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Authors: The Dangerous Debutante

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Except, she realized, frowning, she was very much alone, save for a man just now leading his mount into the yard. No, not leading the stallion, for the reins were loosely tied up on the saddle. The horse
him like a faithful hound, not looking at all subservient, but more as if he accompanied the man only because it pleased him to do so.

Morgan laughed out loud at the sight, then concentrated her attention on the animal.

The stallion was magnificent. Beyond magnificent. Nearly white in the sunlight, its hindquarters dappled-gray, with a thick silvery mane that flowed to its shoulder, and a proud tail that nearly skimmed the ground.

Not a huge stallion, although the chest was fairly massive for its size, which had to be between fifteen and sixteen hands. Probably closer to fifteen. The ears were small and perfect, and when the horse turned toward her, as if aware she was admiring him, Morgan saw huge, intelligent eyes in a finely shaped head with a slightly convex nose.

Without a thought to conventio

omething she was definitely unaccustomed to considering at the best of time

organ set out across the yard, calling out to the man as she neared, "What a beauty!"


Ethan Tanner looked to his right at the sound of the female voice, and was quick to agree. A definite beauty. He watched, caught between amusement and fascination, as the young woman advanced toward him, walking with the confident, long-legged stride of a man, except that she was most amazingly female.

Lush. Tall, but far from angular. The breeze whipping through the inn yard all but plastered her divided skirt against her long thighs with each step she took, clearly delineating them, and Ethan unexpectedly felt a familiar stirring.

He continued his inspection of this exotic beauty whose appearance was so at odds with the current fashion, which centered on petite, blue-eyed blondes.

Her nearly black hair was brushed sleekly back
from her head
probably twisted i
to a knot at her nape. God, he hoped so, because a man should be able to see that dark silk tumbled over her bare breasts and back before he lowered her onto his bed. The green shako hat was set at a provocative tilt on her forehead, while a thick, sleekly curved lock of almost shoulder-length hair caressed the creamy ivory skin of her flawlessly beautiful face.

She came closer, and Ethan's inspection continued unchecked by any thought he might be staring like some starving fool with his nose pressed against the pastry shop windowpane.

Dark winglike brows over unusual gray, smoky eyes that seemed to hint at all the sensuous mysteries of the ages. High cheekbones that gave her a slightly exotic look. A wide, full mouth that lifted faintly at the corners.

Her riding habit was of the first stare, although it was doubtful any modiste had
ever dreamed any of her creations could be so flattered, or look so circumspect and so wanton at one and the same time.

As a package, taken altogether, Ethan decided, this woman was Original Sin. And Adam had his full empathy.

He amazed himself at his almost embarrassingly poetical mental impression of the female, although he was not surprised to feel eminently attracted to
her face and form. This female was fashioned to be alluring. This female who, he finally realized, was so blatantly ignoring him.

"Alejandro, you're being admired, you lucky bastard," he drawled quietly. "Bow to the lady."

Morgan, still fairly oblivious to anything save the magnificent horse, stopped short when the stallion turned toward her, then slowly, gracefully, bent
is left knee to the ground as he extended his right leg and lowered his head.

"Oh, you brilliant, handsome boy!" Morgan walked straight up to the horse and placed her gloved hands on either side of its muzzle before planting a kiss between his ears. "What's his name?" she asked, looking adoringly at the stallion.

"Alejandro," Ethan answered. "And damn me if I don't find myself jealous of a horse. Here now,
you toadeating sycophant."

Alejandro smoothly stood up once more, and swung h
s handsome head toward Ethan, showing his teeth in a horsey smile.

Morgan laughed in genuine delight, neither seriously considering the hinted flattery nor insulted by the swear word. After all, she knew who she was, how she looked, and she had grown up at Becket Hall, with brothers who rarely watched their words around her. "It's as if he understands you," she said.

"If so, he's got the advantage of me," Ethan said, his gaze still drinking in the sight of this gorgeous woman. This gorgeous, well-dressed,
woman who didn't seem to entertain the slightest hesitation to speak with an unknown man.

he Andalusian?
I've seen afew drawings, but this is the first time I've eve

Morgan had at last drawn her attention away from Alejandro, to speak with his owner. Whatever she'd planned to sa

ad she planned to say anything?— became lost as she looked at him.

Simply looked at him. As if she'd never seen a male of the species until that moment.

His eyes attracted her first. Nearly straight brows, low over long, green eyes, with the whites accentuated by thick, dark lashes, those eyes seemed amused and unreadable at one and the same time, as if the laugh lines that fanned from the outside corners could be genuine, or were just a clever facade meant to keep anyone from looking any deeper.

His nose was magnificent. She'd never thought a nose could be described that way, but this one could b

o wonderfully straight, the nostrils slightly flared above a most..
a most
mouth. Even his ears seemed perfect, lying flat against his head and visible because his darkly blond hair had been ruthlessly combed straight back off his only slightly lined forehead to brush at the collar of his shirt.

His long, leanly muscled body was clad seemingly carelessly in that open-necked white shirt, a dark leather vest, fawn buckskins and high-topped riding boots.

Her brothers dressed much the same way at Becket Hall. But this was different. This was...
his was dangerous.

