Dark Throne, The (16 page)

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Authors: Raven Willow-Wood

Tags: #parallel universe, #elf, #erotic romance, #futuristic romance, #alien romance, #dark elf, #sci fi romance, #alien hero

BOOK: Dark Throne, The
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Releasing his wings, he wafted them gently, letting them
flicker in the air and immediately, her sounds of pleasure sprouted
from nowhere

He made sure to coat the rim of her sex with both his
saliva and seed, before retreating upwards to flicker her nub with
the flat of his tongue
. Within
seconds, her thighs smashed against his head and she crossed her
legs to mash his face into her pussy. He nibbled the nub with his
teeth and it took less than three seconds for her to

Her feet arched into his shoulders and nudged the base of
his wings
. Pleasure shuddered
through him at the sensation, but once again, his wings acted as a
catalyst and another orgasm shifted through her body. Her back
arched against the mattress so that her head was the only part of
her keeping her grounded.

When he eventually freed himself, he
pressed a kiss to her damp quim and whispered, "You liked that,

Her brows were puckered as though she were in deep
concentration, but her mouth was loose
. At his question, her lashes fluttered and the dazed
expression in her eyes told its own tale.

She nodded, the movement drowsy
. "I think you should be illegal.”

Understanding her meaning, he smiled
. "If I should be, then you ought to be too,
dearling.” He rubbed his lips over her nub again and rubbed his
nose into the hair on the top of her cunt and hearing a whimper,
ceased. He spread his wings for the final time that night and
hefted her into his embrace before laying down flat on the bed.
Fade rearranged her atop him, so that she acted as a human blanket.
He then curled his wings up and cloaked them both.

Within minutes, they slept


"My heart beats at the same time as

Fade squinted at the glare from the afternoon sun and
rubbed his hand over his brow
The scent of her juices perfumed his skin and he smiled happily,
knowing that he was part of a mated pair.

"It is how it should be, dearling
. Soon, we will even breath in tune.”

"Seriously?" she sat up on her elbow and looked down at
. Her hair was tousled and
she looked. . . . adorable. If it were possible, his heart would
have sighed in his chest. Perfection. His.

. Seriously. You
must cease to question me, mate.”

She grinned and a delicious dimple appeared in her
. "I'm not questioning
you, per se. Simply questioning the possibilities. Don't forget,
this is all new to me.”

"I shall forgive you for the meanwhile
. Once we have been mated an age, I won't be so
kind.” He grabbed the flesh of one of her ass cheeks and squeezed
it. She laughed down at him, understanding his inference to a good

"How many people in a mate bond are
there on Mearth?"

"It's difficult to say
. You don't have to register a mate bond, so the official
statistics are unknown. They're not as common as they used to be.
Through the portal, you saw how we appeared? Our looks,

. Thin but with
quite solid muscles. Different colored hair and eyes and skin. Long

"I'm what is known as a throwback, because of my size and
stature as well as my wings
. A
thousand or so years ago, we all looked this way. We all had wings
and were strong. We fought among each other. Different tribes
establishing their own mark on Mearth. To fight an Elf, such
strength was vital. As time wore on, less wars occurred between
Elven nations. As is the way, those traits which were no longer
necessary, began to die out.” He reached up and cupped her cheeks,
before sliding a finger along the curve of her face and to her ear.
He smiled. "It has grown a little. Soon, if I suckle you here, you
will cum.”

She shrieked and grabbed her ear
. "Oh. My. God. It's long and thin.”

Fade smiled again
"Yes. Only a little in comparison to yesterday. It will get longer
and thinner soon. I shall have to purchase some cuffs for

"What are the cuffs?"

"They indicate age
But in a joined pair, not necessarily a mated one, they signify how
beloved the female is to a male. It is a sign of pride for some
women and shame for others. People know the state of a joined
pair's relationship from the cuffs.”

For a moment, fear dotted over her brow, causing it to
crease and she tugged her lip between her teeth

At her unease, he frowned and then smiled, suddenly
understanding her concern
"Fear not, my love. Your cuffs will be loaded with jewels. If the
state of my heart is anything by which to go, your ears will ache
from their weight.”

smile trembled along her lips
"I hope so.”

"I know so

"Do I get to adorn you with

He grinned and reached for her hand
. Lowering it down over the planes and muscles of his
body, he settled her palm against his cock. "Happy wives gift their
husbands with rings.”

Her eyes widened
"Cock rings?"

.” He did not fail
to notice the way her pupils expanded. The idea pleased

? Or like


She licked her lips
"When can I give you one?"

"When you're pleased with me as a mate

Her mouth rounded into an O
. She sank down on to her bank, releasing his cock from her
touch and whispered, "I think I'm going to like Mearth.”

"I hope so
. When you
gift me with an heir, I can gift you with gems here and here.” He
pressed a finger to each of her nipples.

"What if it's a girl
Or can girls be heirs?"

"Of course

She snorted
. "Of
course. You say that like that isn't big news. As modern as we are,
some societies have only just changed that law.”

