Deadly Obsession (36 page)

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Authors: Kris Norris

BOOK: Deadly Obsession
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“Did he hurt you?”

“I…I don’t think so. I think he hit me with the
again. I don’t remember anything except waking up in the trunk.” She sucked in a quick breath that rattled the phone. “I don’t know where I am. I don’t even know what kind of car it is. I…”

,” he soothed, stroking the phone as if she could feel his touch. “None of that matters. As long as you’re okay, everything’s going to be fine. Now I need you to listen very carefully. My phone has a built-in GPS. Sam’s calling the office as we speak. It’ll only take a few minutes before we’ll be able to track you. But I need you to do me a favour. I know it’s not safe for you to keep talking, so I want you to hide the phone somewhere safe. Leave it on, so I can hear you, but put it somewhere Drake won’t find it. We can’t take the chance he’ll get angry.”

“But where?
I’d clipped it on the back of my panties so we wouldn’t have to go back upstairs, but if I put it back on there, he might find it this time!”

“Easy, darling.
Don’t get upset. Chances are he won’t stop until he gets to a place he considers safe. So just hide it in the trunk. Try pushing it into a corner by the tail lights. Once we have your location, we’ll catch up with you.”

“But I don’t want to lose…” She sobbed twice then sighed. “Okay.”

“I’ll still be on the line. I promise. I’ll be there before you know it.” He heard Sam talking in the distance, but concentrated on Brooklyn. “I’m not leaving you.”

“I’m…I’m scared.”

He couldn’t stop the huff of pain that squeaked from his chest. “I know, darling. I promise I’ll be there soon. Now stuff the phone in the corner and pretend to be sleeping. Don’t give him any reason to hurt you. Do whatever you have to. Your safety is all that matters.” He paused wondering if she understood what he was implying. “Do you understand?”

She whimpered into the phone, and he knew she understood. “I love you.”

“You can tell me again in person, because I’m not letting you go. Now put the phone away. I’ll see you soon.” He hesitated, not wanting her to think he was saying good-bye. “I love you too.”

He felt a tear strike a cold path down his cheek as the sound in his ear changed. Instead of the constant panting of her breath, the noise was muffled, followed by a thumping.
Good girl.
He pulled the phone away, tucking it against his chest. He couldn’t bear thinking about her cold and scared, lying in the dark. If he did, he wouldn’t be able to function. “Sam?”

Sam looked over at him from the kitchen phone. “They’re tracking it now.
Just a few more minutes to isolate her signal.”

“We don’t have any time to spare,” he growled, pulling his boots on. His vision was still blurred, but the anger was helping him focus. He’d kill Drake. No hesitation, no guilt. As soon as he had the bastard in his sights, he’d blow the guy into the afterlife. He doubted Drake would be going anywhere pleasant.

“Thanks.” Sam hung up, and made for the door. “Brooklyn’s heading west. They’ve managed to narrow the signal down to a small road just north of highway forty. He must have turned off the main highway to avoid being spotted. Doug’s looking into possible locations. Drake’s got to be heading somewhere specific.”

Gage nodded and grabbed a jacket out of the closet. The sleeves were too short, and he wasn’t fond of camouflage, but he wasn’t going to waste any time running upstairs. He followed Sam out and through the snow to the car, tossing Brooklyn’s purse in the back. “How far away is he?”

“He’s got fifty miles on us. But then I doubt he’s driving a hundred and sixty,” said Sam, sliding into the driver’s side. “I suggest you fasten your seatbelt, buddy. It’s going to be an interesting ride.”

“Just get us there quickly,” he replied, clipping the buckle around his waist. “I can’t lose her.
Not now…not to him.”

Sam nodded as he revved the engine and skidded down the icy street. “Don’t worry. You’re going to have a lifetime of grovelling at Brooklyn’s feet ahead of you. I’ll see to it personally.”

