Read Deadly Vision Online

Authors: Kris Norris

Deadly Vision (19 page)

BOOK: Deadly Vision
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“Damn it, Gil! What the hell are you doing?”

She moved again, but only succeeded in rubbing her breasts against the outside of his legs. He smiled and slipped one hand under her chest, rolling one nipple between his fingers. Fallon stilled, a breathy whimper fluttering across his skin.

“I told you, darling. You’re going to be punished for sassing me and thinking you could challenge me in the bedroom.” He lowered his head so his breath whispered across the back of her neck. “And we are in the bedroom now, baby.”

Fallon’s whimper hissed into a moan as he moved his hand to the other side, taking that nipple between his fingers. She arched up slightly, giving him just a bit more room. “It’s only fair,” she whispered. “You didn’t let me touch you earlier and it’s been so long…”

Her words broke off at the first firm slap across her buttocks, replaced by a quick gasp of air. “I control the bedroom, baby. I always have and I always will.” He smoothed his hand over her ass, massaging the slightly red area. “The sooner you remember that, the better.”


A second slap purged the air from her chest, and she hissed his name as he timed the spank with a firm pull on her nipple. “Still sassing me, baby? You are dangerous, aren’t you?” He smoothed her skin again, this time tracing the curve down to pussy. “Open your legs, Fallon, and let me feel how wet you are now.”

Gil waited, but Fallon only shifted on his lap. His smile widened. She wanted more. He raised his hand, holding it in the air for several seconds before landing it smartly on her ass, loving how her entire body clenched at the action. But this time he only gave her a few moments to recover before repeating the motion, spanking her several times before smoothing her skin again. “So soft and smooth, baby. And now such a pretty shade of pink.” He drew his finger down the cleft of her buttocks, gently probing her anus before moving back to her pussy. “Let’s try this again. Open your legs and let me feel how wet you are.”

Fallon moaned as she shifted her legs apart, giving him access to her drenched folds. He hummed with satisfaction as he sank two fingers inside her sex, amazed at the creamy dew that saturated his skin. “Oh God, Fallon. You’re practically dripping. Did you enjoy your spanking?”

When she didn’t answer he pulled out his fingers and swirled the juice around her clit, making her moan. Then he stopped and gave another firm slap to her bottom. “Answer me sweetheart, or we’ll keep this up all night. And I know just how to touch you to make you want without going over.”

“No, please.”

The words were soft and low, as if speaking them took every ounce of strength she had. He eased down and kissed her shoulder. “Then tell me what I want to hear.”


“Yes, what?”

Fallon snorted and shifted again. “Yes, I enjoyed my spanking. Now please, make me come.”

Gil placed another gentle kiss on her skin, following it with a quick flick of his tongue. “That’s much better. But I’m not ready to let you come just yet.” He moved his fingers back to her sex, dipping them inside her again. “I want to feel how much you want me. How badly you need me to give you your release. Then I’m going indulge myself, and eat every last drop of honey from between your thighs, until you beg me to finish you off. Then, maybe, I’ll let you come.” He eased his fingers up to her clit, circling it slowly. “How does that sound, baby?”

“It sounds like it’ll take all night,” she said, pushing her bud harder against his fingers.

“That’s my plan,” he agreed, moving with her so his touch remained soft. “My pace, my schedule. After all, it’s only fair after you had your way with me in the kitchen.”

“But I let you set the pace at the end. I didn’t make you wait.”

“Like I said this afternoon. A true warrior knows how to take advantage of any mistake.” He pressed inside her again, rubbing her G-spot. “And I promise, the waiting will be half the fun.”

Chapter Thirteen




Pleasure erupted in her groin and Fallon closed her eyes as a red haze slowly smothered her. Gil’s fingers were rubbing her inner channel, making the ache in the pit of her stomach tighten and grow. Damn, he was good. He hadn’t been bragging when he’d said he knew just how to touch her to keep her wet and wanting without going over. He’d done it before. Made her wait for hours before allowing her orgasm to destroy her. And it would. She remembered a few nights when she’d climaxed so hard from hours of his torment, she’d had to sleep for an hour just to have enough energy to make love to him. If Gil had his way, tonight would be a repeat of those nights.

