Dead Heat (3 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Brooks

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #Contemporary, #General, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Dead Heat
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Paige stepped down and was met by an ER nurse in cheery teddy bear scrubs who started peppering her with questions.
“What’s her name?”
“McKenna Mason Ashton.”
“Is she allergic to anything?”
“I don’t know. She never mentioned anything.”
“How old?”
“Yes, her husband is on his way.”
“Know her blood type by any chance?”
“Sorry.” Paige followed her through the whooshing automatic door and into the lobby of the ER.
“It’s okay. We’ll take a quick blood test. Is there anything else you know of that we should be aware of?”

“No, I don’t think so.” They stopped at a set of double doors leading back to the emergency room. The nurse hit the button and the doors opened. Paige took a step forward and was stopped.

“Wait here, ma’am. We’ll take care of her,” the nurse told her as she held up her hands to stop Paige from walking through the doors.

“Before you go, how is Danielle De Luca?” At the nurse’s confused expression, she added, “The woman who arrived via helicopter about fifteen minutes ago.”

“All I know is that she’s in surgery.” The nurse turned and rushed through the double doors issuing orders to the other nurses at the station.

Paige was left standing alone, staring at the no admittance sign. She felt so helpless. Her two best friends were fighting for their lives and she couldn’t do anything more to help. She didn’t even know if Kenna was allergic to anything. If only she knew what was going on behind those doors. If she could just do something more. Had she done enough to save Dani? She felt the tears stream down her face, but was powerless to stop them. She couldn’t move her eyes from the double doors.


She felt warm arms wrap around her from behind, pulling her tight against a hard strong body. She lifted her hands up and clasped the anchoring arms as if they were a life preserver. She looked down to see her dirty, bloody hands clinging to the tanned forearm. The sleeves to his black button-up shirt were rolled to his elbows. She clung to him, finding strength in his presence. She didn’t need to look around to know who it was. She had known it was him the second he had touched her. Even if his touch hadn’t turned her to mush, she just had an innate ability to know when he was near.

“I will fix this. I promise. I will find who did this,” Cole whispered into her ear as he pulled her against him.

“I know who did this.”

Cole turned her in his arms, but kept her pressed against his chest. His hands came up to her dirty face, gently wiping the silent stream of tears away.

“What do you mean you know who did this?” he quietly asked, his silver eyes boring into her hazel ones. He moved his hands to his denim clad waist in a clear fighting stance. Paige sighed. She didn’t want to fight, especially right now, but she couldn’t help it. He just couldn’t stop acting like an overbearing jerk who had the right to tell her what to do. She just got the feeling she never lived up to his expectations. That she was constantly disappointing him and it caused her to get a little snippy with him sometimes. Okay, most of the time.

“I saw him. His scope caught the sunlight as I was walking to the Café to meet Dani and Kenna. I saw him pull the trigger. I didn’t know who was hit though. I just took off after him. He was forty-ish, five-ten, light brown hair cut short, and driving a tan sedan. Brown eyes, no visible tattoos.”

“How do you know this?”
“Dinky and I chased him off the roof of Miss Daisy’s. We found him in the parking lot behind the Main Street stores.”
“Did he see you?”
“Of course he did. I just told you I chased him,” she snapped.
“How well did he see you?” She saw his jaw tighten, but couldn’t stop herself.

“Pretty damn well when he almost ran me over with his car. By the way, Dinky was able to get the plate.” She felt his hands tighten on her upper arms. He didn’t hurt her, actually, she bet he didn’t even realize he was doing it. He was just trying to keep his temper under control. She couldn’t help herself, though. She had to push him further. She had to get mad. If she got mad, she’d forget about all the pain she had just witnessed. “Did I forget to mention that was after I yelled at him?”

“Dammit Paige! What are you trying to do, get yourself killed? You go running after a man you know to be armed and dangerous and then you yell at him? That’s it, let’s go.” He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him as if she were a perp being escorted into jail.

“Go where?” She dug in her heels and yanked her arm out of his grasp.

“Protective custody, that’s where.” He reached for her again and she stepped back out of his reach.

