Dark Goddess (10 page)

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Authors: J. N. Colon

BOOK: Dark Goddess
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“Jake NO!”  I could guess where we were headed.

His laughter mixed with thundering footsteps behind us.  The pool came into view and suddenly I was falling through the air, hitting the chlorine water with a splash.  I gasped as my head popped back up just in time to see Reese shove Jake into the pool with me.

“HA!”  I laughed when he came back up for air, wearing an expression of shock.  “That’s what you get.”

Next Will snatched Callie up and jumped in the pool with her.

Reese glanced around perplexed.  “Well I guess water gun war is over.”  He rubbed his dark stubble coated chin in thought.  “How about a game of Marco Polo?”

I rolled my eyes.  “Not everything has to be a competition.  Just get in the damn pool Reese.” 

He of course did a fancy back flip and came to the surface in front of me.  “So demanding lady.”  He shook his hair out his face, splashing me with water.

I smiled despite myself.  “You’re so annoying.”

He winked an obsidian eye before diving under the surface and swimming toward Callie to tickle her legs.

As my gaze surveyed my friends my heart warmed a little, dousing more of the cold inside.  I haven’t had this much fun in so long with them—genuine, no faking fun. 

My mind suddenly wondered back to what Zeke said in Mt. Olympus all those months ago.  Would I have to let go of my friends if I really wanted Hayden and the Underworld? 

I shook the depressing thoughts from my mind before they swallowed me up.  If anyone wanted to make two worlds fit in this crazy universe I was certain I was more than capable of doing it.  Hell, I had the god of the Underworld attending high school and the god of war playing with a bunch of teenagers.

Chapter 10




I leaned on my car in the parking lot of school, waiting on Hartley.  She wasn’t at her house this morning so I assumed she stayed at Callie’s.  It better had been there or Laurie’s and not Will’s.  He might be dating Laurie, but he and Hartley had a past and he’d probably jump at the chance to have her back.

That wouldn’t be happening.  Not if I could help it.

After talking with Athena I realized Hartley couldn’t be the reason my powers were going haywire.  It had to be an enemy—I was still working on that lengthy, Moby Dick of a book list—or something wrong in the Underworld.  In fact I should probably be there now, checking every nook and cranny.  My world needed me, but so did Hartley.  I hated leaving things the way we did.  I wanted to kiss her worries away and beg her forgiveness.

I could find a balance.  I had to.

My heart thumped when her silver Camry pulled into the parking lot.  And then she got out and my heart thumped for a whole other reason, mixing with a slew of profanities shouting in my head.

Fucking leather mini skirt.  Again.

Damn.  She only wore that thing if I’d been a very good boy or a very bad boy.  This time it was the latter and she was going to torture me with that little strip of black material.

Hartley tossed her tousled waves around as she grabbed her books.  She wore a tight red t-shirt that had a picture of a halo
devil horns with the words
I’m a little bit of both

So true.

She arched one brow, challenging me.


I strode toward her, nearly missing the car driving by because I couldn’t stop staring at those tan thighs.  My fingers itched to touch them.


She flicked her hair again.  “What?”

Ouch.  She was pissed.  “Don’t be mad.”  I crooked a smile at her. 

“Don’t be an ass.”

I knew this wasn’t going to be easy.  I reached for her, but she twisted out of my grasp.  “Baby, come on.”

me.”  She grabbed her purse and marched toward the first building, me scampering behind like a little puppy dog.

The evil god of the Underworld my ass.


Hartley continued her silent treatment for the entire morning until art where we shared a table, making me unavoidable.  She walked in twitching her hips.  Several—if not all—eyes shifted in her direction. 

I bristled in my seat, wanting to reach over and smack Blake.  I was pretty sure I detected a stream of drool dripping out his mouth.  Hartley finally reached her seat, sliding into the chair and crossing her legs away from me.

God that skirt was short.  I bet she was wearing red lace panties too.

I swallowed hard and shook the tantalizing thoughts from my mind and leaned over.  “Hartley, baby, are you going to talk to me?”  Her roses and pine scent clouded my senses, making my head foggy.

Without looking in my direction she spoke.  “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

I let out a frustrated sigh.  If I told her an enemy could be screwing with the Underworld her level of worry would skyrocket, possibly to the point of even going to my brother for help.  And I didn’t mean Si.  The other one.

