Dealing with the Devil (8 page)

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Authors: Marina Black

BOOK: Dealing with the Devil
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Chapter Ten

The afternoon passed in the blink of an eye. Lucy was hogging the bathroom as she primped for a night out on the town. Archie reluctantly started dressing but his inexperience with formalwear was causing problems. “Can you help me? My suit is all wrinkled.” He owned jeans, t-shirts, and a couple flannel button downs—nothing that ever needed to get ironed. He was afraid he was going to end up ruining his only nice outfit. “Please?”

“Yeah, sure.” Lucy set the iron up to heat while she fought her curly hair. Shaking out the tight curls, she spritzed them with a bit of water before sweeping up half of her hair with a clip they’d purchased at the boutique. It served to keep the unruliness under control—at least for the moment. Lucy applied just a dab of makeup, enough to accentuate the blush of her cheeks and the plumpness of her lips. Shimmying into the dress again, she turned her back to Gabe. “Can you zip me, please?”

Archie’s breath caught in his throat at the sight of her. Lucy was the most elegant woman he’d ever seen. “Sure,” he said gruffly and worked the zipper up. Despite his best efforts, his fingertips lingered on the creamy skin of her shoulders. One second longer and he’d have been swept away by desire. Thankfully, Lucy pulled away before he succumbed.

Ignoring the flush of her cheeks, Lucy faked a smile. “Thanks.” Her traitorous body was ached for his touch, but now wasn’t the time. They were due at Aces High in an hour. Circumventing Gabe, she ironed out the wrinkles in the suit with ease and handed them over to him. “That should do it.”

Slipping them on over his lean hips, Gabe straightened his tie. He took a moment to peer at their reflections in the mirror. There was no denying they were an extremely handsome couple. Gabe’s hand snaked out and gently grasped her wrist. “You can still back out, you know. You don’t have to do this.”

“Yes, I do,” Lucy smiled sadly. “For the club, for my family…for
The sooner we get this out of the way, the sooner we go home and end this charade.” She smoothed the front of her dress. “Besides, it’s just a couple hands of blackjack. What’s the worst that could happen?”

Archie didn’t respond. There were millions of things that could go wrong…but he simply shrugged and ushered her out of the room. A limousine was waiting for them when they got out onto the street. “Did you do this?” Lucy faced Gabe, her expression incredulous. Her surprise only grew when the chauffeur informed her that Aces High provided transportation for her tonight, free of charge. It was a service they extended to high rollers and friends of the casino. As Lucy slipped into the buttery leather seats, she raised an eyebrow at the expensive champagne that had been opened just for them.

Archie eagerly reached for a glass and sniffed it once before taking a sip. “It’s actually really good. You want some?”

Lucy shook her head and leaned back in her seat. “This is all a tactic to get me to loosen up. Free booze and food will make me drunk and tired, then I won’t worry as much about placing a risky bet. I need to keep my wits about me.” Now more than ever.

“More for me,” Archie grinned. He sat several inches away from Lucy but every time the massive limo turned a corner, they ended up sliding together. Archie ached to kiss her pouty lips and explore the flesh that the dress revealed…instead he dug his nails into his palm and stared out the window.

Lucy shifted uncomfortably in the silence that lingered between them. It was a blessed relief when they pulled up in front of the casino and were no longer trapped at each other’s side. Dozens of vehicles idled in front of the aging sidewalk, which had been covered over by red carpet.

Aces High was in rare form tonight. Garlands of blinking, twirling lights twinkled around the doors. There were butlers in tuxedos who opened doors and waiters were standing by to take drink orders. Multiple people offered her food and drinks as they navigate the place. Lucy waved them off and headed toward the main event. Music from a live jazz band filled every corner of the room. Just another way the casino was trying to distract her into losing money. She could hardly think it was so loud!

Archie’s hand instinctively rested on the curve of Lucy’s spine as they followed the crowd toward the main stage. He caught sight of Sofía standing by the wall, speaking quietly but frantically to a woman dressed in black. They seemed to be agreeing about something but with all the people around, he couldn’t make out a word. When the woman turned around, Archie was almost positive he saw her wearing a Black Jack cut… No, that couldn’t be right. He shrugged it off.

