Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (6 page)

BOOK: Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Swallowing hard, more color flooded her cheeks. “N–n–nothing. It’s probably just the heat of the kitchen.”

Trey shook his head. “The only heat in this kitchen is your hot body. Were you thinking about all the things we are going to do to you after we kiss and lick your sweet pussy?”

At the widening of her eyes, Troy interjected, “Not tonight, but soon we will show you the many delights we can give you. Tonight was just a small demonstration of what we can do to you. If you’ll shave that sweet little pussy of yours, you will be even more sensitive to our touch, to our licks.” Taking her other hand, Troy kissed the palm and smiled as a shiver raced through her body. “You enjoyed what we did to you, no?”

Unable to lie to them for some strange reason, she answered them honestly even though she was extremely embarrassed. “Yes.”

Trey kissed her other palm, and she responded the same as it did to Troy’s kiss. As he looked into her eyes, Trey’s voice came out huskily. “See how you respond to our touch? This is very special, what we have together. We will cherish you always.”

A painful knot formed in her stomach. “I don’t think I understand. You sound so serious. No one ever seriously wants me. I’m a big girl with a fat ass, remember? I like cookies a lot.”

Troy’s eyes flamed in anger. “You are never to talk about yourself like that again, do you understand me? You are a gorgeous, curvy, silky woman. You are our woman.”

She stumbled over her words. “Y–your woman? I d–don’t understand.”

His green eyes kind, Trey spoke softly. “We know this is strange to you, but Cortino men know when they find their true love. You are the missing part of us. The last piece of the puzzle that makes us complete.”

Rubbing her wrists in light circular motions, the twins watched her for a minute, then Trey broke the silence. “We can tell you need to be alone to think on what we’ve told you tonight, so we will leave.” Bending down, he brought his lips to hers in a sweet brushing of lips.

As soon as he backed away, Troy leaned down and took her lips in a quick, hungry kiss that weakened every muscle in her body, making her glad she was still sitting down. As he backed away, she looked at them both, feeling dazed. How could they make her feel so loved? Why did she already trust them? This was crazy, but it felt so right.

Troy drew her from her thoughts. He helped her out of her chair and guided her to the front door. “What time do you get up?”


“We’ll be back at ten minutes after seven to bring you coffee and chocolate-dipped cannoli. Sleep well, little angel.” He placed a tender kiss to her lips then stepped through the door.

Trey stepped up to her and brushed his full lips across hers before running his tongue along her bottom lip. “See you in the morning. Close the door, lock up, and set the alarm,
vero amore
. We won’t leave until we hear the door lock.”

Blinking in shock, Branda closed and locked the door. Stepping over to the window, she stood there watching them walk away until they disappeared into the darkness. By rote, she set the alarm. What had he just called her?
Vero amore?
She’d have to ask him later what that meant.

Unable to digest all this on her own, Branda picked up her phone and called Sienna. She needed more information about the “hot twins,” as Sienna called them.

Sienna picked up on the second ring. “Hi, Branda. Are you all right? I couldn’t believe it when I saw your name pop up on my phone this late at night. I thought you went to bed by nine.”

“Funny, but no. I usually don’t go to bed until ten or eleven depending on how good the book I’m reading is.” Pausing, she tried to get her nerves under control. “What all do you know about the twins that live next door to your parents?”

“Why? Did you meet them? Are they still hot?”

“Hello, I’m the one asking the questions. But to appease your curiosity, yes, I did meet them, and you met one of them last night.”

“Holy cow. The fine guy at the pub was one of the twins? I knew he looked familiar for some reason. I couldn’t place him because I’ve never seen just one of them. That and the fact that he’s at least a foot taller than the last time I saw him, and his hair is longer. Oh, and to top it off he’s even finer than the last time I saw him.”

“Back to my question. What do you know about them? Tell me everything.”

“Not a lot, really. Just that their parents are nice, and my mom is really good friends with their mom. Why? What happened?”

