Daughter of Anat (16 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Goodgame

BOOK: Daughter of Anat
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’m rubbing off on you man.  Finally,” Szar slapped Cas’ back derisively. 

Calum told us he and Cord got all the partygoers hidden in the bottom den below ground.

And here they came.  A whole new row of Elves were heading our way minus their leader.  The boys exchanged silent agreements of various tell-tale notions and then somehow all in unison moved to where they circled me like I was the freaking prize to protect.  Heck no!

“You boys better start thinking something else cuz
’ I am not a freaking delicate Athena.”

They said nothing.  Fine.

I charged the line of drone Elves.  Guess what?  They followed me.

Calum, the Hunter, took out two with his bow and then another with his rock solid fist when they were too close to shoot.  I was thanking the gods for the training room.  He was a force to be reckoned with when he was all in the game.

Cord flanked me on one side, Cas on the other.  Their constant ape butts were making me a claustrophobic mess.  They were going to chap my hide if it continued. Too busy being agitated with their protection, I left myself open on the back.

A knife whooshed across my face making a slice to my left cheek I didn
’t see coming since I was worrying with the guys crowding me.  A deep growl emerged from more than one of the guys.  Like a second later, Cord and Calum were on top of me patting, pounding, and covering every spec of my being.  I actually had a brilliant thought amongst all the illegal touching fest, but I needed to check my theory fast.

I screamed but they didn
’t let up. Their fear would subside soon so I pinched the fire out of both their thighs knowing well my brother could never handle it in the past.  They recoiled and there, on
their fingers, were glowing rings.  I was right.  It’s fear.  Fear is the key.

Cas kicked one in the back sending him into the fetal while Cord ended him with escrima stick blow to the head he
’d been practicing with lately.  It didn’t even look like he hit the thing hard, but it was dead. 

A pudgy short one tried to tackle Calum.  Boy, was that one dumb.  He looked like a stuffed pig when Calum crushed him with his hand.  I couldn
’t stop myself from picturing a dwarf sized Elf. Too bad this one wasn’t friendly and Calum just smashed him like a pancake.

“What is this? Kill Bill and ask questions later? 
Everyone of them is going for the kill blow. We wouldn’t have to kill them al if they would—“

, sis.  Bill died, but he came back to haunt you and the only question he’s asking you is ‘Where’s that secret weapon?’, then you die.”

, bro.  Your wisdom astounds me.”   I watched and waited for the next wave.  I could hear feet moving in the trees and near the corner of the courtyard entrance.

will come in the mail.”  He laughed at his own pun.  “Who’s next?”

And the hits keep on coming.  I answered with a whisper meant only for myself, “Thought this would be more negotiating than all out killing anyway.” 

Szar charged one his own size, lowered his head like a bull, and slammed his body into the enemy like he was a solid concrete brick. The Elf dude sort of just slid down with his short little knife aimed out.    Without fail, I made sure to throw out a snort of contempt.

, Stace.  You were never so fun to
drive me insane
as you are now.  Cas has to be going mad with you around.”

’t resist.  “Oh I drive him.”  I smiled wickedly, but I knew he’d shut up now.

TMI, sis.  He’s my best friend.”

I watched him leave me alone though. 

When it was all near an end and Borgon was of course, gone, I begged the question to the guys as we all eye searched the grounds.  I thought I’d seen Borgon fighting by the driveway entrance into the garage, but now I wasn’t sure.  I kept losing him when another Elf would attack me.    “Is it me or did we all seem a bit stronger than usual tonight?  Like we flicked our fingers and they just seemed to keel over.”

Not one of us had a bruise or torn clothes except for the already healed cut on my face.

I did get to take a few out before it was over.  When they bogarted the entire line I took three down without leaning, bending, or exerting much energy. I knew my skill level was growing and where I lacked.  It was kind of invigorating to release it.

Calum bellowed a hearty laugh commenting, “That
’s nothing new to me, doll.”

I scowled at him. 