Seconds later, the musicians quieted and the soft squealing of a microphone echoed through the room. “Hello and welcome to Aces High Casino and Lounge. You are our most treasured friends, guests, and benefactors—” The speaker paused for appreciative laughter and slipped onto the main stage area. Sofía smiled ear to ear as she held the microphone close to her painted ruby lips. “On behalf of all of our staff, we would like to wish you the very best of luck in our annual blackjack tournament. The buy in stands at twenty thousand dollars. Ladies and gentleman, if you win tonight you could walk away with over a million dollars!” A gasp tore through the crowd, followed by more hushed whispers.

Archie gazed over at Lucy and immediately knew she was daunted. Reaching out, he slipped his hand into hers and was rewarded with a bright smile that practically melted his heart. He smiled back at her lovingly.

“Each player will receive a number at buy-in. Play as many hands as you wish until you make it big or go home broke. Staff will be on hand to get you anything you want and the buffet station is open now. Players may join us in the Regent Room. Happy gambling!” Once Sofía set the microphone down, the band started up again and people went back to talking and laughing.

“This is it…” Archie turned to face Lucy once more. “Are you ready?”

Lucy nodded, following the signage toward the Regent Room. She immediately noticed several people wearing cuts emblazoned with the Black Jacks’ logo. Lucy would’ve recognized it anywhere; their insignia was a jack of hearts and the ace of hearts held by a skeletal hand that dripped with blood. Both she and Archie were on high alert. They were in enemy territory…one wrong move and they’d both be killed.

When finally Lucy and Gabe approached the buy-in line, Lucy slipped a picture of her Harley Davidson out of her purse. The woman at the front of the table glanced down at it and tilted her head to Lucy but the moment Gabe moved to follow, she stopped him. “Players only beyond this point.”

Gritting his teeth, Archie opened his mouth to argue but Lucy cut him off swiftly, “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I won’t lose all my money.” She stood on tiptoe, kissing him sweetly. For just a moment, his lips lingered. Lucy knew the kiss was for show but this seemed as good an excuse as any to savor it.

Archie reluctantly disentangled himself from her arms and took a step back. “I’ll be right outside.”

“Go enjoy the buffet and the open bar. If I need something I will come find you.” Lucy narrowed her eyes. “Have fun!” It was obvious from his expression that he hated this with a fiery passion, but he was already getting the evil eye from the bitch guarding the door. Once Gabe had left, Lucy found herself face to face with Sofía again. “This is quite the setup you’ve got here,” she smiled broadly.

Sofía’s mouth was twisted into a Cheshire cat smile. “I am so happy that you have accepted my invitation,
. Come, come, I’ve reserved you a place.” Ushering Lucy over to a quiet table, set away from the rest of the players, Sofía opened up a brand new deck of cards.

Lucy thought nothing of Sofía’s offer until she found herself surrounded by three women, all wearing Black Jacks cuts. Lucy glanced around, a sense of dread rising in her chest. Sofía seemed unperturbed as she shuffled the cards, her piercing grey eyes accentuated by the massive opal pendant hanging from her neck. Sofía’s movements slowed as she cut the deck and dealt the cards. Right off the bat, Lucy was in the lead. “Dealer busts. You win.”

A cold sweat broke out over Lucy’s back as Sofía slid a pile of chips toward Lucy. Something was very wrong here. Two of the women sitting around her were near Lucy’s age and fairly nondescript. The other one was a slim, gaunt-looking brunette who wore thick corrective glasses; the tag on her chest read ‘Millie’. She was glaring at Lucy menacingly as Sofía dealt a second hand.

“Do not be afraid,
,” Sofía crooned. “They will not hurt you. You are a kindred spirit. I could tell from the very the moment you drove through the gates of my city.” Sofía rested palms on the table as she met Lucy’s gaze. “Your husband, however…he is my enemy.”

?Ice filled Lucy’s veins, mixing with a boiling hot vat of anger. “What do you want?” She snarled. “My bike? Take it!” Her heart was starting to pound as she watched the wolves begin to circle her.

Millie’s hand was immediately wrapped around her gun but Sofía glared at her until she backed down. Sofía shook her head to halt the woman’s movement. “I don’t wish to take
from you, Lucy.” When she leaned back, the neckline of her shirt tugged to reveal the Black Jacks insignia tattooed across her chest. “In fact, I am here to offer you the deal of a lifetime.” When she snapped her fingers, a girl no older than seventeen trotted out with a heavy leather cut with Lucy’s name emblazoned on it. “I took the liberty of having this made up for you…”

“I don’t know what the fuck is going on here but I’m no Black Jack. I’m a Devil!” Lucy snapped. “But you already knew that, didn’t you?”

