DarykHunter (14 page)

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Authors: Denise A. Agnew

BOOK: DarykHunter
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Her palms flattened on his broad chest, fingers tingling as they brushed against the hair over his pectorals. “No.”

Smooth, satin touches caressed between her legs, and sensation tingled and burned.

“I was angry.” His brows drew together, the hurt in his eyes astonishing. “But when I realized you’d been kidnapped, I would have done anything, gone anywhere to get you back.”

And he had. That’s what frightened her. The length to which he’d go, the violence he could wreak upon another person without blinking.

“You surprised me.” She had to admit it. “I didn’t think at first that you’d come for me. Then I thought you would.”

He slipped one finger into her core, and she gasped. “Oh.” She cleared her throat. “Um…I thought you’d want to scold me. Which you did.”

Puzzlement crossed his strong features. “Is that what you think this is all about? That my sole purpose is to dominate and hurt you? Damn the hells, it isn’t.” He growled a little. “Do not tell me you don’t feel it. That my finger deep in your pussy isn’t driving you wild.”

It was. She closed her eyes and allowed the sensation to trail upward and pinpoint on her most sensitive spot. The spot he’d rubbed and caressed until she’d come apart in a blast of super-fired heat.

She whimpered as his finger slid in and out, and then did the most shocking thing of all. Gently, but with purpose, he drew her liquid upward until he teased her back hole. She twitched in surprise, jerking in his arms. “What are you—”

His mouth took hers again. As his tongue plundered and stroked, making intoxicating love to her, his finger teased her back entrance. With slow deliberation he slipped a small way into her forbidden entrance, and this time her gasp was filled with equal amounts of shock and astonished pleasure. He took her reaction into his mouth, thrusting his tongue in a cadence that mimicked the gentle motion of his finger. He kept that finger buried then flipped her on her back. His other fingers found her center, and this time her pleasure came out in a groan. He released her mouth but not her pussy. As his fingers worked her, she writhed under his touch, the feelings more intense than the last time he’d teased her with his touch. Ketera lost all inhibition, the power of his assertive movements making her heart trip over itself. He leaned in and took one nipple into his mouth and pleasure spiked. He licked, sucked, swirled his tongue over her nipple with voracious appetite. Powerful tremors started inside her. She ached with it, burned with furious need. She grabbed the covers beneath her, cried out and almost begged for the crazy pleasure to stop.

He whispered against her ear, “That’s it. Let it go. Let it go.”

He pushed his fingers deep and thrust faster. She couldn’t reach the peak and couldn’t stand the rising sensations that refused to release her. He eased his fingers from her, and she groaned in protest.

Seconds later he opened her thighs and knelt between them. He lay on his stomach across the bed, her private areas completely exposed to his gaze and touch. Her face flamed.

Dane licked over her wet folds, a delicate touch that made her gasp. Without hesitating, he slipped his finger into her backside and softly moved while tracing his tongue around her softness. She arched, closed her eyes and decided to take the ride, wherever it might lead. This wasn’t what she’d expected, her heartbeat banging against her chest with a thumping heat that demanded an end to the madness. As he plied her with sweet kisses, his tongue flicked over that button that seemed to lead to her greatest pleasure. She moaned softly, unable to stop her body from responding. Warm touches grew into faster, more urgent caresses as his tongue flicked back and forth over the button and refused to give up. She shivered, shook and resorted to begging for a finish.

“Please, Dane. I need…”

When she opened her eyes, he looked down at her and the feral expression in his eyes told her all she needed to know. He wanted this for her, and he wanted it for him.

“Give yourself to me. I can take the pain away. I can make you feel things you’ve never imagined.”

She gasped as his fingers moved again, lingering over that sweet pleasure spot. “Please.”

“Please take you?”

She shook her head. “Make it stop.”

“The pleasure?”

“No. Give me what you gave me before.”

His tongue swirled around her pussy lips, the tingling, tickling, unwavering pleasure growing. His finger urged her higher. Higher yet. She gasped, moaned. Quivered on the edge as his tongue fluttered over her button.

Pleasure started deep in her womb, growing in size and scope until it spread down her core and burst with heat. Fire erupted, the blaze as eclipsing as Braxos, the star that heated Croan. Her body shuddered as she groaned, writhed under his touch and the bliss took her skyward. It seemed a lifetime before she came down from the explosion.

