Death on Demand (13 page)

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Authors: Carolyn G. Hart

BOOK: Death on Demand
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She steadied her heartbeat and tiptoed across the uncarpeted living room floor. From the evening she had dinner with Elliot, she remembered that his office was in the second bedroom. She was, obviously, alone. That phone call would have roused anyone. Moving with more confidence, she opened the door into the second bedroom. She didn’t turn on the lights, though. No point in advertising her presence.

Elliot had worked on a table in front of the window. Again, the blinds were closed. Annie left them closed. The CPU, monitor and keyboard were neatly covered with a
clear plastic hood. Annie removed the hood and sat down. She studied the set-up and found the on-off switch on the right side of the CPU toward the back. She turned it on. Red lights flashed on the keyboard, then green letters centered against the black screen:
Insert Diskette.

Her hands were sweaty. “What do you expect,” she scolded herself wryly, “for a first-time housebreaker?” She unfolded the towel and lifted out the disk. Slipping it out of its white jacket, she put it into the right-hand disk drive and pushed it in. The operating software was already in place in the left-hand drive.

The cursor flashed in the upper left corner, then green letters centered on the black screen:
Initial system checks satisfactory. Please wait for system to load.

A clock ticked somewhere across the room. Outside, a sea gull shrilled. A dripping noise obtruded. Just a slow leak in the bathroom.

An odd, uneven creaking sounded behind her.

Annie jerked around.

A faint bar of sunlight edged into the bedroom.

Must be from the kitchen. Those window curtains were open. Dust motes swirled.

God, she was jumpy. There was no one here. She had an oppressive feeling of danger. But that was easy enough to understand. After all, she had broken into a dead man’s house. If Saulter found her here, he’d carry her off to jail for sure. The sooner she looked at the disk and got out, the better.

The terminal hummed with on-screen commands:
Fonts loaded. Loading Valdocs system. Loading interrupt and background support modules.

It was taking forever.

Finally, the message flashed:
Press any typing key to enter editor.

Almost there. Only seconds away now.

As the document window appeared, Annie studied the keyboard. She pressed the index key.

The index listed all the files stored on the disk. This was pay dirt, all right.

There were eight files.


She studied the dates. Elliot was killed on Sunday the thirteenth, so he’d finished working on the files on Thursday. That figured. He must have dropped the disk into the mail to her on Friday for arrival Monday.

Should she take the files in order, beginning with Emma Clyde?

She pushed back a curl from her forehead. The tiny house was incredibly stuffy. She looked longingly at the air conditioner in the rear window. It wouldn’t do any harm to turn it on. She reached over, switched it on, then turned back to the screen and punched the command to retrieve a file. The cursor blinked by Emma Clyde’s name. Annie almost pushed return, then, remembering Elliot’s taunt about all the information he had on Max, tapped the down arrow until the cursor blinked by her name. It would only take a second to see what Elliot had put in her file. She punched return.

Within seconds, the sentences began to form, fluorescent green against black.

Good grief, how did he know about that week in Santa Fe? He must have talked to Richard.

He had the goods, all right. When Elliot claimed that he could ferret out information, he wasn’t kidding. Yes, here was the stuff on Max.

Her eyes widened. Well, for God’s sake. Max had never told her…

The blow caught her completely unaware. A streak of fire flared on the side of her head, then nothing more.

Max groaned and massaged the back of his neck. He’d never before appreciated the fatigue associated with constant phoning. Somewhere in all of this jumble there had
to be the one fact they needed. Figuring out which fact mattered, that was the rub.

Absently, he picked up his glass, finished the last of the Bud Light, and ignored its faint warmth. Time to organize.

He rolled paper expertly into Annie’s portable Olivetti. He’d mastered a fast hunt-and-peck when he worked as a reporter one year. He typed quickly, and, when he was finished, he reread the compact bios, ignoring typos.

—Doyenne of American mystery writers, author of 76 classic mysteries. Born Jan. 18, 1922, Billings, Mont. Graduated from Cincinnati Heights School of Nursing, 1942, U.S. Army Nurses Corps, 1942–45, discharged as 1st lieutenant 1945. First mystery,
Murder in Casablanca
(1946). Married same year to Harold Caston, owner of several Memphis boat stores. They met on a troop transport returning to the U.S. from N. Africa. Surgical nurse, St. Jude’s Hospital, Memphis, Tenn., 1945–1950. Five more mysteries published. Divorced from Caston, Aug. 13, 1950. No children. Moved to NYC as full-time writer. Active in Mystery Writers of America, serving three times as Chairman of Book Awards, recipient of two Edgars for Best Mystery of the Year, winner of Grand Master Award. Married June 8, 1982, to Enrique Morales, prop. Horizon Villas in Boca Raton, Fla. Purchased resort home on Broward’s Rock, July 15, 1982. Morales drowned in boating accident fifteen months later. Morales and Emma returned after midnight that evening by motorboat to her yacht,
Marigold’s Pleasure.
Morales decided to smoke a cigar by the stern. Emma went to bed. She discovered him missing the next morning, alerted authorities, and search began. Body was found floating 50 yards from the yacht. Coast Guard theory is that Morales became dizzy, lost his balance, fell overboard, and drowned because his heavy sweater became waterlogged and he was a poor swimmer.
Marigold’s Pleasure
was anchored far out in the bay to avoid public notice, as Emma was often besieged by fans.

