Dark Recollections (16 page)

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Authors: Chris Philbrook

BOOK: Dark Recollections
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New plan was this: make a shitload of noise on one side of the admissions building, then run into my secure room after drawing them in. I would have to be really quick, or really clever to get the majority of them inside the building with me. Open the small window, escape to a hopefully clearer exterior, get into my car somehow, get the rifle and more ammo for the pistol, (possibly retrieve the shotgun as well, but that really seemed like reaching at that moment) and start doing some serious yard work on these fucking undead. No rest for the wicked.

I implemented plan “day after that day” immediately. Well that’s not entirely true. I kept a small chunk of turkey from one sandwich for Otis. He needed something to eat badly, and I do not want anyone to think I don’t take good care of my cat.

Love that guy.

Talk to you soon Mr. Journal.


Crime/Incident Report

Case #


Day of Week
approx 1625


Code section or description of incident
Officer involved fatal shooting.


Location of Incident
Moore’s Sporting Goods, 1421 Riverside Way


Victim or witness name
Daniel Roger McGreevy
14 Wilbur Street


6ft 5 in
265 lbs




ID type:
Badge# 114
114. Issued March 8th, 2004


Relation to victim/subject
None, arresting officer


Addt’l information (vehicle)
City police cruise 06


# witnesses of crime/incident
6 direct witnesses, 1 more on scene that heard incident, 1 more witness who returned to scene directly following.


Names of witnesses and relevant info regarding
Direct witnesses are as follows; 1. Off. Daniel McGreevy, 2. Mike Desmaris, 3. Robert Zewicki, 4. Benjamin Barnes, 5. David Johns(son of deceased), and 6. Phillip Thompkins. Indirect witness inside business was 7. Gerald Moore, CoP, retired. Witnesses 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 are all employees of Moore’s Sporting Goods. Witness 8 left scene before statement could be retrieved. Filing Officer recognized witness as Adrian Ring.


Place of attack (if applicable)
Parking lot of Moore’s Sporting Goods, north side. Directly in front of customer entrance.


Weapon used (if applicable)
Filing Officer discharged his service weapon twice at suspect. Weapon is a Glock 21, identified as property of City Police Department, weapon ID# 22161


Suspect arrested Y/N?
Suspect was DOS.


Suspect name
Paul Matthew Johns
11 Oak Ridge Blvd, Mount Temple


5ft 7in
145 lbs
lt. brown




ID type:
OOS Driver’s license


Addt’l information (vehicle)
2009 Nissan Maxima XLE. Burgundy/wine. OOS tags 14198S


Physical description of subject
Subject exited vehicle wearing a light blue dress shirt, and corduroy pants. Subject had a large blood stain spreading on his right forearm, appeared sweaty, in pain and confused. His hair was disheveled as was his general appearance. On closer inspection he was found to be covered in fine mists of blood, similar to those found on attackers using blunt force trauma.


Evidence collected at scene relevant to prosecution
No evidence was collected at the scene of the incident. Directly following the shooting ambulances arrived, and the son (David Johns) entered into some form of seizure/shock. He became physically aggressive and attacked witnesses as well as responding EMT’s. The scene was cleared after that. Evidence collection would have resulted almost certainly in Officer injury.


AO was stationed at Moore’s Sporting Goods for the day to ensure customer safety due to concerns regarding attacks on the general populace by sick/infected citizens. Store owner made the request to Chief Moore and instructed AO to station there.


Majority of early afternoon was spent maintaining basic order in parking lot, and keeping a visible presence to deter crimes against the business and its employees. AO neither witnessed nor intervened in any criminal activity. During afternoon Chief of Police Moore instructed AO that any citizen that appeared injured, and did not respond intelligently should be handled with extreme caution. The CoP advised that deadly force was authorized if the AO felt that safety was a concern, and if the injured was unresponsive to verbal commands.


At approximately 1625 the suspect arrived in Moore’s parking lot driving at excessive speeds, and recklessly. Suspect pulled into parking In such a dangerous fashion his vehicle nearly struck City Cruiser #06, as well as the AO. AO then backed away, drew his service weapon and instructed driver to exit the vehicle with his hands raised. At this time the AO noticed the subject had a passenger in the front passenger seat of the vehicle. Passenger was later identified as David Johns, the suspect’s son.


