Read Dead Cold Online

Authors: Jr. Roddy R. Cross,Mr Roddy R Cross Jr

Tags: #Horror, #Fiction, #Lang:en

Dead Cold (13 page)

BOOK: Dead Cold
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Holstering one of his pistols Roland centered the sights on the woman’s head, her left arm outstretched towards the store and a chrome revolver clutched in her right hand. The USP barked and the woman went still her arm falling limply to the ground as the others began shooting at Roland again.


Ducking back behind the wall Roland took a look at Blaze’s wound, it had been a large caliber bullet and blood was starting to pour out onto the floor beneath Blaze. “How you feelin’ Blaze?” Roland asked all ready knowing the answer.


“Pretty sure I’m dying, but thanks for asking.” Blaze was quickly becoming pale and his words were strained.


“I’m sorry Blaze, I’m sorry for everything.” A bullet ricocheted of the floor inches from Roland’s limp left hand.


Grabbing Roland’s hand with his own bloody hand Blaze pulled Roland close. “Meh, it was bound to happen sooner or later, now you listen to me. I want you to kill him. You got me? Kill all of them.”


“You got it buddy.” Roland felt Blaze’s hand go limp as tears began to sting his eyes.


Letting go of the dead man’s hand Roland stood up staring down at the person who even in death seemed to be much bigger than he was. Leaning down Roland slid his hand down his friend’s face closing his eyes and silently thanking him. His eyes still blurred by tears Roland was able to make out the shape of someone coming around the corner and suddenly his vision went red.


Using the last two rounds in the USP Roland shot the man in both legs before dropping the automatic and drawing the Katana. Roland’s rage muffled the man’s pleas for mercy as the Katana made a horizontal arc and the man’s head fell from his shoulders.


Breathing hard as his vision cleared and the headless corpse came into view Roland shook his head wondering why murder was becoming so easy for him. The boom of a twelve gauge brought Roland’s survival instinct to the forefront and as he took off running towards the safety of the submarine he knew that he was going to do everything in his power to stay alive, even if it meant ending the life of another. As he slid down the escalator Roland knew he was going to need a really big distraction if he was going to get close to the Reverend.


Making sure he had lost the Reverend’s followers Roland made his way across the gangway and into the submarine closing the hatch as quietly as possible. Once safely inside the sub Roland stripped his duster and weaponry before collapsing into the seat next to his backpack. He needed a cigarette, badly and as he pulled the pack from his pack an idea started to form. Lighting one of the white paper tubes and inhaling deeply Roland pulled one of the two remaining grenades and rolled it back in forth in his hand a thoughtful smile pursing his lips as he savored the cigarette’s warmth.


Crushing the cigarette under his boot Roland began packing everything he could find in the cramped sub into his backpack and pockets. The P90 and Timberwolf had dried enough to be used properly but need a cleaning in the near future. Silence outside the sub signaled to Roland that the congregation was no long looking for him in the immediate area and climbed out of the sub looking around just to be sure. Once he was certain the coast was clear Roland started towards the far end of the mall where he had left Eve and away from the Reverend’s church.


Surprisingly Roland didn’t encounter any of the Reverend’s flock between the sub and the closet where Eve was hidden. Roland noticed it was oddly quite in the closet and he prayed nothing had happened to the dog while he was gone. Turning the knob and pulling the door open Roland was caught of guard as Eve tackled him to the floor and began licking his face.


“Okay girl, I missed you too. Now come on, we got rescuing to do.” Roland said pushing the dog off himself.


Roland knew what he needed and he was pretty sure Zeller’s would be the best place to find it, plus he might find some food for Eve who hadn’t eaten in quite a while. When they reached Zeller’s without meeting any guards Roland began to wonder why the Reverend wasn’t actively looking for him and what he was plotting.


Once inside Roland went straight to the pets’ section and tore open a large bag of dog food; laying it on the floor for Eve. While the dog hungrily devoured the dark brown nuggets Roland headed to the hardware department and retrieved a roll of duct tape and a length of fishing line.


