Death and the Chaste Apprentice (5 page)

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“Really! It's too bad! Jason, you'll have to do something.”

Jason was going over business with Ronnie Wimsett. He merely turned and raised a coolly inquiring eyebrow.

“It's that appalling Capper person. I've just been up to my bedroom—”

“Which one, darling?” inquired Carston languidly. “Ours or Jason's?”

“Ours, pig. And I found this . . . antipodean monstrosity poking around in my drawers.”

“Underwear fetishist, would you say?”

Clarissa drew her hand across her brow. “God! Don't trot out all those ancient jokes, Carston. In the drawers of my dressing table. Actually poking and prying in them.”

“Did you catch him in the act?” inquired Jason.

“Well, not quite,” admitted Clarissa with a sigh designed to be heard in the dress circle. “One of those damned floorboards creaked just as I was opening the door. He'd got the drawer shut by the time I'd got into the room.”

“What did he say?” Carston asked.

“He said he was just checking up on the maid's work.” She put on a hideously nasal stage Australian accent. “ ‘She's new to the job, y'see, and I'd like to be sure she's up to the high standards we set ourselves at the Saracen.' ”

Jason shrugged. “Seems a fairly foolproof explanation.”

“Oh, does it? Well, let me tell you, the maid who does our room every day, including this morning, was here two years ago when we were in
The Faire Seducer.
I count her as an old friend. She's just thrilled by anything to do with the theater. I gave her a pair of my stockings when we finished here last time—they do so appreciate something personal, these people.”

This artless revelation of Clarissa's rather blunted the impact of her indignation. The assembled company was so staggered that the Galloways apparently tipped the hotel
staff with items of their castoff clothing that they were unable for a moment to focus their minds on Des Capper's iniquities.

Constance Geary sighed and said privately to Peter Fortnum: “I wonder if I could tip my maid with my castoff gin bottles.” Then suddenly a thought struck her, and she spoke up. “Oh—I've just remembered.”

“What?” asked several people.

“Yesterday morning, when I was in the bathroom—making the best, darlings, of what never was very much—the maid came in and started doing the room. I sang away like mad, to tell her not to interrupt my mysteries. When I finally emerged, blushing all too artificially, she wasn't to be seen, and the door was open. So I poked my shy, virginal little head out, and there she was with this anthropoid Australian at the far end of the corridor. She had my wastepaper basket in her hand, and as far as I could see, darlings, they were actually
the half bottles of gin in it.”

“Really!” said everybody, laughing as they were intended to do.

“Perhaps they were thinking of sending your score to the
Guinness Book of Records,
darling,” said Ronnie.

“But isn't it such
” exclaimed Connie. “What do you think he does with his knowledge?”

“Enjoys it?” suggested Jason.

“Oh, I rather hoped he might feed it into a computer or something so I could become a statistic.”

Clarissa was annoyed at losing the limelight and annoyed that Connie had defused any anger she might have generated against their prying Mine Host.

“You call this
” she demanded with a vocal swoop reminiscent of an eagle picking up a lamb. “Fun? To have this
little creature scrabbling around in our private lives?”

“Well, it's hardly something we need to take seriously, is it?” Connie said reasonably enough. “It's a bit late in the day for me to go all coy about the fact that I spend much of my time pickled in gin. And you Galloways run much the most public private lives in the business.”

“Carston and I have always been quite open about—”

“Yes, darling—spare us the party manifesto. Since you
been so open, what's the point in getting upset if this little Australian mole comes sniffing around in your underwear drawer? It's been washed in public often enough, heaven knows.”

Clarissa shot her such a look that they resembled nothing so much as two old bags in early Coward. She held her fire only because she knew Connie was a redoubtable opponent.

“What's he doing it for, that's what I want to know?” she asked, looking around. “What does he want?”

“It's for the knowledge,” Gillian said. “It's a sort of instinct, and as Jason said, he probably just enjoys it—hugs it to himself, makes good stories of it after we're gone. He is unutterably loathsome, but he can hardly expect to be able to
things which none of us is trying to hide.”

