Dealing With Discipline (25 page)

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Authors: Golden Angel

Tags: #Erotica, #sex, #bdsm, #spanking, #domestic discipline, #victorian era

BOOK: Dealing With Discipline
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"But I want to ride him," she pleaded,
opening her green eyes to their widest advantage.  "I can
handle him Hugh, I can!"

The muscle in his jaw
tightened.  "
  If you approach him again I will put you over my

"Over your..." Irene's soft voice
trailed off as she tried to comprehend what he was saying.

"Over my knee and spank

"You wouldn't!"

"I would," he said, a
little grimly.  The last thing Hugh wanted was a wife that he
had to constantly keep in line with a spanking, he'd gotten a
certain thrill from being in such a powerful position when it came
to his sister and the discipline he'd meted out to her while his
father was teaching him how to handle a household, but he didn't
need that thrill with Irene.  He had chosen her because he
wanted a docile wife that didn't require punishment, but he
wouldn't hesitate to give it to her when the situation warranted
it.  He was of the opinion that it was best to nip any kind of
rebellion in the bud immediately, rather than let it fester and
allow her to think that it would be tolerated. Especially when it
came to her safety.  "Promise me that you won't go near him
again or I'll give you a taste right now."

"You can't!"

The expression on Irene's
face plainly said that she didn't believe his threat.  In the
time that she'd come to know Hugh she'd seen mostly his gentle side
and his lustful side, she didn't realize that it was because she'd
never provoked the disciplinarian in him.  Her mother had
never spanked her - she'd never needed to. When Irene was seven
years old, the Baroness had taken her below stairs to see one of
the maids being punished with a cane.  For what transgression
Irene didn't know, all she remembered was the screams and howls,
the horrifying bright red welts across the girl’s skin, the
sobbing, the pleading, and her mother's cold voice in her ear - 'If
you ever misbehave, Irene, then I will spank you just like

She absolutely did not believe that
gentle Hugh could do something so awful to her. 

“You wouldn’t.”

“I will.”

Unfortunately for her, Hugh was
quickly realizing that his wife was going to require a
demonstration.  Not something he was eager to give.  With
a few long strides he had them over by the bales of hay and he had
Irene bent over a stack of two before she could do more than gasp.
 It was just high enough that her toes were barely touching
the ground, he didn't need to do more than flip up her skirts and
place his hand in the small of her back to keep both the fabric and
her pinned in place.

The moment he had her skirts up he
suddenly understood what Edwin and Wesley had meant when they'd
told him that disciplining his sister was going to be unlike
disciplining his wife.  When he'd spanked Eleanor he'd seen
quite a bit of her private areas, but he'd never thought of them as
particularly interesting.  He'd assumed that when it came to
disciplinary measures that it would be the same with any

But he had his usual immediate
reaction to his wife's skirts being flipped up, exposing her creamy
bottom and the soft pink of her quim, framed by coppery

"Hugh, please! Don't!"
 Irene's voice came out high, shrill, panicked.

He ignored her plea, it
was too late. On top of that, he was fascinated by the revelation
that his cock was hardening as he prepared to introduce his wife to
discipline, and by the excitement that rose in him as he raised his


Irene screamed, much more
loudly than the pain warranted it.  Because Hugh had
experience in such matters he realized that immediately and so felt
no guilt about ignoring what he considered an over-dramatization of
her distress.  He didn't realize that she was screaming as
much in terror as she was in reaction to the actual slap of his
hand against her bottom.  It took a moment to dazedly realize
that the strike hadn't hurt nearly as much as she had expected
before another one landed on her other cheek. 


This time she just yelped,
her fingers digging into the hay.  She was confused.
 Frightened.  Still surprised that he was using his hand.
Was some awful instrument still to come?


Since she was obviously such a novice
to this kind of experience, Hugh peppered her creamy cheeks with
short, sharp smacks that would sting and burn for the afternoon but
no longer.  He would turn her bottom a warm pink.  The
experienced disciplinarian in him went to work while the new
husband in him watched, fascinated, as his wife's flesh jiggled and
bounced under the slap of his hand.  His cock pressed against
the front of his breeches as he warmed her bottom, almost appalling
him with his eager response to her soft cries. 

As the spanking continued the stinging
pain began to increase and now Irene really did begin to cry,
having gotten over her shock and feeling her tender skin begin to

"Hugh!  Stop!
 Please!  I'll be good, I won't go near Rex again, please
stop! I promise, I’ll listen to you!"

Her legs kicked as she
begged and pleaded, but Hugh didn't stop, even though she sounded
quite sincere, because he'd just noticed something else equally

As her limbs kicked and parted, he
caught a glimpse of shiny pink wetness.  Leaning closer as he
smacked her bottom again and again, he smelled the musky sweetness
of her arousal, saw the honey that was now slicking her soft folds.
 His wife was aroused as well.  

The last flurry of spanks had her
squealing and crying out, legs kicking, body bucking... but his
hand held her firmly in place until he was done.  When it
ceased Irene tensed for a moment, waiting for another spank to
land, and then her muscles loosed and she slumped onto the hay,
sniffling and feeling very sorry for herself.  While she
hadn't screamed or wailed the way the maid in her memory had, there
was no doubt that her husband was a cruel and heartless monster for
using her so ill!

She was ashamed of herself for
starting to think that she might have feelings for both him and
Alex.  Alex would never have treated her - or anyone else this
way!  Irene was almost beside herself that Hugh had carried
out a punishment that even her mother had never actually used on

But what truly shocked her was when
she felt his hands on either side of her bottom, parting her, and
then his hot wet mouth planted itself on her most intimate area.
 Her body shuddered and bucked as hot pleasure sliced through
her, almost paralyzing in its intensity.  

