Deadly Vision (32 page)

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Authors: Kris Norris

BOOK: Deadly Vision
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“Why do you think I grew up with my grandparents?”

A deep sinking feeling formed in his stomach.
“I assumed your parents died, or something. You never really said.”

“They’re alive and well and living in Florida. I haven’t seen or spoken to them in twenty years. Not since…”

Her voice trailed off and he knew the answer without her saying it. “Not since your sister was murdered,” he finished. Fallon whirled around to face him, anger glittering in her eyes. “I did a bit of research after you mentioned her the other day. I didn’t know why you’d never told me about her.” He gave her a soft smile. “After reading the report, I can see why.” He took another step closer. “Did you see it all happen?”

Fallon’s chin quivered and a single tear crept down her cheek. “She summoned me every day she was kept there. I tried to tell my parents, but… After the police found her body, they told me I was responsible. That it was my fault the police didn’t find her in time. That I was helping the monster that took her. I guess they thought I’d actually been in the room.”

Gil went to touch her, but she moved away, shaking her head as she held up her hand. “They didn’t speak to me for months, leaving food out on the counter so I wouldn’t have to ask for it. Looking back, I guess I thought I deserved it. I probably would’ve stayed if my father hadn’t…”

Shame filled her expression and Gil had to fight the urge to pound the nearest surface. “Until your father did what?”

She lowered her eyes and stared at the floor between her legs. “He started hitting me. He said it was my penance. Then one night he tried to…” She wrapped her arms around her chest. “I managed to get away and that was the last I ever saw of them. I took some money out of my mother’s purse and hopped the next bus to Portland. My grandparents have a farm not far from there. I called them from the station and that’s where I spent the rest of my life until I moved out on my own.”

Gil moved before she could act, pulling her into his arms as he dropped kissing across her head. “You know it’s not your fault, Fallon. You were only twelve years old. No one should have to live through that. Losing a sister. Seeing her tortured and raped, knowing you couldn’t help her. And as for your parents. God help them if I ever lay eyes on them. I swear I’ll kill the man for trying to hurt you like that.” He pulled back just enough she could look up at him. “None of that matters anymore, darling. You’re mine, now. And I’ll never let you go, not for anything.”

With that he lowered his mouth and took her lips in his. They were warm and wet, and just the taste of her surged the blood in his veins, making his shaft stand at attention. He moaned as it brushed across her mound, pressing into the slick folds of her sex. Despite the situation, she was hot and wet, ready for him to pleasure her. He savoured the thought of loving her. Of spending hours worshipping her body. Moving inside her without needing to climax, but just revelling in the joining of their bodies. He thought of all he could say to her. How he could soothe her fears with his words and actions. She was giving herself to him, and he’d make sure she knew how much he treasured her.

Gil scoped her up in his arms and carried her the few steps back to the bed, careful to lay her down gently this time. He could tell by the way she clung to him she needed tenderness. Not a fast hard fuck, but a long, gentle loving. He followed her down on the bed, covering her trembling body with his. She stilled when his shaft nudged at her entrance, asking for permission to enter.

He eased up on his elbows, alarmed by the sudden tension coursing through her body. “Are you too sore, baby?” he asked, wondering if he really had been too rough, despite her denial earlier.

She shook her head and more tears gathered in her eyes.

“Is something else wrong?”

She cringed and a thousand fears raced through his mind until she snagged her bottom lip and looked him in the eyes. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you…” she began, her voice barely a whisper. “Shortly after you left I was having these bad headaches, so my doctor…”

Her voice vanished into the silence and Gil rethought the events of the day. The way she’d talked about settling down and starting a family. How she’d brushed her hand across her stomach with a dreamy look in her eyes. Then there’d been the no alcohol thing.

Pieces clicked into place and the truth settled on him like a warm blanket. Fallon must have seen the gleam in his eyes. Her face flushed a deep red, lacing down across her chest. Her nipples hardened against his chest and he couldn’t stop the contented moan from rumbling free.

