willow? Why hasn’t he come and seen his lady and his own child?”

“Because of you!” I spit.

“No, not because of me.
He’s been…shall we say…busy.”

I don’t know what he’s talking about.

“Why are you here? Just leave me alone, I have a son.”

“And because of the boy, I’m giving you a chance. Leave Willow, stay away from my son and I’ll let your son have his mother.”

“I can’t just leave, I live here and…”

“Not any longer you don’t.
Go home, leave Jagger and end it or I’ll make you pay. I know what you and your little gang are planning, you won’t get near my island to blow it up. You even try and that little boy of yours will find himself in some trouble.”

“NO!” I cry.

“Then you’ll do as I say.”

“I…I…can’t just leave him.”

Mick smirks, “Thought you’d say that. Why stay when he doesn’t want you?”

“He loves me!” I cry.

Mick digs through his pockets and tosses a picture at me. “Well, he has a funny way of showing it.”

I stare down at the picture he threw at me, and my world stops. I actually feel my vision blur for a moment and my whole body becomes hot and cold all at the same time. In the picture I see a couple. The woman is on top of the man and his arms are around her. She’s got her face buried in his neck and her naked back is on view for the world to see. I can clearly see he’s naked too, but the bottom half is covered with a sheet. His eyes are closed and his mouth is opened in pleasure. That couple is Sharleen and Jagger.

“H-h-h-how do I know this isn’t old?” I whisper, my voice weak.

Mick laughs. “Look at the stitches in his lip, now
, I know you’ve seen him lately so you and I both know that’s recent.”

I stare closer and sure enough, the exact same stitches are in Jagger’s lip. I drop the picture to the ground and my heart burns. I can’t hear anything, I can’t feel anything. Cody begins to cry but I’m numb. From head to toe, I’m numb. Mick is laughing, but all I can hear is my ears ringing loudly. When I can focus enough to hear Mick, I manage to get his last words.

“Leave, take your son. I’m giving you a chance only because that boy is my grandson. Leave Willow, and don’t come back.”

Then he’s gone and I’m on the sidewalk trembling and swaying.


I hear a voice a moment later, and I recognize it as my mothers.

“Willow? Hey, Willow.”

She slaps my cheek a little, but I’m just staring into nothingness. All I can see is her body on his. I can see his arms around her. I can see the way his mouth is slightly open with pleasure. I can see it all and it won’t leave.


I turn slowly, meeting my
mother’s gaze.

“Honey, are you ok?”

I sway again and my mother calls out for help while gripping my arm. I feel a hard set of arms wrap around me a moment later, just before my world goes black.






Why the fuck won’t she answer? I’ve been trying and she won’t answer. I don’t know what the hell is
happening. I don’t even know if she’s ok. I decide to take the risk and ring Angel, I need answers. When he doesn’t answer his phone, I try Ace. He answers on the third ring and he speaks quietly, something is off. His voice sounds distant and he is speaking to me oddly. Then he asks a question that stumps me.

“Why dude?”


“Why’d you do it?”

What the fuck is he on about?

“I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about. Where’s Willow, w
hy isn’t she answering my calls?”

“She knows Jagger, she knows what you did.”

“What are you fuckin’ talkin’ about Ace?”

“How could you? She’s fuckin’ been by your side…she’s suffered.”

“ACE!” I roar. “What’re you talkin’ about?”

“Mick showed her a photo Jagger, she saw you in bed with Sharleen.”

What? My mind spins. In bed with Sharleen? How? Maybe he has an old photo, that sick son of a bitch.

“It was probably old, I haven’t…”

“It was recent, you had those damn stitches in your lip. I saw it with my own fuckin’ eyes.”

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