“I don’t think so.” Before she could really get going on exactly what she thought of protective custody, the sliding glass entrance doors opened and Mo hurried through. He scanned the room as he moved with the look of a man who owned the hospital. The wrinkled suit and drawn face gave him away though. His eyes found hers and he lengthened his stride to reach her faster.

“Where is she? Is she alright?” He grabbed her hand and held on for dear life. New tears threatened to spill down her face, but she had to stay strong. Mo and Will would need her to be strong. They would need her to tell them what happened and how the women they loved were doing.

“I don’t know. All that the nurse said was she was in surgery. She was shot in the chest. There was a lot of bleeding. Her breathing was very shallow. Red and Henry administered CPR as I tried to stop the bleeding.” Paige pulled away from Cole and took his other hand in hers, giving it a squeeze of support. He was so stoic, but if the tense lines etching his face were any indication, he was about to crack soon. She wrapped him in a tight hug, and felt him cling to her.

“She’s strong, Mo. She’ll pull through. She has a wedding to plan after all. That’s enough motivation to pull any woman through."

“I’ll tell the nurse you’re here and see if there are any more updates,” Cole said quietly as he slipped away to the nurses’ station.

“I just don’t understand what happened. Who shot her?”

“I don’t know. I just don’t know.” Paige wrapped him in another hug and felt him fight the various emotions churning inside of him.


She didn’t know how long they stood there, but Paige looked up and over Mo’s shoulder when she heard the emergency room door slide open. Will came rushing through the door. His dark brown hair hidden under a blue University of Kentucky hat, his plain white t-shirt covered in sweat, dirt and hay. It was clear he had rushed straight from the fields to get here. His face had no color, and his brown eyes were filled with worry as he looked at her. She smiled and saw him breathe again.

“Is she okay?”

“Yes, at least I think so. She was unconscious in the ambulance, but showed signs of coming around. The bullet went through her right shoulder. The EMTs said she was stable.”

“How did this happen?” Will snapped at Cole. Mo’s amber gaze aimed at Cole was cold enough to freeze mere mortals.

“I will take the full blame and responsibility for this, and even let you two beat the crap out of me if it makes you feel better. I know you are worried about Danielle and Kenna, and I swear I will find the man who did this. But, I have to get Paige out of here. She is in serious danger.” Cole ran his large hand through his black hair in a move Paige had come to recognize as meaning he was stressed and agitated.

“Why would Paige be in danger?” Mo sneered at him as if he was an idiot.

“Because she is the only person who can identify the shooter. She not only saw him, but chased him down and yelled at him. If that’s not bad enough, they locked eyes and he knows she can identify him. I need to get her into protective custody and in front of a sketch artist right now.” Cole wrapped his hand around her upper arm and tried to pull her up against his side again.

“I don’t think so, Parker. You want a sketch artist you bring him here. I am not leaving this hospital.” Paige smacked his hand away and imitated Cole’s stance by shoving her balled up fists onto her hips and staring him down. She had five brothers, nothing could intimidate her.

“Fine. I will just arrest you.” He reached behind him and pulled out a pair of cuffs.

“For what?” Paige laughed.

“I’ll get a material witness order and force you into protective custody.” Cole leaned forward, their noses almost touching. Paige just rolled her eyes.

“You know Cade can make those disappear as fast as you can have a judge sign them. Get this through your thick skull, Parker, I am not leaving my friends.”

Paige saw Cole’s eyes snap to the door behind her. Oh God, please let my friends be alright. She took a deep breath to steady herself for the news and turned to find a shorter man in blue scrubs, mask, hair cover and booties come walking out. She felt Cole place his hand on her shoulder and step up behind her for support.

“One of you Mr. Ashton?” the doctor asked as he pulled off the mask.

“I am.” Will stepped forward, clearly worried.

“I am Dr. Kejewski. Your wife is awake and asking for you. She was shot through the shoulder. She was lucky. The bullet somehow missed all vital arteries and veins. She was treated for tetanus and is now on some pain meds and IV antibiotics. Some physical therapy and she’ll be back to normal in a couple of months.” Will audibly exhaled as Mo came up behind him and clasped his shoulder.

