Dead Life (Book 3) (10 page)

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Authors: D. Harrison Schleicher

Tags: #zombies

BOOK: Dead Life (Book 3)
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              She was surrounded by five zombies. When she started climbing into the truck one of them grabbed her foot and pulled her to the ground. She went down hard, hitting her head on the floorboard on the way down. She was out cold. The zombie that had pulled her to the ground crouched over her. I shot it in the head before he could bite her but the others were closing fast. I shot the next closest one and the back of it's head blew out coating the one behind it. I was out of bullets. Two of the remaining zombies turned and came at me. I used my momentum to jump up and kick the closest one in the chest. He flew backwards and tumbled to the ground. The other one was right on top of me. It came at me head first, trying to bite me. I reached out and grabbed it by the head and was able to stop it from biting me. With one hand on each side of it's head and my thumbs over the eye sockets, I did the only thing I could think of. Pushing as hard as I could with my thumbs, I felt it's eyes burst. Increasing the pressure with my thumbs and squeezing the head as hard as I could, I felt the bones behind the eye sockets give  way. I drove my thumbs into it's brain. The zombie's body went limp and dropped to the ground.

              The zombie that was coated in the blood and brain matter from the zombie I'd shot was on the ground on top of Corporal Flowers. I grabbed it by the hair, to stop it from biting her, and pulled out my knife. I drug the blade across it's throat as hard as I could. His head came off and I was holding it by the hair. The now fully dead body fell across Flowers and she was coated in it's black blood. The zombie I'd kicked to the ground was getting to it's feet. I had a knife in one hand and a head in the other. I held on to the knife and threw the head at the zombie, hitting it in the face and knocking it back to the ground. I walked over to it and stomped on it's head and kept stomping on it's head until it burst open. My boot was coated in blood and brains.

              I looked around and could see no more zombies. The shooting had stopped. The men were standing on the steps, staring at me with shocked looks on their faces. The Sergeant was there with them. He had a big smile on his face. He started down the steps and said, “I told you you were doing fine.”

              I bent down to check on Flowers. She had a small cut on her head from hitting it on the truck.  Otherwise she looked fine. I reached out to push the hair back from her face and saw that my hands were covered in black blood.

              “Don't touch her. You could infect her.” Sergeant Adams said.

              She had a lot of zombie blood on her but none was in her face. I hoped she'd be okay.

              “I'll carry her inside Captain. We need to get you two cleaned up. Kaufman, drive the truck around back. The rest of you go with him.”

              I nodded and followed the Sergeant inside. We took Corporal Flowers into the restroom. I washed up while Sergeant Adams revived her. When she came to she immediately started trying to fight the Sergeant off of her.

              “Calm down Flowers. You're safe now.” The Sergeant said.

              “I thought they had me. The last thing I remember is the Captain running at me.”

              “Yeah. Well he saved your ass.”

              She looked at me and smiled. “Thank you sir. What happened?”

              “It was nothing. The men and I were able to stop them. If you're okay we need to get the hell out of here.”

              “My head hurts a little. Other than that I'm fine.” She said as she got to her feet.

              “Get cleaned up and then join the rest of us in the kitchen.”

              As I walked out of the restroom I heard the Sergeant say, “I'll tell you about it later.”

              The Sergeant and I made our way back to the storage room. There was already a huge pile of  canned goods ready to be loaded onto the truck with more on the way. Private Kaufman was backing the truck into the receiving bay so I had the men get ready to start loading the cases of canned goods. Sergeant Adams suggested we post guards in front of the truck in case we were to have any unwanted visitors. Turned out to be a good idea. There was an occasional but steady stream of zombies converging on our location. During the next fifteen minutes, while we loaded the supplies, the guards killed eleven more zombies. How many people were staying in this compound I wondered? Would there ever be an end to the constant onslaught of the undead? When we finally had everything we could fit into the bed of the truck, I had the men climb on top. I had Sergeant Adams and Corporal Flowers ride in the cab with me. She was still a little shaken and I wanted to give her a chance to rest before the real action started. In all honesty, there was something about the woman that intrigued me and I wanted to keep her by my side. We headed back to the airfield. I was amazed that we made it back to the gate without any more encounters.

              “You men can climb on board.” I said to the guards. “Lock it up and let's move out.”

              What ever zombies were left in the compound could stay there till they rotted. Driving up the road to the airfield, we spotted the first of the hordes that were headed our way. Approaching the trenches to the north of the airfield were several dozen zombies. They weren't grouped together. They were spaced out and staggering along on their own. If they would have been alive, I would have thought they were advance scouts; sent out by the enemy to test our defenses. Instead I saw them as the beginning of a long nightmare; one that I would probably never wake up from.

              “When we get back to the airfield Sergeant, get a jeep and go around to the men stationed by the trenches. We need some sharp shooters. Have someone shoot those bastards before they get to the minefields. I don't want those mines tripped until the horde gets here.”

              “I'll get right on it. Flowers, you get a jeep and meet me back at the truck. I'll have the men start unloading this as soon as we get back.”

              “Yes Sergeant.” She said.

              “Take Kaufman with you, Sergeant. And we're leaving the supplies on the truck. If we have to bug out, I want to be able to go at a moments notice. You know, I've been thinking about it and I think we made a mistake. We should have had everyone load their gear, just the essentials, before I sent them outside the fence. If the line breaks, they'll need to be able to fall back inside the second fence. Sergeant, I need your help here. If you think of anything I should be doing let me know. All our lives depend on it. Now's not the time to worry about rank or any of that other shit.”