I didn’t need that arrogant prick’s help.

“That’s what I thought,” she mumbled.

I slumped in my seat with an irritated growl.  I was a damn god and I couldn’t get this little demigod to spare me even a glance.

The crinkling of paper tickled my ears.  My eyes slanted over and saw another dreaded torture tactic.

No.  No.  Not the cherry lollipop!

Hartley stuck it in her mouth, swirled it around, popped it out, and licked her lips.  She did her little routine several times before a strangled moan slipped from my mouth.  The corners of her lips twitched infinitesimally, the only sign she was aware of the affect she was having on me.

She wasn’t an angel at all.  Pure evil.  And pure sexiness. 


Lunch was after art and I followed Hartley as she twitched to her locker, not even bothering to glance over her shoulder to confirm I was there.  Of course I was there.  I propped my arm against the locker and leaned in close, attempting to distract her with my darkly good looks and stellar body.  She didn’t react, not even a blink of acknowledgement.

Damn.  This was going to be a long day.

“Hartley, come on.”  I dragged my fingers through my hair, frustrated.  “You’re killing me.  Enough already.”

Reese passed by and her arm unexpectedly snaked out, grabbing him to a stop.

“Reese, you haven’t said hello to me today.”  She peered up at him from beneath lowered lashes, a devastating pout forming over her cherry flavored lips. 

The god of war grinned like an idiot.  “Hey.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Why don’t you sit next me at lunch?”

Reese’s dark eyes shifted over her head, silently questioning me yet ignoring the threatening growl that slithered between my teeth.  “Okay.”

“Great.”  She linked her arm with his and her other hand slowly trailed up his chest.

My blood went from simmer to boil in less than a second, eyes flaming with angry crimson.  Hartley was really beginning to push it.  Ignoring me and taunted me with her body was one thing, but flirting with another guy, especially Reese, was pissing me off. 

“I had a great time last night,” she giggled.

“Me too.”

“Walk me to the cafeteria?”


Wait.  Last night?  What the fuck happened last night!

I gripped Reese’s other arm and yanked him free from Hartley.  “What the hell were you doing with my girl last night?” I growled, my eyes probably so lit humans could see them. 

“Hayden,” Hartley hissed.  “Let him go.”

I slammed Reese against the locker, denting it.  “Answer the question

Hartley’s delicate hand gripped my tense bicep.  “Enough Hayden.  Nothing happened.  You know that.”

I turned toward her, her hazel eyes staring up at me pleadingly, her lips pouting.


“I was just trying to piss you off.”  She shrugged.  “I guess it worked.”

“You think?”  My voice was gruff.

Reese cleared his throat.  “Innocent bystander here.  You going to let me go Hayden?”

I reluctantly released him.

Hartley shot him a wry smile.  “Sorry Reese.”

He smoothed down his shirt.  “No worries.  I knew what I was getting into when you started your little game.”  He winked at her.  “It was worth it.  I’ll be glad to play any time you like.” 

I shoved him in the shoulder.  “Get out of here.”

Reese shot a smirk before trekking down the hall.

I turned to Hartley.  “Is this really necessary?  You’re driving me insane, you know that?”

“I may have gone a little too far,” she begrudgingly admitted and held her thumb and forefinger together. 

My brows lifted and I spread her fingers as far as they could go.  “Way too far.  I think the skirt and lollipop were plenty enough.”

Her lips formed that sexy pout, capable of rendering the toughest male—or female—helpless.  “I’m sorry baby.”

A growl slipped out before I pulled her closer and branded her lips with mine.  She instantly melted against to me, igniting my insides with desire. 

I wanted to burst into flames and take her home with me.  Now.

She pulled back before I could do just that.

“Hayden, baby…”  She bit her bottom lip as she toyed with a button on my shirt.  “Will you tell me what’s wrong? 

My hands massaged the small of her back in slow, purposeful circles.  “Hartley, it’s nothing really.”

She wasn’t buying it.

I sighed, a million curses rolling through my mind.  “It might be staying away from the Underworld,” I finally admitted.  It was one theory.  Sort of.

A look of guilt flickered across her beautiful face.  “It’s because of me.”  She frowned.  “You spend too much time up here with me.”

“I’ll be fine.  Trust me.  It’s only a theory.  I’m going there later today.”

“I’ll come too.”

