Deaf (Senses Series Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Deaf (Senses Series Book 2)
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The minute it falls open he pulls away and admires the view.

It’s not like it’s his first time.

“How the fuck do you get sexier every time I see you?” The words make me giggle, and I attempt to hide my face. Immediately he captures my chin and says, “Shy? My Maximus?”

The playfulness in his tone causes me to lower my eyes to a similarly amusing look. But instead of responding, I reach behind me and unsnap my lace bra and slip it off, dangling it from my fingers like some sort of prize for him to claim.

Logan growls and pounces on one of my free nipples, his tongue on a mission to make me cry out. And when I do his teeth drag themselves slowly across it before repeating the motion on the other side. My bra is now lost somewhere on the floor.

This is like new age modern warfare.

I go to push him off, to encourage him to get past this foreplay shit, when his hands trap mine against the headboard I’m leaning on. Lifting his mouth he rumbles, “No.”

In a pout I try to respond, “But I just—”

“No.” He states again stubbornly. “You are in
bed, Maxx. You are at
mercy. And you are
to do with what I please.”

The muscles in my pussy tighten and my legs, that he is trapped between, flex as well.

A wicked grin creeps on his face. “You like that don’t you?” His eyes travel down to my body and I realize that if he breathes in the right spot I’m gonna be coming apart. “Your pussy likes it too?” Another strong clench of those muscles. Logan lets my arms go, backs up a bit, and yanks my thighs towards his body spreading my legs wide open. With his tongue tasting his own lips he admires the view of my skirt ruffled up and my bright red thong that’s now beyond damp. Staring at the sight between my legs he says, “You’re gonna come for me, Maxx.”

Sexually frustrated I mumble, “Obviously.”

Not appreciating my response, he grips my thighs tightly. The little bit of pain being applied from his grip is enough to threaten to send me spiraling over the edge. 

Is that a thing? Can you really come even if you haven’t been touched?

“No, Maxx, you’re gonna come for me again.” Grip a little tighter. “And again.” His hands inch upward. “And again.” I whimper and shut my eyes. “And just when you think you can’t possibly come any more, that’s when you’re gonna come the hardest.” My body prepares to do just that when it feels his on top of it, his mouth in my ear now. “And that’s when you’re body’s gonna know it’s mine.”

His lips feverishly attach to mine again, this time flooding my entire body with so much warmth I think I’m gonna die of a heat stroke before we even get to the best part. After just a few more kisses, Logan pulls away, grabs the edges of my skirt and thong, and pulls them down together in one slow agonizing motion.

As soon as I’m completely naked Logan mutters, “Damn.”

Slightly uncomfortable being the only one naked I encourage, “Feel free to join me in Birthday Suit City…”

He lets out a light chuckle and stands up dropping both pairs of shorts.

Is it scientifically possible that his cock could’ve gotten larger? Don’t you roll your eyes at me.

My eyes shoot straight to his dick where they stay plastered as I suck my bottom lip into my mouth.

“Keep looking at me like that, Baby, and I won’t even make it inside,” he warns.

Hesitantly, I drag my eyes from it and up to his right as he leans over to grab a condom from the nightstand table. The combined sound of the drawer opening and the condom ripping sends my body into passion panic mode.
This is happening. This is really happening.

Once he’s strapped and ready he lowers himself back between my spread legs. With my heartbeat trying to escape through my chest, I realize I’m not just nervous because this is Logan but because well…it’s been a very long time. “Logan, wait.”

His entire body stiffens as I watch him shut his eyes tightly. With a somewhat hung head he sighs, “Maxx, I will stop if I absolutely have to, and suffer from what will be the world’s worst fucking blue balls if you need me to. But God, I hope that’s not the fucking case.” I try to snicker but get caught. Logan’s eyes shoot open and his eyebrows up. “You think that’s funny?”

“No,” I quickly answer.

“Do you want me to stop?”

My lips pause for a second longer than I anticipated. “No.”

“You hesitated. Maxx, if you’re not sure—”

“I’m sure!” I blurt out. “It’s just…”

“Just what?”

Embarrassed I close my eyes not wanting to look him in the face as I make my admission. “It’s just…I haven’t had sex in a
long time.”

“Open your eyes, Maxx.” Instantly my body follows his command. “How long?”


I watch his reaction unsure what to make of it. The corners of his mouth look like they want to turn up to smile in victory, but his eyes looks unsure. Clearing his throat, still hovering over me, he asks, “How many?”


At that, Logan sits up leaning back on the heels of his feet. “Four years, Maxx?”