As she lay panting, he removed his fingers and left the bed. He was in the bathing room for a time, and when he returned, she couldn’t help looking at him. At the magnificent body he owned. Everything about Dane screamed man—from the thick auburn hair tumbling around his shoulders to the strength of his nose and jaw. Arms rippled, stomach muscles bunched, reflecting his power. If he’d wanted to he could have hurt her a long time ago. Killed her, she supposed. Instead, in this moment, he treated her with a gentleness she’d never imagined resided in a man. Certainly not in any Magonian man she’d ever met.

“Let me give you more protection. Once I’ve made love to you in the deepest sense, your life will be extended by another ten years. My essence will keep you alive longer than you could imagination.” Before she could protest, he climbed on the bed. “Put me out of my misery, sprite.”

“Misery? You?”

“Yes. I’m aching so badly my cock hurts.”

She looked down at his thick intruder and saw that it looked swollen. Inches of thick cock demanded her attention. “All right.”

A huge smile lit his features as he climbed back on the bed. “Thank Draconus.”

He tried to take her into his arms, but she put one hand to his chest. “You don’t understand.”

He plunged his fingers into her hair, cradling the back of her neck. “Enlighten me. Hurry before I die.”

“I don’t mean that I want us to have full sex. There’s one part of the texts that describes a sexual act that sounds…well, interesting. A woman…” She blushed but forced the words from her mouth. “A woman sucks a man’s…you know…into her mouth and makes his semen exit again.”

At her awkward explanation, he laughed and released her. “You want to suck my cock?”

“No…I mean that I will do it for you, but not because it’s pleasant. I cannot imagine why any woman would want to.”

He laughed again, and this time the wicked sound sent a sweet, aching thrill all up and down her body. “Perhaps you should try it and decide for yourself.”

“This isn’t amusing.”

Dane shifted away from her, his eyes serious once more. “I’m sorry. I’ve never met a woman like you before, Ketera. You surprise me at every turn. I don’t want you to suck my cock because you’re paying me back for something.”

His cock strained upward, and she considered it seriously. “Will it make your…cock happy?”

He grinned again, a small snort of laughter trying to escape. “Oh yeah. Perhaps faster than I’d like.”

Without another word, she reached out and touched the tip of his manhood.

He sucked in a breath. “Ah, Draconus.”

She hesitated, taking in his reaction. “Did I hurt you?”

“No, sprite. Do it again.” He lay back on the bed. “Do whatever you want, save biting me.”

With a returning smile, she leaned toward him. “Perhaps I should bite it. Then it won’t be in this condition so often.”

His eyes sparked with danger. “Don’t even think about it.”

She threw him a wicked smile and circled his thick length with her palm. He groaned, the sound pleasure-filled. Though her cheeks heated with embarrassment, something stirred low in her belly, an answering throb of alertness. She worked him, sliding up and down, but kept her touch light. His hips lifted, encouraging her to move faster, to give him the satisfaction he craved. Emboldened, she shifted closer and held his cock while she licked the tip. Around and around she circled the thick head, and again she tried to imagine drawing this stalk into her body, of feeling pleasure from his body the way he did from hers. She couldn’t imagine it, and she’d always thought of herself as too fanciful.

Another groan left him, his hips rising ever so slightly to her beat. Up and down she smoothed her hand in over him to a pace that came from deep inside. He arched, his hands clenching the bedclothes. Primitive sounds left his throat. Grunts, groans. The way he felt safe doing this in front of her added to her arousal, made her want this act more and more.

He whispered, “By the god, please. Faster.”

She wanted to hear more, to see more, to feel more. Seconds later tried the one thing she didn’t think she’d ever want to do. She moved downward until his long length reached far into her mouth.

“Oh sprite.” The words barely made it past his lips before his breath hitched violently. “If you don’t want my cum down your throat—”

She ignored him, ready for the finale. She quickened her pace. His breath came faster and faster. Ketera flowed with her instincts, using her tongue, flicking, caressing.

