Dark Journey [Ariel's Desire 2] (30 page)

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Authors: Candace Smith

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Dark Journey [Ariel's Desire 2]
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She raised her head and whispered, “Do you think we can get Lucien to surface long enough to get you out of this cage?
He can rest while we play.” Desire and anticipation shone in his eyes.
A hint of blue surfaced and buried again.
“That’s okay.
We’ll just stay like this for a while then.
We have forever for our games.”

Ariel looked through the bars.
Damon and Nathan were staring at her with their mouths hanging open.
“Why did you let Lucien cage him?
His heart was breaking.
Don’t you know this part of you can’t hurt us?”

In fact, it was something they didn’t know.
When the Vampire’s nature took over, the man had no control over it.
They had never seen a Vampire surface until Lucien changed.
It awed the men that their mates’ had seen them as this beast and didn’t run screaming in terror.
They’d been watching Ariel calm the beast, amazed at her compassion.

Heather’s anxious voice came through the door.
“Nathan, is she okay?”

“I’m fine, Heather.
Thank you for watching over me.
Go back to Carl and get some rest.
We’ll talk tomorrow,” Ariel replied.

The Vampire was gazing down at its mate, mesmerized.
She felt his calmness and love and it filled her with happiness.
When the beast felt the emotion wash through her, his embrace tightened around her.
His red stare met Nathan’s eyes and received a red hazed response.
Ariel chuckled.
“I believe my companion is appealing to your other nature to open the door to his cell.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Nathan admitted.

“It humiliates him to be contained, that’s what isn’t a good idea.”
Ariel felt the erection pressing against her thigh.
His desire and arousal were beginning to consume his thoughts.
“Just to let you know, he can break out of here whenever he wants.
The only reason he didn’t was because he was afraid I’d be frightened of him.
Now, he knows I’m not.
I believe he wants to spend the evening with me, and not in a cage.”

Damon and Nathan were still awed that she wasn’t recoiling from the beast. “You’re certain that’s what you want?” Damon asked.

She was feeling the beast’s passion inside her. “Oh, yes.
I’m quite certain.”

The Vampire stood and pulled her close.
She felt his longing and glanced at the two men standing outside the cage.
A red haze ringed their eyes.
“I think they can communicate with each other.
You both feel him appealing to you. That might be something for you to study, Nathan.
If they can do that from a distance, it could benefit us if another situation arises.
Unlock the cage and stand back.
My Vampire is quite jealous and protective.
He’s also quite aroused and wants to take me home.”

Nathan turned the key and joined Damon by the side wall of the shack.
Ariel looked up at the beast.
“You be nice.
It was Lucien who asked them to do this.” The playfulness came back to his eyes.
He threw her over his shoulder and stormed out.
He stopped and glared at the two men and roared. As he strode to the door, Nathan heard Ariel reprimand, “Now that was just rude.”

Ariel was aware of wind whipping by her as she hung over his shoulder.
The next thing she knew, they were in front of their house.
She pushed up and looked at him.
“That was a rush.
What else can you do?”

He smiled at her and she felt aroused wetness seep from inside her with the blast of desire.
“I know you can do that,” she laughed.
He carried her through the house and dropped her on the bed.
A taloned finger moved towards her.
“No, let me take it off.
Sarah’s going to kill me if you rip another one.”

He watched her take off her clothes, rubbing himself excitedly.
His claws dug into her breasts as she undressed him.
“Sit on the bed so I can get your boots off.”
When she bent over, he pushed her head onto his cock.
She turned her head and sank her fangs into his thigh.
“Be patient,” she muffled. She tried to pull her head up.
I think I’m stuck again.”

Ariel was still learning how to use her fangs.
Dropping them was easy. Calming down enough to retract them was still a problem for her.
The Vampire sighed and stroked her head until the teeth lifted.
She automatically licked the punctures.

She finished with his boots and pulled his pants the rest of the way off.
He threw her on the bed and she squealed as he pinned her underneath his strong body.
His hands rested on the sides of her head and he gazed into her eyes while his thumbs stroked her cheeks.

A feeling of complete adoration filled her thoughts as he let her know how he felt about her.
The power of his love was astounding.
His full lips pressed against her, and her tongue gently caressed his fangs, arousing the sensitive nerves.
He shuddered and plunged his tongue deeper into her warm mouth while rubbing his hard shaft along her thigh.

The Vampire’s mouth left hers and traveled to the pulse fluttering in her neck.
He licked her and she stiffened, preparing for the quick piercing pain as he bit.
The soft pulls made her nipples ache and her channel tighten.
She turned her head and sank her fangs into him.
They lay like that, drinking from each other and letting the sexual heat build.

Without warning, the Vampire retracted his fangs and ripped his neck away from her, slamming her wrists over her head and capturing them in one hand. His other hand moved to her chest.
One claw barely broke the skin as it passed from her throat, between her breasts and down to her navel, leaving a thin line of blood beading along the score in its wake.

