Dark Seraphine (The Seraphine Trilogy) (23 page)

BOOK: Dark Seraphine (The Seraphine Trilogy)
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We had a teacher’s workday coming up, creating a three-day weekend, perfect for clearing my head.
I needed some serious spiritual guidance. I had just the right person to give it to me too.

Uncle Mashu
my mom

s brother and a psychologist
lived in
. During the spring and summer months
he managed a surf shop that I usually volunteered to help him run. During the fall and winter months
he turned his place into a
home for troubled kids. He was also a medicine man who loved the
as much as I did.

Standing outside his
sized beach house that was built right next to the shop
I inhaled
the ocean

s strong scent.
The entire scene
reminded me of Gia. I didn

t want to admit it
I knew that was the reason why I volunteered to spend
the long weekend
with my uncle.

Since the
water was
too cold to surf in
the group of kids my Uncle was mentoring this week spent most of their time around
camp fires
at night. We shared ghost stories. Ones like the tale of Headless Mar
y, a
that haunted the town of Castle Hayne.
The legend claimed that she
her head and lover each Halloween.

In light of the recent circumstances
I think we should change the subject
Uncle Mashu suggested. A few grumbles rippled through the group; but I had to admit that I was a tad relieved to move away from stories about spirits walking along the back roads
. The
Dark Agent
s and
were already enough to deal with. The fifteen or so kids in our group all got up and headed back to their
. All except one person who never said much at all the entire time we sat around the fire.

The one girl Uncle Mashu called Mel stayed behind. I waited to see if she
coming along with the rest of us. She just stood there
staring out at the ocean
her hands bunched up inside the shawl she wore around her shoulders. Her body was rail thin; and she had this aura around her that made you want to protect her.

Listen at you talking about an aura. Mashu and his spiritual
is rubbing off on you
my man


re out there
she announced without turning around. I didn

t make a sound.
did she hear me?

Did you say something?

I asked
even though I clearly understood
her statement.

She scoffed a laugh.

You heard me
Caleb Elijah Wood.

She just used my whole name. How in the world?
Right. It was probably time to turn around and leave Miss Creepy Bones standing out here by herself. I started back toward the house.

If you leave
then you

ll never know what happened to her
d. Those words got my attention.

You do want to know where she is

She turned her dark eyes on me this time. But my voice wouldn

t work even if somebody held a gun to my head.

hit me like a hammer. This girl had sat in our group all night without saying a word. Not one
stopped to ask her if she were going to come inside out of the cold.
it came time for her to talk about a story at the
camp fire
she glanced up at Mashu and gave him a nervous look. My uncle
told everyone to head for bed before she even had a chance to talk.

I can see them too
the ones dressed in the scary black clothes. Sometimes
stalk me in my dreams. One of them told me to tell you to keep your distance. He said that if you don

t stay away then more of you will disappear.

What have the idiots done to my girl?

I demanded. My chest heaved and a heated rush
through me for the first time in almost a week.
Still this
girl just told me that she could see the
I couldn

t believe it was true. It meant that I wasn

t the only freak in town.


t as excited as

Talk to your uncle
Caleb. He can help you out the same way he did for me.

  Turning toward me
she wore a sad expression on her face.

The balance has tilted. They

re everywhere
now. Stay away. You

ve been warned. If you don

then we

ll all suffer.

On those last words
she started walking toward the house
leaving me to stare out across the dark skies hiding the ocean.

is everything alright out here
Uncle Mashu

s voice said behind me. I turned to face him.

What are they?

I asked him.

I know you can see them too. Mel just told me your little secret.

He sighed deeply and stepped closer to me.

I can only sense
the wandering angels
. I
am not blessed with the gift of spiritual sight as you are.

At once a rush of things showered me: Dad

s scanty appearances

s mood swings

s disappearance.


m kind of in a jam
Uncle M.

I know. Your spirit is troubled. Talk to me.

