Dark Kiss (The Two sides of me Book 1) (26 page)

BOOK: Dark Kiss (The Two sides of me Book 1)
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I am Amy Lynn Garcia, daughter, sister, cousin, mother, nurse, grandma…no..no…call me Mimi I’m too young to be a grandma, writer and friend. We are all something to someone, and I love all the hats I wear in my life. I was born in 1969 which is where I lay blame to my compulsion to write erotica and romance, wink. That makes me…uh…yea 45, no way really? My mind is still very young but not naive I’ve seen a lot and experienced more, you may think I don’t know what’s going on but be assured this Mama knows what’s up! I enjoy creating characters that have something people can relate to, who are real, addictive and intriguing. Love has always been a desire just out of my reach, as it is for many people. I believe that is what draws me into stories with superb happily ever afters. I want to connect with people on that level, let them know they aren’t alone, that love can triumph over all, we all long for that special one that takes our breath away. 


My Biography simply put is this,  I am a mother of 5 daughters, born and raised in Iowa, and no I don’t see farm animals on a daily basis, just at the state fair once a year. I live in the suburbs, just a mom trying to make it and support her children. Divorced once, and another long term relationship failed as well.  I feel that qualifies me to write about relationship pain and disappointment. I worked a million retail jobs, was a receptionist in many hair salons, and attended college off and on for years before I finally settled down and went to college to become a nurse. Doing things the hard way is my specialty, point proven, I waited until I had 5 young daughters, one only 6 weeks old to go back to college. I received a degree in nursing and graduated from Mercy College of Health Sciences. I specialize in antepartum nursing or as I like to call it “The Anti Birthing Unit” where we keep premature babies in utero as long as possible. I’ve always had a calling to help people, even at the age of 5 I created hospitals in my basement and gave my baby dolls shots in the butt.  As much as nursing is my career, writing is my passion. Being creative has sparked a fire within me that is now burning out of control, ideas and characters flow from my mind constantly and unfortunately, when I’m driving or mowing the grass with no pen or paper. My ultimate goal when I write is to help my reader feel something, if your heart skips a beat, if you shed a tear, connect with my characters or if you can’t wait for the next in my series, my job has been done.

Dark Kiss book 1 in The Two Sides of Me series was released August 27, 2014 and is available on amazon now.


The release of book 2 in The Two Sides of Me series is due out late November or early December of 2014 on Amazon, watch for it! 

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