“This is going to sound extremely crazy, but they said I’m the missing puzzle piece that completes them. What do you think of that? They must be crazy. I’m way too fat for them.”

“Quit talking like that. You are not fat. You are curv-y-licious. And it’s obvious from what you’re telling me that that’s exactly what they see when they look at you. Wait a minute, did you say
as in both of them. Not just one?”

“That’s what makes it more insane. How could they both want me? Do you think they are playing some cruel joke on me?”

“Rewind. You said they said you complete them, right?”


“I just remembered a conversation our moms had. Their mom said that the Cortino men in her family always fell fast and hard for their true love. I remember that because I’d wished I was their true love. Or even the true love of one on them. Did they show any other signs that they are falling for you besides saying that you complete them?”

“They, uh, they, uh,” Branda mumbled in embarrassment.

“They uh, what? What happened? What did they do to you?” Sienna demanded.

“I can’t say it out loud. All I can say is that they showed me how they felt.”

“Oh my god. Did you have sex with both of them? Give me all the details.” Sienna’s voice was riddled with excitement.

“I—they— I didn’t have sex with them. They touched me…down there.”

“Oh my god. Did they make you come?”

“Yes. It was
good I still can’t believe it. I didn’t think men really did that. I’m so confused. They told me they’d be back in the morning with coffee and chocolate-dipped cannoli. What do you think I should do?”

“For heaven’s sake, let them in. They sound like they’ve fallen for you. Rain is going to be so excited. We have to do lunch tomorrow so you can fill us in on how breakfast went. Chocolate-dipped cannoli. They are
courting you. I would’ve given my right arm to have been a fly on the wall at the house tonight. Where did they make you come? In the kitchen?”

“In the living room, on the chaise lounge.”

“That’s so hot. The chaise is a great choice. With cushions to make you comfortable and open sides, they’d both be able to have access to you. Their choice shows that they were thinking of your comfort. That’s
hot. Meet me at Sally’s Subs tomorrow at noon. Right now I’ve got to go jump Teddy’s bones.”

The line went dead. Branda looked at the phone in her hand in surprise. She couldn’t believe Sienna had ditched her to jump Teddy. In retrospect, now that she knew what a man could do to a woman, she didn’t blame her friend at all. Troy had said she should shave her nether hair for greater enjoyment. She wasn’t sure how much more enjoyment she could handle, but to please them, she was going to have to consider doing what they wanted. Deep in her soul, she wanted—no, needed—to please them.

Leaving the living room, she headed for the kitchen. After cleaning it up, she poured herself a glass of wine and let it ease the tension in her shoulders. Moving back into the living room, she sat on the chaise lounge and tried to focus on her book, not on what Trey and Troy had done to her on this lounge, or on why she was so attracted to both of them, or why in such a short amount of time she was starting to tell them apart. Why she trusted them and couldn’t wait to see them again she didn’t know. Deep down, a part of her was beginning not to care about the whys. All she was starting to care about was them.

Flipping the book over to see what it was about, she trembled when she realized it was the one Troy had handed her in the bookstore. He’d said it looked interesting. Two brothers chasing the same woman. In love with the same woman. Opening the book, she started excitedly reading the pages.

Chapter Five

Stepping into Sally’s Subs, Branda looked around and found Sienna and Rain watching her with wide grins. Groaning, she moved to their table. Looking down, she found that they had bought her favorite sub, chips, and drink. She looked at the food then at her friends as she sat down.

Rain looked innocent, but the words out of her mouth revealed that she wasn’t. “We got here a little early so we could have lunch ready for you.” She waved a hand at the food. “Lunch is ready, now spill. What have you been up to with a certain set of super-sexy twins?”

“She already knows about Sunday night. Tell us what happened this morning. Did they show up?” Sienna asked Branda.

“Yes. They showed up with—”

“Hold up,” Rain said. “I have a few questions about Sunday night. They pleasured you on the chaise lounge, right?”

