Darwin's Quest: The Search for the Ultimate Survivor (17 page)

BOOK: Darwin's Quest: The Search for the Ultimate Survivor
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Chapter 21


I groaned, feeling my stomach cramp up again. “Ah, shit,” I exclaimed, no pun intended. The mangos had been delicious, but now Lindadawn and I were paying the price. While I had never had it before, I knew this was what they meant by “explosive diarrhea.”

I wasn’t even bothering with the nasty toilet. I made my way outside the camp and over to the far corner of the entrance, away from the bridgehead, where I grabbed the ends of the remaining vines and did my best to get most of it down into the river. This was miserable.

I was about done with the latest evacuation when I looked up from this peculiar vantage point and saw something that chilled my heart. I pulled myself back up and got up close for a better look, squatting low to get my face as close to the ground as possible.

Haven was all artificial. It might look like rock, but we knew it had been molded and formed. But a layer of dust had blown on it since we had been here. And very faintly, not noticeable unless your face was at the right angle, I saw the distinct impression of a large three-toed footprint.

I had taken off my jeans before I had shit, not wanting to risk getting them dirty, so I pulled them back on, feeling a little of the mango stickiness that two attempts at washing had not been able to erase. I ran back to the other three.

“You getting better?” Borlinga asked, concern on her face.

I didn’t bother to answer. “Come here,” was all I said.

I led them back, merely pointing to the track. At first, they couldn’t see it, but when I told them to get lower, the reality that portrayed hit home.

“They’ve been here,” was all that Hamlin said.

“Here, on Haven? How could they get here?” Lindadawn was perplexed.

We looked at the bridge. I looked back at Hamlin, who nodded.

“It has to come down.”

“Wait,” Lindadawn said. “OK, I see your point. But let’s check the snares one last time. Otherwise, it’s mangos until we get rescued, and most of those were too far along to dry well.”

Hamlin nodded. We got our spears and made a quick check, but the snares were empty. We hurriedly returned and got back on Haven. I took out Yash’s knife and began sawing on the nearest horizontal rope supports for the bridge. The knife bit in easily for a few millimeters before stopping dead. I looked at it, puzzled, before scraping with the blade to reveal a synthetic core to the rope. I checked the other supports. All were the same. The bridge was made to look like natural rope, but it was really an un-cuttable modern bridge.

We discussed our options. None of us wanted to share Haven with whatever was big enough to make those tracks. Finally, we decided to barricade the bridge. Taking one of our two ropes, we formed a latticework in the middle of the bridge, making it pretty hard for anything to cross. We thought about using our last rope to build another one, but we would need that one for water.

We would also post watches. No more sitting back at camp, oblivious to whatever was going on across the bridge. Lindadawn and I, still suffering the effects of the mangos, volunteered to take the first watch, sending Hamlin and Borlinga back to try to get some sleep.

Lindadawn and I sat down, backs against the rock wall. We looked out over the reservation, the setting sun bringing out the colors the old photographers so coveted.

“It really is beautiful, in spite of everything,” Lindadawn said quietly.

I knew what she meant. The set designers had done an Emmy-worthy job on the massive set. A few full-length holos had also been made here, between
Darwin’s Quest
seasons, and there was little wonder why.

We looked up to Fuji-yama in the distance.

“You know, every other season had to climb that. A lot of cast members died on it. Even Pete Harrow died there, on that transverse, before he got voted back and won Season One. I think we’re the first cast never to go to there,” I mused.

“Well, I think we are the first cast for a lot of things, most of them bad.”

“You’ve got that right. Too bad we had to sign that waiver. You’ve got lawsuit limits on most of Earth, but we don’t. I wonder what would happen if I took GBC to court over this?”

She laughed. “Oh, GBC would hire some hotshot lawyer who would convince the jury that all of this was your fault, and you’d have to pay them for the pterosaur Josh killed, or the rabbits we snared.”

“Don’t forget the mangos!

“How could I forget them? And now that you’ve reminded me, I think I need to go give some of them back.”

She went without any degree of shyness and let the cramps run their course as I watched off in the distance. It was amazing what a week or so of an emergency would do. Before I came, I would never have dreamed that I could watch someone take a shit without suffering extreme embarrassment. And while guarding the camp, it was no big deal. Just biology.

She finished and came back to sit next to me, our legs touching companionably.

“Do you regret it?” she asked.

