Darkness Betrayed (Torn) (9 page)

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Authors: Christine Hughes

BOOK: Darkness Betrayed (Torn)
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Chapter 13


Freshly showered and dressed, I walked downstairs to find Damien. All anxiety about my earlier conversation with Ethan had dissipated. And though
Malena’s words left me unsettled, I pushed them to the back of my head.

“Ah, Samantha. Feel better?” Damien’s knowing glance unsettled me for a moment.

“Yeah. I’m fine. Did you talk to Lucas?”

“Yes. Branna and
Malena are with him now. We’ve decided to get him up to speed with our plans. He’s out training with them now.”

“Is that wise? How do we know he isn’t lying?”

“I’d know. It’s not easy to lie to me.”

“But how do you know Sebastian didn’t send him here to…”

Damien interrupted. “I know.” His tone was so final that I decided not to question him anymore.

He pushed a stray strand of my hair behind my ear. “Did you and Ethan have your conversation?”

“Yeah. I told him that we should let what’s between us go.”

“And you feel conflicted about that?”

“Yeah. But I know it was the right thing to do.”

are right. I’m sorry it was hard for you.”

I couldn’t breathe with him looking at me like that. I closed my eyes to remain in the present.  “Um, yeah. Well, it’s done. He did say you were trying to manipulate me.”

“Manipulate you into doing what, exactly?” His face showed he was clearly thinking about our recent experience in the woods.

“Making me do what you want. Making me think the way you want me to think.”

He smiled, pretended to tuck another stray lock of hair behind my ear and whispered. “Am I making you do things you don’t want to do?”

Images of his face above mine, his hands on me, his lips trailing down my…“No.” My tone was firm even if my resolution was not.

“He’s grasping. It’s all a choice, Samantha. Up to you. That much I’ve told you.”

“I know. He’s just hurt. I don’t like hurting people.”

“Unfortunately, you are going to do just that.”

“Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

“Stop pouting. You are no longer a little girl. I’ve told you that. You are an eighteen year-old woman, an adult. You need to start focusing on what needs to be done and not how actions and decisions will make others feel. Sometimes you have to let go of all that and not care.”

He spoke like it was no big deal. I understood that his life, his reason for existence didn’t afford him the ability or give him any reason to care about others
, but he had to know I wasn’t built that way. And besides, didn’t he care about me?

“But this, what’s happening between us is too fast.”

His eyes narrowed. “Too fast for who? Ethan? The others? You?”

I didn’t know the answer. Instead of pressing the matter, I turned my focus to Lucas. “Where is Lucas training? I’d like to see him.”

“Let’s go then.”

Stepping onto the back porch, I saw Lucas with Branna and
Malena. Both women were holding back. I could tell Lucas was getting tired, but he refused to give up. He was fast with his sword, even when Malena forced him across the yard. He was up and ready when Branna attempted to surprise him from behind. I was uncomfortable with their restraint. I could hear it echo through the air. Malena was concentrating on not hurting him, much. Branna was focused on not losing her wings. And all Lucas wanted to do was tear them to pieces.

I heard their thoughts like conversations in my head. “I need my sword,” I said to Damien and he nodded, retreating back into the house. Within minutes he was back and I strapped the sheath to my back. “Stop.”

The three of them stopped where they were as I jumped down the stairs. I narrowed my eyes at Lucas. “My turn.”

Branna and
Malena made their way up to the porch with Damien. All eyes on us, I knew I needed to show them something to alleviate their fears that I was too scared, too out of control, to handle Lucas. I needed to not only dominate, I needed to show restraint. I needed focus and control to lead me. I placed my hand in my pocket and briefly enclosed my pendant in my hand, silently asking for strength and control.

“Sam.” He nodded. “Your eyes are still black.”

“Lucas. Nice track suit.”
I miss my friend.

“Brings out my eyes.”

“You’re still an asshole.”

“You up for this?”

“I should ask you the same question. Ready to prove you’re not Sebastian’s bitch anymore?”

At my words he struck out, sword swiping inches from my face. When I didn’t flinch, he growled in frustration.  “You should talk. I hear you’ve been shacking up with the devil. Guess Ethan really wasn’t enough for you after all.”

A familiar feeling of rage grew around me as I charged toward him, sword high.

“Still so predictable.” He threw out his palm and sent me flying back
. “You’re not immortal, Sam.”              

Landing on my feet, I grinned. “Losing your touch, Lucas.”

“Just getting warmed up.”

Our swords connected and I knew it was on. No more messing around. It was time to show him that he didn’t have the upper hand any more.

I spun and his sword passed through my ponytail, lopping off a chunk of hair.

“Really, Lucas? My hair?” I redoubled my efforts and continued to swing my sword until my arms threatened to give out.

“You cut off my wings.” His heavy breath fogged in front of him.

“So you think we’re even?” I circled.

“Not quite.” He grabbed a low branch above him, ripped it from the tree and threw it at me, hitting me in the shoulder. Black blood barely had time to ooze out before the injury healed over.

He was weaker than before, though his wings were healing faster than when he arrived
. I knew his physical strength was no match for mine, yet. But he had years of experience fighting and training. I couldn’t focus on that, though. He and Ethan had trained me well. And I’d learned quite a bit over the past few weeks even if I hadn’t impressed anyone.

He lifted himself up, wings working overtime, and landed in front of me, sword at the ready.

I back flipped out of his reach and landed in a low crouch, swiping my sword in front of me, barely clipping his right knee. He yelled out in pain but continued, his face showing every bit of the determination and anger I’d expected.

“You’ve been practicing. You’re not as slow as I remember.” He missed my head by inches.