"Hugh... noooooooo..."  She
moaned in utter humiliation as familiar sensations flared to life
in her core.  During their honeymoon she'd become used to her
breathlessness, her racing pulse... they hadn't seemed disturbing
in quite some time.  Now they were more disturbing than ever
because of the very inappropriateness of the situation!  Hugh
had just brutally beaten her, she was bent over a hay bale in their
stables, and yet her body was responding to him as eagerly as if
they were in the privacy of their bed chamber and he had just spent
the past half hour kissing her instead of spanking her!

Once again Hugh ignored the
plaintive cry coming from his wife.  The slick wetness of her
pussy was calling to him, the sweetness of her coating his tongue
as he licked and sucked at her sensitive flesh.  She might be
telling him no, but she was making no move to stop him and the
eager movements of her body were screaming
  With one hand he unlaced
the front of his breeches as he licked her slit from stem to stern,
his other hand braced against the hot pink flesh of her bottom.
 It seemed to sear his hand with the heat and awed him all
over again at how erotic he'd found disciplining his wife to

Irene cried out as she felt her
husband's mouth move and then he was shoving into her, so hard and
thick that she could barely take him all at once and her body
trembled as her insides clenched, struggling to accommodate him.
 The front of her skirts cushioned her against the scratchy
hay as he began to push in and out of her, harder than he'd ever
taken her before as her helpless position made it impossible for
her to move with him or against him... all she could do was lay
across the hay as he impaled her over and over again with his
rampant cock. 

The force of his body bounced against
her bottom, her pink cheeks jiggling and clenching as he took her
from behind.  Hands on the soft flesh, he squeezed and kneaded
it, reigniting the burn from her spanking as he plowed her.
 The mingle of pain and pleasure had Irene's muscles
tightening involuntarily, convulsing as she struggled to deal with
this new interplay of sensations.  Her fingers dug into the
hay as she sobbed for breath, her insides now burning as much as
her bottom was, all of it feeling delicious rather than

She felt as if she was unraveling
under the sensuous assault; Hugh's cock rubbing against her
insides, his hands unmercifully squeezing her flesh, and the edge
of the hay bale pressing insistently against that spot which craved
it most.  

"Please... Hugh... oh
please..." Her voice was ragged with desire, she writhed as he
thrust forward and buried himself in her.  

"Promise me Irene," he ordered,
slowing his pace as he felt her body tighten in anticipation of
climax.  He retained just enough control over his raging
passion to hold back, to wait until he'd gotten what he wanted from
her before he gave into the wildness that was threatening to break
out of him.  "Promise me you won't go near Rex

She wailed as he squeezed her bottom,
her legs trying to kick as she came so close to falling over into
the well of pleasure but couldn't quite get there.  It was
like hanging on the edge by her fingers without being able to let
go.  She needed Hugh to give her that last little inch so that
the stone would crumble and she could free fall in the rapture that
was churning below. 

"Promise me,

"I promise!"

It was wrung from her with punishment
and pleasure, with a desperate need for release and the stinging
burn of her chastised buttocks... but it was a promise and that was
all Hugh needed to hear.  Releasing the barely leashed reins
of his control, he leaned forward and grasped her hips, ravishing
her helpless body from behind.  His hard stomach bounced off
of her cheeks, renewing the sensation of being spanked as she
screamed his name in ecstasy, her inner walls spasming around his
marauding cock.  

Groaning, he rode her hard and fast
until she was sobbing from the overstimulation of her sensitive
flesh, and then he buried himself inside of her one last time.
 The hot spurts of his seed, the throbbing of his rod inside
of her, left Irene shuddering and spent, her throat hoarse from all
the tears during the spanking and the subsequent cries of her

Almost tenderly, Hugh withdrew from
his wife, kissed each of her bottom cheeks which were still a rosy
pink, and then stood her up and gathered her in his arms.
 Irene burst into tears, overwhelmed by all the emotions and
physical sensations warring inside of her.  She clung to him,
sobbing and he stroked her hair and back, enjoying the feel of her
taking comfort from him.

But it only lasted until
she realized what she was doing - taking comfort from her
tormentor.  From her husband who had betrayed her trust, who
had made her think he was something that he wasn't!  In doing
so, he’d made her promise to stay away from Rex.  Well it
didn't matter now, she didn't want to impress him anymore anyway!
 She didn't care what he thought! Whatever feelings she had
for him were false, because they were given to a kind, gentle man
who would never abuse her like that!

Shoving away from him, she
glared at the bemused expression on his face.  Hugh looked as
handsomely angelic as ever.  She looked like a hissing cat.
 Her hair was completely disheveled, her dress wrinkled and
hanging askew, her eyes and face red and blotchy from her crying
jag.  Her green eyes were spitting sparks, brighter than the
most highly polished emeralds.  

"You're a monster!" She
bit out at him and then turned and ran, heading for the

Sighing, Hugh let her go.  He
knew that he could catch her and chase her, but she had a lot to
process.  That was obviously the first time she'd been
physically disciplined - or spanked at least since he'd seen the
bruises her mother had left on her just from a hard grip - and
having it followed with unexpected pleasure was sure to leave her
confused.  Eleanor had always hissed words of hate at him
following a punishment session as well.  It was to be

What he hadn't expected, at all, was
his arousal or hers.  

Turning back into the stables,
straightening his own clothing, he decided he might as well give
Rex a nice long grooming.  It would help calm the horse and
himself as well, besides giving Irene time to

If her reaction was
anything to go by, hopefully she would come to the realization that
in the future she should do her best to avoid another disciplinary

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