Deadly Pack (Deadly Trilogy Book 3) (27 page)

BOOK: Deadly Pack (Deadly Trilogy Book 3)
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They’d also added Tommy and Luken to their ranks, and as for the head enforcer, we’d let the guys vote.  Surprisingly
, they’d voted Landon into the position.  I’d expected it to be Beck, but I had to admit, Landon was doing a fan-freakin-tastic job at it so far.  Since he’d taken over, the rest of the pack were warming up to them, talking to them.  They no longer walked in the other direction when they saw an enforcer coming.

It was nice.  A nice, and much needed, change.

Somehow I hadn’t expected things to just go on.  But I guessed that was how life worked.  You went on.  You moved forward.  And ultimately, you became stronger for it.

I reached Aidan’s office and I inched open the door, trying to keep quiet.  The last thing I wanted to do was wake the boys again before Mom got here to pick them up.  They were both sprawled out on the couch breathing evenly, and Cody had a thumb stuck in his mouth.  It was probably evil of us to let them sleep now.  They’d be crazy hyper when they woke up, but secretly, I thought Mom liked it that way.

Mom hadn’t asked about Dad yet.  She didn’t question us on what happened or ask where the werecougars were.  But I thought she probably already knew.  Actually, I was sure she’d figured it out the moment we brought the kids home with us.

Aidan glanced up from his computer and smiled.  It was a relaxed, contented smile, and seeing it made my entire body warm.  I’d never seen him so content, so happy, and I loved it.  Simply loved it.

I went straight to his desk, pulled out the chair he was sitting on, and plopped down on his lap, exhausted.

“Where’s Tara?” he whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist, and pressing a light kiss onto my neck, just below my ear.

“Modeling her new clothes for Dom,” I whispered back.  “He’s helping her pick what to wear for her first day at school on Monday.”

Aidan chuckled and shook his head.  “You’re a very mean girl, Jade Shaw.”

“No I’m not.”  I cut him a look.  “He likes it, I swear.  He used to do it with me and Mac all the time.”  I snuggled into him, resting my head on his shoulder.  “Anything interesting happen while we were gone?”

Maybe,” he said with a mischievous edge to his voice.  I wiggled on his lap and looked up at him, arching a brow, and he chuckled.  “I thought Mac was the gossiper.”

Spill it, buddy,” I said in the sternest voice I could manage, which really wasn’t that stern since I was still whispering.  “I mean it.  Tell me or you’ll be sleeping here tonight.”

He made a face that clearly told me he knew that was an empty threat, and he leaned into me and kissed me in that place just behind my ear, th
at place that always made me shiver.

“I might have walked in on Erika and Craig in the gym
changing room this afternoon,” he said.

“And what we
re they doing in the gym changing room, Aidan?” I asked, trying not to let his kisses distract me.

It wasn’t working.

He continued to feather those light lip touches down my neck and as he did, I felt as if I were falling, falling into that wonderful, warm place that I only ever found within his arms.

“I think you can figure that out,” he whispered.

No kidding
, I thought.  I had a pretty good idea.  Erika had been pretty relentless in her pursuit for his attention over the last week and I knew it was only a matter of time before Craig stopped pretending he didn’t care.

The door opened and Mom breezed through.
  I jumped and heat rushed to my cheeks.  Aidan dislodged his lips from my neck, but chuckled as I tried to wiggle off his lap, and he tightened his arms around my waist.  I gave him a
, he smirked and gave me a
, and I rolled my eyes, and then I settled back against him.

glanced at the boys, smiled, and then turned a scowl on us.  “You let them sleep?” she asked.  I thought she was trying for annoyed, but didn’t quite hit the mark.  “Really, Aidan, it’s too late for a nap.  They’ll be up all night now.”

“You love it,” he said, laughing.  The boys began to stir, yawning loudly, and he laughed again.

“You’re right,” she muttered.  “I do.”  She crossed over to the couch, and smiled down at them.  “Who’s ready for some pizza?”

And there it was.  The magic word.

The boys sprang to life, jumping off the couch, shouting, “Me,” and ran for the door.

Mom laughed and waved a quick goodbye, before chasing after them, and telling them to go find the
ir sister, which immediately led to both boys screaming out for Tara, because that was, of course, easier than actually looking for her.

I sighed and shook my head, but I was smiling, a big, wide smile.  I hadn’t really expected it, at least not so soon, but we were okay.  Mom, the kids, the pack … We were really okay.

Aidan gave me a quick kiss as he leaned around me, and started saving his work and shutting down the computer.  “You ready to go home?” he asked.  “The house should be ready for us by now.”

I pulled his arms back around me when the computer shut down.  His arms were always solid and safe and warm
, and having them around me was like being wrapped up in comfort.  “Yeah,” I said.  “I can’t wait to see it.”

I leaned back into him with a sigh, and his chest vibrated
against my back as he chuckled.  He rested his chin on my shoulder and whispered, “You know you’re going to have to stand up if we’re going home, right?”

I nodded.  “I know
.”  But I turned in his arms and kissed him, a sweet blend of heat and softness.  I loved this.  Bubbles of joy spread through me as his lips played with mine.  I loved him.  It had been a rough couple of months since he’d moved to town, and we’d both stumbled and fell, and even crashed a few times, but it was worth it.  The fight, the heartache, all of it was worth it to be here at this moment, feeling those bubbles tingle throughout my body.

When the kiss finally ended, we both dragged in a strained breath, and he seemed to have trouble letting me go
. His eyes, flecked with gold, searched my rosy cheeks.  “You know,” he said, cupping my face in his big warm hands, “I’m very lucky you love me.”

“Yes.  Yes
, you are,” I said, fixing my face in my most serious expression, which totally failed, because my body was shaking with silent laughter as my happy bubbles began to burst and fill me with a giggly kind of bliss.  “And I guess I’m pretty lucky you love me, too.”

And then, as my laughter quieted, and we got to our feet, I wondered what the future might hold for me and Aidan and our pack.  I was pretty sure it wouldn’t always be easy, but with his arm around my shoulder, holding me close to his side as we walked to the car, I felt completely at home, and that was more than enough for me.




Ashley Stoyanoff is an author of paranormal romance books for
young adults, including The Soul’s Mark series and the Deadly Trilogy.  She lives in Southern Ontario with her husband, Jordan, and two cats: Tanzy and Trinity.

In July 2012, Ashley published her first novel, The Soul’s Mark: FOUND, and shortly
thereafter, she was honored with The Royal Dragonfly Book Award for both young adult and newbie fiction categories.

An avid reader, Ashley enjoys anything with a bit of romance and a paranormal twist.  When she’s not writing or devouring her latest read, she can be found spending time with her family, watching cheesy chick flicks or buying far too many clothes.

Ashley loves hearing from her readers, so feel free to connect with her online.


BOOK: Deadly Pack (Deadly Trilogy Book 3)
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