Darkness Captured (28 page)

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Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Romance, #Occult & Supernatural, #Fiction, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: Darkness Captured
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Nergal’s head turned toward Irkalla, and his beautiful round eyes rested on his wife. “I am tired, but you will know this. You please me, wife,” he said, his words slurring slightly. “Have your fun. But don’t forget that I wait.”

Irkalla blinked and smiled radiantly as Nergal pushed away from the table and stood.

Gabriella shook her head, wondering about their relationship and how so powerful a demon could be led by his balls and be glad of it.

When he’d left the room, Irkalla’s head turned to sweep their table with a glance. “Shall we bring out our guest?” With just a wave of her hand, the doors at the rear of the hall opened. All heads swiveled to watch.

Gabriella forced her body to remain still, her breaths even, as Guntram strode into the hall.

He was nude but for a short linen slave’s kilt. His body gleamed with sweat, or was it oil? All the musculature of his chest, abdomen and thighs stood in relief as torchlight gleamed on the rigid curves. With his short hair, stiff posture and proud, furious expression, he looked like a Roman warrior of old.

Her breath caught, her chest tightening around her aching heart. His gaze met hers, and then quickly flitted to the queen’s. Of course he couldn’t betray too much interest. Irkalla would use his feelings for her against him. Against her.

Still, the fleeting glance had struck her. Tonight might be the last time she saw him. Touched him. And he’d never know for certain that she carried his child. Not unless he noted that her heat, which had burned so hotly the previous night, had retreated, its purpose fulfilled.

The room grew silent as he strode deeper, unescorted into the hall, the slap of his bare feet on the cool tile the only sound as he approached the dais.

Unable to resist, Gabriella lifted her nose to scent the air, welcoming his unique smell.

His nostrils flared and she knew he shared her elation, her primal impulse to bathe in his rich, masculine aroma.

When he stood in front of the dais, she held her breath, caught by how beautiful he was. His body radiated power and pride.

Irkalla lifted her chin, waiting. Marduk cleared his throat.

Guntram’s lips tightened, but he knelt on one knee and lowered his head.

He remained silent so long, Gabriella worried he’d refuse to offer obeisance. She leaned forward, hoping to give him a signal, but Marduk laid his hand on her shoulder.

Guntram glanced toward that hand, then lifted his gaze to Marduk’s before turning to Irkalla. “Mistress, I’m here at your command.”

“What do you offer?”

“As I am naked, I have only myself to render tribute.”

Irkalla leaned back, her skin flushing and her eyes glittering. “Will you obey me in all matters?”

“I am yours to command.”

“Nicely done,” Marduk said softly, bending toward Irkalla. “His pride speaks well of his respect for your authority.”

“It does. He pleases me in many ways. I think I would learn the measure of his skills. A private audience then?” she said, tipping her chin toward Marduk.

The room erupted in muttered complaints.

Marduk’s mouth eased into a sensual smile. “Will I have to worry about your affection?”

“Never, for you know I am voracious.” She turned to the guard at the end of the platform. “Take him below.”

Gabriella heaved a sigh as Guntram was led away. The less time he spent here, the less opportunity for her blunt warrior to condemn himself.

Marduk’s hand pressed into her shoulder, a silent warning that she heeded without knowing why he cautioned her. But since he’d managed to maneuver the queen to serve their interest, she would trust in him a little while longer.

Marduk’s mind raced with the opportunity unfolding before him now. So many questions had been answered in the last few minutes that he fought hard to keep his excitement from showing in his face.

Ruthlessly, he forced his breaths and heartbeats to remain even.

Irkalla lifted her hand, and Marduk stood to help her up, turning his back on Gabriella, but she got the hint and backed off the platform. She’d follow his lead without question this night.

Marduk led Irkalla down the steps, then fell in behind her, standing to the side and gesturing to Gabriella to follow his mistress, then allowing Inanna and Dumuzi to precede him, as well. Dumuzi dropped the leash.

When they entered the dark stairwell, Marduk snaked out his forearm and wrapped it around Dumuzi’s throat, drawing him back.

“Keep your voice down or I’ll break your neck,” he whispered.

Dumuzi’s hands tightened on his forearm, but didn’t try to break the hold. “How did you know?” he replied quietly.

“The demon you impersonate loves a larger audience to witness his wife’s humiliations. Who are you?”