“Maybe we should take precau…” she began only to be silenced by his lips on hers. He kissed her softly, dipping his tongue into her mouth when she opened willingly.

He smiled at her when she finally opened her eyes. “I think it’s already too late for that, don’t you?” he said, shifting his gaze down their bodies towards her stomach. “And if it’s not, then I want to try again.”

Fallon cried into his mouth as he kissed her again. He nudged his cock at her pussy again, and was rewarded by the warm heat of her sheath as she looped her legs around his hips and tilted his shaft inside.

“God you feel so warm and tight. It’s all I can do not to pump my cum inside you the moment you clench yourself around me.” He slid deeper into her, loving the desperate moan that trembled from her lips. “Do you want me to come inside you, darling?”

“Yes.” Her reply was a hiss of pleasure as he locked his sac against her flesh.

“Do you want to have my child, Fallon? ‘Cause the thought of you all round with my baby makes my cock so hard I’m worried I’ll split you in half.”

“You won’t hurt me. Please, I need more. I need to feel you pumping your seed inside me. I want your baby more than anything.”

He smiled at her confession, drawing his shaft slowly out of her channel until just the tip was snugged inside her tight sex. He loved how her body flowed around him. Stretching as he pushed in, and closing behind the wake of his retreat. The sensation was amazing and he found himself moving faster, needing to feel the warm clasp of her pussy as he filled her. Wanting her to always remember what it felt like to have him inside her.

“Still need me to show you who possesses you, baby?”

She shook her head, tilting it back as he slammed home again. “Only you do,” she gasped twisting beneath him. “Only you. Now please, Gil. Harder.”

It was his turn to shake his head. “I want to show you how much I cherish you. How lucky I am to be the man who gets to love you. I want this to last a lifetime.”

“You can have me again. As many times as you want. Just please. I’m so close.”

“As many times as I need?” he teased, holding her orgasm at bay.

“Yes. Just make me come. Please.”

Gil smiled down at her. Oh, how she’d eat those words later. Then he reached between her legs and plucked at her clit, sending her careening over the edge. She screamed his name as her head pushed into the pillow, arching her back off the mattress. He moved faster, knowing the hard strokes would drive the orgasm higher. She dug her nails into his back, meeting each thrust until her body gave out, and she went limp beneath him. He roared in male approval, pumping into her until the fire in his spine exploded between his legs, and he released his seed, filling her until the excess seeped around his shaft and down their thighs.

“Sweet mercy,” he moaned, holding his body rigidly above hers until the flashing in his head dissipated and he eased his body down, bridging some of his weight on his arms. He’d never come so hard in his life, expect perhaps every other time he’d ever made love to her. And just knowing he’d have a lifetime of chances made his heart race.

“Sleep, baby,” he soothed, pulling his weakening flesh from her sweet heat. She sighed out a soft breath, immediately turning into his chest. “Sleep, ‘cause I plan on taking you up on your offer as soon as you open those beautiful baby blues.”

Chapter Twenty-One




Fallon sighed, snuggling deeper into the covers. Her body ached in the most delicious ways bringing a satisfied smile to her face. Gil had been masterful last night, taking her from one orgasm to another, filling her ‘til she’d thought she might actually burst. And all the while, telling her how much her loved her…needed her.

“Someone certainly looks happy this morning.”

Her eyes popped open even as she reached behind her only to find Gil gone. She looked over at the doorway and felt her heart skip a beat. He was leaning against the doorframe, his massive shoulders wedged into the small space. He was naked from the waist up, the lean play of his muscles dancing in the morning light. His low slung jeans hugged his legs, the top button splayed open, exposing a light dusting of dark hair as it trailed from his chest down below his stomach. His feet were bare against the wood flooring and he was holding a tray in his hands.

“I’d be happier if you were still naked in the bed with me,” she said, her gaze focused on the increasing bulge in his pants. She pushed up onto her elbow, allowing the blankets to slide down her arm, baring her breasts to him. His hiss of breath made her smile. “I don’t suppose I could tempt you back?”