“Feel good?” he asked, pressing a bit deeper. “Would you like more?” She moaned her reply, trying to push her hips back, but he held her tight. “Naughty little minx,” he rasped, drawing his finger out to place a lighter smack on her ass. “Let’s get you right side up so I can finally have a taste of my prize.”

The room dipped and swayed as Gil eased her up and flipped her over, cradling her body against his. She snuggled into his warmth, drawing in a deep breath of man and musk. She savoured the aroma, smiling at the delicious scent of him. It was spicy and hot, and she couldn’t wait until he’d rubbed that scent all over her body. She opened her eyes and nibbled at his chin as he stood up and twisted around, dropping her back down on the bed. She gasped at the sudden jolt, having only enough time to look up at him before he’d pounced on top of her, his weight crushing her into the mattress. She shifted beneath him, her legs already spread around his hips, when she felt the head of his cock slide through her silky folds, spreading more moisture around her clit. Her moan vibrated through her chest and she couldn’t stop from punching her hips up, hoping to push just a bit of his shaft inside her.

Gil chuckled as he worked her clit with the tip of his cock, undulating just enough to keep the head from penetrating her channel. She grabbed at his shoulders, arching into him as the fire grew inside her.

“Soon, baby, soon. But not before I get a taste.”

Fallon nearly cried as he slipped down her body, leaving her cold and empty. She wanted him inside her, filling her. Pumping her so hard she’d beg him to finish. But she could tell by the clench of his muscles, he wasn’t planning to give her any part of his cock until he’d had his fill.

“Gil, please. You tasted me this afternoon. Can’t you take me first and taste me later?”

Gil glanced up at her, a sexy smile on his face. “Yes I did taste you this afternoon. But it was hardly enough to sate my hunger, darling. You know how much I love to eat you.”

Fallon watched as he distended his tongue and gave her slit a long, slow lick. Her stomach fluttered and a warm tingle raced down her spine.

“Umm. Delicious. I think I’d like some more.” Gil dipped down and Fallon couldn’t stop another moan from slipping from her lips. Gil smiled against her skin, lapping again at her sex. “See, darling. Playing is half the fun.” He nodded towards the wooden side table. “Do you still keep your toys in the drawer?”

She glanced over at the small table, a sense of anticipation building inside her. “Yes,” she replied slowly, locking her eyes back on him. “Why?”

The grin that lit his face told her everything she needed to know. “Well, darling. I can’t truly play without toys, can I?”

Fallon barely blinked before Gil had propelled himself off the bed, grabbed the items out of the drawer and reclaimed his spot between her legs. Then he pushed her knees farther back, opening her even wider.

“That’s it baby. I want you spread nice and wide for me. You know how much I like to watch you.”

“What are you going to do?” she asked, hoping the nervous twitch in her stomach didn’t radiate into her voice.

Gil smiled up at her. “I’m going to make you scream.” He held up her anal plug and a tube of lubrication. “And these are just the right tools for the job.”

Fallon felt the air leave her lungs and the blood heat her face. Anal sex? No one had touched that part of her since Charlie…

Gil continued, seemingly unaware of the new tension in her muscles. “You went wild when I put my finger in there earlier. So let’s try something slightly bigger.”

Fallon watched, spellbound, as Gil held up the plug and applied a long, thick line of gel down the length. Cream slipped from her pussy, tickling the inside of her thighs as he prepared the toy, ensuring every inch was covered with the gel. When their eyes finally locked, she could barely breathe past the tightness in her chest.

“Ready, baby?”

She nodded, not able to speak without whimpering at the images racing through her mind. She’d often dreamed of having Gil touch her that way again, but she’d never thought he’d actually want to.

“Lay back, Fallon, and try to relax. This plug is pretty large and based on how tight you were this afternoon, I’ll bet you haven’t been using it too much.”

