Dark Visions (5 page)

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Authors: L. J. Smith

Tags: #Young Adult, #Fantasy, #Romance, #Vampires

BOOK: Dark Visions
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"My dad says it's the place for kids who're on their way to state prison. You know, the murderers and stuff."
"Murderers?" Kait exclaimed. "Well, what's it doing here, then? You don't think . . ." She looked at Anna, who looked back, serenity a bit clouded. Clearly, Anna did think.
They both looked at Lewis, whose almond-shaped eyes were wide.
"I think we'd better get down there," Kaitlyn said.
They hurried downstairs, bursting out onto the wooden porch and trying to look inconspicuous. No one was looking at them, anyway. Mr. Zetes was talking to a khaki-uniformed officer standing by the van.
Kaitlyn could only catch a few words of what was said-"Judge Baldwin's authority" and "CYA ward"
and "rehabilitation."
"... your responsibility," the officer finished, and stepped away from the van's door.
A boy came out. Kaitlyn could feel her eyebrows go up.
He was startlingly handsome-but there was a cold wariness in his face and movements. His hair and eyes were dark, but his skin was rather pale. One of the few people in California without a tan, Kaitlyn thought.
"Chiaroscuro," she murmured.
"What?" Lewis whispered.
"It's an art word. It means 'light and shade'-like in a drawing where you only use black and white." As Kaitlyn finished, she suddenly felt herself shiver. There was something strange about this boy, as if-as if-As if he weren't quite canny, her mind supplied. At least, that's the phrase people back home used to use about you, isn't it?
The van was driving off. Mr. Zetes and the dark-haired boy were walking up to the door.
"Looks like we've got a new housemate," Lewis said under his breath. "Oh, boy."
Mr. Zetes gave a courtly nod to the group on the porch. "I see you're here. I believe everyone has arrived now-if you'll come inside, we can commence with the introductions." He went in, and the two dogs followed him. They were rottweilers, Kaitlyn noted, and rather fierce-looking.
Anna and Lewis stepped back silently as the new boy approached, but Kaitlyn held her ground. She knew what it was like to have people step back when you walked near them. The boy passed very close to her, and turned to give her a direct look as he did. Kaitlyn saw that his eyes weren't black, but a very dark gray. She had the distinct feeling that he wanted to unsettle her, to make her look down.
I wonder what he did to get in prison, she thought, feeling chilled again. She followed the others into the house.
"Mr. Zetes!" Joyce said happily from the living room. She caught the old man's arm, smiling and gesturing with enthusiasm as she spoke to him.
Kait's attention was caught by a blond head near the stairs. Rob Kessler had a duffel bag-her duffel bag-slung over his shoulder. He saw the group that had just come in, and started toward them . . . and then he stopped.
His entire body had stiffened. Kaitlyn followed his gaze down the foyer-to the new boy.
Who was equally stiff. His dark gray eyes were fixed on Rob with complete attention and icy hatred. His body was held as if ready for an attack as Rob came closer.
One of the two rottweilers by Mr. Zetes began to growl.
"Good dog, Carl," Lewis said nervously.
"You," the new boy said to Rob.
"You," Rob said to the new boy.
"You two know each other?" Kaitlyn said to both of them.
Rob spoke without looking away from the other boy's pale, wary face. "From a ways back," he said. He let the duffel bag down with a thump.
"Not a long enough ways," the other boy said. In contrast to Rob's soft southern tones, his voice was harsh and clipped.
Both dogs were growling now.
Well, there goes any chance of harmony between housemates, Kaitlyn thought. She noticed that Mr.
Zetes and Joyce had broken off talking and were looking at the students.
"We all seem to be together," Mr. Zetes said rather dryly, and Joyce said, "Come over here, everybody!
This is the moment I've been waiting for."
Rob and the new boy slowly turned away from each other. Joyce gave the group a brilliant smile as they gathered around. Her aquamarine eyes were sparkling.
"Kids, it's an honor and a privilege to introduce you to the man who brought you all here-the man who's responsible for this project. This is Mr. Zetes."
Kaitlyn felt for a moment as if she ought to applaud. Instead, she murmured "Hello" with the others. Mr.