A bright blush raced across Branda’s cheeks. “Yes.”

Rain’s eyes danced with delight. “You didn’t go all the way with them, did you?”


“Did they take their clothes off?” Rain asked with a devilish gleam in her eyes.

Branda coughed then sputtered, “No, they did not.”

Rain’s shoulders sagged. “Damn, I wanted to know what they looked like naked. They made sure you orgasmed, right?”

Branda chewed a chip. “Yes, Miss Nosy-pants. Why are you so interested in what they look like naked?”

“Good question. The problem is that I don’t know the answer to that. Usually I don’t care about what friends’ lovers look like naked, but my curiosity is piqued this time. Maybe it’s because they are twins. No worries, I promise to keep my hands to myself as long as you are with them. Back to the real subject.” Rain paused and Sienna leaned in closer to hear Branda’s answer. ”How hot was it?”

A shiver skated up Branda’s spine as she remembered their touch. “It was burning hot. I still can’t get over how they made me feel.”

Rain’s blue eyes had an approving gleam. “I’m glad they showed you that not all lovers are selfish. Some men love to make a woman climax. Were they nice to you this morning?”

“Yes. I got up early so I wouldn’t look like I’d just rolled out of bed. You know I usually don’t get dressed that early, but for them, it was worth it. They brought over the best coffee and cannolis I’ve ever had. The sweet creamy filling had the perfect texture and the right amount of cinnamon and cream.”

“Cannolis and coffee first thing in the morning. They are definitely after you. What happened after you ate?” Sienna queried.

Branda said evasively, “Not a lot. We talked, mostly about my job, and they promised to come back tonight.”

Sienna and Rain looked at each other skeptically.

Rain looked closely at Branda. “What did you leave out? We can tell you didn’t tell us something. Did they kiss you before they left?”

Sienna’s eyes sparkled as she said, “I do believe they did. Look at how bright her cheeks are. Spill it. What happened when they were leaving?”

Branda looked over her shoulder then turned back to her friends. “They each took turns kissing me before they left. There. Are you happy now?”

Sienna ate a chip, eyeing Branda the whole time. “No. Was it a light peck like you give your relatives or was tongue involved?”

“Yeah, was tongue involved?” Rain couldn’t contain her excitement.

“As a matter of a fact, it was. And, since you two bulldogs aren’t going to let go of this issue, I’ll tell you it was awesome. Damn, they can kiss. My knees were trembling so bad I had to sit down the second they left. I wanted to jump their bones so badly.”

“Hot damn, I knew it. I knew they’d be good. I’m so happy for you.” Rain’s voice was filled with sincerity.

“I second that. The twins couldn’t go after a better woman than you. You deserve all the orgasms they can give you.” Sienna sounded truly happy for her friend.

Rain looked at Sienna. “Try to remember everything you can about the twins. I’m sure Branda wants to know everything about them.”

“I remember them loving cookies. Every time our moms made cookies, they would eat the whole batch.” A smile crossed Sienna’s face. “They were nice, too. When they’d sneak in for more cookies they’d always bring me a few. Their younger brother, Trent, was almost always with them. During cookie-sneaking time, he usually took the position of lookout. Our moms always knew what was going on, because the cookies were gone, and Trent and I always had crumbs on our faces and shirts. Troy and Trey were smooth. They never had any signs of cookie crumbs on them.” Sienna paused for a moment and waved her manicured hand nonchalantly. “Our moms didn’t care. I think they thought it was sweet that they’d sneak cookies for all of us.”

“They sound like they were something else as kids. I feel a little sorry for their mother. Can you imagine trying to keep up with them? What else did they do?” Rain asked then took a bite of her food.

Sienna looked thoughtful for a moment. “Once I was real thirsty and a bug flew into my drink. I wanted a drink badly, but I just couldn’t drink my own because of the bug. Troy let me have his instead.”

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