Death Row Apocalypse (6 page)

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Authors: Darrick Mackey

Tags: #zombie horror

BOOK: Death Row Apocalypse
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The problem with Eddie’s defense was that he had none. Had Eddie told the truth, he would have been charged with an altogether different murder. The jury was literally fed a history of offenses that he may have actually been guilty of, though they had nothing directly to do with this particular case. However, according again to the prosecution, these offenses painted a realistic image of what Eddie was really like. And so Necktie Eddie was found guilty, sentenced, and then shipped off to Johnson Department of Corrections in Tallahassee for a murder that he had not actually committed, though he was guilty all the same. Right up to the end, Eddie never stopped proclaiming his innocence, though truth be told, he really wasn’t that honest either. Otherwise, he might have admitted to murdering a young prostitute called Candy in a very peculiar way. She was a witness that he could never call on and the alibi that he could never use.

At the time of the murder he had been charged with, Eddie was in fact with Candy several states away. She was a hooker in her early thirties, an age that in any other profession would be classified as moderately young, but in hers it was bordering on being over the hill. As I mentioned, Eddie was enjoying the delights that only a pro of thirteen years could supply. Candy knew that she was close to that downward trend in business that all kittens of the night dread, and no amount of creams or ointments would hide her age or tighten up her skin. Going under the knife was certainly not an option either as far as she was concerned. Though her threshold for pain was high, her fear of going under was overpowering.

Candy was at a point in her career where her ability to attract clients now hinged on word of mouth rather than depending on her looks alone. She therefore took the plunge and decided to work from home and came to enjoy all the benefits it brought with it. No longer did she need to walk the streets at night, and no longer did she need to worry about the addicts and prowlers who frequented dark alleys and lonely sidewalks. Now instead, men with money came to her apartment, where in the comfort of her own home she felt safe and secure in the knowledge that she could perform her art without interruption, fulfilling even the most challenging of desires in privacy and, more importantly, in safety.

Candy’s income was fully dependent on her carnal skills. It follows then that not only must she be a master of the “normal” but also flexible and willing when it came to the more bizarre and sometimes dangerous desires of men. As a matter of fact, she was not only flexible, she was also more than willing. One could even say that she was downright eager when it came to trying new things. It was this trait that earned her the reputation she sought, and it fueled her “career” to a level of success she had never before dreamed of. It has to be said that with her almost cheerleader-like looks and body of a gymnast, coupled with an almost ravenous desire for everything sexual, she was unequaled in her line of work.

The night of the murder, Candy was preparing for Eddie’s particular fetishes. He wasn’t the most imaginative client she’d ever had, but he did have some very specific requirements and he paid well, always leaving a generous tip. Firstly, the evening should start with a candlelight dinner, preferably something light and accompanied with a bottle of champagne, so she had prepared a Cesar’s salad and purchased a bottle of Krug.

Everything was more or less ready. She gave the dining room one more check, then closed the red velvet curtains so they covered the bay windows fully. In the center of the room was the dining table, which was already laid out with a lace tablecloth, cutlery, a single red candle, and an ice bucket, currently keeping the champagne chilled.

With all the extra cash she earned, she had recently decided to redesign her apartment, so, looking to magazines for advice and examples, she tried to furnish the place with a little extra class. This turned out to be much more difficult than it appeared at first, as she soon discovered that she lacked the specific gene related to good taste. This was made more apparent when one noticed the various ornaments and pieces of furniture that were placed haphazardly around the room. Even the new wall-to-wall carpet looked somewhat out of place.

Both Eddie and Candy had to be dressed, specifically Eddie would wear his Robin costume, taken from the mid-sixties
Batman and Robin
TV series. He loved to watch the reruns on Sunday afternoons and would often picture himself as Robin from the Dynamic Duo. The fight scenes were amongst his favorite, and he would imitate the heroic duo in time with the show, uttering words like “Zap!,” “Pow!,” and “Ker-bang!” while jumping onto the couch and leaping to the floor.

Tonight Candy would wear a unique article of black lingerie. This garment consisted of a crisscross pattern of black leather straps. They were perhaps one inch wide and crossed every four inches or so, exposing a lattice of diamond skin over her entire body, excluding only her hands, feet, and head. The designers of this piece had ensured that the erogenous zones were fully exposed and recommended that body hair should be removed from armpits and crotch to avoid hair pulling, rubbing, and rashes. They further suggested that a dabbing of baby powder would ensure a comfortable and sensual experience.