Zetes bent his head in recognition, and Joyce went on.
"Mr. Zetes, these are the troops. Anna Whiteraven, from Washington." The old man shook hands with her, and with each of them as Joyce introduced them. "Lewis Chao from California. Kaitlyn Fairchild from Ohio. Rob Kessler from North Carolina. And Gabriel Wolfe from . . . here and there."
"Yeah, depending on where the charges are pending," Rob drawled, not quite aloud. Mr. Zetes gave him a piercing look.
"Gabriel has been released into my custody," he said. "His parole allows him to go to school; for the rest of the time, he's confined to this house. He knows what will happen if he tries to violate those conditions
-don't you, Gabriel?"
Gabriel's dark gray eyes moved from Rob to Mr. Zetes. He said one word, expressionlessly. "Yes."
"Good." Mr. Zetes looked at the rest of the group. "While you're here, I expect you all to try to get along. I don't think any of you can realize, at your age, just how great a gift has been given to you. "Your one job here is to see that you use that gift wisely, and make the most of it."
Now for the pep talk, Kait thought, studying Mr. Zetes. He had an impressive shock of white hair on his handsome old head and a broad and benevolent brow. Kaitlyn thought suddenly, I know what he looks like. He looks like Little Lord Fauntleroy's grandfather, the earl.
But the earl wasn't giving any ordinary pep talk. "One thing you need to realize from the start is that you're different from the rest of humanity. You've been . . . chosen. Branded. You'll never be like other people, so there's no reason even to try. You follow different laws."
Kaitlyn felt her eyebrows pull together. Joyce had said similar things, but somehow Mr. Zetes's words had another tone. She wasn't sure she liked it.
"You have something inside you that won't be repressed. A hidden power that burns like a flame," he went on. "You're superior to the rest of humanity- don't ever forget that."
Is he trying to flatter us? Kait wondered. Because if he is, it isn't working. It all sounds . . . hollow, somehow.
"You are the pioneers in an exploration that has infinite possibilities. The work you do here may change the way the entire world looks at psychic powers-it may change the way the human race looks at itself.
You young people are actually in a position to benefit all humankind."
Suddenly Kait felt the need to draw.
Not the ordinary need, like the desire she'd had to draw Lewis and Anna. This was the need that came with an itch in her hand-and the internal shiver that meant a premonition.
But she couldn't just walk away while Mr. Zetes was talking. She glanced around the room in distraction-and met Gabriel's eyes.
Right now those eyes looked dark and wicked, as if something in Mr. Zetes's speech amused him.
Amused him in a cynical way.
With a shock, Kaitlyn realized that he looked as if he also found Mr. Zetes's words hollow. And the way he was gazing at her seemed to show that he knew she did, too.
Kaitlyn felt herself flushing. She looked quickly back at Mr. Zetes, freezing her face into an interested, deferential expression. After all, he was the one paying her scholarship. He might be a little eccentric, but he obviously had a good heart.
By the time the speech was over, her need to draw was gone.
After Mr. Zetes was finished, Joyce said a few words about how she wanted them to do their best in the next year. "I'll be living at the Institute with you," she added. "My room is back there"-she pointed to a set of French doors beyond the living room that looked as if they led outside-"and you can feel free to come to me at any time, day or night. Oh, and here's someone else you'll be working with."
Kaitlyn turned and saw a girl coming through the dining room. She looked college age, and had tumbled mahogany hair and full lips which looked a bit sullen.
"This is Marisol Diaz, an undergrad from Stanford," Joyce said. "She won't live here, but she'll come daily and help with your testing. She'll also help me cook. You'll find a schedule for meals on the dining room wall, and we'll go over the other house rules tomorrow. Any questions?"
Heads were shaken.
"Good. Now, why don't you go upstairs and fix up your rooms? It's been a long day, and I know some of you must be tired from jet lag. Marisol and I will throw together something for dinner."
Kaitlyn was tired. Although her watch said 5:45, it was three hours later by Ohio time. Mr. Zetes said good-bye to each of them, and shook their hands. Then Kait and the others headed upstairs.
"What did you think of him?" she whispered to Lewis and Anna as they reached the second floor.