"In many ways, we are ancient and
. But Mother Mearth
ensures we are modern and fair.”

"What other gifts are we allowed to
bestow upon each other?"

"As soon as I gift you with a daughter, you can mark my
skin with ink
. This is because
your talents will pass down through the female line. My talents
will pass to the male, so when you present me with a son, I gift
you with a ring here.” He touched the apex of her

"What happens if we have lots of

"I gain many tattoos and you gain lots of

Her eyes drifted shut
"I hope we do.”

"I'm sure we will
. I
doubt I'll keep my hands from you for more than a day.”

"I shall look forward to it
.” She sighed, the sound filled with relaxed,
contentedness. "I wonder what my gifts will be. What can you

"My powers are in the blood sports
. I'm a warrior by trade but one by blood. My senses
are augmented. My eyes can see in the dark as if it were daylight.
My hearing is akin to that of an animal. My speed is faster than
that of some of our swiftest beasts.” He shrugged. "My talent is in

Placing a hand on his chest, she turned to
. "Will you still have to
do all that, when you take the throne?"

"You discuss this as though you were born to
. Royalty obviously becomes
you,” he teased and watched her blush. "Hush. I only jape,” he
chided, when she tried to move away. "Yes. Warrior Kings tend to
rule the throne on the battlefield as much as they do from the
throne room.”

"But you said the Elven no longer fight amongst the

"We don't
. Now, we
have another foe. The hoonans. They are a bloodthirsty lot. They
flaunt Mother Mearth's ways and as such, we tend to battle them
over their abuse. With two kingdoms under my care, undoubtedly, we
will be involved with many skirmishes.”

"I'm sorry

? Why should you
be sorry?"

"It doesn't make you happy

. But it is my lot
and now, with you by my side, I shall be far more content with my
status in life.”

"I'm glad

He smiled
. "As soon as
your ears lengthen properly, we shall learn your gifts. Have you
ever experienced anything extra-sensory?"

"I don't think so
Nothing out of the ordinary.”

"These suppressors that your aunt fed you, interest me
. They must have been
of great strength. It matters not. We shall soon discern the

"When do we return to

He shrugged
. "I cannot
lie, Heather, we should return with urgency. I know not how much
time has passed and the state of the Dark Throne, whilst not to my
liking, is my problem. And with your father also stating he has
issues, it would be best if we returned as soon as we

"Do you want to go today?" she asked, her finger swirling
about his pec

"Would you mind
? Is
there anything you must terminate on this planet, Heather? You
can't return once you've come here.”

"I'm scared
. But now
we're mated, I'm relieved. This world doesn't feel right anymore,
Fade. I don't understand it. How can it not? But I feel
uncomfortable here. I doubt I'll feel comfortable over there, but
you shall be with me. And no, there isn't anything that urgently
needs to be wrapped up. I guess they'll just think I've gone
missing and my things will go to the state.” She shrugged and then,
as something obviously occurred to her, turned into him a little
more. "Will I be able to take some things with me,

"Of course
. I would
suggest only those items that are close to your heart though,
Heather. We are not in need of furniture or the like.”

Her chuckles pealed through the room
. "I didn't expect to take my bed with me, Fade.” She
snorted. "I just want to take some small pieces of jewelry and a
few ornaments that have sentimental value. That's all. You are such
a cutie.”

He wrapped an arm about her and tightened his clasp on her,
so that they embraced
. "I will
assume that is a good thing. I think it would be wise to go today.
I must not touch you for at least another two Mearth days. You will
feel the changes more than I, because of the suppressors. And you
are grossly tempting. . . . I won't deny. I want to take you now
and I must not.”

"I wouldn't complain
she murmured and pressed her lips to his shoulder.

"You soon would
Another dose of my seed, so soon, would. . . . cause you more than

"What do you mean?"

"Your ears, they're bound to lengthen
. That won't be pleasant,
sweet. Bone and cartilage will have to be made and your body will
began to change to that of an elf. Everything that was once
repressed, will come to life. I don't want you to suffer

His words obviously touched her, because she pressed a hand
to his jaw and gently caressed it with her
. That she thought his
care for her wellbeing to be so special annoyed him unduly. Not
because he didn't appreciate his mate's touch, but because that one
act spoke of her treatment at the hands of the fools who lived on
this planet.

"I think
. . . . I know
it's too early for this, Fade, but I think I could come to love

Her words knotted his gut
. He could do no more than offer her the same words, for he
shared the sentiment. "I will come to love you too, my mate. When
we have time to explore what lies between us.”

She nodded
. "I never
thought to have this. . . . connection. Never mind love. I fear I'm
going to be one spoilt lady.”

"You're to be Queen
Fade snorted. "Of course, you'll be spoilt.”

slow grin widened her mouth
"Oh, yeah. So I'll have an excuse.”

"I doubt you'll need one
.” He sighed and began running a finger along the length of
her arm. "There will be no Materth for us. It is a shame. Being so
new to one another, we could undoubtedly benefit from

? What's

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