Day of the Delphi (40 page)

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Authors: Jon Land

BOOK: Day of the Delphi
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“Wayne, you there?”
“Yeah, Joe.”
“I’m heading your way. We’re calling this in. I’ve had e—”
The walkie-talkie went cold in Wayne Denbo’s hand. He brought it back to his lips.
“Joe? Come in, Joe, come in … .”
No response.
Denbo was already sprinting down the hall. The stink Joe Langhorn had referred to, like rotten eggs, drew him toward the science labs.
“Joe,” he kept calling into his walkie-talkie. “Joe.”
His own voice bounced back at him, and Denbo looked through the door of the second lab on the right. Joe Langhorn’s walkie-talkie lay on the floor, speaker facing up. Denbo backed into the corridor and drew his gun. His mouth felt like someone had papered it with Kleenex. He started running, heels clacking against the linoleum tile and contents of his gun belt bouncing up and down.
He burst through the front doors and reached the patrol car breathless, one hand on his knee as he reached for the door.
In the backseat the slumped form of Frank McBride was gone.
“Jesus,” he muttered, only halfway in when he grabbed the mike. “Base, this is Seventeen. Base, come in!”
“Go ahead, Seventeen,” returned dispatcher Harvey Milkweed.
Denbo muttered a silent thanks, glad there was still a voice out there to greet him.
“We got a situation here, a major situation.”
“What is your location, Seventeen?” asked Milkweed. “Are you requesting backup?” He’d rooted himself to a desk after a brief visit to the Gulf War left him with part of a land mine stuck in his leg. Milkweed hated the desk, missed situations.
“Backup? We need the whole goddamn national guard down here in a hurry. We need—Wait a minute … What the … Oh my God … Oh
The hairs on Harvey Milkweed’s neck stood on end. He leaned forward in his chair.
“Seventeen, what’s going on? Seventeen, come in … . Denbo, what’s wrong?”
Milkweed waited.
“Denbo? Denbo, come in!”
There was no response, and Milkweed realized there wasn’t going to be.
Wayne Denbo was gone.
Jon Land is thirty-six years old and lives in Providence, Rhode Island where he is at work on his next bestseller for Tor, THE KINGDOM OF THE SEVEN.
Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management
, South End Press, Boston 1980.

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This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental.
Copyright © 1993 by Jon Land
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.
A Tor Book
Published by Tom Doherty Associates, Inc.
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10010
Tor® is a registered trademark of Tom Doherty Associates, Inc.
ISBN: 0-812-53434-4
Cover art by Paul Stinson
eISBN 9781429956871
First eBook Edition : July 2011
First Tor edition: November 1993

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