“What about Danielle De Luca? She’s my fiancé.” Mo asked.

“I checked on my way out here. She’s still in surgery. It appears she has a punctured lung. The bullet seems to have hit a rib, splintering it into her lung. As they worked to stabilize her, they were able to remove the bullet. They are working on reinflating the lung now. Her doctor will come out and give you a more detailed update when she gets her stabilized.” The doctor nodded to the group when no more questions were asked and walked back towards the double doors.

Paige stepped forward and faced Mo. She saw anguish and anxiety in his face. She slipped her arm around Mo and pulled him to her. Will squeezed his shoulder as Cole reached around Paige and offered his support. Paige looked up and saw tears slowly rolling down Mo’s stoney face. The doctor turned back to the group at the door. Paige’s breath caught in her throat. They couldn’t take any more bad news.

“Oh, Mr. Ashton, you don’t need to worry. The baby is fine.”

“Baby?” Will choked out. The group stopped. No one moved. They all stared at Will.

“She’s eight weeks along, didn’t you know?” The doctor paused and looked at the stunned faces of the group. “Well, obviously not by your reaction. The heart beat is strong. I don’t think you have to worry about a miscarriage. You’ll be able to go back to see her shortly. A nurse will come get you once we have her settled into a room.” The doctor pushed through the doors and disappeared from sight.

“A baby?” Will’s knees buckled and Cole caught him before he fell to the floor. Will got his legs under him enough to be half led and half dragged to the nearest chair. “Did I hear that right. Did that doctor say my wife is going to have a baby?” Will asked the group.

“Congratulations. It’s wonderful news all around. Kenna is going to fully recover and you’re going to be a father,” Cole said as he thumped Will on the back. He turned to Mo then, “It’s a good sign, Mo. Everything will be alright with Dani. I just know it.”

Chapter Three


The group sat in the lobby and stared at the floor. Paige tapped her fingers on the arms of the chair, Will’s knee bounced, and Mo sat completely still, interlocking his fingers hard enough to turn the knuckles white. The ER nurse in the teddy bear scrubs pushed through the double doors gaining everyone’s immediate attention.

“Mr. Ashton?”
“That’s me.” Will stood up on his still shaky legs and stepped forward.
“Ready to go see your wife?”

“More than you’ll ever know.” Will followed the nurse through the doors after giving Mo a quick hug and smiling to the rest of the group. “I’ll tell her you’ll are thinking about her.”

After that, the doors to the emergency room should have just been left open. Dani’s parents, the Rose sisters, and even Mo’s parents arrived. The whole town of Keeneston was finding a reason to stop by the emergency room. Seats filled, prayers were said, and baskets were dropped off with cupcakes, brownies, and cookies. Soft blankets and flowers were delivered from members of the community for the next several hours.

Paige spent the time alternating between pacing the room and running interference on the curious crowd who all wanted to talk to Mo. Paige finally sat down in the uncomfortable blue plastic chair and held onto Mo’s shaky hand. Every time the doors swooshed open, he would jump to see if they had information on Danielle. Finally a doctor came through and walked through the lobby to the waiting area. Paige felt Mo tense and heard the Rose sisters begin to pray.

“Mr. Ali Rahman?” The short woman wearing green scrubs, with curly brown hair haphazardly pulled back into a ponytail asked the group. Mo stood and stepped forward as if he was facing an executioner.

Paige found herself on her feet. She was so nervous she was shaking. Cole’s warm supportive arm slipped around her waist and she was pulled against his strong chest. She took a deep breathe to steady herself, and found Cole’s masculine scent a comfort. He exuded quiet confidence and support as he gently squeezed her hip to show her he was thinking of her.

“How is she?” Mo asked so quietly Paige could barely hear him.

“Stable.” Paige saw Mo practically collapse. His father came up beside him, placing his arm around his son’s shoulder. Paige couldn’t relax yet. She had to hear it all before she could breathe a sigh of relief. She looked to the left of Mo and saw Mr. De Luca with his arm around his wife, tears streaming down his face.

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