Emma Clyde. It might be fascinating to take a peek at the police report on Morales’s death. Max rubbed his nose. Funny. She was apparently never known as Mrs. Morales. The bare bones suggested that Morales stopped running his resort (motel? vacation apartments?) as soon as he married and took up a cushy residence on Broward’s Rock. Of course, his drowning might have nothing to do with the murders now. Emma’s secret could go back as far as her days as a surgical nurse.

Harold Clifton Douglas, born March 18, 1955, in Wiesbaden, W. Germany, son of career Army officer. Crew up on Army posts in Europe and the United States. BA from Washington University at St. Louis. Married to Lenora Harris 1978; writer with Hallmark Cards, Kansas City, 1976–79; publicist, Sierra Leone Films, Hollywood, Ca., 1980–82. First novel,
The San Bernardino Heist
, a 1983 best-seller. Bought home, Robber’s Nest, on Broward’s Rock, March 12, 1983.

Max frowned and reread the paragraph on Douglas. Annie had mentioned Douglas and Kelly Rizzoli as a twosome. So where was Lenora Harris Douglas?

Born July 5, 1948, Carlisle, Pa. BA from Penn State, 1969. Lived in Nice, France, 1969–75. Immediate success with Macintosh series, the first two,
Ride a Wave
Gentleman’s Smile
, set in Nice.
Ride a Wave
Edgar winner for Best First Mystery. Contributor to
Armchair Detective.
Purchased a home on Broward’s Rock in 1976.

Zero on weaselly-faced Harriet. The net hadn’t fished up anything useful. But Annie’d mentioned that Harriet’d been mad as hell at Elliot, because he was hinting she’d cribbed somebody else’s book.

and J
—Jefferson Allen Farley, born Feb. 3, 1953, St. Louis, Mo. Foster child. Married Janis Corey 1970, BA in journalism University of Missouri, 1974. Collaborated on their first book,
, in 1975, Jeff (dotting and writing, Janis drawing the pen-and-ink illustrations. Jeff employed as a crime reporter on the
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
, 1974–1984. Purchased island home Sept. 22, 1984.

Janis Corey Farley, born April 11, 1955. Foster child. Married Jeff Farley 1970. Illustrator.

Jeff and Janis Farley. Could be volumes there. Both of them foster children and marriage at a sadly young age for Janis. It helped explain her utter dependence on that stiff. No schooling for her, but lots of talent with pen and paper.

—Born April 16, 1945, in Long Beach, Ca. Graduated from Long Beach City (Jr.) College, 1964; U.S. Army, pfc., 1964–66, Ft. Ord, Saigon, V.N.; BA, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, Ca., 1968; LAPD, 1968–60, patrolman, sergeant, detective; married Doreen Norris 1968, divorced 1980. One child, Alice, now sixteen. First police procedural,
The Agony Chain
, published 1972. Third novel,
Kerrigan’s Heart
, runaway best-seller, sixteen weeks on
The New York Times
best-seller list. Purchased Broward’s Rock harbor condo Sept. 1, 1980.

Max wiggled his shoulders and stretched. Without losing his place, he rose and used peripheral vision to cross the living room to the kitchen, open the refrigerator, and pick out another Bud Light. This time he settled on the couch, feet propped on the rattan coffee table, took a double gulp, and continued to read.

, police captain (ret.). Born April 24, 1930, in Ft. Walton, Fla. Attended Jacksonville University, 1948–50; OCS U.S. Marine Corps, 2nd. Lt., 1950–52, Camp LeJeune, La., Korea; Miami PD, 1952–60; Asst. chief, Silver City, Fla., 1960–80; capt., Silver City police, 1980–84. Married Thelma Farris 1954. Three children: John, age 30; Theodore, 28; and Michael, 26. Divorced 1962. Purchased home on Broward’s Rock, July 20, 1984.

Born Aug. 26, 1959, Ft. Smith, Ark. Attended College of the Ozarks, 1977–78. BA in psychology, University of Arkansas, 1983. First novel,
The Shuttered Mind
, a paperback best-seller in 1983.
Sad Song
sold 55,000 in hardcover two months after 1984 publication. Bought Magpie Plantation on Broward’s Rock in July 1984.

Max pulled a legal pad closer, sighed, and rubbed his face, then downed the rest of the tepid beer. Damn, he was getting hungry.

He looked up. For a moment, his tired eyes refused to focus, then they noted the open living room windows, the slatted, tropical blinds not yet closed for the night.

For the night…

Darkness had fallen. He looked at his watch, and an empty, sick feeling moved inside him. 7:15. Annie had left for the five-minute bike ride to Elliot’s house a few minutes before six.

Where the hell was Annie?

nnie moaned. The sound came from her, but it seemed separate and far away. She tried to lift her head, and pain seared down into her shoulder. She moaned again and rolled her head. The pain caused her to cry out. She opened her eyes. And saw nothing. An instant of panic flared. Her heart thudded erratically, and she fought down the nausea.

Elliot’s house. The disk.

She was lying on her back, her hands outstretched. Something heavy lay in one hand, her left hand. Something heavy and nastily sticky.

Unsteadily, Annie rolled on her side. She let go of the horrid thing, whatever it was, and propped herself up, then attempted to get up.

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