“Regret what? Coming on
Darwin’s Quest


I thought about it. “Yes and no. I certainly regret what has happened. I wish we could have been like every other season. People die and come back. One person wins and becomes famous. And gets lots of money, too. But would I do it again? Maybe.”

“Really, you’d do it again?”

“I know that sounds weird. And I am truly sorry for the others, the ones who really died. But that would’ve happened whether I was here or not. And if we get back…”

“Yea, IF we get back.”

“If we get back, well, we’re going to be famous. We may not get the official prize, but we can certainly turn this into something. A book deal, if nothing else. And I can pay my mom back.”

“I guess I’m a little less commercial than you. Not that I’m criticizing you.” She grabbed my arm to emphasize that point. “I just don’t think I would want to go through all this if I had the choice. And if we don’t get back?”

“Aye, there’s the rub. Well, if we don’t get back, if we die out here, you can come haunt my ghost and tell me I was wrong.”

“Deal,” she said, and she leaned back and watched the sun get lower in the sky. We shared a special companionship then, the same sort of brotherhood soldiers shared, or at least, what the Holowood writers told us they shared.

As the light started to fade, she grabbed my arm again.

“Look, over there.”

I looked, and a huge, flightless (I hoped flightless, that is) bird stepped out of the jungle. It had to be close to three meters tall. My first thought was that it might be some sort of huge ostrich, but that comparison was very out-of-whack. Its legs were huge and evilly taloned. Its solid-looking body was covered in a rainbow of feathers, although Mike’s comments on colors stuck with me. They made for good holos, but that was about it as far as accuracy to some ancient bird-of-prey.

And where an ostrich has a long, elegant neck and small head, the neck on this thing rivaled that of a T-Rex in proportion to its body. The head was quite a bit larger than an ostrich’s, and the beak was a work of menace. Not curved like an eagle’s, it was a massive thing, obvious able to impale or crush whatever its owner wished to kill.

The bird stood still as it looked across the clearing at us. Casually, it walked up to the bridge. I gripped my spear, but this thing somehow frightened me more than even the T-Rex. Intelligence seemed to radiate from its eyes as it watched us. I was about to tell Lindadawn to go get the others when it just as casually turned around and walked off, fading from sight into the jungle.

“What the hell was that?” Lindadawn asked quietly.

“I don’t know, and I’m sure I don’t want to find out,” I answered.


Chapter 22


It was Borlinga and Hamlin’s watch, but since we were not asleep, Lindadawn and I decided to sit with them. The sun was bearing down on us, but like most days on the reservation, the weather was comfortable. We sat in the shade and relaxed.

My body must have been getting used to the mangos as I seemed to be keeping them inside me better. Lindadawn had a few twinges of diarrhea left, but we were regaining our strength.

“So is your son as big as you?” Borlinga asked Hamlin, all traces of her fake syntax gone by now.

We had been sitting and talking about our families. That meant most of the talk was about Borlinga’s and Hamlin’s as neither Lindadawn nor I had kids.

“Which one? You mean Luke or Tony?”

“Tony, the younger one.”

“No, Tony won’t lift. He says it interferes with his golf swing, and he is bound and determined to be a pro someday.”

“Is he that good?” I asked.

“No, not really. He’s a fighter, though, and he won’t give up. Luke, though, well, he’s pretty well built. Maybe not as big as me, but cut better. I guess that holds more sway in his circle. His boyfriend told me that the other guys are jealous of him about Luke’s physique.” He smiled. “I should say ex-boyfriend, that is. He couldn’t take the attention that Luke was getting from other guys and girls. I didn’t tell you that Joshua is his own natural born kid with a girl from his school.”

It was still hard to imagine Hamlin as a grandfather, and ironic that his grandkid shared a name with his one-time adversary when popularity still mattered in this season’s
Darwin’s Quest
. But with four kids of his own, and the other three approaching adulthood, it might not have been long until there were more grandkids to bounce on his knee.

His wife had divorced him some years back, but the kids had stayed with him. He was, from all appearances, a loving and caring father rather than the body-loving egotist I’d first imagined him to be. And grandfather was stretching the stereotype. He was only 41 after all, hardly some doddering old man. Paul, Julie, and Bernie had all been older than him. Even Borlinga was older, much to my surprise when I had found out. I had initially guessed her to be much younger than her actual 46 years. In her t-shirt and her rose-imprinted underwear, she still looked much younger than Hamlin, though.

