Read Dead Giveaway Online

Authors: Leann Sweeney

Tags: #Fiction, #Women Sleuths, #Mystery & Detective, #General

Dead Giveaway (12 page)

BOOK: Dead Giveaway
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  Wiggling out from beneath the bed, I thought,
Got one back on you, Burl.
I sat cross-legged to check them out. One key was small, maybe for a padlock, and had a white, round tag marked B-109. The other looked like a house key. I pulled Verna Mae's set from my pocket for a comparison, but no match. Did Verna Mae have more surprises to offer after her death? Like another house?

  It dawned on me then that Kate hadn't joined me. Where the heck was she?

  I retrieved my purse, stashed the keys and called her name as I made my way to the landing. She didn't answer.

  ''Kate,'' I yelled louder. ''I found something.''

  Still nothing. In fact, the house was so quiet you could have heard a hummingbird's heart beat.

  My own heart sped up. Something wasn't right.

  I rushed down the stairs and followed the path made by the lights she'd turned on, aware that the smell of the spring night—a blend of honeysuckle and humidity—filled the house. Maybe she'd gone outside, leaving the door open so as not to get locked out.

I wondered.

  ''Kate,'' I called, my voice cracking with fear. Where was she, damn it?

  I ran down the hall, which suddenly seemed like the length of a football field, and stopped dead at the kitchen entry, my hand covering my mouth.

  My sister was lying on the cold tile floor.


I rushed over, knelt by Kate and as soon as I touched her shoulder, she moaned.

  ''Talk to me,'' I said, stroking her cheek. ''Tell me you're okay.''

  She turned toward me, blinking to clear the cobwebs. ''I-I am okay. I think. Help me get up. This floor is hard.''

  ''Are you sure you should move?''

  ''Don't get dramatic on me. Someone bopped me on the head, that's all.''

  Once I helped her sit up, she rubbed the back of her skull then held out her hand. ''See? No blood. Just a little bump.''

  Brave talk, but she was pallid as paper. I touched her left cheek. ''You're getting a bruise here.''

  She laid her face against her palm. ''Probably from the fall. Believe me, I was never in hand-to-hand combat with anyone. That's more your style.''

  ''Someone hit you hard enough to knock you out, Kate. We need to call an ambulance . . . and call Burl, too.''

  ''No ambulance,'' she said sharply. ''I don't want any traditional drugs or doctors unless I'm close to dying—and I'm not. Calling Burl's a good idea, though.''

  She stood with my help, and once on her feet, she tottered a little.

  ''You're as dizzy as a drunk trying to get out of the tub,'' I said. ''I reserve the right to overrule the 'no ambulance' call.'' I guided her to a kitchen chair before raiding the freezer. I opted for a package of frozen mixed vegetables for an ice pack. Being close to her favorite things ought to comfort Kate.

  ''Abby, I am
explaining this to Terry while I'm lying in some emergency room taking up space better used for real sick people. Are we clear?''

  ''Clear,'' I said. ''For now.''

  After sitting at the table alternating the veggies between her head and her face, her cheeks regained some color. I found Burl's card, called him and told him what had happened. He said to sit tight, he was on his way.

  Kate asked for water, and I found a spotless glass in a cupboard above the dishwasher. There were plenty to be had. The cabinet was crowded with expensive crystal glasses and china dishes. I filled a tumbler, brought it to Kate, then sat across from her. ''What happened while I was upstairs?''

  She took a generous swig, then held up the glass. ''Heavy. Not your eight-for-a-dollar Wal-Mart special.''

''What happened?'' I
repeated sternly.

  ''Wish I knew. I went looking for the thermostat, turned on the air and then thought I'd get a drink of water after all my yapping in the car. That's the last thing I remember.''

  ''You didn't see anyone?''

  ''If I did, that memory's been erased.''

  I reached out and squeezed her arm. ''Are you sure you're okay? That bastard could have—''

  ''Quit it, Abby. I'm fine. Did
see or hear anything?''

  ''I sure didn't hear what happened down here, but someone searched Verna Mae's bedroom, took the picture albums. We probably interrupted whoever it was. Maybe with me upstairs and you down here, they felt trapped. . . . You turned your back, they saw their chance, knocked you out and ran.''

