Read Dark Night Online

Authors: Stefany Rattles

Dark Night (15 page)

BOOK: Dark Night
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“Where’s Sophie?” I greeted each one. Finally
gave my boyfriend a quick peck.

“She said she had her own plans, maybe next
time.” Mereily shrugged, the institute provided transportation to
any place we wanted to go. The school chauffer in his Escalade
drove us to the main cinema a few blocks away from the institute.
We got off and walked to the ticket booth. It was sunset, and there
weren’t many people out, I guessed it was because of the rain. We
had gone to see a movie every two weeks and it was becoming
something we did all the time. Jack held me close to him, and I was
happy. He was a very flirty guy, and I wasn’t but I tried to do my

“You look gorgeous.” He complimented me all
the time, and it made me tingle.

“And you’re handsome as always.” I had to
admit, he was a hot guy and girls would die to go out with him. But
he didn’t care, he had told me many times he only had eyes for me.
He was sweet.

We were in a line to
see the premiere of the Terminator Salvation. I really liked the
terminator movies, they were awesome. We sat in the very last row.
The movie still had ten minutes till it started and everybody was
involved in their own little conversation.

“Mia, I have a personal question I’d like to
ask you, if you don’t mind?” Jack held me close to him.


“It’s very personal, I mean

personal.” He exaggerated.

“Just spit it out.” I told him, glancing
around and seeing that nobody was paying attention to us.

“Promise you won’t be mad. It’s not what
you’re going to think, I’m just… curious.” He warned.

“Promise I won’t.” I gave him a kiss on the
cheek. He blushed.

“Okay… I’m just going to ask you straight up.
Have you ever… you know… had sex?” My mouth fell open.

“Excuse me?” I blurted out.

“I knew you’d be mad.” He pulled away, and
leaned back on the seat. Everyone was too busy to notice anything.
I straightened up.

“I’m not...
. I just don’t
understand why you want to know…” I whispered.

“Honestly, because I’m going to be with you
forever and I’d like to get to know you in and out, it is
important. Not that we’re going to do anything, any time soon. But
still... you know?” He said sincerely.

“If you must know… No. I’ve
never…ever, no. I haven’t yet.” I blushed and looked down. He
lifted my chin up and smiled.

“I have… once. A very long time ago, when I
was sixteen, I wanted to know what it felt like and the opportunity
presented itself. It was with a girl that I went out for two years.
After that night she broke up with me, she told me how
un-experienced I was and how too good she was for me. She got with
a guy two years older than me, but it doesn’t matter now. I just
wanted you to know. Actually, she goes to school with us, she’s a
grade younger than us. We’ll stop talking about that now I don’t
want to make you uncomfortable.” He was still blushing.

“I’m fine. I’m glad you’re honest with me. I
like that about you. Anyway, who is she, what’s her name__” I was
interrupted by the previews of the movie that was about to

We didn’t continue the conversation, but
instead paid full attention to the movie. It was good, even though
Arnold was only in it for a few minutes we watched it with wide
eyes. My friends commented on scenes and giggled and had fun in

When the movie ended, Jack surprised me with
a kiss that was very intense to be in public. But instead of my
friends grossing out, they awed. We decided that night wasn’t over
yet, it was nearly ten. And curfew was at eleven. We went to a
diner, where we bought shakes and curly fries.

“What are we doing tomorrow?” Asked Payton,
he was a tall guy, he used to be a football player. His hair was a
white blonde with bright green eyes. He was okay, though in
Delilah’s face you could see how much she adored him.

“Maybe just hang out at the pool, how about
it?” Jordan said. He was slender and cute. He had a baby face, he
looked sixteen, when he really was nineteen. His hair was dark and
spiked up, his eyes hazel. And he had a slight accent that
everybody liked. Mereily and him made a good couple.

“A pool party?” Jack asked.

“Like the Elder’s is going let us throw a
party for no reason?” Delilah interrupted their plans.

“Lilah hon‘, they will because we’re royals.”
Payton reminded her. She just shook her head.


Back at the institute we said good night.
Jack walked me to my room.

