Dealing With Discipline (41 page)

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Authors: Golden Angel

Tags: #Erotica, #sex, #bdsm, #spanking, #domestic discipline, #victorian era

BOOK: Dealing With Discipline
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"It occurs to me, my dear, that there
might be quite a few benefits to leaving your gag on," Edwin said,
almost conversationally as he straddled her waist, settling his
weight down - not so that it was fully on her, but so that it made
it more difficult for her to keep her bottom off of the bed.
 Cupping her breasts, he began to fondle them, his cock
bobbing above her soft skin and practically between the two mounds.
 Eleanor glared at him and jerked her head again, a slight
frisson of pain crossing her expression as she lost the fight to
keep her bottom off the bed, her leg muscles burning with the
effort.  Smiling lasciviously, Edwin pinched her nipples
between his forefingers and thumbs, rolling the little nubbins back
and forth.  "For instance, there's no tempting me with your
sweet words to hurry things along... I can take as long as I

Flashes of pleasure slid through the
throbbing waves of pain from her spanking as Edwin began to fondle
and pinch at her nipples with a kind of perverse glee.
 Eleanor had certainly learned what things to say in order to
make Edwin lose control, she knew how much he liked to listen to
her beg, but now she couldn't even do that!  All she could do
was writhe and press her thighs together, trying to quell the
rising heat in her core as her husband squeezed the soft flesh of
her breasts, tugged and pinched and rolled her nipples, and teased
her until she thought she might actually explode. 

It was utter torment, to have her body
so highly aroused without any kind of relief and no end in sight.
 Edwin seemed fascinated by her responses as the pleading
sounds behind her gag grew in pitch and frequency, tears actually
beginning to leak from her eyes again as the acute need to orgasm
grew and grew and grew.  Her nipples were becoming highly
sensitive under his tugging fingers, her pussy felt so swollen, and
she could actually feel fluid leaking down from her slit and to the
bed beneath her, her juices were flowing so

Every writhing movement reminded her
of her spanking as the burn flared and sparked, yet it did nothing
to quell the pleasure and ache that was growing inside of her, it
only added to the tumult of sensations until she could barely tell
where one began and another ended.  

"You know...." Edwin mused, pressing
her breasts around the length of his cock and finding both the
sensation and the visual to be rather stimulating.  "I think I
could very easily use those oils Wesley gave us to make your
breasts just as slick and inviting as your pussy... why I could
spend myself right here and never touch your sweet little quim at

The very idea made Eleanor mew and
writhe frantically, her blue eyes feverish and pleading.  He
grinned at her, enjoying the stark erotic need that he'd awakened
in her body.  The idea of using her breasts to find his
gratification appealed to him greatly, but it was an experiment to
be made at another time.  Once he'd had the thought, he just
wanted to see what kind of effect it had on her.

Not that Nell didn't deserve a bit of
extra punishment really, but more than anything he wanted to
exhaust her to make her more malleable.  Really was there
anything more malleable than a female wrung out from sensual
pleasures?  He could tell from the expression on her face and
the look in her eyes that she was more aroused than he'd ever seen
her before.  Pleading blue eyes gazed up at him, without a
hint of any emotion other than desperate need, her wriggling
movements and thrashing legs told him all he needed to know about
the state of her desires. 

Deciding that he'd enjoyed her breasts
for long enough, he smiled down at his wife as she almost sobbed
with relief when he began moving down her body.  The smell of
her arousal filled his nose almost as soon as he knelt between her
legs.  She was sopping wet, the golden hair around her pink
lips dark with it, her inner folds soaked with cream.

Almost as soon as Edwin placed his
mouth on that honeyed opening, Eleanor screamed and her body arched
against his sucking lips, a violent climax ripping through her.
 It was all the pent up energy from the spanking and Edwin's
extended tormenting of her breasts and nipples rushing out in one
glorious burst. 