The mage, who wore Dumuzi’s face, replied wryly, “I think you know.”

Marduk jerked his arm against his neck. “Tell me why I shouldn’t bring the guards down on you.”

“Because I’m the only one who will open the portal for you.”

Marduk loosened his grip, letting the mage take a step downward. The mage filled his lungs with air. His face, Dumuzi’s hateful visage, was imbued with a gleeful mirth. “Be ready.”

Marduk nodded. “We’d best not call attention.”

They hurried down the steps, falling in behind the others and entering the chamber, which was lit by dozens of torches and candles but empty, save for two guards.

Irkalla glanced around her at the empty sofas. “What do you think, Marduk?”

“I think one of the cells would serve us best. The larger one at the rear, perhaps?”

Inanna didn’t move to follow, eying Dumuzi as Irkalla led the procession to the cell. Her gaze narrowed and a frown bisected her perfectly arched brows. “Husband …”

The man wearing her husband’s face turned, his mouth curving downward with displeasure.

“Something doesn’t smell right,” she said softly.

Marduk halted, his heart thudding hard against his chest. If she revealed them now, all would be lost.

The mage bent toward her, wrapping her leash around his fist and pulling her close. “Inanna,” he said into her face. “I think you know who I am.”

Inanna’s eyes widened as she returned his stare. “Where is he?”

“Do you care if he suffers?”

Her nose wrinkled in disgust. “Of course not.”

“Would you not like to exact a little revenge for how badly he has treated you?”

“Why shouldn’t I demand you take me with you when you return to
?” she asked, her voice shaking.

The mage’s expression hardened. “Because you know I will not, even if it means I must sacrifice my mission. Your husband lies asleep and bound in your bed. If you hurry, you can keep him there indefinitely.”

Inanna’s lips parted, her indecision clear in her glittering eyes.

The mage leaned closer. “Won’t you enjoy your sister’s fury when she realizes she’s been betrayed? You will be there to soothe her, to remind her of your familial bonds. She will grow to trust you again.”

Inanna backed up a pace, then whirled and ran for the steps.

As she disappeared, Marduk said, “Do you trust she won’t simply alert the guards above?”

The mage lifted one brow. “She hopes we will kill her sister. Her need for revenge against the two of them will be too much for her to resist. Let’s not keep Irkalla waiting.”

Irkalla stood inside the entrance of the cell, a frown creasing her forehead. “Where is my sister?”

“It’s too crowded in here,” Marduk said easily. “I sent her away. She was disappointed at not being here to enjoy the wolf’s submission.”

Irkalla didn’t look pleased at the bit of news, but her gaze strayed to Guntram, whose gleaming physique rippled as he tensed his fists. “It is crowded. Do we need the girl here?”

“If you prefer, she can wait outside the cell and watch. You like watching, don’t you, Gabriella?” Marduk said, careful to keep his tone crafty.

Gabriella’s eyes widened, then her gaze went to Guntram, a desperate plea in her gaze.

Irkalla’s lips stretched. “I think she does. Outside, girl.”

Marduk tamped down his disgust and jerked his chin toward the door.

Gabriella walked stiffly outside, then leaned against the far wall, her face hidden in the shadows.

Guntram’s chest rose, his fists curling tighter. Marduk hoped he wouldn’t spoil the moment he sensed was coming by moving too soon. Guards still lingered in the hallway. They needed to press closer.

Irkalla approached the warrior and slipped a finger beneath the top edge of the garment that covered Guntram’s hips. “Take it off.”

Guntram kept his gaze above her shoulder, pinned to Gabriella, and slipped the knot at his hip.

Irkalla released the breath she’d been holding and reached down to clasp his flaccid cock. “I admire a man who doesn’t lack self-discipline. But I also find great satisfaction in testing his limits.” She caressed his cock, lifting it and touching the smooth cap with a finger. “I’ve heard things about a wolf’s cock. How it expands when aroused to lodge inside a female. I would know what that feels like. But first I’d like to see it.”

A muscle flexed at the side of Guntram’s square jaw. The grinding of teeth was audible.

“Must I bring your female inside and tie her to the bench for you to watch another rape her, or will you give me what I command? You did give me your vow.”

Guntram closed his eyes, and his expression betrayed a hint of anguish as he seemed to sink into a memory. But his cock slowly filled inside Irkalla’s grasp.