But Clarissa was far from being placated. “I think something should be done. You, Jason—you're the obvious one to do it. You could go direct to the festival committee. It's your first year here—you don't remember how wonderful it was at the Saracen in previous years. If something's not done quickly, the festival will lose all its spirit, all its old character. That man's got to

Jason took that point, at least, seriously. “I think, actually, you may be right. But the time to do something is not
All we would achieve would be bad blood, recrimination, frustration. Not good for the show, for any of the shows. What might work is a collective letter, after this
festival is over, from all the artists staying or working at the Saracen—a letter sent both to the festival committee and to the hotel chain that appointed him. Though what on earth possessed them to appoint him in the first place I can't imagine.”

“Might one suggest blackmail?” said Clarissa sweetly.

“That's a point.” Jason was thoughtful. “If so, we've really got a problem on our hands. . . . Come on, boys and girls. Back to the grindstone. All onstage. We've really got to lick the brothel scene into shape.”

Gillian had had to revise her opinion of Jason Thark as director somewhat. There were large areas of the play where he did, in everyone's opinion, excellent things. He worked tirelessly with Carston Galloway on the part of Ralph Greatheart, and together they created a rounded, human, and funny character from the bare bones of the script. He coaxed from Constance Geary, whose technique had been formed in proscenium-arch theaters, a performance that exploited all the potential of the apron stage. All the swirling crowd scenes, including the Deptford brothel one, went with great brio. The chaste apprentice as arch-gay seemed to Gillian funny but misconceived, and with Clarissa he could do nothing—but Melinda Purefoy was never going to be much of a part in anybody's hands. But all in all she had no doubt he was going to put together a real performance and probably have a critical success.

Of Jason as director, then, her estimate had risen. On Jason as a person she felt she could reserve judgment. On Jason's intelligence generally, her opinion took a nosedive one evening. (She was sitting with Peter, Constance, and him at a table for four and telling them how much better the food at the Saracen used to be.) Suddenly Jason came up with one of his “ideas.”

“I say, wouldn't it be effective if Singh could introduce each act with a few Elizabethan part songs?”


“Elizabethan part songs. I'll suggest it to Brad.”

“I didn't know Singh was a ventriloquist,” said Gillian. “I suggest you say Elizabethan lute songs.”

“That sort of thing,” said Jason blithely. “Something suitably bawdy could go down well.”

Unfortunately the idea came to nothing. Singh had such songs in his repertoire and had performed them in Balliol College Hall and to other select musical societies. But on the first night of
The Chaste Apprentice
he would be performing Handel arias in an operatic concert in Town Hall.

“The opening concert of the festival,” said Bradford Mallory. “A bit of a popular mishmash, to get audiences, but I've persuaded some of the London critics along to hear Singh. I am
having the dear boy dashing from one end of town to the other to fit you in. But he could sing on the other nights.”

But Jason was only interested in the first night. That, after all, was the night the critics came. As with Brad, it was success with them that really counted with Jason.

“Rather typical,” said Gillian. “And what appalling ignorance in somebody directing an Elizabethan play. I think he is essentially brilliant but vulgar.”

She might, if she had thought about it, have admitted that this was a pretty good combination of qualities for the director of a minor Jacobean comedy. But Gillian was not disposed to like directors, and her nerves were just a little bit on edge as the first night of the festival drew nearer. So were all their nerves. The matter of Des didn't help to keep them calm. They were all watching him, wondering. More to the point, they felt him watching them. Few of them had any inhibitions about their sexual lives, though few would care to conduct them under the sort of spotlight the Galloways directed on themselves. But it can be that the most lavishly open people in fact have corners in their
lives that they reserve from public scrutiny, and the grubby, obsessive nature of Des's interest made them feel threatened. It was a rare person who did not have a few private, personal things to be cherished in solitude, blushed about, cried over in the dark.