He sat down on
rock closest to the dying fire and poked at it. The flames highlighted his strong cheekbones
but they didn

t hide the worry in his face.
In all the years I had
Uncle Mashu
looked worried. It gave me an uneasy feeling about our conversation.

I sat down
glanced at
and said

I think I

m falling in love.

See that wasn

t so bad.

Yes, t
he Jensen girl. Your mother told me all about her. She fancies that child
my baby sister does.

Uh. It

s not Erica. It



s this other girl. I kind of want to tell her
how I feel about her
. But I don

t think that

s a good idea
I muttered.

A long pause filled with
the sound of crashing
the space between us.

Tell me about this girl.


s gorgeous
. Street
tough. Oh yeah
and she has skateboard moves like you wouldn

t believe.


s a ghost
an angel
maybe even a girl from my dreams.

Tell her how you feel
Uncle Mashu said as he poked the fire a bit more.

If you continue to wait
then one day it will be too late. The Water spirits have always favored you
Caleb. You have the essence of the Earth inside you. The great Algonquin warriors of long ago have always been carriers of Earth and Fire. Water thrives in a union with either of those elements.

I made a light laugh.

Here I was thinking it

s because I

m a Scorpio.

Exactly. Even the stars knew to choose a Water based symbol to represent your birthday
he said.

The stability in your spiritual
will pull you through. Whatever sacrifice you may face
always remember that strength and resolve are on your side. The
spirits favor you; but there
also those who fear what you represent. Do not be afraid. Follow your warrior

s heart. Claim what is rightfully yours.

Hm. Finding courage in my heart after what I just learned about myself sounded totally impossible. My uncle was right, though. I was going to have to grow some guts.
At the end of the day, the
fearless man
always walked away with
the gold.
Oh yeah, and the girl too.

Uncle M.
I whispered and exhaled.



Chapter Thirteen



t be mad. I thought a beach trip might do
us all
some good. I

m not talking about another one of your Uncle Mashu

s mind-game trips

Erica said
her round face crumpled with worry.

“I’m not upset. I just don’t know how I feel about going to the beach right now,” I explained.

I hated that I didn’t feel the same way for her as she did for me. Who was the real idiot here, though? Through her actions, Gia made it pretty clear that she didn’t want anything to do with me. I promised myself that I would try this relationship thing for both Erica’s sake and mine.

and I all hung out in my living room
making plans to spend the weekend at Cape Hatteras
while her aunt and uncle spent time there looking for renovators. Basically, we’d be alone
for most of the day
. So it wouldn’t feel
like our freedom was restricted
too much

Come on
Caleb. You have to go
You cannot leave me to deal with Kyle

s crazy plans all on my own


t worry. Shani and I
actually halfway like each other now
Erica said and gave Shani a huge grin.

Speak for
Shani replied
then elbowed her in the ribs.

Just kidding
okay? Don

t go crying in your pom poms.
I’m looking forward to taking a break from work. The movie theatre attracts more and more creeps all the time. Sheesh!

She shivered and made a face, emphasizing her point.

I forced a smile onto my lips. My friends wanted me to be happy. The
y actually cared enough about my health
to make plans to cheer me up. Still my mind drifted back and forth between
the laser-showdown that
happened at the skate park
with Paige and Gia
the missing

s advice
the Razors’

Think about it
Kyle began

Come next year at this time

ll all be in our dorm rooms. We need to take advantage of life while we

re still carefree

He threw an arm over my shoulder. Plus
he had a point. I didn

t need to sit around
house worrying about everything. It seriously wasn

t going to help my situation.


re on?

Erica asked with hope in her voice.

Just say the word
beach house is ours for the weekend
my aunt and uncle
will be in and out so much that we won’t even realize they’re around

I cannot tell you how deliciously fun that sounds
Shani said and made her way over to Kyle.


t that right

She eased her arms around his waist and pulled him away from me. Then
my friend and his shadow
started doing what they did best these days
slobbering all over each other.


t they look all
cute and lovey

Erica said
a jealous expression on her face.