Propping myself up on my elbows I snap, “Well it’s not for lack of trying okay! Not everyone can just snap their fingers and have sex on demand like they have some sort of slut genie in their back pocket.”

He runs his fingers through his hair in what I assume is frustration.

Way to fucking ruin it, right? Why didn’t you tell me to just keep that little fact to myself until AFTER I had gotten laid? You’re here to help!

“Look Logan, I understand if now you don’t want to—”

“What?” The remark seems to bring him out of his own head. “Are you fucking kidding me? A tornado couldn’t stop me from finally being inside you, Maxx.”

“Then what is it?”

His shoulders slump down. “I feel like an asshole because I didn’t know that.”

“It’s not like I’m advertising it on billboards.”

Ignoring me he continues, “And because I know I can’t be slow or gentle right now and that’s what you need. I feel like the world’s biggest jerk because I can’t ever give you what you need.”

Wow. So that look on his face wasn’t regret or rumination, but remorse. How can anyone not love him?

“What I need, Logan Kellar.” I sit all the way up and run my fingers slowly across the tattoo on his chest. “Is you.”

Without further contemplation he lunges forward knocking me flat, his tongue not needing an invitation to meet mine since mine was just as ready, and curls his fingers around the back of my neck. Before I can take my next breath, he’s plunged himself deep inside of me.

The moment his dick is inside I explode even worse than I was expecting. “Logan!” I come instantly which was my fear. However, coming with enough intensity that it feels like it’s my first time didn’t seem like it was even a possibility.

His lips fall off mine as he groans, “Really?” When my lips don’t provide an answer he smirks wildly making a demand on a thrust. “Again.” My eyelids fall as my tight muscles that are cradling his cock clench repeatedly as if prepared to do it on command.


Logan slowly pulls out, before sharply pushing inside again, this time deeper than before. I whimper his name, which is all the encouragement he needs as he continues this slow but rough rhythm that seems to tease yet please my clit in the process. While the movements aren’t hurried, each push is forceful and clearly dominating. My body threatens to come as I dig my nails into his bulging biceps.

Reading my body, he thrusts harshly forward and demands, “Again, Maxx.”

And I crumble once more releasing my orgasm on a loud cry of his name.

“Fuck,” he curses in return, the hand that he’s had latched onto my hip is now trailing across my outer thigh while my legs are wrapped around him.

When did that happen?

“Keep that up, Baby, and I’m not gonna last much longer,” he advises. His lips suck my neck while his hips continue to rock forward.

In a sexy whisper, directly next to his ear I respond, “Then don’t.”

Logan lets out a low grumble and pushes his lips against mine as the rocking increases in speed. Pleased with the change, I express it by digging my heels into him, which results in a stifled groan of pleasure through our kisses. Subconsciously, my hips drift up to meet each of his thrusts with the familiar burn of another orgasm upon me.

My muscles clench in warning and his kisses drop from mine. With his eyes shining bright he demands, “One more, Baby…give me one more.” Whimpering at his command, my own eyes start to shut when his tongue licks my bottom lip. “Eyes open.” I whine. I hate that he won’t let me roll my eyes back into my head. I receive a sharper plunge for my objection. “My.” Thrust. “Bed.” Thrust. “My.” Thrust. “Rules.” And off the deep end I go, withering against him, my eyes doing their best to stay open as any air that I may have had in my lungs leaves. Suddenly, Logan’s body tenses and he groans, “Fuck, Maxx, I’m coming.”

The two of us struggle to regain our breath as the sweat drips across our bodies. Logan slides out of me, pulls off his condom, and disappears to dispose of it. Satisfied in a way I don’t ever recall being, I remain lying still in his bed, too exhausted to move.

My eyes are closed but they only stay that way for a brief moment because I hear a heavy sigh that requires a look.  Seeing Logan leaning against the wall outside his bathroom, I ask, “What?”

A sweet smile creeps onto his face. “I’ve just never seen anything more beautiful.”

Softly blushing I counter, “Than a naked chick in your bed?”

“Than you naked in my bed,” he answers and stalks towards me.

Holy shit, I don’t think I can go another round. At least not yet.

Crawling back into the sheets, he flops down on his back and rolls me over until my head is on his chest and my arm is around his waist. I close my eyes as Logan strokes my forearm back and forth, his fingertips barely grazing my skin. Warmth spreads throughout my chest as I pull him into me closer, terrified that none of this is real. Terrified that none of this happened. That if I let him go right now I’ll wake up and this will have just been some twisted dream.

You know, like a really bad movie? I hate those movies. I like the ones with the happy endings. Don’t you?

Chapter 9


I’m not really sure how long Maxx has been sleeping with her body molded against mine, or even what time it is for that matter, but I do know that it’s still dark out and there’s no reason she should be moving.