  Kate sipped her water. ''Whoever it was never made a sound. I had no clue someone was lurking around ready to pounce on me.''

  ''I'd have heard you yelling like a Little Leaguer's mother if you'd seen whoever bopped you.''

  She smiled. ''I
holler when necessary.''

  ''Stupid me thought Burl had come back and raided the place just like we were doing, but obviously that's not the case.''

  ''Why would someone want an obsessed woman's picture albums, Abby?''

  ''Damn good question. Verna Mae's death has to be connected to Will somehow. Maybe there was a clue in those articles and photos and the killer wanted them.''

  Just then Burl rushed in through the open back door, his gnarled fingers gripping a pistol in one hand and holding a crime scene kit in the other.

  ''Whoa,'' Kate said, her gaze fixed on his gun.

  ''Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. You okay, little lady?''

  ''Yes, sir,'' she answered. ''Abby used to beat me up worse than this when we were kids.''

  ''We've only known each other a short time,'' Burl said, ''but I don't doubt it. Let me make a quick check of this place, make sure no one's hanging around.''

  When he returned to the kitchen a few minutes later, he stashed his gun in his holster, came over and lifted Kate's chin, examining her cheek. ''I'm thinking we should call the paramedics.''

  ''Thanks but I've heard that suggestion and declined. I stay away from traditional medicine as much as possible. I'm Kate, by the way.'' She held out her hand.

  They shook, and Burl said, ''If you two would stay where you are, not touch anything, I'll get busy on the door. Looks like the lock was jimmied and someone ransacked the upstairs.''

  ''Those albums are gone,'' I said. ''You didn't take them by chance?''

  ''No, but I should have.'' Burl began his evidence collection, taking fingerprint powder and a brush from his kit. Kneeling in front of the door, he said, ''Whoever it was, they parked out by the shed. I saw fresh tire tracks.'' Using the camera hanging around his neck, Burl snapped off a photo before dusting the door and knob for prints.

  Meanwhile, I got up, ready to refill Kate's water glass.

  When I moved, Burl whirled as fast as the snap of a whip. ''Don't you even think about snooping around until—''

  ''Water?'' I said, holding up the glass.

  Burl sighed. ''Sorry. Little edgy. I feel like I screwed up again by not taking Verna Mae's photo collection.''

  ''It's not your fault,'' I said. ''Who knew someone would want a bunch of old pictures? I'm wondering what else might be missing.''

  ''I took a mental inventory when we were here last Friday night,'' he said, ''but since it wasn't a crime scene, I didn't make a video. Any small stuff taken? We may never know.''

  ''Yeah, well, I'm finding out who broke in,'' I said. ''No one hurts my sister and gets away with it.''

  Kate smiled. ''I think our thief might have poured gasoline on a fire, Chief Rollins.''

  He nodded. ''I think you're right.''

  Not until I pulled into a parking spot near Jeff's apartment did I remember the keys I'd found under the bed. Burl had insisted Kate and I leave, saying she needed a good night's sleep. He made us promise before we left that we'd call him next time we decided to come to town.

  I'd taken Kate home rather than drop her at the parking garage for her car. Terry could take her to work tomorrow. Then I'd had to deal with Terry, who'd been waiting up for us. After Kate explained what happened and went straight for arnica gel to heal her bruise and feverfew to ease her headache, he blasted me for putting Kate in harm's way. She reappeared in the middle of his explosion, however, and explained we had no way of knowing our trip would put either of us in danger. He took a deep breath and seemed to calm down. As I was leaving I heard Kate say, ''Terry, I make my own decisions. Don't go off on my sister again, okay?'' Maybe Kate's concerns about committing to Terry for a lifetime were founded on more ripples in their relationship than she'd talked about earlier.

  I'd made a beeline for Wendy's after I pulled out of their driveway, so I was carrying a friendly white bag when I knocked on Jeff's door. He was expecting me. He'd finally returned my call on our way back from Bottlebrush, and when I told him what happened, he said to meet him at his place. He rarely spent much time at his apartment since we'd been together, but when he needed to grab a few hours of sleep and get right back to work, he spent late nights here.

  He answered the door quickly, pulled me inside and before I could talk, wrapped me in his arms and kissed me.

  ''Kate okay?'' he whispered against my lips.

  ''She says so,'' I answered. ''That's the story she's sticking to, anyway. Stubborn doesn't stop with me.''