Using the duct tape Roland taped the grenades together and then tied the fishing line through both pins. Depositing his handiwork back into his backpack Roland paused to watch the dog eat and enjoy a cigarette. His smoke lit Roland blew a puff of smoke out into the air and began to steel himself for the task at hand.


The Reverend had to die about that there could be no doubt; he just hoped he would be able to rescue his friends as well. Eve stopped eating and sat down looking at Roland as if to say.


“Well, I’m ready when you are.”


Putting his cigarette out against the tile floor Roland stood up and looked back at the dog. “Well what do you say we go rescue Cory and the others?”


With an agreeing bark the black and white husky stood up her eyes smiling up at Roland as he put on his backpack.

Chapter 20: Religious Punishment



Roland knew what he had to do as he and Eve exited the department store and headed back towards the casino where the others had first entered the mall to be captured by a mad man. He knew he couldn’t fight the Reverend and his congregation alone so Roland was going to enlist help. Along the way Roland encountered one of the Reverends guards, and as he brought the now dry P90 up to bare he recognized the man as Carl from earlier now toting a camouflage hunting rifle. Roland clicked on the laser sight.


“Turn around, very slowly and put the rifle on the ground.”


“Oh, shit.” Came the quivering reply as the skinny man turned around, his eyes quickly filling with fear.


“You’ve got two choices here, Carl. Do you mind if I call you Carl? I don’t really care anyways.” Roland centered the red dot of the sight on Carl’s forehead as the man dropped his rifle. “I can either shoot you know, or you can run as fast as you can away from me and hope the ghouls get to you first.”


Roland didn’t have to ask a second time as the man took off running a trail of fluid dripping from one of his pant legs. Clicking of the laser sight Roland smiled and continued on towards the casino. Roland didn’t encounter any other guards along the way but as he got closer he could hear the muffled sounds of the Reverend’s amplified voice. Roland couldn’t make out the words but he suspected it was more bullshit.


As Roland approached the casino entrance he felt his blood run cold and his hackles raise, there were at least a hundred of the monsters on the other side of the glass doors. They pressed against it leaving smears of blood and other disgusting fluids; they became livelier as he approached biting at the glass in an effort to get at the treats inside. “Don’t worry assholes, you’ll get your fill soon enough.” Roland muttered pulling the grenades from his backpack.


It was cold outside and the doors were thick, double paned, shatterproof glass but the stench of death still assaulted Roland’s nostrils as he taped the grenades to the outer doors. The moans of the undead froze Roland’s soul as he tied the fishing line to the grenade pins and moved as far from the doors as the fishing line would allow.


Making a prayer to the gods of bad planning Roland pulled hard on the fishing line watching with relief as both pins came free. His relief was cut short by the realization that a large explosion was about to happen very close to him and Roland took the opportunity to dive behind a concrete bench; holding Eve to his chest as he counted silently.


“Five… Four… Three… Two…”


BOOM! BOOM! The double explosion cut him off as the grenades blew in succession. Glass and debris fell all around his hiding spot and he could feel Eve quivering in his arms. Once he was certain there was no more shrapnel Roland popped his head up over the bench and his eyes grew wide.


The doors had literally disintegrated from the explosion along with the faces of the ghouls closest to the doors and as the monsters poured in like football fans at the Superbowl; Roland found his body moving of its own accord releasing Eve and standing up before Roland’s horrified brain knew what happened.


Roland relaxed as he watched the creatures come through the windowless frames with almost comical slowness. The creatures tripped over the edges of the doorframes and each other but what they lacked in speed and intelligence they made up for in numbers. Roland found his earlier estimate of one hundred monsters overly conservative as he watched at least twice that many begin their slow march towards him, their yellow eyes glued to their target like flesh seeking missiles.


Roland knew the explosions had alerted the Reverend’s people and he could hear the sounds of an approaching mob over the moan of the undead. Putting phase two of his plan in to action Roland ran towards the direction of the furniture store turning occasionally to insure his undead fan club didn’t fall too far behind.