Borlinga had kept quieter when the game was on, I assumed preferring to remain mysterious as a strategy. But with little need of that by now, she reverted to her norm, which was surprising personable. Her dry wit had us chuckling more than once, despite the stress levels. She had six kids, but as with most pioneer worlds, this was the preferred course of action, unlike on Earth where one kid was recommended. Very few people had four like Hamlin, which was why he probably hadn’t said much about them while the game was on. No need to alienate any potential voters, after all.

Even though Borlinga was an Outerworlder like me, I felt closer to Lindadawn. I loved Borlinga like a sister, but maybe because we were both single, I felt more of a kinship with Lindadawn. And I respected her competence. Her succeeding in starting a business had an impact on me. I didn’t feel any jealousy because I had failed in my own attempt at business.

We sat there on the ground chatting as if we were at an open-air café in Paris. It was hard to accept sometimes that we were abandoned on a strange world and beset with dangers. Abandoned, though, was hopefully the wrong word. We fervently prayed that the rescue ship would arrive at any time and take us off this place.

Our conversation stopped as the big bird made its appearance on the other side of the clearing. Borlinga and Hamlin hadn’t seen it, but they knew about it from our description. The bird came out into plain view, then looked at us for a moment before stretching its back, pointing its beak at the sky, and furiously flapping it small wings. It settled back down, fluffing its feathers along its back. It stared at us for a few more moments before turning and disappearing into the brush.

“I see what you mean, now,” said Hamlin. “I wouldn’t want to face that.”

“What do you think it is?” asked Lindadawn.

“Keeping with the theme, I’d say it is some sort of prehistoric bird, but what kind, I don’t know,” answered Borlinga. “If Mike were still here, he’d know, I’m sure. That looks like something pretty significant in the fossil record.”

Losing Mike was still pretty hard. We hadn’t seen him die. We hadn’t felt our telltales vibrate. Against any evidence to the contrary, I hoped he was still alive out there somewhere, still waiting for the rescue ship.

Our conversation drifted back to the mundane. Lindadawn and Hamlin seemed fascinated by life on Monsanto. That was odd to me, as life there was pretty mundane, pretty much like life on Earth, at least as depicted in the holos. Maybe we didn’t have the same breadth of food items, the same breadth of places to visit. But daily life was driven by the same urges and desires, and they were fulfilled by the same means. McDonalds and KFC were still favorites, just as they had been on Earth for hundreds of years.

“But does KFC taste the same on Monsanto? Is the secret recipe the same as on Earth?” asked Lindadawn.

“Not having been to Earth except in transit to here, I can’t really say one way or the other. But I’ve been told by others who have been there that yes, it is the same.”

“That’s pretty weird,” said Hamlin. “Across all that distance, an extra-crispy fried chicken is exactly the same.”

“And I think you Earthers must be bored if you find that all that interesting,” I said.

Borlinga chuckled in agreement.

A laud squawk interrupted us again. The big bird was back. It pranced out into the middle of the clearing. Behind it came another, only slightly smaller. We got to our feet.

“Now what?” wondered Hamlin.

The two birds walked casually up to the bridgehead. The big one ruffled its feathers again. If let out a soft squawk. The smaller of the two, and smaller was only relative, took a tentative step forward, putting one foot on the bridge.

“It can’t be thinking of coming over, can it?” Hamlin asked. “It doesn’t have any hands to hold onto the stays.”

But the bird must not have realized that. Rapidly flapping its small wings, it managed to keep its balance as it started over, step by step. It might not be able to fly, but the wings could balance it. The cable creaked and dipped, but the wings kept a steady pressure, so the cable did not bounce up and down.

“Shit!” we said in unison. We moved forward, spears at the ready.

The bird was halfway across, right at the barrier. Still flapping its wings, it gave a mighty leap with its powerful legs. But by pushing down on the main cable, the snap back threw the bird higher than it probably expected, and it sailed over the barrier, coming down off-kilter and on top of one of the support stays which we used to grab with our hands when we were crossing. One big foot slipped, and the bird began to topple with a squawk. It tried to reach out and snag the cable with its beak, but it was just out of reach. In seemingly slow motion, the big bird fell, wings trying to regain an evolutionarily lost ability to lift its body in flight. We rushed forward to see it hit the water with a splash and get immediately swept downstream.

“Damn! Thank God we put up that barrier,” Hamlin said as we watch the bird disappear beyond the bend. This felt eerily familiar, as when we’d watched the pterosaur Josh took with him get swept downstream. Only this time, none of us paid the price.