“I’ve been busy.” I dropped to the ground, swiping out at his feet, catching his shoelace.

“Still not in control, though.” He buried his sword into the earth, finding the spot I’d just vacated.

“Yeah. You forgot to teach me how to control anything. How convenient. But I’m learning.” I jumped up behind him and shouldered him face first, into the tree.

I retreated back, risking a glance at the others. Branna and
Malena watched with a measure of concentration on their faces, no doubt taking mental notes on how to fix my awkward fighting style. Damien, on the other hand, was unreadable other than the eerie red glow projecting from his eyes. Momentarily confused and drawn to him, I was surprised when Lucas rammed my knees sending me crashing to the ground.

Face to face, I saw concentration set in his familiar eyes. The old Lucas was still in there. And I used it to my advantage. When I caught my breath, I asked, “Hey Lucas, wanna play the lyrics game?”

I caught him off guard and rolled him to his back, punching him square in the nose, blood spattering across his face. New Lucas clouded over the old and his face twisted, for a moment, into a demonic mask. He threw me off and we stood, feet apart, contemplating each other. He wiped his nose with the back of his hand and glared at me.

I squared my shoulders, closed my eyes and lifted my arms, palms up. As I did, pebbles, rocks and stones lifted in unison, swirling in anticipation. I opened my eyes
and focused on Lucas. I threw my arms forward and, as I did, everything flew at him, some pelting his body, some smashing to dust on nearby trees and boulders.

Blood appeared
every place he was hit. And I could see him begin to heal. The sight brought back the memory of Lucas in the kitchen months ago when I’d shattered the window causing glass to embed itself in his skin. I shook the memory free.
I’m sorry.

Outstretching my arm, I began to lift him from the ground. I fought the urge to close my fist and rip out his heart. My body began to vibrate with the effort it took to keep from ending him. It felt like my blood was boiling over and in that moment, killing him was all I wanted.

I dropped him to the ground, ready to walk away.

“I never wanted hurt you, Sam.” Rage began to subside before it was renewed full strength.

Images, of my fa
ther, of me, of Ethan, of Jesse and of Scott, flashed through my mind.

“Too late.”
I threw my sword towards him.

Time slowed down as control began to leave me the second I let go of my weapon. I watched as my sword flew toward his heart.

No, Sam.


I threw up my palm and barely knocked Lucas out of the way as time sped back up. It nicked his shoulder before lodging itself into a tree behind him as Lucas’ wide eyes followed it.

“What the hell, Sam?”

He was tired, beaten and defeated. Without a word, I dropped to my knees shaking. Lucas came to me, gathering me up in an embrace whispering over and over. “I’m so sorry.”

and Branna joined us, their arms circling us. Damien turned and walked into the house.

I sat with the three of them, rocking myself back and forth, trying to calm the storm.


Warm air kicked up as leaves began to swirl around us.

This time I wasn’t the only one who heard it. “Did you hear that?” Malena’s muscles tensed around me.

“Sebastian.” I could barely hear my own voice over the wind that whipped up dangerously. A bolt of lightning struck the earth feet from where were huddled. Scrambling up and running towards the house, bolts followed us, connecting to the ground just behind our footsteps.

Our bodies stung as we were pelted with quarter-sized hail and tree branches that flew through the air, intent on making contact.

Sebastian’s laugh filled the space as we flew through the kitchen door, falling over one another until we were heaped in the middle of the floor. Thunder shook the windows. Branna covered her ears and began shaking violently.

As she lay convulsing in the fetal position, I threw my body on hers. A scream erupted from her throat and her hands moved to clutch her chest. “Stop! Stop! No!”

I couldn’t find the source of the attack though we all knew Sebastian was behind it. The door cra
shed open and Branna was pulled, feet first, by some invisible force towards the door. Her fingers clawed at the floor as her nails snapped leaving trails of blood.

Lucas and I held onto her arms but the force was too strong. “He’s going to kill me! Don’t let him kill me!” Her screams shot through me like knives.

Cal and Noah ran into the kitchen and helped us, completely unaware of what was happening.

You cannot stop me. I will kill everyone who ever meant anything to you, just as I killed your father. I will win. I will always win.

Shaking my head to rid it of Sebastian’s unwelcome words, I concentrated on keeping Branna in the house when Malena stopped her attempts at helping. Standing, she walked to the door as her sword clattered to the floor. Damien bolted into the kitchen as she stepped to the threshold. He stood frozen, watching and I could’ve sworn I saw a hint of amusement in his face.

Malena, no! Don’t do this. Don’t let him win!” I screamed.

“That’s your job now.” She whispered into the howling winds.

“There’s another way! Don’t!” I scrambled to reach her, my feet slipping on the hard tiled floor.

Shadows crossed her eyes. “I’m sorry. I can choose now.”

Sebastian’s cackle had us covering our ears and Branna stopped fighting as the invisible force stopped pulling her towards the door. Malena was ripped into the air as soon as she stepped outside. A stinger-like sword of an Exiled flew through the air, impaling her through the chest. Eyes wide, she didn’t even have chance to scream. She reached toward my outstretched hand and was jerked back, out of sight. Moments later, her wings dropped to the ground, bloodied and shredded.

I clawed at the hands and arms that wrapped around me as I tried to run towards where she stood moments ago.
The sky outside blackened and an explosion tore the sky. The electricity went out in the house. I felt like I ants were crawling over my skin. Slowly sinking to the floor, my voice hoarse, I could no longer feel Sebastian’s presence.

“Oh my God!
She’s dead. She’s dead. She’s dead.” Branna repeated over and over.

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