I shook my head.  “No.  You have cheerleading tryouts to hold.  You can’t let Callie down.”  Playing the best friend card was a dirty trick, but I certainly wasn’t above getting dirty. 

She slumped against me.  “Fine, but let’s spend the night there.”

I reluctantly agreed, realizing I wouldn’t get out of here without a compromise. 

“But if this is just a theory, then what else could it be?” she asked, worry lacing her voice.

I shrugged and forced a smile.  “It’s probably nothing.  It could be as simple as souls trying to sneak into Elysium.”  I grabbed her hand and started pulling her down the hall.  “It’s nothing really.  I’m sure.”



You really look awesome,” I told Laurie as we stood in Callie’s kitchen, her new reddish pink highlights shimmering around her soft face and warming her skin tone

She lifted the ends of her hair up to her green eyes, biting her plump bottom lip nervously.  “You really think so?” 

I nodded.  “Definitely.”

Callie’s parents were out of town so she was hosting the celebration for the new cheerleaders with the exception of the few eighth graders.  That would be plain weird having middle schoolers at a high school party.  The current freshmen were young enough. 

Music pumped through the large, two story house while bodies roamed the downstairs, several holding red plastic cups filled with beer from the keg in the garage.  Liquor bottles, two litters of soda, and shot glasses lined the white and silver quarts counters.  My eyes fell on a few spots of dirt and scuffs marks lingering on the gray travertine floor. 

We were going to have some scrubbing to do tomorrow.  I cringed at the sound of glass shattering.  Luckily Callie was too engrossed in conversation to notice otherwise she’d be flittering nervously around the corner. 

Ashley—I was glad she made the team—walked by with a group of young girls giggling and swaying.  A shy smile curled her lips as she hesitantly waved her fingers.  I returned the gesture.  She seemed to be the only sober one in her little group of friends.

I nudged Callie.  “We’re going to need to watch them.”  I motioned my chin toward the young girls.  “I don’t want them puking in your mom’s closet or passing out in the pool.

Callie mad a face, her jittery blue eyes full of panic.  “OMG.  That’s so not happening.  I’ll be back.”  She took off after the girls.  “Ashley, Kristen, Monica…  Let’s have a little chat.”

A smoky laugh tumbled out of Laurie’s mouth.  “You know she’s not going to relax all night until the freshmen leave.”

“I know.”  I checked my phone to see it was 11pm.  “They’ll be gone soon.  I’m sure they all have early curfews.”

Laurie flashed a dry smile.  “Yeah because you and I did too.”  Her tone was thick with sarcasm. 

I grimaced.  My dad started going out of town for long periods of time when I was fifteen so I was lacking strict parental rules.  Well, any rules actually.  Laurie’s parents were—liberal was an understatement.  “Hopefully they all have very attentive, firm parents.”

“Speaking of attentive…”  Laurie’s green eyes danced with amusement as a pair of hands slipped around my waist, hugging me to a warm, solid chest.

“There you are,” he whispered in my ear, spreading warmth down my spine.

“Hi Hayden.”  Laurie waved her fingers as she chewed on the edge of her red cup, her gaze slowly appreciating my boyfriend.

“Hi Laurie,” he said, his lips in my hair.

“Sorry.  I didn’t mean to steal your girlfriend for so long.”  She winked.  “I just can’t ever get enough of Hartley Walker.”

A deep chuckle vibrated through his chest.  “I know the feeling.”  He started towing me backwards.  “Come dance with me.”

I waved to Laurie.  “Okay.”

Hayden pulled me into the living room where the furniture had been cleared out to make room for dancing.  He whirled me around and pulled me close.  “Did I tell you how gorgeous and hot you look tonight?” he whispered against my lips as our bodies moved together.

A smile twitched my mouth.  “Hmm?  I vaguely remember you saying something like that,” I teased.  I was wearing a mini jean skirt and a red gossamer top with a tank underneath.  “Maybe you need to refresh my mind.”

Distant crimson flames flickered in his gray eyes.  “I can do better than that.  I’ll let you know just how much I like the way you look.”  His lips crashed against mine, bruising them in a passionate kiss.  I wouldn’t normally make out like this in public, but he tasted so damn good I couldn’t resist.  He was pure addiction at its worst.   

Without warning he spun me until my back was pressed against his chest.  “You really shouldn’t tease me so much Hartley.  I’m a dark, evil god with a very bad temper.”

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