Ariel looked up at him, bottom lip quivering with anticipation.
“You better let me close those.
You’re bleeding all over the place.”
He bent and she lapped quickly at his neck.
Still holding her hands captive, his tongue followed the bloody trail to her stomach.

His mouth found her nipple and his tongue flicked the ring piercing the tip. His teeth nipped in increasing bites until he registered her pain and sank his fangs into her mound.
He needed the pain to fuel his arousal.
Ariel had learned to accept this and it didn’t scare her anymore.
It still hurt, though.
He moaned pleasure at her whimpers.

While he drank, his finger spread her cream along her folds.
He inhaled her scent and quickly licked her breast and let go of her wrists as he dove between her thighs.
Pulling her labial rings, he brushed her slit with his thumb and watched the cream drool from inside her spasming core.
She was trembling now and grabbed his wrists.

His hips were thrusting and Ariel was wild with the need to have him fill her. She arched her back into a climax, clenching emptily as her juices flowed.
The Vampire cooed encouragement, as her hands gripped the sheets and her long hair swayed across the pillow.
She was panting as her nerves finally stopped sparking her passion.

His arousal was so complete the sucking organ had already extended from his shaft.
He watched it reaching out toward her expelled cream.
He had no more control over its lust, than Lucien had over him.
He shuffled closer to ease the tension on his cock and watched as the suckers opened and closed when it found her cleft.

Keeping her spread with one hand, he moved his erection to the side with the other so he could continue to watch it drink her.
It turned and coated itself in her slick wetness.
He’d been aware of this unique attachment, but never studied it before.
Glancing at her face, he saw her eyes closed as she chewed her lip with her fang.
Her beauty was uncompromised and his heart swelled that she should be his mate.

One claw gently moved the aroused tentacle so he could enter her.
It whipped in a frenzy to get back to its need.
The Vampire dug his claws into her hips and filled her in a single plunge.
She was still screaming at the pain of his grasp when the extension wormed into her rectum, still sucking hungrily.

It took several minutes for the agony of her pierced, clawed flesh to subside enough for her clenching muscles to grip his cock.
He thrust wildly into her when he felt her first spasm.
Ariel’s senses were overloaded with the assault and she felt her pinnacle crest, raising herself and throwing her arms around his neck as she shuddered and gasped against his chest in release.
The roar of his orgasm echoed off the walls before she stopped trembling.

He lay her gently back on the bed and nuzzled her wounds lovingly as he sealed them.
Joining her, he pulled her close and she kissed his sweat slickened chest before she drifted off to sleep.

The Vampire held her and a slight quiver ran through him as he thought how close he’d come to losing her to Edmond’s deranged monster.
He knew that was the creature that was lying dead on the prairie.
The Vampire was driven insane by centuries of starvation with no way to fulfill its craving for passion and pain.
It hated Edmond, its own surrogate, for allowing him to be captured.
The last vestige of sanity for the beast snapped when it saw the iron keys had been within reach.

Lucien awoke to sunlight, with Ariel sleeping in his arms.
The deep blue eyes widened as he saw all the blood on the torn, tangled sheets.
He was afraid the Vampire had broken out of the cage and attacked her.
Lucien had convinced himself he’d see irreparable hate and fear in her eyes when she woke and looked at him.

A smile formed on her lips before she yawned and her gray-blue eyes met his.
She sensed his trepidation and looked down at the mess that was once their bed.
I guess we got a little over excited last night.
God, Sarah’s going to scream when she sees these.”
Ariel picked up a streamer of red sheet.
“I’m not sure they’re salvageable.”

Lucien whispered, “Ariel, did I… did it…” he couldn’t finish.

“You never should have locked him up, Lucien.
I could feel his despair and humiliation.
By the time I got to him, he was almost convinced I’d despise him.”

“You came for him?
I knew I was losing myself after you fell asleep.
I don’t remember anything after Nathan locked me up.
He didn’t hurt you?”

“Of course he did.
We both know he has to.
For the most part, he was in a very playful, relieved mood.”
She thought for a moment. “Do you know how fast he is?
It was incredible.”

Lucien’s confusion was calming as he realized she was all right.
“I know in the old country, before I learned how to control him, I’d wake up someplace different than when I’d gone to sleep.
Once, in the space of a single night, I woke in a different country.
That was unexpected,” he chuckled.
“I was a little suspicious he could fly.”

Ariel thought about it.
“I don’t think so.
We made it to the house in about three seconds.
He can also communicate with the Vampires in the Clansmen.
I suggested to Nathan he study it and see what distance it covers.”

“Nathan saw you with me?” Lucien was going to ask why his friend didn’t stop her when he felt her stiffen.
“Ariel, what’s wrong?”

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