The sounds of an angry mob from around the corner spurred Roland’s feet as he neared the furniture store, the horde hot on his heels. Diving through the double doors he spun and kicked both doors shut just as the Reverend’s congregation rounded the corner and came face to face with the sea of undead.



“Holy shit!” Came the startled cry from the head of the mob.


“Stand firm, brothers and sisters the lord will help us defeat these hellions.” The Reverend’s deep voice boomed over the hungry moans.


The sound of rippling gunfire reached Roland’s ears as the living faced off against the dead. Taking that as his cue he took off towards the back of the store unleashing a short burst from the P90 and shattering one of the floor to ceiling windows as he went. Bursting through the hail of glass shards with Eve close behind him Roland got his bearings and headed for the music store where the others were being held.


Coming around the corner Roland spotted his friends and one other person kneeling down with one person guarding them. The sound of his boots on the tile floor caught the attention of the guard and his prisoners causing them all to turn and look at Roland and the dog. Surprise crossed Roland’s face as he realized he recognized the fourth prisoner.


“Roland!” she yelled a smile crossing her face.


Before Roland could respond the guard grabbed the girl’s collar and aimed his pistol at her. “Stay where you are, don’t come any closer.” The guard’s voice trembled and his hand shook.


Never pausing Roland raised the P90 and fired one bullet into the guard’s chest. “I’m through playing around.” Roland growled as a shocked look came over the guard and he stumbled backwards; his hand touching the wound in his chest.


Caleb and Valerie wore horrified expressions as the guard collapsed, his last breathe used to utter, “Why?”


Ignoring Caleb, Valerie, and Cory, Roland walked up to the short blond girl and knelt in front of her. Tears streamed down her face from her green eyes and past the smile that would not come off, letting go of the SMG Roland pulled out his boot knife and cuts the ropes of her wrists.


“Hi Destiny, it’s been a long time.” Was all he was he managed to say before her small arms wrapped themselves tightly around his neck.

Chapter 21: I make my own Destiny



“Roland, I’m so happy to see you. I thought you might be dead like everyone else.” Destiny tightened her grip on his neck.


“You know me sweet heart, I can’t die.” Roland gasped. “But, you might kill me now if you don’t let go.


“Oh, sorry.” She pulled away and started wiping her tears.


“If it’s not too much trouble I think we should get out of here, you know if you don’t mind.” Cory held out his bound wrists.


Leaving Destiny to compose herself Roland freed the other three ignoring Caleb’s grumblings. Everyone free they stood around rubbing their wrists except for Destiny who had taken up the guard’s automatic. The sound of the fight between the congregation and the dead was getting nearer, and Roland looked at Cory.


“Where are your weapons and gear?”


“The religious nut job stole everything and rationed it out to his people.” The taller man said a look of disgust on his face.


“Well nothing we can do about that now, I suggest we head for the truck everyone…” Roland never got to finish his sentence as the Reverend and several members of his congregation came around the corner.


“You!” The annoying bastard shrieked. “Heathen, it was you who did this to us!”


“Everyone, run now!” Roland shouted as weapons were raised towards him and his companions.


Roland started running in the opposite direction of his friends, hoping the Reverend’s hatred of him would make him ignore the others. Sure enough the red haired man’s weapon followed Roland as bullets began to fill the air around him. Diving behind a section of the stage Roland realized the hail of bullets had ceased yet he could still hear the gunfire. Attempting to peek over the stage Roland came face to face with the Reverend’s gold Desert Eagle. “Stand up, sinner; it’s your judgment day.”


Out of options Roland raised his arms and stood up as slowly as possible, he could see behind the Reverend that the creatures were making short work of the remainder of his followers. The big gun never wavered from the center of Roland’s face.


“I will not make the same mistake again, you have killed all of us and now I shall kill you.” His knuckle whitened as he prepared to squeeze the trigger.

BOOK: Dead Cold
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