Deadly Relations (16 page)

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Authors: Alexa Grace

BOOK: Deadly Relations
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It was more than lust, Blake decided. It was her intelligence, warmth and drive that drew him to her, and made him want to spend more time with her. He wanted her in his life. Period.

Going to the living room, he sat on the sofa, pulled out the remote and searched for the concert in the online program guide. He selected the right channel and leaned back. It had been a long, long day.

Jennifer walked into the room, smelling of fresh lilac and wearing a pale pink cami under a pink cardigan with a pair of faded jeans. He’d never seen her wear pink before, and the color suited her. Truth be known, the lilac scent and the outfit turned him on in a big way. He’d never seen her expose so much glowing skin and he ached to touch her.



Jennifer glanced at the television. “Is that the right channel?”

Yeah, I checked. It starts in five minutes.”

For a second, she eyed the easy chair, then the sofa where Blake sat, then decided on the sofa and sat down next to him. He was a big man who filled the space on the sofa, forcing them to sit so close she could feel the warmth of his body as their legs touched. As Blake stretched his arm behind her on the back of the sofa, the closeness of his body felt so good that if she were a cat, she would be purring. Her heart hammered as she felt a heat coursing through her veins. Jennifer settled back, enjoying the feel of Blake’s arm around her, his body so close and warm. She cuddled closer and closed her eyes.



Thirty minutes into the concert, Blake asked Jennifer if she’d like more wine. When she didn’t answer, he pulled away to look down at her. She was fast asleep so he helped her stretch out, arranged some pillows under her head, then took the quilted throw from the chair and covered her. He sat on the easy chair, watching her sleep. Her facial bones were delicately carved, her mouth full and kissable. She seemed so peaceful, her soft features almost angelic.

Blake turned off the television and the lights. As his eyes adjusted to the darkened room, he could see slivers of light from the street lamp streak across the room. He pulled his jacket across his chest for warmth and leaned back in the easy chair with his feet propped on the ottoman.



Jennifer had the dream again — the one where she was locked in a basement room with windows too high to reach. But this time, she was able to wake herself up before she cried out in terror. Inhaling deeply, Jennifer opened her eyes and was surprised to find she was not in her bedroom. She was lying on the sofa and nearby on the easy chair was Blake, sound asleep. For a moment, she stared with longing at him, listening to the rhythm of his breathing. Finally, wrapping the quilt around her, she rose from the sofa, stopping at his chair to kiss him lightly on the lips before heading upstairs to her room. His eyes fluttered open and he said, “Jennifer?”

His arms reached out to her and in one motion, she was settling into his lap with his heavy arms wrapped snugly around her. Laying her head on his chest, she relaxed and thought, “If you only knew how much I want you, Blake.”

Blake’s body stiffened as he asked, “What did you say?”

Her hand flew to her mouth as she gasped. Did she say that out loud? She sat up and looked into his eyes, and the smoldering flame she saw there startled her. Blake pulled her hand away from her mouth and hungrily claimed her lips, sending spirals of ecstasy through her. His lips were hard and searching, and she kissed him back with a hunger that surprised her. Jennifer threw her arms around his neck, burying her hands in his thick hair.

Blake crushed her against his body as if he could not get her close enough. He whispered, his hot breath against her ear, “Baby, I want you so much it hurts.”

She responded with soft butterfly kisses along his jawline until she reached his mouth. She then kissed him fully, savoring every moment.

As he placed a tantalizing kiss in the hollow of her neck, Jennifer moaned and glided her hands beneath his shirt so she could feel the hard muscles there. Swiftly, she began unbuttoning his shirt. She couldn’t wait another second to feel his body against hers. Reaching the last button, she pulled his shirt open and trailed kisses down his chest. She raised her head and pulled off her cardigan sweater, throwing it on the floor. Blake pulled at her cami until he lifted it over her head then crushed her bare breasts to his chest. His body temperature seemed to spike, and the heat coming off him set her already hot blood to boiling.

Suddenly Jennifer was off the chair, lifted into the cradle of his strong arms, and he was carrying her up the stairs to her bedroom. She held on tight, licking and sucking his earlobes until he groaned. Gently, Blake eased her down onto her bed.

Are you sure about this, Jennifer?”

Very,” she breathlessly responded.

Blake pulled off her faded jeans and panties and threw them on the floor, then removed his own clothing until he was standing naked before her. He reached into his jeans pocket and put something on her nightstand.

Joining her on the bed, he gently outlined the circle of her breasts with his hand. His tongue tantalized her nipples, which had swollen to their fullest. His hand seared a path down her middle and onto her thigh, the gentle massage sending currents of desire through her. Blake kissed his way down her body, skimming either side of her with his hands. Then he cupped her, and Jennifer gasped as a bolt of lust shot through her body like a bullet. Her body ignited as his magic, gentle fingers stroked her, sending waves of ecstasy throbbing through her body until she shattered into a million glowing stars.

Blake moved on top of her, bracing himself with his elbows, as her breasts crushed against the hardness of his chest. She loved the delicious weight of him and wrapped her arms around his neck until he claimed her lips again, his tongue tangling with hers. His kiss deepened until his tongue plunged in and out simulating what another part of his body would soon do — until she arched against him.

Please, Blake, now,” she begged. She’d never wanted anyone like she wanted

He reached over her to the bed stand; she then heard the ripping of foil as he covered himself. Passion pounded the blood through her heart, chest, and head as he pushed inside her. She gasped at the force of it. He pulled out and drove inside her again and again.

She rocked against him and he picked up the perfect rhythm that bound their bodies together. He pushed into her in a hot, slick dance she wished would never end, flesh against flesh, man against woman. The heat rippled under her skin as the pressure built and built until she exploded with erotic pleasure. Moments later, he gave a powerful thrust and groaned her name as he found his own release.