“Neanderthals don’t count.  That would be a big huge yes for me.  I felt like a wrecking ball.”  Cord was pumped and itching for more.  His face contorted just a little giving me a glimpse of the Werewolf inside. 

I gave him a second blink before scanning Cas.  He just nodded.  Hmm!

And unusually quiet Szar passed on a look to Cas.  Double hmm!

“What are you two not telling me?” I would get my answers.

“I think we need to talk about this as a group,” Calum was looking at Cas for confirmation.  What the heck?  This buddy system the group of them have worked out is creeping me out.

I aimed to Calum and Cas, “If you two have gained telepathy and I have to freaking listen to you, I
’m going to go ram myself into the nearest Elf body and stab myself through with the sword.”

That got their attention as I noticed it was just the three of us.  Where did Cord and Szar disappear?

“Later, babe,” Cas said to me.

  Later came now.

“We are stronger
, Stace.  The only theory I’ve got to go on is your connection with us,” he winced.

’s vision connection.   Calum’s electric abilities.  Maybe we could harness it or something.  Cas’ telepathy and maybe even ability to share...my head popped.  “Like sharing strength.  And what if we can harness the electricity from Calum and me somehow.  Gods, we might be like some five person group project from the gods.”  Now I was pumped.  “When do we go at it?”

“Oh, that
’s quote worthy enough to put in a book. Sharing is caring. Didn’t know you were spreading the love.  Cord and Calum will be pleased even if I have to kill them both for it.  Write that down,” Szar let his usual self show out.

Shut up.”  Those people skills at work.  Ha!

“Whoa.  Set you stun gun on low, sis.”  Cord returned now and high-fived my stupid ass bro
ther who never made crude comments about me.  What was with him?

He saw my hurt expression and winced.  I felt like such a girl.

“Sorry, Anastacia.  Shouldn’t have said it.  I know you only have eyes for my man Thorn.”  He pouted in fun, but his face said he was sorry.  He never said my given name if he wasn’t.  Oh, heck.

“All good,” I popped him on the shoulder with my fist.

He slapped the concrete wall behind him and cursed.  “Damn, that hurt.  I learned my lesson, little sis.  Don’t mess with the goddess.”

“Big sis.”
  I barely hit him.  I

Cas was close to me when people started to come back out.  I looked each direction for Calum again. “Where is Calum?”

“Checking the grounds one more time,” Cas answered.

“I told everyone it was safe to come out,” Cord said before he went to help other
s drag the dead Elves to a pile.  I don’t believe any of my friends had dealt with death much before my birthday party at the Hunter school.  It made me wonder how my help with the factions was really a good thing.  It might be mostly Elves in their eyes, but like the other factions, everyone always ignored them since they never surfaced.  Maybe the leaders knew more, but they never told us.

Maze wowed aloud at the mess a few times and bloated the whole situation to more than it was.  Liz was a little blown away.  They
’d seen too much.  I’d have to tell them more soon.  Maze blurted out something about girls rule and men are slaves to their awesomeness.  That she saw me approach Borgon before they hid.  Cord felt the need to put her in her place using his usual social graces.

’t upset me, little Hunter girl.  I ran out of places to hide the bodies and might have to show you how the male moon eaters tear female enemies limb for limb just like any other loudmouth.”

Shut up.  You’re no more scaring her than Borgon and his little army.  I’ve informed her of your smooth talking ways.  Besides, you’ve lost your touch.  If you’d try being nice to a girl, she might just like the real you but that was tacky and rude and pisses me off.”

He grunted and stomped off like he always did.  Maze mouthed the words thank you and retreated back inside with most of the others.

“I could have told him to never piss you off sister, but I enjoy seeing the look on someone other than myself.  You never took well to anyone dissing your friends.  We used to say you and Kassie were the end of all men.  We shook with fear and hid our balls when
pair got in the sparring ring.”