Fuck I can barely move. I don’t think I’ve ever been this worn out from getting laid. Is this what it’s like when you aren’t constantly at it?

Maxx’s ass, which is pressed against my cock, wiggles again.

My arm that’s wrapped around her waist tightens as I groan. “Quit moving.”

“Logan.” My name on her tongue sounds even sexier now that I’ve heard it screamed during sex. “Can I ask you something?”


It’s not even light outside yet and she wants to have the talk already? I know we need to talk. I know I need to tell her that I’m in love with her, and that scares the shit out of me, but I don’t wanna do it under the light of the moon like some sort of werewolf.

She giggles a little and her ass presses against me. I stifle a grunt. “Ask away.”

“Did you buy new sheets?”

Confused I answer, “Yeah.”



“Because why?”

“Because I didn’t want you in the same sheets as everyone else.” I let out on a yawn, preparing myself to go back to sleep.

“Why not?”

“Because you’re not like everyone else.” My fingers lightly stroke her hip hoping it’ll soothe her back to sleep.

And out of this annoying questioning. I mean, really, who wakes someone up to ask about sheets? If you’ve ever done that, fucking shame on you, dude.

Her hips roll against me again and my cock begins to harden. It’s hard as a rock almost immediately.
Greedy asshole

“Damn it, Maxx, if you don’t stop moving your ass like that I’m gonna bury myself balls deep inside of you.”

A soft request that, if I had drifted off to sleep, would have been lost into the night says, “Please…”

I really do fucking love this girl.

Stretching my arm back, I fumble around in the drawer until I find a condom, tear it open, and roll it on.

Yeah. I know how to operate in the dark. Not my first time, but Maxx will be the last girl I use this skill for.

My lips plant a kiss on her shoulder, then her neck, and finally bring her earlobe between my teeth as I push myself inside of her.

“Logan,” she cries out clutching the sheet.

“Louder,” I instruct, my body rolling hers over so she’s on her stomach, legs spread, and her body is now mine for the taking from behind.  When Maxx cries out again in pleasure I push in further, eager to be as deep as I can possibly get. With one hand keeping her in place and the other holding me up, I continue to rock my hips against hers, this time taking it slow, enjoying every ripple that spreads through her.

It’s so hard not to just come every time I slip inside her. Try not to make fun of me, alright? I’ve only got so much self control.

Her tight pussy muscles cradle my shaft snugly as if they’re afraid I’m gonna leave them. My cock pushes deeper to cure their fears and is quickly rewarded by Maxx’s increased breathing. One of the signs that her orgasm is approaching.

That is one of my new favorite sounds. And this is one of my new favorite activities with her.

She turns her face to muffle her screams in the pillow. Driving my dick in harder I growl, “Don’t you hide those screams from me.”

On a sharp gasp she moves her face to the side and whimpers, “But Erin and Luke—”

“Fuck them,” is all I say before sliding almost all the way out and shoving myself right back in, my nuts lightly slapping against her. Another long moan and her muscles are squeezing around my cock, coming hard. As my name falls from her lips again and again, I don’t slow down the pace. I don’t falter. I keep driving in, determined to give her everything I can. Determined for her to know I meant what I said when I claimed her.

Nice and steady I keep going until there’s an unmistakable tingle at the base of my spine and an undeniably sharp pull in my nuts as they tense up for release. And on a very low groan of her name, I break apart. She follows right behind me, her pussy making it damn near impossible for my dick to leave.

The moment we both finally seem to be winding down, she sighs. “I’ve never had sex like that before.”

Pulling out of her, I carefully remove the condom, and before going to toss it, I ask, “That good?”

“Well that too.” She giggles as I crawl to get back into bed. “But I meant…from behind.”

Puzzled I sigh. “Really?”

“Yeah…” Her voice sounds ashamed. “I’m not really the most experienced in this department in case you couldn’t tell.”

Hating the insecurity in her voice I pull her so her head is laying back on my chest, the original way I remembered us falling asleep. After a gentle kiss on her forehead I say, “I couldn’t tell at all.” Once I feel her face smile against me I add, “But I will say…I’m glad it’s me who gets to have you in ways like no one else, Maxx. I’m really fucking glad.”

And with that I put one hand behind my head, close my eyes, and use the other to stroke her back softly.

I may be an asshole who doesn’t deserve the gorgeous nerd girl who is curled up against me, but now that I’ve got her, I won’t screw it up. Hey, look at me. I mean it. I’ll take care of her. I promise.

BOOK: Deaf (Senses Series Book 2)
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