Blake rolled over
, taking Jennifer with him, planting her head on his chest where she could hear his heart beat erratically. She lay panting, her chest heaving while his hands absently stroked her back. He wanted to tell her so many things, like how he’d wanted her since the first time he saw her at the boat ramp five years ago at Monroe Lake. Blake wanted to tell her he was crazy about her. He stopped himself. It was too much information too soon.

They lay quietly as peace and contentment flowed between them. After a long moment, Jennifer lifted her head to gaze at him and whispered, “You know this is impossible.”

Blake rolled over until he was on top of her, braced on his elbows, his dark, eyes burning into hers. “It sure didn’t feel impossible to me. I think we need to make love one more time, and then we’ll discuss what’s impossible.”

Chapter Seven


In the morning, down in the living room, Blake pulled a package of special roasted coffee out of his briefcase, retrieved the morning paper from the front porch, and then headed for the kitchen, where he pulled out two cannolis he’d purchased with the takeout the night before. He loaded up the coffee filter with fresh grinds then filled the pot with water. Flipping the switch, he pulled two mugs from the cabinet — along with a tray — and thought about the night before.

The gorgeous blonde sleeping upstairs had almost worn him out. He wouldn’t have believed that was possible. And Blake wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t experienced a sexual explosion like never before. Jennifer made him insanely hot. And staying away from her was not going to happen.

Blake poured steamy coffee into both mugs, placed them on the tray along with the cannolis, and headed for the stairs with the newspaper under his arm. In her bedroom, he quietly placed the mugs on the bed stand, pulled back the sheets and slipped back into bed. Jennifer was sleeping on her side toward the window, her hair fanned across the pillow. He planted a soft kiss on her shoulder.

Jennifer stirred, yawned, and stretched and rolled over. She looked beyond him to her alarm clock. “It’s five o’clock. You get up at five o’clock?”

Wordlessly, he handed her a mug of coffee and watched her until she propped herself up on one elbow and took her first sip. “Oh, my God. This coffee couldn’t have come from my kitchen.”

You like?”

Oh, yes, I like.”

I bought a bag last night when picked up the Italian take out. I have another surprise for you too. Cannolis.” He pointed to the wrapped desserts on the table next to him.

She smiled and kissed him on the shoulder as she wrapped the sheet around her naked body to sit up next to him. Jennifer glanced at the rolled newspaper on his lap, and sipped her coffee again. Delicious. She could get used to this — drinking amazing coffee while curled up next to the hottest man she’d ever seen, let alone slept with.

I’ve been getting up an hour earlier than I need to so I can have coffee and read the paper before I start my day.”

Not a bad habit.” She whispered.

He opened up the paper and took out the sports section to read first. Jennifer finished off her coffee and laid the mug on the bed stand. She gazed at Blake for a moment, her eyebrows arching mischievously, then peeled off the sheet and got on his lap, straddling him. Hot waves of pleasure heated her thighs as she found the hard bulge beneath his boxer shorts. She moved sensuously against it.

Jennifer ripped the paper out of his hands and threw it across the room. A flash of humor crossed Blake’s face, as his large hands gripped her ass and pulled her closer.

I’m hungry, aren’t you?” Jennifer asked as she unwrapped a cannoli. She pulled out the tube-shaped fried pastry dough filled with creamy filling, dipping her finger in the center until it was coated with the sugary mixture. Then she lightly ran her finger across Blake’s lower lip. Jennifer bent her head to lick the rich dessert from his lips, then she was kissing him and he was kissing her back with a hunger that had nothing to do with cannolis. His mouth felt hard, hot, and tasted faintly like coffee. Yes, she was pretty sure she could get used to waking up this way every morning.



Much, much later, after they showered, Blake waited downstairs for Jennifer to finish dressing. He read a text from Lane that instructed him to turn on the television to the local news.

Blake lifted the remote and turned on the television, flipping channels until he found the local news. The station was broadcasting live from Rocky Cliff State Park. A male announcer stood next to Evan Hendricks, a large crowd of people behind them. Blake turned up the volume.

Broadcasting live, I am standing next to Evan Hendricks, the fiancé of Tiffany Chase, the young woman who is missing. Evan, is there something you want to tell our audience?”

Jennifer entered the room and Blake nodded toward the television.

As Tiffany’s fiancé, I want to make sure that everything is being done that can be to find her. With the help of a group of parishioners, I organized this search today of Rocky Cliff State Park where Tiffany was last seen. We have about thirty people here to cover every inch of the park, hiking every trail. Tiffany, if you’re watching this, I just want you to know that I’m going to find you, honey. It’s just a matter of time.”

Blake turned off the television and said, “Do you believe that?”

Jennifer shook her head. “That little jerk is giving the impression that he had to step in because law enforcement wasn’t doing enough to find Tiffany. That is so not true.”

Is he trying to make the police look bad or make himself look innocent?”



Outside a sense of heaviness hung in the air. Streaked clouds of gray suggested a spring rain might be coming. Thick, early morning fog made it difficult to see as Jennifer and Blake drove to the Sugar Creek Cafe to ask the waitresses if any of them knew Evan. If there was a connection between Evan Hendricks and Catherine Thomas, they had to find it.

When they entered the cafe, the live broadcast of the search of Rocky Cliff State Park was on every flat-screen television in the place. She saw a booth open in Brianna Hayden’s area, so she led Blake in that direction.

As they slid into a booth near a window, Jennifer sensed they were being watched. People had made no secret they were unhappy that Catherine’s killer had not been caught, and Tiffany’s disappearance just fueled the fire.

Jennifer waved at Brianna, who was watching the television and had not seen them.

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