Get used to it. We

ll be spending the whole weekend watching them
choke on each other’s tongues
I said.

Maybe not. I mean

ll be times when we

ll want to do our thing
too. I

m sure of it
Erica said.

Time to change the subject!

Have you thought anymore about what could be happening with your uncle and my dad?

I asked.

Her face fell
and she let out a long sigh.

Not really. I have other things on my mind
you know.

I was willing to bet every single
book I owned on
between my

s emergency trip
into the unknown
the missing kids

s confession about Gia being a princess. That still blew my mind every time I thought a
bout Gia as some kind of royal-blooded girl
.  I know I should
think about her
the way I did, e
when I was with Erica. But somehow thoughts of Gia always drifted in the back of my mind and heart.

Later that night
Mom approached me while I was sitting on the couch watching the news. The search party for Jillian and

t successful. It had been a little over a week since the tornado hit the island.

Mom sat down beside me and turned the volume down.

I’m worried
You’re hardly eating. You have dark circles under your eyes.
Are you alright?


m cool
I lied.

She stared at me the longest time before she said anything.

This beach trip with
the Jensens
is a good thing. I

m sure you

ll have fun.

me too.

leaned over, kissed my forehead,
glanced deep in my eyes
. A
worried look
filled hers
She had a
comforting presence
made me want to forget everything bad
all of the pain I

ve been feeling
lately. Moms always managed to do that
you know. They were kind of like magicians in a way.

Was Mashu

s advice not enough
I don’t know, Caleb, I just thought that a man talk might do you some good, right now,

she explained.


ll be
Mom. Seriously
I assured her
. The truth was that I had no idea what would happen to me if I didn

t get my head together. Part of me wanted to tell Mom about the
. The other half told me I

d put her in danger if I did.


s all good

I moved away from her hands.

She gave me a weak smile
making me feel guilty for planning a trip with my friends when she

d be left at home all by herself. But the pain of losing Gia
a girl I probably never had a chance with in the first place
was something I needed to deal with. Now
it wasn

t just affecting me and my friends
it was hurting my mom too.

* * *

I feel like my butt cheeks are freezing
and snuggled up closer to my side of the bench. Shani and Kyle had conveniently disappeared and left me to deal with a sex-hungry girlfriend by my side.

The beaches are really cold during the fall months

t they?

She l
her head
my shoulder.

I guess
I answered without taking my eyes away from the sun setting over the ocean
thinking of the day Gia and
I sat on the beach and did the
. So much had happened since then.

On the shores
across from the pier
I spotted both Kyle and Shani playing
with another group of kids who

d crashed here in Cape Hatteras for the three-day weekend. We all took full advantage of a much needed break
, e
after the past couple of weeks

events. I should

ve been jumping up like a bouncy toy. But no
, m
stupid chest ached with longing
and that knot in my throat just wouldn

t go away no matter how many power drinks I

I think any fool could say that Gia Jones existed inside every part of me no matter how much I wanted to forget about her.

It had been
well over a week
since I last saw her. I only had the memory of her voice when she told me that she was alive and doing fine. The image of her face that night after the competition
the time when I fell asleep in her arms haunted me. Paige

s words floated around my head too. She kept trying to force me to tell her Gia

s name. Why?

I drifted deep inside my thoughts when Erica

s voice cut into them.


t you hear me? I said we can head down there and join them if you like.

Huh? Oh
yeah. We can do that
I attempted to stand up. Erica had other plans for me

she said
pulling me back down onto the
. She leaned over and planted a kiss on my lips before I could say anything.

At first
my body was at war with my head. Her kiss was filled with longing and heat. I found myself responding by moving my lips against hers. Various inactive parts of my
anatomy t
ingled back to life. But then
the reality of what I was doing to this girl made its way into the moment.

BOOK: Dark Seraphine (The Seraphine Trilogy)
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