  ''You two could have been—''

  I put a finger to his lips and we started kissing again, the squashed bag of hamburgers falling to the floor. They stayed there, forgotten until we were lying in bed after a nice long hour of lovemaking.

  ''I brought food,'' I mumbled. I was lying on my side, head on his chest, one leg bent over his thighs.

  ''Didn't notice,'' he said. ''Tell me about this break-in.''

  After I summarized the evening, Jeff said, ''What was in those albums again?''

  ''A history of Will's life from the brief look I had, but maybe there was more. I don't know.'' I got up and began gathering my clothes. I was hungry, and those burgers were salvageable, smooshed or not.

  Jeff put his hands behind his neck. ''Those clippings connected Verna Mae and Will, something the press knows nothing about yet. Something that the killer might not have wanted us to know.''

  ''I like that.
'' I hitched my bra and pulled up my panties. ''Does that confirm the cases are connected? Could Will showing up in Verna Mae's life again have triggered her murder?''

  He stared at me for a second. ''God, you're gorgeous.''

  I grinned. ''You're not so bad yourself. Now answer my question.''

  ''You know my thoughts on coincidences and murder. There aren't any. That said, we've got nothing concrete to indicate that her death is connected to her strange attachment to Will.'' Jeff got up, retrieved his boxers and slipped them on. ''So what's for dinner?''

  ''Squashed hamburgers and cold fries.''

  ''Mmmm. Can't wait.''

  Jeff's kitchen is smaller than his bed, so we took our reheated food and the only other item in Jeff's fridge, a jar of dill pickles, into his agonizingly plain living room. The one item that hung on his wall held meaning, though—a wedding photo of his parents, both long dead. They were standing outdoors, Mount Rainier in the background. Jeff was not a native Texan, but I didn't hold it against him.

  Then there was the upright piano that took up one wall. The always silent piano. The piano I'd asked about more than once. He never would talk about it. Something painful was connected to that thing, and maybe one day I'd hear about it—or better yet, hear him play. He did have long, wonderful pianist's fingers.

  We sat on his dark green love seat, our legs intertwined. The love seat and a recliner were the only furniture in the room aside from a scratched-up coffee table and a few lamps.

  Before crunching a pickle, I said, ''Did you find out anything about Lawrence Washington?''

  Jeff tore open a ketchup pack and squirted it on his paper plate. ''Oh, yeah. That man's life is an open book. Inmates have no secrets—at least no secrets connected to how they ended up in prison.''

  ''According to what I read at the library, the guy was headed to A&M on full scholarship—a smart kid, with a loving family. Any idea what made him commit such a terrible crime?''

  ''Washington never talked except to say he was innocent, according to the officer who snagged the case—guy's retired now. Washington's family needed money but weren't poor enough to qualify for county assistance. They had no insurance, either. Those are the kind of people who fall through that giant crack that exists between a rock and a hard place.''

  ''Sounds like you feel sorry for them.''

  ''The family.
the killer. There's no excuse for what he did.'' Jeff's voice had gone hard.

  I rubbed his knee. ''Hey. I agree.''

  He looked at me. ''Sorry, but if you haven't noticed, I've got no sympathy for killers.''

  ''Think I could talk to Washington? See if he remembers picking up the blanket from the British store and what he did with it?''

  ''You're thinking the blanket makes him the birth father? I'm not so sure.''

  ''It's possible, Jeff. He's black, he was an athlete and he picked up a blanket that Verna Mae kept hidden away for nineteen years.''

  ''The blanket is not proof, Abby. Washington could have been doing a favor for a friend by picking it up.''

  ''You're right. That's why I need to talk to him. Can you please arrange that?'' I asked.

  ''I can get you in, but you'd need a background check first.''

  ''If you recall, I already had a background check when I signed on with Angel.''

  ''Forgot about that.''

  ''You worried about me walking into a prison?'' I asked.

  ''No . . . well, maybe a little. What makes you think Washington will talk to you, anyway?''

  ''My charm?''

  Jeff's gaze traveled to my chest and then down my bare legs to my toes. I hadn't bothered to put on the rest of my clothes. ''That might work,'' he said. ''But I don't think they'd let you in dressed like you are right now. Might start a riot.''

BOOK: Dead Giveaway
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