              “Alright then. This is how I see it.” Adams said. “We need snipers up in the towers for now. Have half the men at each tower come back and load their shit up. Give them five minutes then have them get their asses back out there and send the other half back to load up. We need water and food on each of the trucks outside the fence. They already have plenty of ammunition so that's taken care of. The rest of the guns and ammo need to be loaded now so when the time comes, we just haul ass. And we need a rally point. That's it sir.”

              Sergeant Adams and Private Kaufman headed out as soon as we got back inside the fences. The rest of us loaded the ammunition and rifles onto another truck. I found the helicopter pilots and had one of them take a chopper out and check on the horde coming our way from the north. The other pilot went south to check the other horde. I told each of them to try and raise someone on the radio and to report our status. The gunfire coming from the perimeter was a constant companion by this time telling me the horde would soon be on us. Most of the shots I heard came from the north but zombies were approaching from all directions. I was heading for the gate when the Sergeant returned from giving the men their new directives.

              “It's taken care of. Snipers are up in the towers and I moved half of each group from the south side of the airfield to the north. Still no sign of the horde though.”

              “I sent the choppers up. They're going to check on each horde and report back. I've also got them trying to reach command. I don't know who's in charge of us now but I sure as hell would like to know.”

              “What about the fighter jets? How come they haven't returned yet?”

              “I don't think they're coming back. The last thing the Colonel told me was that they'd been diverted.”

              “So we're on our own then?”

              “Looks that way.”

              “Then why the hell are we staying here?”

              “Colonel Bradley advised me to take on the first horde from the north and then try to get out of here before the group from the south overruns us.”

              “Chopper incoming. Hop in Captain, let's see what he has to say.”

              I looked around and spotted Corporal Flowers over by the truck being loaded with  ammunition and rifles. She was looking our direction and our eyes locked. She raised her hand and gave me a slight wave. I nodded in her direction.

              “You coming or not sir?”

              Adams was in the jeep and was waiting on me. “Yeah, just checking on the men.”

              “Looked more like you were checking out the woman.”

              “Let's not take this 'not standing on rank' thing too far Sergeant.” I said with a grin on my face.

              “Sorry sir. She is a very attractive woman. You did save her from the zombies and she can't seem to take her eyes off you. None of my business though.”

              “Just drive.”

              We arrived at the helipad just as the chopper set down. The pilot got out and Sergeant Adams and I went over to meet him.

              “What's the status of the horde, Lieutenant?”

              “There's a shit load of zombies gonna be here any minute now sir.”

              “Sergeant, let the men along the fence know. I'll get our unit out there.”

              He went to the jeep and drove straight to the fence shouting instructions to the men as he went.

              “Captain, if I can get someone to work the gun on the Chinook, I can get back in the air.”

              “Sounds good. Got anybody in mind?”

              “Yeah, there are a couple of guys in the unit you took over to the barracks. I'll go see who I can find.”

              Lieutenant Price and I went to one of the jeeps parked next to the helipad and drove to the trucks loaded with the food and extra guns and ammunition. The men were looking in our direction and they all had anxious looks on their faces. I hoped it was a combination of fear and readiness for action.

              “Ken, come on. We're going to go kill some zombies.” One of the men ran from the group, pulling on some leather gloves with the fingers cut off along the way. “I love that big gun.” He said. He had a big smile on his face and seemed excited.

              “Lieutenant, if they break the line, don't try to come back to the airfield. Head for the rally point and we'll meet you there.”

              “What is the rally point?”

              “There's a Q T gas station on highway 605 about ten miles from here. Do you know it?”

              “I think so. Doesn't matter. I'll be in the air following you the whole time.”

              “When you get airborne, let the other pilot know what's going on.”

              “Will do sir.” They drove off.

              “Men, let's get these trucks over to the gate. The enemy is almost on us. I want this unit to stay together. We'll go to the areas that need our help the most. If things go wrong, get to a vehicle. Command has left us to our own devices. I'm not jeopardizing our lives to hold an airfield they've already abandoned. Corporal Flowers get a jeep and meet me back here. Men let's move out.”

              The area emptied out fast. Corporal Flowers brought a jeep over and we joined our unit at the gates. I had the guards leave the inner gate open and sent them to join the rest of the men at the towers. My unit was told to head for the center tower and be ready to move at a moments notice. Corporal Flowers and I waited at the trucks with the drivers who were to remain close to the vehicles. I didn't want to lose the supplies if we were going to abandon the airfield. Sergeant Adams joined us and the waiting began in earnest. The snipers kept firing. Then the big guns in the towers opened fire. The wait was over.

              The dirt from the trenches made it hard to see the approaching hordes from the ground. However it did do the job of forcing them into the firing lanes. As the zombies made their way into the open areas, the explosions began. We held our fire at first, watching as they were blown to bits in the mine fields. I felt a degree of pride watching the plan I had devised come to fruition. It was exciting to see them come within range of our guns only to be ripped apart when one would step on a mine. This went on for a few minutes. Then the explosions ceased. The minefield had been depleted. It was time to open fire.

              “Don't forget, keep the barrel of your rifle through the fence. Open fire!” I shouted, trying to be heard over the thunderous sound of gunfire coming from the towers above our heads.

              The helicopter flew over our position and opened fire. The fifty caliber machine gun tore through the front line of  the zombies directly in front of me. Huge holes would appear in their torsos, throwing them back into the tightly packed group behind them. Heads would disintegrate, arms torn from the shoulder, and legs separated from bodies. The zombies not hit in the head would continue toward us. Crawling in the case of the ones having lost a leg. Some regained their feet with entrails dragging behind them. The helicopter passed the trenches continuing its firing into the horde. I could no longer see the damage inflicted on the zombies but I was sure it was significant.

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