"Impressive-but a little scary. I kept expecting him to introduce 'Masterpiece Theater,'" Lewis whispered back.
"Those dogs were interesting," Anna said. "Usually I can sort of read animals, tell if they're happy or sad or whatever. But those two were very guarded. I wouldn't want to try to influence them."
Something made Kait glance behind her-and she found that Gabriel was looking at her. She felt disconcerted, so she immediately went on the attack.
"And what did you think?" she asked him.
"I think he wants to use us for his own reasons."
"Use us how?" Kaitlyn said sharply.
Gabriel shrugged, looking bored. "How should I know? Maybe to improve his corporation's image-
'Silicon Valley Company Benefits Humankind.' Like Chevron financing wildlife programs. Of course, he was right about one thing-we are superior to the rest of the human race."
"And some of us are more superior than others, right?" Rob asked, from the stairs. "Some of us don't have to follow the rules-or the laws."
"Exactly," Gabriel said, with a rather chilling smile. He was walking around the hallway, glancing into each bedroom. "Well, Joyce told us to pick our rooms. I think I'll take . . . this one."
"Hey!" Lewis squawked. "That's the biggest room -the one with the cable hookup and the Jacuzzi and . .
. and everything."
Gabriel said blandly, "Thanks for telling me."
"It's much bigger than any of the others," Anna said with quiet heat. "We decided it should go to whoever rooms together."
"You can't just grab it for yourself," Lewis finished. "We ought to vote."
Gabriel's gray eyes narrowed and his lip lifted in something like a snarl. With one step he was close to Lewis. "You know what a lockup cell looks like?" he said, his voice cold and brutal. "It has a two-foot-wide bed and a metal toilet. One metal stool attached to the wall and one built-in desk. That's all. I've been in a cell like that on and off for two years. So now I figure I'm entitled. Are you going to do something about it?"
Lewis scratched his nose, looking as if he were considering it. Anna pulled him back a step.
"MTV isn't worth it," she told him.
Gabriel looked at Rob. "You, country boy?"
"I won't fight you, if that's what you mean," Rob drawled. He looked half-disgusted, half-pitying. "Go ahead, take the room-you sad bastard."
Lewis made a faint sound of protest. Gabriel stepped inside his newly acquired room and began to shut the door.
"By the way," he said, turning, "everyone else had better keep out of here. After you spend so much time in lockup, you get to like your space. You get kind of territorial. I wouldn't want anybody to get hurt."
As the door closed, Kait said, "Gabriel-like the angel?" She could hear the heavy sarcasm in her own voice.
The door opened again, and Gabriel gave her a long, measuring look. Then he flashed a brilliant, unsettling smile. "You can come in any time you like," he said.
This time after the door slammed, it stayed shut.
"Well," Kaitlyn said.
"Jeez," Lewis said.
Anna was shaking her head. "Gabriel Wolfe-he's not like a wolf, really, because they're very social.
Except for a lone wolf, an exile. One that's been driven out of the pack. If wolves get driven out far enough they go a little crazy-start attacking anything that comes near them."
"I wonder what his talent is," Kaitlyn mused. She looked at Rob.
He shook his head. "I don't really know. I met him back in North Carolina-at a place in Durham, another psychic research center."
"Another one?" Lewis said, looking surprised.
"Yeah. My parents took me to see if they could
make any sense of the weird stuff I was doing. I guess his parents did the same thing. He wasn't interested in working with the staff, though. He just wanted his own way, and the hell with other people.
A girl ended up... getting hurt."
Kait looked at him. She wanted to ask, "Hurt how?" but from the closed-off expression on his face, she didn't think she'd get an answer.
"Anyway, that was over three years ago," Rob said. "He ran away from the center right after it happened, and I heard he just went from state to state, getting in a heap of trouble everywhere. Making a heap of trouble everywhere."
"Oh, terrific," Lewis said. "And we've got to live with this guy for a year?"
Anna was looking at Rob closely. "What about you? Did that center help you?"
"Sure did. They helped me figure out just what it was I was doing."
"And just what is it you do?" Kaitlyn put in, staring significantly from him to her leg.

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