“You want to come in?” I asked him.

“Sure...” I led him in, he had never been
inside my room before. No guys had, besides Robert, except for God

“You want something to drink?” I asked him,
while he sat on the couch.

“No. I’m good.” He smiled. I sat with him,
and turned the TV on. The news was on, and it was like Deja vu all
over again. Robert had sat exactly on the same spot Jack was
sitting in and watching the same thing, I had to push that thought
away, what was I thinking?

Then the lights went
out. “What the hell?” Jack and I said at the same time.

“The lights never go out here. We have two
emergency generators and one of them is automatic, if the lights go
out they come on. We wouldn’t have noticed.” He stood up. “Where’re
the flashlights?”

“They’re in the first cabinet on the right.”
I told him. I couldn’t even see him, so I remained seated. I heard
him search through the cabinet and then opened a drawer. A light
went on.

“Here.” He gave me a flashlight.

“Let’s go check out the others.” He held my
hand. We opened the door and heard voices. “They’re in the main
hall.” We walked around the corner to find students with
flashlights panicking. A loud scream came from the bottom floor and
everyone froze including us. We listened intently but didn’t hear
anything else. Students walked towards the stairs and stood at the
edge pointing their flashlight down. We all did, but didn’t see a

“Everyone, listen! We don’t
know what that was, but I think we should return to our dorms, and
lock the doors. Call your God or Goddess so they can figure it
out.” Genevieve said to the crowd of students.

“Are you sure?” A guy that I couldn’t see had

“Positive, if something is wrong, we’re just
making it easy, standing here.” The girl had a point. We turned
around and started walking towards my room when someone caught my
hand. I jumped back.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to
scare you. You guys want to come with us?” Mereily offered, she was
with Jordan, Delilah, Payton, Sophie and a boy she was seeing

“Sure.” I said as we followed them back to
her room. She closed the door and locked both locks. She lit some
candles and we left three flashlights on. The room was a little
bright, enough to see our faces.

“Does anyone know what happened?” Sophie
asked scared. Mike put his arm around her.

“No clue. The lights never go out here,
ever.” Mike told her.

“Did you hear that scream?
What if there’s a murderer on campus? Like you know, Urban Legend?
Or something…” Mereily voice cracked. She did bring me back
memories of that movie. And the thoughts of it being true sent
chills down my back.

We all sat on Mereily’s’ bed in a circle,
just like in a campfire.

“Don’t be so dramatic. It was just a scream,
I’m sure some girl was walking towards here, when the lights went
out on her, and maybe she decided to turn around or found someone
else. But what is weird is that no God, Goddess, or Elder has come
to tell us what’s up.” Delilah was the least afraid of the girls. I
was a chicken, but I wouldn’t say I was simply because if I told
them my theories about what happened then it would be worse.
Instead I relaxed and didn’t think about it, to remain

“I’m sure they’ll be up here soon.” Payton
squeezed her arm. Just then, the lights appeared to come on, but

“It’s the backup generator.” Jordan informed
us of what some knew as they nodded.

“Jack, you want to check out downstairs?”
Payton asked him.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea for you guys
to go down there. If the generator is working, then they should be
announcing something on the intercom.” Delilah’s voice was of

“Hon, we’ll be alright, we can see now plus
we got flashlights. We’ll be right back, if we take more than
fifteen minutes call me.” Payton said, giving her a quick kiss,
while she pouted. I turned to Jack and gave him a hug, as I handed
him a flashlight.

“Be careful.” I told them as they left us
with Jordan, and Mike. We waited to what seemed a life time. Only
five minutes had passed and already, we were all standing and

“This just doesn’t make any sense. It‘s not
raining anymore, so no power outages that could of caused the
entire campus to lose power, and for the automatic generator to not
work, something is fishy..” Mike concluded.

“I agree, I haven’t been here long, but so
far, every single little thing that goes on, it’s like they know,
and they act quickly.” I told him.

“There was something…” Jordan began to

“What is it?” Mereily asked him when all our
eyes turned to him.