Sofía remained ice cold. “I am aware of everything that goes on in my city.” She smiled coldly. “That is where your club of misfits and losers went wrong. They believe they are invincible. They take no precautions to protect themselves, which makes them sitting ducks.”

“At least the Devils don’t run around killing innocent people,” Lucy seethed, her voice rising in anger. “If you’re so fucking smart then you already know my parents were murdered by the Black Jacks! I would never in a million years consider joining you.”

“That was the old Black Jacks,” Sofía replied. “I am sorry for the loss you suffered but I can assure you, things are very different now. The old dogs have been purged from the club. It is a brand new day for us. We are looking for smart riders. Those who will bring intellect and strength of character to the club. It is no wonder the majority of our positions are held by women. You will be quite impressed with our organization, I’m sure.” She folded her hands. “Go on, try on your new cut. I think it will look perfect!”

Lucy couldn’t believe what was happening. “No! I won’t betray my family, my friends, and my club for this bullshit!” She snapped. “I don’t know what kind of harem your boss thinks he’s running but I won’t be a part of it!”

Sofía raised an eyebrow. “He?” A mirthful chuckle tumbled from her lips. “
, you have been misled.” She smirked. “It’s an easy mistake. People assume the leader of the largest and most powerful MC in Nevada would be run by someone much like your husband.” Her gaze hardened. “
am Sofía Salma,
of the Black Jacks.”

If Lucy had been standing, she was sure she’d have tumbled over in shock. “You…
Sal?” Suddenly things started falling into place. Pip kept calling Sal a ‘bitch’; he wasn’t just pushed out because of his infirmity but because he was a man in a woman’s club. Rubbing her temples, she let out a shaky breath, “This doesn’t change anything. I’m all for
girl power
but I’m loyal to my blood.”

“I had feared you would say that…” Sofía’s smile remained plastered on her face. “What do you say we make it interesting? We play for it.”

“I said
,” Lucy growled.

“Don’t you want to hear the wager,
?” Without waiting for Lucy’s answer, Sofía forged ahead. “You play this hand or I kill your husband.”

The monitors watching the main floor were turned so Lucy could see them. Gabe was standing aimlessly by the bar, sipping a beer and chewing an appetizer. He was chatting with a stranger, unaware that there were two Black Jacks in the ballroom with guns trained on him. Lucy’s breath hitched in her throat. “Don’t you dare hurt him, you crazy bitch!”

“That is what I thought,” Sofía chuckled darkly. With expert skill, she dealt new cards. The dealer’s cards totaled eighteen, and Lucy’s only twelve. “You win this hand and you are free to go. Lose, and you will patch to the Black Jacks. You will be one of us. Sisters in arms…” Her face remained twisted by a smile. “That seems a very fair deal. Is it not, ladies?”

The Black Jacks sitting all around Lucy were nodding and murmuring to each other. Lucy’s stomach clenched in disgust. Giving in to the whims of a madwoman was not at all what she wanted to do but Lucy would be damned if she allowed anything to happen to Gabriel. She’d give up far more than her bike to protect him. “Hit me.” Her voice wavered only slightly.

Time came to a screeching halt. Lucy was no longer aware of voices or music, the lights seemed to dim and concentrate over Sofía’s hands, and the only thing Lucy could see was that card. Letting out a shaky breath, she watched her life crumble before her eyes as Sofía laid down the queen of hearts.


It was all over. She belonged to the Black Jacks now.

“Congratulations, Lucy. You’re one of us now.” Sofía stood and stepped behind her and slid the warm leather cut over her shoulders. Bending to Lucy’s ear, Sofía whispered so only she would be able to hear. “You will learn to be happy,
. One day you will look back on and realize is the best decision you have ever made.”

Lucy’s throat was dry and her lips chapped as she turned to face Sofía. “What
? You forced my hand!” She protested.

“In time you will come to see it differently. They all do,” Sofía replied cordially. “You’ll have the evening to say goodbye to your husband and in the morning, a car will pick you up. Let me be clear, Lucy. If Gabriel returns to Reno again, it will not just be his wife that we take from him.” The threat lingered in the air. “You may send for your bike. Buy the rest of what you need.” Leaning in, Sofía gingerly kissed Lucy’s cheek. “Welcome to the Black Jacks.” With that, she turned and swept out of the room.

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