Who could be sure that Des, in his snufflings in the undergrowth, would not find some path that would show him the way to those personal walled gardens?

Chapter 4
The Alhambra Theater

before the festival was due to begin, in thin afternoon sunlight, Peter Fortnum made his way through the streets of Ketterick towards the Alhambra Theater. The afternoon session at the Saracen was mainly to be devoted to scenes involving the Greatheart family, and he was not required until later. There were great stretches of the play in which Peter Patterwit did not appear, and contemplating the arid desert of smutty facetiae and labored puns that constituted the dialogue when he did, Peter was inclined to think the audiences might wish those stretches still longer.

On days when he was free he had got into the habit of going along to the Alhambra to see if he could be useful, which meant, in effect, to act as interpreter. Today, however, he had a more specific mission. He no longer looked at the silver-blue-and-maroon Moorish facade, merely nodded to the stage-door keeper, and forged his way unhesitatingly through the maze of cold, painted brick passageways to the backstage area. Today was to be the first full stage rehearsal with orchestra.

As Peter slid into the wings, he signaled to Natalya.

“Ah—Peter,” she said in a pause.

“Oh, Peter—great,” shouted Terry Potts, the producer. “Sit there at the side in case we need you, will you?”

Glad to be recognized and useful, Peter sat quietly in the wings and peered out into the auditorium. He recognized the director of the festival casting a benevolent eye over the second cornerstone of his two weeks of events. He saw Brad Mallory, with Singh, sitting in the third row and looking out for the interests of his other client performing at Ketterick. Very much his secondary interest, thought Peter rather bitterly.

He turned his glance back to the stage area and took in his first view of the set. The festival organizers had gone back to a designing pair who had served them well two years before for Donizetti's
Il Diluvio Universale.
(“This is less a revival than a resurrection, in the Burke and Hare sense of the word”—
The Observer.)
Now they had constructed a permanent set with fragmentary bits of castle dotted around. It was handsome and serviceable, and splashes of color were provided by tartan wall hangings, for just as Bellini had called his opera set in Portsmouth
I Puritani di Scozia,
so Donizetti had apparently been convinced (or preferred to believe for romantic/commercial reasons) that Birckenhead was north of the border. Indeed, to him or his librettist all England seemed to be an appendage of Scotland, which at least righted a balance, some might think.

“With passion,” shouted Gunter Gottlieb, a domineering intensity oozing from every pore. “This man is your lover and your king! Thrill your audience!”

For upstage had entered the handsome figure of the Swedish-American tenor who was to sing Roberto il Bruce (“Broo-chay,” as the language coach constantly insisted they all must call him). On stage Adelaide di Birckenhead,
her husband Adalberto, and a motley collection of retainers and clansmen were about to launch into an exciting ensemble with choral backing. It was an ensemble that was later to serve for a vengeful heroine who had been abandoned in the catacombs in
Maria di Rudenz
and for conscience-tormented Christians and Romans in
proving that Donizetti certainly recognized a showstopping tune when he hit on one.

“Now—passion!” shouted Gunter Gottlieb. “Controlled, thrilling passion!”

Adelaide di Birckenhead
had had a history even more checkered than most of Donizetti's immense output. Composed originally in 1825 for the soprano Ferron and the castrato Velluti, it had been put aside when the latter deserted the company for meatier pickings in London. Later, at the height of his powers in 1835, Donizetti had unusually found himself without a libretto “For God's sake write me a libretto,” he had gone around frenziedly wailing to all his poet friends, displaying all the withdrawal symptoms of today's druggies. To no avail. He had had to reset almost the entire text of
recasting Velluti's part for tenor. Unluckily, he had promptly forgotten about it in the excitement of composing
Lucia di Lammermoor.
Part of the manuscript score had lain for years in the Sterling Library in London, while the rest had been discovered only the previous year serving as a doorstop in the Conservatory of Music in Naples. This was to be its first-ever performance.

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