Authors: Michael Joseph
Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Private Investigators, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Murder, #Thrillers, #Pulp
Sam lingered outside the hospital, ignoring the rain beating down on his head. His phone started ringing. He had been waiting for the call.
He listened to the voice on the other end and smiled.
He had the answer he wanted.
Tucking his phone away, Sam followed the stretcher down the busy corridor and watched it enter the bustling emergency department. Then he headed for the relative tranquillity of the wards.
He found Alice and Archie by Moira's bedside. Moira still looked groggy and tired, but she was far more alert than earlier, giving Sam a warm smile as he approached.
'What have you been up to, Sam?' she asked weakly. 'You're drenched.'
Sam pulled up a chair, positioning it facing the ward doors.
'Oh, I've been keeping busy. How are you?'
'She's mending nicely,' said Archie. 'They're letting her out in a day or two.'
'I'm going to be in plaster for six weeks, remember, Arch,' said Moira.
Archie patted her gently on the arm.
'Anything you need, Moira. I'll be there.'
Moira gave him a playful nudge.
'What about the shop?' asked Sam, glancing at Alice.
Sam watched Moira take her niece's hand. The two women smiled at each other.
'Alice is going to look after it while I'm on the mend,' Moira told him. 'And, then-'
'We're going into business together!' whooped Alice in delight.
Sam smiled at them, nonplussed.
'I've got a bit of money saved,' said Alice. 'I'm going to invest it in the shop.'
Moira nodded.
'And I need some help with the place, Sam. I'm not getting any younger.'
Sam looked at Alice. She was beaming at him broadly.
'So, you're staying after all?' he said with a wry smile.
Alice nodded.
'There's nothing for me back home. This is the right thing...a new start.'
'That means you two will be seeing a lot more of each other,' piped up Moira, winking at Sam.
Alice blushed. Sam laughed and turned away. Through the ward door, he saw a couple of familiar faces walk past.
An hour later, visiting time was up. Sam, Archie and Alice bid Moira good-night and left the ward.
'I'm hanging on a bit,' announced Sam in the corridor.
Alice and Archie gave each other curious looks.
'But visiting time's over,' said Alice.
'I'm meeting someone.'
Alice frowned and looked at her watch, trying to work out who he could be meeting in a hospital after visiting hours. She didn't notice Sam give Archie a tilt of the head and a knowing look.
'Come on, Alice,' Archie said. 'Let's get you back. You've got a big day tomorrow.'
Alice gave Sam an uncertain look and let Archie usher her away. Archie glanced back at Sam as the two of them walked away. They nodded grimly at each other.
Before Sam could make his way down to Emergency, his phone started ringing. It was Joe Sale. With relief evident in his voice, he told Sam his grandfather had been diagnosed with angina. His heart was fine, but they were keeping him in overnight for observation.
Sam met Joe Jr five minutes later outside a small, single bed ward. Two policemen were sat in chairs either side of the ward door.
'There's another one inside with him,' said Joe. 'He should be safe enough.'
Sam said nothing. He didn't believe it for one minute. Schenker wasn't going to give up. He wouldn't have the element of surprise if he returned next year.
At least DI Jackson had pulled his finger out. Sam had asked him to hunt Benjamin down, and the detective had done exactly that. It turned out Benjamin hadn't been far away, kept in a secret location in Newgate while the be-suited Government men grilled him about what he knew. In fact, Benjamin hadn't even got out of Newgate before they picked him up. When Sam got Jackson's call outside the hospital telling him Benjamin was safe, he told the detective everything.
Hence the security now watching over Joe Sale Sr.
'They're letting us stay with him a while longer,' said Joe Jr.
Sam gave a satisfied nod. Regardless of what the hospital staff said, he wasn't going anywhere until the clock struck midnight. Until this was all over.
'Do you know these men?'
Joe was looking down the corridor, past Sam's shoulder. Sam turned around to see Benjamin and DI Jackson walking towards them. He had seen them passing Moira's ward earlier. As much as he appreciated Jackson's help, Sam didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He really preferred to deal with this alone.
'Detective. Benjamin.'
Both men nodded seriously. They knew as well as Sam there was nothing to celebrate yet.
'Sorry I got waylaid, Sam,' said Benjamin, a ridiculously sheepish look on his face. 'They took me by surprise.'
'Sorry I had to borrow your car and break into your house,' retorted Sam with a wry smile. Benjamin looked at him confused. Jackson shook his head, turning away to hide a smile of his own. Sam introduced Joe Jr to the two men. They all shook hands, each man noticeably on edge. Sam was taken back to the tale of six men with itchy triggers.
All it took was one second.
One nervous reaction.
Lives changed forever.
'Did they treat you okay, Benjamin?' asked Sam.
'Yes, they kept asking what I knew about my father during the war,' shrugged Benjamin. 'They wouldn't believe I didn't know anything...that I was only trying to find out the truth about my father's death. When you rang, they told me to take the call as normal. Then they kept asking what your interest was...'
'Ministry of Defence, Sam,' said Jackson. 'That photo you took to the War Museum triggered off a security alarm on their computer. That picture, and the men in it, they're all part of a classified file. Your query about it sent the spooks into panic mode.'
Sam shook his head at the thought of being a danger to national security. Jackson watched him, a wry smile on his face, reading Sam's thoughts.
'Don't worry, I managed to persuade them neither of you were trying to uncover secrets for sinister reasons. When they realised you weren't plotting treason against the country, they allowed Benjamin into my custody until all this is over.'
'Custody?' said Sam.
Jackson smiled.
'Sounds more serious than it is. They just want me to keep an eye on you until we've finished here. Then, you'll both have to sign some Official Secrets Act papers. They don't want you disappearing again until they get your signatures.'