The suspect exited the vehicle, and started walking towards the AO, ignoring all verbal commands. Behind the AO the Moore’s Employees were getting dangerously close to the unresponsive suspect. AO knew that the employees were legally armed, and wanted to take control of the situation before it escalated into a multi-person firefight.


AO then visually confirmed that the suspect had an injury. The right hand sleeve at the forearm location was covered in fresh red blood, and appeared to be a bite wound. At that point the AO decided that being bitten as well as unresponsive combined with directly approaching the AO ignoring all Officer commands authorized deadly force given the prior instructions by the CoP.


The Officer cleared his lines of fire to ensure the passenger was safe and that the subject had no one behind him that could be hit by any rounds missing and/or passing through. Once cleared, the Officer discharged his service weapon five times into the center mass of the subject, whereupon he collapsed in the parking lot, directly in front of suspect’s vehicle. The Officer observed the subject for some time, and identified that the subject was dead.


After ensuring the subject was dead, the AO made the decision to shoot the subject one additional time in the head to fully ensure death. With media reports and police reports earlier in the day instructing those in danger to shoot or damage the brain, the AO wanted to ensure further public safety and took the extra step. This course of action later proved invaluable, as the son David Johns was bitten, entered into some form of seizure/shock, and became violent. It is quite possible that the suspect would’ve done the same thing were he not shot in the head.


AO notified Emergency Reponse Units and the CoP, who responded almost immediately.


Charges filed or to be filed:
Threatening an Officer, Assaulting an Peace Officer, Resisting Arrest, Reckless Operation, Endangering the Welfare of a Child.


Additional Notes not related to incident (if any)
AO McGreevy is leaving town. I am gathering all my things and heading three towns over to my mother’s home. You can reach me there if needed. Assuming we even do an investigation any further. I think the state internal affairs department is going to be a little swamped with all these attacks. Good luck to whoever reads this, and God bless.


November 4

Hey Mr. Journal! How’s life? Mine is fucking phenomenal! OMG! I almost totally, like, fucking died today! LOLZ! That’s super l33t!

Sigh. Sarcasm font off.

Vigilance, and attention to detail. I used to preach that shit at work all the time, my whole frigging like. Attention to detail. Attention to detail. Vigilance. I cannot cut corners anytime I am out of Hall E anymore. I am so furious at myself right now I can barely type.

In fact, fuck this. I have to calm down.


November 4

Much better now.

Let me dial this back a little bit and rehash why I was so pissed off and all ‘roid ragey earlier at myself. I went to the campus cafeteria this afternoon to get some canned food to move it here to Hall E. I was running low on a few different things, was jonesing for a bit of variety, and I haven’t yet moved all the supplies into here so it was a pretty standard food run. We’re talking a hundred yards from door to door.

I’ve checked campus twice a day for weeks now I think making sure nothing is here. I mean shit, why would anything be here anyway? I make little to no noise, I stay inside as much as possible, I give those motherfuckers no reason at all to come up here. Apparently I need to re-think my whole vision of how and why these things move about. Because one of them made his way onto campus, and all the way into the frigging cafeteria.

So I always do my errands during daylight hours. As you may have gleaned from my prior entries here Mr. Journal, I do not operate at night. Clever guy that I am, I use the campus maintenance four wheeler to get around when I need to move a lot of things. It has a little trailer that can be hooked up to it which makes moving heavy things, or lots of little things a lot faster and safer. Plus if shit hits the fan I can peace-out like a girl scout and regroup somewhere safer.

I keep the ATV 10 paces from the door of Hall E for convenience.
Hopped on, fired it up, and motored over to the cafeteria at a leisurely pace. Now when I do my little patrols I always bring the Sig, one of the swords, and the bow. I use them in the exact opposite order listed should something happen. As I said, I believe noise is really bad, and draws them in. The bow and sword are both silent, so it suits me and my plan.

Today was no different. I rolled over to the cafeteria, parked at the kitchen door, which is on the side, as opposed to the main entrance the kids would’ve used during school hours. Staff never used the main doors at night, as we primarily would be going there to raid the fridges to feed ourselves. SOP as they say.

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