Smiling, Edwin pushed her thighs wider
apart and began licking up her cream, laving his tongue over those
soft folds as Eleanor's culmination began to recede, leaving her
panting and satisfying that overwhelming need that had consumed
her.  She moaned some more, wriggling fretfully as he
continued to lick and suck at her tender petals which felt
incredibly sensitive in the aftermath of her

Sliding his hands beneath her, Edwin
wedged her legs apart with his shoulders and cupped the hot glutes
of her bottom in his hands, squeezing gently.  The mix of
pleasure and pain that he was creating in her core had Eleanor
arching and moaning.  It was bliss, it was torment, and she
was helpless to resist whatever Edwin wanted to do to

When his lips moved to suckle at the
tiny scrap of flesh at the apex of her slit, Eleanor cried out as
she came again, almost before she was ready to.  Edwin's
skillful handling of her body left her at his mercy, her hips
moving in rhythm against his mouth as he squeezed and kneaded the
tender flesh of her buttocks.  Pain flashed through the waves
of pleasure, sending her higher, and her head thrashed back and
forth with the utter rapture of it.  

As he finally allowed her to descend
from the pinnacle again, Eleanor was moaning from the rush of
sensations.  Her netherlips felt incredible sensitive in the
aftermath of two climaxes.  When Edwin began to lick up and
down her slit again she wanted to protest, his tongue now felt as
though it was rasping against the sensitive surfaces, but no matter
how she twisted he was relentless. 

She felt almost dismayed as tension
began to coil in her belly again; her muscles already felt weak and
watery from all she had been through.  If she hadn't been
gagged she'd be begging him to mount her, to end it, because she
knew that he certainly wouldn't stop until he'd been satisfied as
well and she didn't know how much more she could take.  Every
inch of her body felt like it was buzzing, she could swear she
heard a ringing in her ears like a bell that droned on incessantly,
and yet still Edwin licked and pleasured her.

The sensations were almost too much to
bear and she found herself crying out in protest behind the gag,
tears sparking in her eyes as the pleasure began to veer towards
painful.   She fought against the rising tide, trying to turn
her thoughts to anything other than Edwin's questing tongue.
 Then she felt him release one of her buttocks and fingers
pressed against the opening of her pussy, spreading her as he
sheathed them in her tunnel.  The stretch of her inner muscles
left her gasping as her body moved instinctively, involuntarily,
heightening the needy pleasure.

Watching the dismay on her face, Edwin
searched out that one spot deep inside of her.  He knew when
his fingertips rubbed over it because she moaned in denial.  A
fine glow covered her skin, not quite sweat, but a bit of moisture
from her exertions as he toyed with her body.  She didn't have
the strength to fight him successfully, but she was resisting his

Unfortunately she couldn't completely
resist the dictates of her body, and as his fingers stroked and
pumped, his mouth closed around her clitoris again and his tongue
rubbed and licked it in time with his fingers and Eleanor screamed
behind her gag, tears stinging her eyes as she was forced into a
third orgasm.  This time it felt as if fireworks were actually
exploding inside of her body, as painful as they were

Her body was wracked with spasms,
shaking her and leaving her breathless as she tightened and
convulsed around Edwin's probing fingers.  The wet slickness
of her tunnel made it easy for him to slide his fingers back and
forth despite the tightening muscles.  

When the crescendo of passion finally
reached its culmination and began its denouement, Edwin allowed his
tired jaw a rest and pulled his fingers from her body.  Eyes
half-lidded, his wife lay sprawled out before him, her limbs limp
as she moaned lightly behind the gag.  Between her legs
he could see the damp patch on the bed linens where her juices had
overflown in her ecstasy and pure male smugness spread through him
in a satisfying wave.

Now it was time to satisfy another
part of his body.

Eleanor moaned a weak protest, barely
audible behind the cravat tied around her head, as Edwin pulled her
legs upwards and draped them over his arms, her knees settling into
the crook of his elbows.  She was dimly aware that she was
entirely at his mercy with her hands tied, her watery muscles too
weak to resist and her pussy open and vulnerable to his advancing
cock.  The feel of that hot rod of flesh pushing into her
sopping opening had her quivering. 