Gil kicked his mouth into a sexy smile as he made his way across the room. “I thought after all your exercise last night, you might be hungry.” He chuckled as her stomach growled its agreement. “See anything you like?” he asked, lowering the tray onto the chair still sitting beside the bed.

Fallon gazed at the feast before her. He’d cut up a bowl of fresh strawberries, topping them with a generous dollop of whipped cream. There was warm buttered bread, a plate of scrambled eggs, a basket full of muffins and two glasses of juice. “Think you brought enough?” she joked, eyeing the whipped cream with interest.

“I don’t think either of us really ate yesterday,” he said, popping a piece of muffin into his mouth. “And quite frankly, I’m famished.”

Fallon smiled, loving how he watched her even as he stuffed more muffin in his mouth. He was hungry all right, but for more than just food. She raised an eyebrow and nodded towards his groin. “Take off your pants, and I’ll show exactly what I’m hungry for.”

His eyes darkened as he looked back at the tray of food and then at her. He seemed to read her intentions as she sat up in the bed and motioned to his jeans. “Okay, baby. But remember. Turnabout is fair play.”

“I’m counting on it,” she purred, watching his fingers work the buttons on his jeans. He moved slowly, teasing her with glimpses of his cock as he slowly slipped each one free, finally pushing the material down over his thighs. Then he was standing there, gloriously naked. She nodded and motioned him forward. “Stand in front of me.”

He paused for just a moment, flashing her a look that was anything but submissive, and then stepped forward, stopping when his cock was inches from her face. She leaned in, inhaling the fresh clean scent of him.

“You grabbed a shower.”

He shrugged, watching her through lowered lids. “I tried to wake you, darling. But sometimes you sleep like the dead.” He smiled down at her, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. “Guess that’ll have to change in nine months.”

Fallon’s stomach dropped hard, making her head spin. God, he’d said the words like he was discussing the weather. He didn’t even look scared. “There’s no guarantee I’m pregnant. I just wanted you to have a choice. One you should’ve had from the start.”

“Well if you’re not pregnant, it’s sure not from lack of trying,” he said. “And there was never a need for a choice.” He touched her cheek softly then straightened. “Now I believe you mentioned something about being hungry. Or are you just enjoying the view?”

“Or I plan on enjoying more than just the view. Close your eyes.”

“Careful, baby. You’re moving onto thin ice.”

“I’ll take my chances. Now close your eyes. I promise you’ll like my surprise.”

Gil huffed but obeyed, squeezing his eyes shut. She knew he wasn’t one to give in, and just the fact he was allowing her to lead showed her how deeply his feelings ran. She shifted on the bed, kicking back the covers as she knelt on the floor between him and the chair. She could tell by the tension in his thighs, he wouldn’t last long, but she’d take every moment he gave her before she ended up back on the bed with him riding between her thighs.

“Mmm. What a delicious cock you have for me. I think it deserves a sweet treat.” She reached over to the tray, swiping her finger through the whipped cream. “Did you picture me eating this cream off you cock when you prepared breakfast?”

Gil’s mouth twitched and she could tell he was fighting not to open his eyes. “Actually, I picked all the things I wanted to eat off

“And exactly what did you have in mind for the toast?” she asked, not able to picture anything in her mind.

Gil chuckled in a way that sent heat spiralling out from her core. “I have the perfect holding slot in mind, baby.”

“You are wicked,” she said, smearing more cream along his shaft. “Perhaps, if you behave, I’ll save some cream for you.”

“Darling, you already have all the cream I need. Now I suggest you get moving, or you’ll find our positions reversed.”

“I think you need to work on your patience,” she teased, distending her tongue to the tip of his shaft. She loved how his cock bobbed up at the sudden contact, nearly connecting with his stomach, before descending back down. “Tasty,” she moaned, licking a small drop of cream off the hood. “I think we’re going to need more cream.”

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