“I don’t know exactly. But it seems like
there was an attack at one of our schools, in Colorado last week. I
overheard the secretary at the front office speaking to Goddess
Illyanne about it.”

“What?” We all said in unison.

He flinched. “All I heard was what the
secretary said to Illyanne.” He paced.

“Exactly, what did she say?” I asked
frustrated, for him not saying anything before we had sent our
boyfriends outside.

He stopped pacing and faced me. “Exactly? The
secretary was on the phone. She hung up and Illyanne walked by her,
the secretary stopped her, and whispered to her “Knightdale
Institute was just confirmed to be attacked last week.” Illyanne
nodded and kept walking. That was it.” He told us step by step. Our
mouths fell open in disbelief.

“You Moron! Why didn’t you
tell us sooner? Payton and Jack are out___” Before Delilah could
finish shouting at Jordan, someone was banging on the door. And
everyone let a loud scream out.

“It’s us! Open it!” Jack and Payton were
trying to get in. It took my friends a minute to recover, while I
let them in.

“You won’t believe what we saw!” Jack sounded

“What did you see?” Delilah clung on to

“Blood! All over the hall, off the stairs.
There wasn’t a body or anything, just blood. Whoever it was, it
left. There were footsteps heading towards the emergency exit. Once
you’re out you can’t get back in, unless of course the lights go
out again. But that’s unlikely. We bumped into God Frederick, he
was hidden walking around. He told us to stay in our rooms until
they get the police, and the rest of our guards here to make sure
that it’s clear.” Payton said.

“Maybe it was that girl’s blood, the one that
screamed!” Sophie said terrified.

“No. it was odd. Because it didn’t look like
someone was killed, more like someone was deliberately putting
blood on the walls and only the walls for some reason.” Jack was

“Guy’s, I think it’s a sick joke. Someone is
playing a sick joke with the schools, but I’m not worried about it.
If you say the cops are coming and the guards are too, then they’ll
find whoever did that. And trust me they’ll take care of it.”
Delilah sounded unconcerned, while Sophie and Mereily wore a scared
cat look on their face. But Jack kept it cool.

“If you girls don’t mind, could we crash here
for the night?” Jack asked them.

Of course, we want
you to stay with us!” Mereily said, she took out some sleeping bags
and handed them to us. They were big enough to hold two people in.
Jack like a gentleman let me sleep in my own bag, while he slept on
another. Delilah and her boyfriend slept in one. Mike on another
alone, while Sophie slept on hers. Mereily and Jordan shared the
last one. The beds were empty. It was hard to fall asleep because
of the guys snoring. When I finally did, I dreamt about


I stood above the sea on the top of a ship,
taking in my surroundings. It was sunset, the view was beautiful.
Mixtures of blue, orange, and purple highlighted the sky at a
distance. There was a table setting, where two chairs sat. A black
table top covered the table with red napkins and plates, silverware
that was laying on it with two crystals like goblets. I was wearing
a blood red dress that was silky and strapless, short above my
knees. Standing with his back to me, was the most gorgeous,
handsome, man I had ever seen. With his hair perfectly combed back,
wearing a Ralph Lauren tuxedo, with his hands crossed behind him,
he stood there looking like a dark angel from heaven. I was only
ten feet away from him. Before I could take a step towards him, he

“At last, you’ve joined me.” His voice was
delicate and soft, but he didn’t turn. I was silent. “Mia.” He
called, and I followed his voice. “There is something about you…
your scent… or maybe just how your eyes tell stories, it scares me
sometimes to know how well we can connect… I have been waiting for
you...” He turned as I reached him, we faced each other. His eyes
were the emerald green that I loved, and his face was flawlessly

Why have you been waiting for me?” It was a
whisper too low for anyone to hear but of course he could hear

“I don’t know. Do you know why you’re here?”
He smiled.

His cocky smile.

I blinked a few times trying to put it all
together. I don’t. It’s nice though... did you do this?” I still
stood facing him, he didn’t answer. Instead he held a hand out to
me and bowed as I took it.

BOOK: Dark Night
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