“Not so terrible, was that? You’ve surrendered only a little of your pride.” Irkalla knelt in front of him and opened her mouth, taking him inside and suckling, drawing back her head to milk him and tug him into a full erection.

When she was satisfied she sat back on her heels. “I would have it all. Don’t withhold.”

Guntram reached down, pushing her hand away, and then manipulated his cock, gripping it tighter than she had and squeezing until blood filled the tip and it swelled.

The thick, rounded knot appeared to fascinate her, and she bent again to take the cap in her mouth and suckle. “It’s hard,” she said when she came off. “And so broad.” She met his narrowed gaze, then glanced over her shoulder at Gabriella. “But you would know that. Could you feel the difference deep inside you?”

Gabriella wouldn’t meet Guntram’s gaze. Marduk wondered if she didn’t dare because the emotions she’d felt when he’d been locked deep inside her would have shown on her face. “I felt the difference,” she said softly.

“Why should you deny yourself the experience, my queen?” Marduk murmured.

“Why, indeed?” she replied, laughing. “But will you be jealous? I might find his cock more memorable than yours.”

“I wish only your pleasure, mistress.”

“Of course you do.” Her tone held no irony. The bitch believed that everyone was concerned for her pleasure.

“You should let him take you like the dog he is.”

“On all fours?”

“Bent, your sex presented for him to sniff and nuzzle before he ruts.” Marduk gave Guntram a look, reminding him of the need to cooperate, but Guntram’s lips flattened into a furious, thin line.

“Your new pet doesn’t know how precious the gift of your attentions can be. The rewards cannot be measured,” Marduk said slowly.

Guntram grunted, but his expression eased into a passive façade.

“The bench, darling,” Marduk urged. “You needn’t grovel on the floor.”

“What say you, Dumuzi?” Irkalla said, as though just remembering that he was there. “You’ve been so quiet all evening. Does the thought of me rutting with a dog disturb you?”

Dumuzi’s head inclined. “When the shine dulls from your latest acquisition, you will remember who serves you best.”

“I can always count on you, can’t I?”

Dumuzi’s face reddened. How did the mage do it? Assume the emotions of the one he impersonated? Dumuzi would have been quietly furious at the reminder of the one time he hadn’t been so dependable, when Inanna had seduced him, taking him for her mate as his lust ruled him.

“When I am not at the mercy of a sorcerer’s tricks, you know well that you can count on me.”

“Yes I can. So why don’t you help me onto the bench, and watch over me in case this wolf decides he must pin me with his jaws?”

The guards outside the cell shifted restlessly on their feet. “Ma’am, should we not be inside with you to protect you?” a thick-necked guard said.

“I have protectors here. The warrior prides himself on honor, and he wants to live another day to free his woman. Incentive enough to cause me no harm. He won’t dare savage me.”

With her hand inside the mage’s, she stepped onto the platform and bent over the padded bench. “Shall I restrain your hands?” the mage whispered.

Irkalla laughed. “Why not?”

Marduk knew the thrill of eminent danger fueled her arousal as much as the thought of experimenting with the unusual cock. Both hands were bound in leather cuffs. “Leave off the ankle restraints. I will want to move.”

Then Marduk ambled toward the cell door, ostensibly for a better view, and turned his back on the guards just outside the open door. Dumuzi took up a position on the opposite side of the door.

Guntram gave them both a surreptitious glance, then lifted his gaze to Gabriella.

Marduk held his breath. He needed to arouse the queen and distract the guards with their lusty play, leaving them less vigilant.

Marduk cleared his throat, pulling Gabriella’s attention to him. He gave her a small nod. Her wide gaze went back to Guntram, a silent plea in her golden brown depths to accompany the small, tight smile she wore.

Guntram’s jaw tightened, but he stepped behind the queen and bent. First his hands landed on her buttocks, smoothing over them then gripping them firmly to hold them apart. Then his head dipped and the wet sounds of a tongue lapping in profuse moisture followed. For long, tense moments the watchers held their breaths.

Irkalla’s head lifted, her back arching, her bottom lifting higher. Her face was radiant, skin flushing a deep rose, her lush lips forming an excited circle.

The guards beside him breathed deeply, their gazes likewise glued to the queen’s rapturous expression.

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