She shook her head. Except for her exploits on the couch the other night, she hadn’t used the anal plug since Gil had left.

“I didn’t think so.” He nodded at her and she relaxed back on the bed. “Now take a deep breath and push the air out slowly.”

Fallon tried to breathe, but the air just stalled in her chest when she felt the cold press of the plug against her anus. She squeezed her eyes shut, whimpering as Gil eased the toy inside her, surging it forward until the base locked against her skin.

“Damn, that’s a beautiful sight.” He pulled the plug out, leaving only the tip inside before plunging it home again. Her moan echoed in the room, but it seemed so far away. Every sense was already honed to the movement of the plug through her body. The way Gil pumped it in and out, igniting every nerve in her ass. She arched up, needing a release from the pressure building inside her.

“Feel good, baby?”

“Gil…” Her voice shuddered into a wail as he thrust two fingers into her channel, countering the thrusts to her ass. She bucked against him, taking him deeper, twisting the sheets in her fists. Fire swept through her ass and into her stomach, pluming outwards as her climax drew closer, sending shivers up her spine. Her skin beaded with sweat and her clit start to pulse.

“Do you know how beautiful you look right now?” asked Gil, pressing the plug back inside, the tip pressing against his fingers through the thin barrier of skin. Fallon snapped her head up, locking her eyes on his. Her body was swaying on the edge, ready to explode with just a few more strokes.

“Damn it, Gil. I need…”

“I know what you need. But I’ve already told you. Not until I’ve eaten my fill.”

Fallon screamed at the touch of his tongue against her clit. Her nerves were raw, over-stimulated, and the hard flick of his mouth was more than she could stand. She reached down and wrapped her fingers in his hair, giving it a firm tug as he lapped at her flesh, making her body twitch. Gil moaned at the movement, but continued to lick the juices spilling around his fingers, making it more than obvious her tactics weren’t going to distract him into giving her what she wanted. She cried out, falling back on the bed, as the orgasm began to build again. It was deeper this time, a warm ball in the pit of her stomach that rolled outward, consuming every inch as it flowed through her body. Gil seemed to sense the impending rush, and began moving his fingers again, licking every drop of juice he pulled from her body.

“Okay, Fallon. No more teasing. Time to come for me, baby.”

Fallon fought the sensation, knowing she’d be screaming by the time it finally hit, but unable to stop the steady ascent. It pushed her higher, filling her head with a dull pounding sound as the blood seemed to throb in her ears. She felt one last suckle of Gil’s lips against her clit before the world exploded, releasing the fire inside her. It swept across her skin, tingling her fingers as it raced through her body, ending in a harsh cry of Gil’s name.

“That’s it, baby. Feel it. Let it take you.”

Fallon twisted on the bed, unable to pinpoint the source of her pleasure. Heat pulsed through her ass, into her womb and then back again, blurring any single point of reference. Her ass clenched around the thick plug as her channel gripped Gil’s fingers, trapping them inside her. His breath feathered over her clit, making it twitch and his head was lodged too far between her legs for her to close them and squeeze some of the feelings away.

“Gil. Oh God.” The words got jumbled in her head, and her tongue seemed too big in her mouth. She shifted beneath him, but only succeeded in driving his fingers even deeper. A moan filled her chest, but it came out as little more than a sigh.

“Now that was an orgasm,” he said smugly, slowly pulling his fingers from her body. Fallon tried to close her legs in protest, but he held them firmly apart. “Don’t worry, baby. There’s more.”

She opened her eyes just as Gil came down over her, covering her body with his. He was hot and just the smell of him pulsed the blood in her veins. She needed him. No more games. Gil seemed to acknowledge her need, and made no protest when she wrapped her legs around his thighs and pushed the crown inside her, rubbing it against the plug. She looked up, her eyebrow marking her question.

Gil shook his head, pushing his cock another inch inside her. “I want to leave the plug in, darling. So you’ll be nice and loose the next time. I told you I wouldn’t take you there until I’d prepared you, and this is part of it.”

BOOK: Deadly Vision
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