And she was being silly! She wasn't intimidated by a man. Why would she be? Men were intimidated by

one. He was
she'd ever seen.

A dangerous man. Definitely dangerous; a clear warning positively radiated from
him. She could all
but see it, an aura of deep red ringed with yellow surrounding him, which could be some trick of the sun but she was certain was not.

Years earlier, Odette had told her about such things, how certain creatures, human or beast
stood apart from others merely by being alive. Their power was stronger, for
or for evil, and a wise person who encountered one of these creatures recognized that and made subsequent choices, decisions, accordingly.

Odette had told her that Ainsley Becket was one of the dangerous ones. Odette had seen that in an instant and she had followed him, because to be with him was much preferred to being against him, as she had also sensed his good heart.

"But he's only Papa, he's not dangerous to me, not at all. What should I
do, Odette?" Morgan remembered asking the voodoo woman. "If I ever see one of the dangerous ones, I mean? What should I do?"

Odette had laughed, that deep, rich laugh that came from somewhere deep inside her. "Child, you already know the answer.
are one of them, one of the dangerous ones. You do not pick the danger, it chooses you, and only a foolish woman would deny that truth. But
inquisitive child, to answer your question...
he good Virgin only knows what would happen if you ever came up against one of your own kind, one with your own powerful will."

Morgan wondered what the good Virgin might be thinking if she chanced to be looking down from heaven at this moment.

She really should stop staring at him. But he was staring at her, and fair was only fair.

He waited, watching her look at him, enjoying the luxury of looking at her, then finally broke the silence. "You were about to say something?"

Morgan raised her chin slightly, refusing to be embarrassed that she had been staring, and instinctively went on the attack. "And who, sir, are you?"

"Me?" His
grin was boyish, unaffected, carving long, slashing dimples into his lean, tanned cheek

hich made him seem even more dangerous than before.
"Why, I'm abashed," he drawled, slowly advancing toward her. "Bedazzled. Enchanted. And, for my sins," he added, bowing from the waist, while keeping his amused green gaze on
her, "I
am also Ethan Tanner, Earl of Aylesford, at your service and your every command, madam."

"Really," Morgan said, wishing her heart would show some sympathy and slow from its furious gallop. She'd already half expected him to be somebody important, as he was dressed well, if casually, and his horse was not the possession of a simple country squire.

As the stallion nuzzled her shoulder, she schooled herself to calmly raise one hand to stroke Alejandro's strong neck, never realizing how striking woman and animal looked together. "How wonderful for you."

Ethan tipped
is head slightly to one side, looking at her quizzically. How wonderful for him? Harriette Wilson wouldn't be so bold, and she was a practiced courtesan. And damn Alejandro for the traitor he was.

Who did this luscious woman belong to? And how much would it cost him to take her away from any fool so stupid as to let her roam free? Half his fortune didn't seem too much to pay.

"Yes, thank you," Ethan said, "I am rather pleased my mother had the good sense to marry well. And, if I may be so bold, as no one else seems to be present to do the honors, may I ask your name, beautiful lady?"

Should he have called her a beautiful lady? Morgan doubted that he should. She more than doubted it, after enduring long hours of Eleanor's lessons on how one behaves in society. Still, he intrigued her, and she'd never backed either away or down from anything or anyone that intrigued her.

She'd play his game to see where it might take her, but she'd be damned if she'd curtsy. "I suppose turnabout is only fair. I am Morgan Becket, of Becket Hall. That's in Romney Marsh, so you probably won't have heard of us or it." And then, before she could bite her tongue, she added
"I'm on my way to
for the Season."

"Is that so?" Ethan said, hastily attempting to reshuffle his initial conclusion that she was a kept woman. "Unaccompanied, Miss Becket? How..
very original."

Morgan blinked at this, at the earl's tone that suddenly seemed entirely too familiar, as if
, in the blink of an eye, the game had turned serious. She suddenly wished the six outriders back. She looked toward the stables just in time to see Jacob leading Berengaria out into the yard.

Yes, there he was. Her remaining "accompaniment." And here she was, having disobeyed her papa's strict orders to stay as private as possible and for God's sake not cause any disasters between Becket Hall
Upper Brook Street
. "I can rely on you to do this one thing," Ainsley Becket had asked her, "can't I?"

Obviously her papa had overestimated both her limits of obedience and Jacob's power to control her.

But if she was in a pickle now it was through her own fault
and she couldn't allow Jacob to become involved, try to defend her honor or any such nonsense. Not with a man like the earl, who could easily chew up Jacob and spit him out again before the younger man could count to three.

She quickly looked at the earl once more.

He was still smiling at her. As if he knew something she didn't know, and delighted in that fact.

Damn. This was no longer even
in the least amusing. Now she truly understood why she was supposed to stay in the coach, or in her private dining room when they stopped for meals, and in her private bedchamber at the inn where she'd passed the single night they needed to be on the road.

Bringing a maid from Becket Hall had been out of the question, partly because Morgan didn't actually
a personal maid there, partly because no one at Becket Hall had the faintest idea of how to properly dress a lady's hair or such things...
nd mostly because the fewer tongues hanging about and liable to flap, the better.

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