'I'm not going anywhere this time,' Sam told him.
'I don't think you'd get out, anyway,' said Jackson. 'Their men have got the hospital surrounded. The place is practically on lockdown.'
'Is that to stop us getting out or Schenker getting in?'
Jackson's look said it all. Both.
'Right now, I'm not complaining,' he said. 'The more bodies in the area, the better. For now, though, this is police business. The MOD can wait for their chat with you.'
Sam was looking forward to it.
'Any sighting of Schenker yet?' he asked.
'Nothing,' replied Jackson. 'We won't miss him when he does show.'
Sam didn't share the detective's confidence.
Half an hour later, Sam, Benjamin and Joe were still sat in the same corridor. The two officers outside the door looked bored to death. Sam could empathise. He had spent many hours trying to stay alert while nothing was happening.
Sam went to the vending machine to get a drink, leaving Benjamin and Joe to discuss their respective families. Sam thought it would be a fascinating conversation to listen in on, the two men trying to come to terms with everything they had found out. However, it was personal. Sam could never be party to such a unique relationship. Two strangers trying to appreciate their relative's involvement in a scenario neither of them would ever be able to fully comprehend.
Sam saw Jackson walking towards him. The detective looked relaxed, more confident with each passing moment his security measures remained unbreached. He pulled a face as he reached Sam.
'Are you okay?' asked Sam.
Jackson nodded over Sam's shoulder, towards Joe Sale's ward. A porter pushing a trolley was being allowed in to the ward.
'He's a big lad, that porter who's just gone in-'
The two men looked at each other, freezing for one terrifying second.
They both turned and sprinted towards the doors. Benjamin and Joe saw them approach and got to their feet in alarm.
'Open the door!' screamed Jackson to the two policemen. They were also on their feet, one of them frantically swiping his card over the door's security button. As the door swung open, they all rushed into the ward and came to an abrupt halt.
They stared in horror.
The policeman in the corner was sat slumped in his chair, seemingly asleep. Standing over the sole bed was the porter, holding the arm of a sleeping Joe Sr, preparing to inject him with a full syringe. He looked up, disturbed by the sudden commotion. Realising the game was up, he took off his white cap and let it drop to the floor.
A malicious smile appeared on Karl Schenker's face.
Joe Sale Jr exploded in fury.
'Leave him alone!' he shouted, moving towards the bed.
Schenker's grin widened. He moved the point of the syringe over the old man's arm.
'You won't get to me in time.'
Sam put a hand on Joe's shoulder and pulled him back.
'He's right, Joe. We're too far away.'
Joe remained where he was, shaking with anger. For the next few seconds, a tense stand-off ensued.
'Why?' asked Benjamin quietly, the simple word so sincere.
Schenker studied the group of men watching him.
'They killed my grandfather,' he told them quietly. His English was perfect, only the slightest trace of an accent. 'This is my justice for him.'
'It was an accident!' yelled Jackson, struggling to control his own emotion. 'They're old men now!'
Schenker shook his head, his short, blonde locks waving in unison, his eyes full of cold-blooded intent.
'My grandfather never got the chance to grow old,' he spat bitterly. 'My mother and father felt powerless to do anything about it. When I saw the letter from Geoffrey Compton, I realised it was my destiny...'
Those last few words told Sam everything. Nothing was going to stop Karl Schenker. He was a man twisted with hate. It ran too deep inside him.
Suddenly, Joe Sr stirred in his bed and opened his eyes. He looked up at the man standing over him, then at the group standing by the door. The confusion on his face changed to understanding when he saw the syringe dangling just millimetres from his arm. Once again, Sam saw no fear in the old man's eyes.
Joe Sr turned to his grandson.
'Joe, it's fine. This man has come to do the right thing.'
His grandson tried to make another lunge for Schenker, but Sam and Jackson grabbed him, holding on to him until he stopped struggling. They all watched Joe Sr turn back to Schenker.
'Did I hear you say you're Harold Schenker's grandson?' he asked.
The question was quiet and steady.
'That is right,' replied Schenker, still holding Joe's arm, the syringe unwavering above it.
Joe Sr nodded slowly.
'Then you must do what is right, but before you do, I would like to say I'm sorry for what happened. We all were...'
Nobody said a word. The atmosphere in the room was electric. Schenker stared into the old man's eyes and lowered the syringe down towards his arm.
Sam silently edged across to one side of the group.
'You were the hardest one to find,' said Schenker, pressing the point of the syringe down on the old man's skin. 'I would never have found you if it wasn't for-'
A shot rang out, sending Schenker stumbling backwards against the wall, clutching his shoulder. He let out a growl and lurched forward again, rage in his eyes, syringe held high above his head.
Sam fired another shot, aiming lower this time. Schenker dropped to the floor as his leg buckled underneath him. Within seconds, he had disappeared under a pile of bodies as Jackson and his colleagues dived on top of him.
Joe Jr rushed to his grandfather's side and held his hand tight, watching the police restrain Schenker on the floor. The older man mouthed a discreet thank-you in Sam's direction. Sam nodded. He understood the simple gesture was for his grandson, not himself.
Then Sam looked at Benjamin, standing in the middle of the room, lost in a scene he couldn't understand. He was shaking his head, realising it was all over, finding no solace in the conclusion. His father was dead, and the man responsible was still alive, a few feet away. Benjamin looked down at the floor and spotted the syringe, dropped by Schenker when he took the second bullet. He bent down and picked it up, a blank look on his face. Then he stepped forward, his eyes glazed over, staring at the writhing figure still trying to resist the police.
'Don't,' whispered Sam in his ear, gently taking the syringe of him. 'Don't ruin your life as well.'