I liked hearing references to the past.  It was oddly comforting and

Now where was Cas?
One minute they were there, another gone. I looked around for him now tired of Cord and my brother’s loud mouth.  The building was barely damaged.  It was the excess of bodies that was grotesque.  Several were playing with the discarded weapons. Others were dramatizing the event into something it wasn’t.

It was a statement.  Borgon likes to shake things up then make his exit.  If he can’t kill me in the first moments, he will call it off. 
A systematic way of helping me plan ahead though he might not intend it.  Either that, or each attack is part of a bigger plan I haven’t uncovered yet.

I walked through several groups hearing small talk about what happened.  Most didn
’t know why Borgon attacked but knew he was here and that he was after me.  It also seemed that people were speculating why the five of us were always together now.  From their conversations, it wasn’t just thought of tonight.  They’d been wondering for weeks.

Like a force, the all male Vampire lord came through the open doors.   His face might have been supernatural before, but it was all devil meets fangs now.  Calum was with him.

“Your father is gone.” The venom that came out of Cas was beyond scary. 

I knew my father.  He was gathering forces, readying guards.  “Your mistaken.  He is probably in the underground room watching Borgon make his escape on camera as we speak.”
              “No Stace.  He’s not.  The room is destroyed, razed beyond repair.  The doors were blown off.  He’s gone.”

The ground shattered beneath me.  My father was invincible.






but the ones they show over and over again are the ones when I crashed.


Why is it that no one remembers the list of best action moments in my life like the superheroes we all have read about?  It’s my screw ups, been screwed, and if I am going to be there something is bound to happen future screws that have my stomach in knots.  Where’s the good list?

“You were Bad A little sis with Borgon at the party the other night.  I can
’t believe I ever disowned you to my friends.”

Thanks.”  I rolled my eyes from the compliment/put down.   I looked at my good humored brother who drove me crazy.  “Where do you think they took him?”

He mulled over my words.  “Thorn
and Cord checked the shack, but we doubted him being there.  We have a few leads but only that of drunken Elves from a bar.  We’ll find him.”

No we won
’t.  The tides are changing.  Borgon holds the cards and will pounce each time making us look like fools.  It had been two days and not one lead had landed us anywhere close.  Szar didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know, but reassured me. 

Szar stood from the sofa in the
Sun room prison he held me in.  Cas won’t let me leave and he posted Szar and three guards while he is away.  I just left the library internet where I’d been messaging anyone I could think of to be on alert.  My faction was going crazy with the search.  Szar snuck away for the two hours Cas said he’d be gone and then he had to return to run the court.  He was standing in for my father already. We were trying hard to make small talk but it ran out in the first ten minutes. “I’m sorry I destroyed your room back home.  I really was sure you’d not be back and had everything boxed up.  It’s all in the storage below.”  He motioned down to the bottom floor. 

I looked at hi
m strangely enough he continued, “Cas asked father for your hand before...before he asked you.  He asked me too.  I don’t know what the future holds Anastacia, but I want you to be happy.  I may act like an ass for reminding you of your past that you saw as an imprisonment, but it hurt me to know what I knew for years.  It’s time for you to get what you deserve even with the state of things.  I can tell he makes you happy.”

“Thank you,” I stepped up on my
tip toes to hug him.  He had his moments.  And that’s what Cas saw when he returned to me. 

“Something wrong with the air system?” Cas leaned in the doorway like he always did to drive me insane with
desire.  It was his best look.  Like he should be on the cover of a magazine or leaning on a Harley.

“Yeah.  Lethal poison that makes brothers break out in “
nice guy” hives,” I laughed.

“Whoa.  The ice princess made a joke and it wasn
’t cynical sarcasm.  I think we’re all changing a little around here.”

“The world we live in brother does that to ya.  Survive or be eaten alive.  There
’s no other option.”

A solitary silence followed.  We agreed to a training session and to gather together what we knew and practice at the same time.  The guys were taking turns following leads on and off.  It was time to make a move on their turf and not retreat.  Borgon was waiting for it anyway.  And now he had my father to assure I
’d come.

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