The other bird cocked its head as it seemed to contemplate the bridge. But birds, especially prehistoric birds, couldn’t rationalize like that, could they? Their brains had to be too small for that, right?

It reached down with its beak and gently tapped the bottom cable. Then, tentatively, it placed one foot on it.

“Here comes the other!” Hamlin said needlessly.

We stepped back, spears at the ready. The bird started flapping its wings like the first one had, and as with that one, it was able to keep its balance as it stepped along. When it got to the barrier, instead of leaping up though, it readied itself and swung its massive head down in a striking motion, cutting through some of the rope strands. It almost over-balanced, but with wings aflapping, it managed to regain its balance.

“It’s not going to try to jump it! It’s breaking it down!” Hamlin’s voice went up a few octaves in the stress of the moment.

It took a surprisingly few strikes, maybe four in all, before the barrier was in shambles, a barrier no more. Without slowing its wing beats, the bird started advancing toward us. In retrospect, we should have charged forward, meeting it at the near bridgehead. But we just watched it, knuckles tightening on our spear shafts.

The bird rushed the last few meters and jumped onto Haven. We instinctively spread out, although those same instincts told our primitive ape brains to run. The big bird stretched again, then darted its head as it looked at each of us.

With a sudden spring, it launched itself at Borlinga, the smallest of us. Borlinga tried to spear it, but she had no chance. It came down striking her with its front talon. Then the evil head came down in a lightning strike. The same beak which had just torn up our rope barrier did not meet any resistance in Borlinga’s head. We didn’t need the telltale alert to know she was gone, just like that.

The bird stretched out to crow, a prehistoric rooster telling the world of its victory. And that was a fatal mistake. Hamlin was maybe half the mass of the bird. But when all that mass was concentrated on the very small point of a flint spear, the force was fearsome. And when the bird reared back to crow, it exposed its breast, a target Hamlin couldn’t miss. The spear buried itself over a meter deep into the huge predator. Hamlin jumped back as the thing went into its death throes, legs thrashing. Lindadawn and I pulled Borlinga away. She was dead, but we didn’t want her abused by the bird’s struggles.

The back of Borlinga’s head was crushed, and there was a huge slash in her side where the bird’s foot had slashed her. But she seemed at peace, if that was possible. Her faced smoothed out, and she seemed even younger in death than she had been in life. I felt the tears flowing, and I couldn’t stop the sobs. I hadn’t taken the opportunity to cry before. But this time, I couldn’t stop. I was crying for Borlinga, for Alfhid, for Ratt. I was crying for Mike and Yash. I was crying for each of us, including the three of us left. It suddenly hit me that we were going to die, too. This world was too much for us. We weren’t going to make it.

“Give me the knife.” Hamlin was standing over me, hand out expectantly.

Through my tears, I handed it over. Lindadawn came to sit with me, arms around me as I buried my face in her shoulder. I sat there, unable to stop my sobs. She cradled my head, soothing me.

Hamlin came back after a few moments, a piece of bloody meat in his hands. “It’s a biobeast.”

“Who the hell cares what it was. It killed Borlinga!” I managed to get out.

“We can eat a biobeast. It’s food.”

I shook my head, sobs finally stopping. “Doesn’t matter. We’re dead anyway.”

Hamlin grabbed my shirt and lifted me up. “How dare you say that! Do you think Borlinga would’ve quit? We owe it to her, we owe it to the rest to make it, to let everyone know what happened here. If we give up, no one can tell the story. Do you think GBC will tell the truth? Do you think GBC will take care of Borlinga’s kids? Yash’s kids?” He was shouting now, angry at me, but probably angry at everything.

And he was right. I took a deep breath and grabbed his wrists. “You’re right, Hamlin. I’m wrong. But I’m back now. I’m with you.”

I looked at the dead bird. Even in death, the thing was impressive. I looked back at Hamlin. Despite his strength, his taking down that thing was nothing short of amazing. If we did get out of this, people weren’t going to believe it.

Lindadawn went to the spigot and got Borlinga’s leggings, now wet. She wiped Borlinga’s face and side while Hamlin and I butchered part of the bird. We carried huge pieces to the fire where we set it around to roast. Going back, we got more than enough to smoke. Finally, admitting that we had enough, we rolled the carcass to the edge of the cliff. Even butchered, this was easier said than done. Finally, we pushed it over the edge.

BOOK: Darwin's Quest: The Search for the Ultimate Survivor
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