Gage gave Sam a half smile as he watched the scenery streak by.
Hold on, darling. Just hold on.

Chapter Twenty-Three




She was cold.
A bone-deep cold that shot icy fire through her veins, igniting pain in her fingers and toes.
Brooklyn moaned and rolled over, feeling her hands bind above her head. She tugged against the metal, wincing at the sharp bite on her wrists. She was handcuffed to a bed, a pile of blankets tossed across her. Fear prickled down her skin, an uneasy feeling building along her neck. Someone was watching her.

“I see you’re finally awake, Sarah. I was beginning to think I’d gotten to you too late. You were nearly blue by the time I lifted you out of the trunk.”

turned towards the door, her heart flip-flopping hard in her chest. The fear she’d felt escalated as she watched Drake step through the doorway and saunter across the room, stopping at the foot of the bed. His hair was dark this time, but with the same brown eyes she remembered from before.

Dark eyes reflected…

She pushed the images out of her head. She couldn’t afford to panic now, not with Drake in control. If she allowed her fears to run wild, there’d be no one left for Gage to rescue.


Had Drake found the phone? Was Gage on his way? How long until she was finally free? There were a thousand questions and no answers. All she knew for certain was Drake had her exactly where he wanted her.

Her voice was timid, and she cursed at the obvious fear she heard in it.

Drake chuckled and smiled a tooth-filled grin at her. “So you do remember me. I was beginning to have my doubts.
Especially after your little show last night.”
He eased down on the edge of the bed. “Tell me. Did you enjoy your time with him, precious?”

turned her head away from his hand, when he reached up to grab her chin. “Please. I’m not feeling well.”

“You felt well enough to fuck that bastard for hours last night!” he snarled, pinching her face between his fingers. “Then again in the shower this morning. I have to hand it to you. You’re quite a little minx.”

yelped at his hold, a single tear escaping down her cheek. “Please. You’re hurting me.”

Drake growled and pulled his hand away, rising quickly from the bed as he stalked off across the floor. “I’ve got some soup for you. Once you’re warmer, we’ll deal with your…indiscretions.” He looked back over his shoulder as he passed through the doorway. “Penance will make you forget all about him, precious. I promise. I can still save you.”

watched him leave, her heart tight in her chest. She needed to find a way out, before Drake unleashed her

Don’t give him any reason to hurt you. Do whatever you have to. Your safety is all that matters.

cringed at the memory of Gage’s words. How could she allow anyone to touch her after giving everything in her soul to Gage? She’d rather die than have him live with that knowledge. He meant everything to her. She looked back at the door. Drake would be back soon. She needed to act now. She needed a miracle.


* * * *


Sam stopped at the snow-covered lane, the bright sun casting dark shadows through the trees. “The signal ends a few hundred yards up this street,” he said, nodding in the direction of the road.

Gage felt the sweat trickle across his brow and down the back of his neck. “I hope they’re right. We don’t have time to make mistakes.”

“The GPS is pretty exact. As long as he didn’t take her away in another car, we’ll be okay.”

Gage stilled at the thought. Damn, he should have convinced Brooklyn to shove the phone down her pants and hope for the best. But if Drake found it…“We’ll go the rest of the way on foot,” he said, already opening his door.

Sam nodded and followed, running across the snow, his gun tight in his hand. Gage stopped when he rounded a corner, almost slamming into a grey sedan. He bent down, ducking behind the trunk, Sam close at his side. The hatch was still open, a small layer of frost covering the inside. He reached in, feeling around the edges until he found the phone. His heart pounded painfully against his ribs as he closed the lid, and stared at the outline of a cabin amidst the trees.

“What do you want to bet the bastard has her inside?” said Sam.

“God, I hope so. I’ll take the front door. You go around to the back and see if there’s another way in.”

“Are you sure? Maybe I should go first? Surprise the bugger so you can get Brook out of here.”