The sensation was akin to an orgasm
although only pleasure shuddered through her, there was no spasming
of muscles that accompanied a true climax.  Her over
sensitized nerves buzzed and tingled as he pushed deeper, an
occasional convulsion of her sheath making both of them moan.
 He filled her up, so hot and hard inside of her, her body so
sensitive, that she thought she might truly faint from the pure
rapture of it. 

His hands reaching down to hold her
hips, bending her lower body so that her thighs splayed wide so as
to not bend her in two, Edwin began to pump hard and fast into his
wife's soft, unresisting warmth.  Moaning non-stop, Eleanor
shuddered and quivered beneath him, her entire world dwindling down
to the pounding cock that was stroking her so deliciously.
 Resistance had melted away despite the fact that the pleasure
was so exquisitely intense that it registered as pain; she no
longer had the energy or strength to try and fight off the

Instead she settled into them, floated
on them, immersed herself until she was in a place that felt like
heaven.  It wasn't like anything she'd ever felt before, and
as Edwin's cock pounded into her she went flying.


The feel of his wife's body spasming
around him, milking him, set Edwin off and he pumped what felt like
buckets of cum into her squeezing sheath.  Groaning, he let
her legs slip down as he lay on top of her, half of his weight on
his forearms as she wrung his body of every last drop of fluid.
 He was in such a state of heavy satiation that it took him a
moment to notice that Eleanor wasn't moving beneath him.

Frantically he pulled the gag off of
her, shaking her as he pressed his fingers to her throat where her
pulse beat strong a steady.  She let out a little moan and her
eyelids fluttered.

Smiling, Edwin laughed at himself as
he fell onto his back beside her.  His goal had been to
utterly exhaust her and then he panicked when she did.
 Sighing, he propped himself up beside her and undid the
bindings about her wrists, rubbing them gently where they were
marked pink from her movements.  

After doing his best to clean them up, he
tucked her into the bed and rang for some food.  Although he
didn't think she would wake up, if she did then she would have no
reason to leave the room.  Not that she'd be able to, since he
planned on tying her to the bed again before he retired for the
night as well. 

Chapter 18

The gentle rocking of the carriage
made Eleanor wince even though Edwin had thoughtfully provided her
with a cushion to sit on.  Not only was her bottom sore from
the spanking she'd gotten the night before, but the area between
her legs was still incredibly sensitive to the touch.
 Fortunately she was alone in the carriage other than her maid
and Poppy had fallen asleep a quarter of an hour ago, leaving
Eleanor to her thoughts and allowing her to cease hiding her
discomfort.  Not that Poppy would think any less of her, but
Eleanor did have her pride. 

The men had decided to ride for this
portion of the trip, something Eleanor would have normally them in
doing if it hadn't been for the sore and sensitive state of her
lower half.  Still, at least the carriage that Edwin used for
long trips was extremely comfortable.  Truth be told, she
still wasn't sure that she wanted to spend any length of time in
conversation with her husband at the moment.  She could barely
look at him without turning the same crimson red as the cushion she
was currently sitting on. 

That morning she'd woken up ravenously
hungry, incredibly sore, and with her wrists still secured to the
headboard while her husband was wrapped around her.  When
she'd tried to wriggle away she'd ended up awakening him.
 He'd untied her and checked over her entire body, to ensure
that she'd suffered no true ill effects from the night before.
 Other than soreness and the usual lingering pain from a
spanking she'd been just fine, but for some reason she couldn't
stop being embarrassed over her behavior.

Not the behavior that had goaded him
into spanking her.  No, the ease with which he'd taken her
body and pleasured her relentlessly and thoroughly.  Somehow
the vulnerability that she'd felt at the time had transferred
itself to her this morning. 

Although Wesley's sly comments when
Eleanor climbed into the carriage hadn't helped.  Nor had the
twinkle in Edwin's eye as he'd refused to answer the other man's

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