His fingers tangled in her hair. “I’m going to…if you don’t want to…”

Frantic to give him satisfaction, she pumped him harder, and with a loud growl of pure male animal, he let loose. A hot stream of liquid hit her mouth and she gulped him down, took his essence into her with a sense of satisfaction and pleasure. His ecstasy-filled groan made her smile as she looked up at him.

“Oh god,” he said between gasps for breath. “Draconus, that was good.”

His smile said it all. She’d pleased him well. Between her legs a new need throbbed, an ache even higher than what she’d experienced with him before. She crawled upward toward him and powerful arms came around her fiercely. He kissed her, tasting her deeply, perhaps even finding the flavor of himself on her lips. Wild urgings encouraged her to continue with this quest, to learn mysteries she’d read about but never believed she’d experience.

“If you want me, Dane, have me.”

There, she’d said it.

What he did then surprised her tenfold. “No.”

“What?” Shock held her immobile.

He released her, shifted her off his body to sit against the headboard. “No. I see now you’re not ready. You need more time. As much as I want you, I want your happiness more. Sprite, it’s a drive inside me that will continue to build and there isn’t a way around that. But I won’t push you.”

Dumbstruck, she eased back to the bed and propped up and her left elbow. “Do you speak the truth?”

“I always speak the truth.”

She pondered that, and it occurred to her she’d never known him to lie. At least not that she could tell. She valued that about him more than she could dare allow him to know. “You will still help me rescue my father?”

Doubt clouded his face. “If you lost the texts, how will you bargain for his life? Won’t you need them to get him back?”

Frustration and sadness battled inside her. “At this point I don’t care how I get him out of jail. If I have to break him out, I will.”

He grunted. “And you want me to break him out?”

“Who better than a Daryk One?” She poured on the flattery, half in truth and half in amusement. “After all, you can kill dragons, save women from perils of the jungle, kill slave traders with a single blow and have sex all night long.”

His eyes burned, but this time the glow inside them was redder, more sensually hot and unforgiving. The look he gave her burned her up inside. “That wasn’t sex all night long. But don’t worry, if you ask me I will give you all the sex you want.”

Her face heated with the thought, her belly clenching in reaction, her pussy aching with the thought. “Tell me once and for all, will you still help me, or do I find someone else.”

“You will not find anyone else.” His voice caressed her, but there was also a hard edge to it.

“Do not be so certain. Perhaps your former friend Rayder Tyrus would help me.”

As the red light burned high in his eyes, she realized she pushed him toward a dangerous edge. “He won’t if he values his balls.”

“Well, since he isn’t my mate, I wouldn’t have to worry about him demanding sex all the time.” He smiled, and she saw the glitter within his eyes that said the joke was on her. “What are you smiling about, Dane?”

“You’ve already had sex with me.”

“What?” Shocked didn’t describe her. Despite her knowledge of sex, she suddenly felt as stupid as the day was long. “We didn’t. That was just…preliminaries.”

“Keep telling yourself that, sprite. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve had sex with me.”

She shivered, the word sex on his lips causing sweet tremors low in her belly where she still felt unfulfilled in some primary way she couldn’t define. “That’s ridiculous.”

“Think what you like. A man and woman engaging in cunnilingus and fellatio are considered having sex, Ketera. So if you planned on avoiding sex with me, you failed.” Before she could object, he continued with, “Let us bathe again and prepare for the day. After we take our morning meal, we must head back to Grimnald Castle.”

Chapter Nine


As Dane walked through the forest with Ketera, he wished for two things. A bertog to ride, and that he’d never agreed to keep his hands off Ketera. He could be forgiven for changing his mind, for vowing that he’d leave her alone rather than try to seduce her. A man could change his mind as often as a woman. He wasn’t used to confusion or altering his plans for a female. In his world, things tended to one way or the other, without that much variance. Violence or peace. Frequent sex or none at all.

As he touched Ketera’s slim back, he acknowledged confusion. He hadn’t lied to her when he said they’d had sex. Technically they had. Yet he wanted more. By Draconus he wanted far more from her.

Never you mind. She’ll come around some day.

He’d gone from denying she was his mate to being unable to say that she wasn’t in a very short time, and this highly unstable state didn’t appeal. After all, Daryk Ones had a reputation to uphold. They were daryk. Strong. Brutal when need be. He didn’t want to forget that.

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