“We’ve already been over this. And I’ll be damned if you get first dibs on the guy.” He glanced down at his
, watching a flicker of light dance off Brooklyn’s engraving. “I’ll give you a few minutes head start,
I’m going in.” He gave Sam a hard, calculating gaze. “If anything happens to me, I’m counting on you to make sure Brook’s okay.”

Sam drew his lips tight, and looked as if he were preparing a comeback, but turned instead, and headed through the trees. Gage watched him disappear, silently counting the seconds until the need to get to Brooklyn overcame every other thought. He inched ahead, following the contour of the car. The cabin was off to his left, half hidden in the dense trees. It was an old F.B.I. safe house that had been decommissioned a few years ago. Doug had called on Brooklyn’s phone with what little information he had on the place. It seems Drake—Scott—had kept closer contact with the Bureau’s files than they’d first thought.

Gage cursed the bastard, easing his way towards the front door. Once he reached the porch, he’d be completely exposed. He stopped just short of the three steps and listened. The air was thin and cold, his breath a visible cloud around his face. He checked his watch, hoping Sam had managed to find another way in, and launched himself up the stairs. He didn’t even bother trying the handle, as his foot connected with the wood, shattering the frame. He stepped through the broken door, not certain what he’d find on the other side.

“Agent Matthews.
What an unexpected surprise.”

Gage stopped, his gun levelled, his finger half compressed on the trigger. Drake was standing in the middle of the room, Brooklyn plastered against his chest. He was holding a ninety-two Beretta to Brooklyn’s temple, the trigger partly engaged.

“Let her go, Scott.”

Drake winced, an angry growl rumbling from his chest, as he hardened his hold on Brooklyn. She whimpered in pain, but didn’t move. “My name is Drake, you fucking bastard.”

Gage glared at the man, his attention half focused on Brooklyn’s face. Her eyes were wide with fear, and slightly glassy. She was shaking in his grip, her lips a cool shade of blue. “Okay, Drake. I’ll tell you again. Let Brooklyn go.”

Drake howled this time. “Sarah! Her name is Sarah! And you’re the one who’s going to leave.” He took a step back, dragging Brooklyn across the floor. “She belongs with me. I’m the hero here, not you! Only I can save her.”

“Then why are you holding a gun to her head? I thought you loved her? Do you really think this is the way to gain her love in return? Look at her face. You’re scaring her.”

Drake shook his head, never allowing his gaze to waver. Gage had hoped the man would turn just long enough to get off a shot, but the bugger seemed to sense his intentions. He remained steadfast, his gun still pressed against her skin.

“Everything will make sense to her once she realises who I am. She’s only scared of the unknown. Once she remembers, she’ll stay with me…forever.”

Gage took a step forward, his gun still aimed at the
’s nose. He could take the shot. He knew he wouldn’t miss. But Drake wasn’t an ordinary psycho. His time in the military, alone, suggested he’d be able to kill Brooklyn before the bullet penetrated his skull. And Gage wasn’t about to gamble with Brooklyn’s life.

“Okay, Drake. Why don’t we both try to relax and talk about
I know you don’t want to hurt Bro…Sarah. It’s one thing we have in common.”

the sound raw and nauseating. “Don’t lie to me. You don’t care about her. All you want to do is keep her in your bed. Fuck her until you’ve had your fill. Then you’ll get rid of her, just like you did with all the others.” He shook his head again, and narrowed his eyes. “No, you don’t love her like I do. She’s mine.” He nodded towards the door. “Now leave, or I’ll prove my love the only way I know how.”

He’ll kill her.

The thought struck him deep in the gut, nearly doubling him over. He could see the insanity raging in Drake’s eyes. Feel the intensity radiating from his body. He’d rather die with Brooklyn, than let her go. Gage took two steps back, hoping the brief retreat would ease some of the tension.
“All right.
Sarah’s yours. I just have one question for you. What now?”

“Now you leave, and she comes with me.”


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