Eddie had chosen this particular garment and insisted that she wear it only for him. He further insisted that every time they meet, she should wear it. When she was fully made up, he would often refer to her as his kitten and encourage her to weave and move like a cat. This was not difficult for Candy, for she was lithe and already possessed the feline grace that pressed his buttons.

Eddie wanted everything to be just right, from her hair tied in a ponytail to her costume, not to mention the makeup and perfume that she had to wear. And finally, the dessert. This was the focal point of his evening. Yes, she was the dessert, but only in part . . . There was more to it than her alone.

Eddie had arrived right on time. Candy welcomed him in, and they shared the usual pleasantries of a hug and kiss, and one could be forgiven for thinking that they were close friends. She was wearing a nightgown over her outfit and suggested that he prepare himself in the games room, a room where, one might imagine because of its name, she would entertain her guests—and you would be correct. In there could be found all manner of sex toys, wardrobes, and generally things that guests would want to use during their evening’s entertainment. Eddie would not be using this room tonight. He had other plans—special plans—and a finale to surprise even Candy.

Eddie sat at the dining table feeling absolutely awesome dressed in his black mask, golden cape, red shirt, and green shorts. He loved this sense of power and wished with all his heart that he was the real Robin from the hit TV show. Candy was now robe-less, and as she served the salad, she would bend over a little to accentuate her curves just that little extra bit. Next she lent in and opened the bottle, making sure that Eddie was given some eye candy. Then, bringing the bottle’s lip to hers, she licked it in one fluid, slow motion and smiled at Eddie as she filled the two glasses halfway.

The meal was meant really as show for Eddie. Whether he ate or drank was never the point. He was drinking in the sight of Candy, taking in her smell and literally absorbing everything about her. This is what it was about. As the meal came to a close, his anticipation and expectations were almost boiling over. It was now a constant battle for him to control himself, and Candy recognized the signs he couldn’t help but display. She left the table and returned with a mug of hot chocolate that had been kept warm in the kitchen, then offered Eddie her hand. He took it, stood, and pulled her to the dining room door. He then produced a white necktie made from silk. This was the dessert that he had been anticipating all evening long. Placing the tie around her neck, he tied a perfect Windsor knot and slid it around so that it was on backwards. He then lowered his skin-colored tights and green shorts to his knees and exposed his fully aroused manhood. He was ready for her.

Candy now knelt with her back to the door, and Eddie brought himself near her lips. She was quick to catch on and played her part expertly. Taking a mouthful of hot chocolate and, without swallowing, she lent her head backwards so that a chocolate pond formed in her mouth, filling her almost to her lips. Eddie took hold of the hanging tie at her back and looped the long end around the door handle and pulled hard, causing her head to be drawn backward. It began to choke her, and as she began to choke he plunged himself into her hot, dark chocolate pond.

He wanted to explode. God, he needed to explode, to gush into her hot chocolate was all he desired as he began to lose himself. The chocolate was now spilling down over her chin and running into her cleavage and over her breasts. All the while he was pulling ever tighter on the necktie, choking her still more. And as he pulled on the tie, so her mouth would open further and further, allowing him to push himself deeper into her.

Eddie closed his eyes, because it was just too much for him. It seemed that all his life escaped from him at that very moment during several violent releases. As the orgasm engulfed his mind, nothing existed for him except the moment. Time and space ceased to exist completely as the sensations saturated his being.

Candy’s hands found his thighs and tried to push him away, but with each explosion he pulled even harder on the tie and pressed himself ever harder and deeper into her chocolate-filled mouth. The chocolate was spilling everywhere now as she tried to cough and gag, while her eyes bulged unnaturally in their sockets. Tears streamed from their ducts and the miniscule blood vessels on her corneas burst as she sucked on a deadly mixture of cock and vacuum. There was no air, she could not even swallow, and her hands were now slipping on his thighs, unable to get any grip whatsoever. Then, and only when he thought he would collapse to the floor, did he let slip his grip on the tie. And as he finally dropped to his knees, he opened his eyes and looked down at Candy’s collapsed form. Candy had fallen to her side and now looked back at him with tear-stained, puffy eyes. They resembled two swollen hard-boiled eggs. Her pupils had rolled back fully. Her once-beautiful eyes would never be seen again. The last of the sweet drink dribbled down her cheek from her gaping chocolate and cum-stained mouth.

As Eddie looked down at Candy, he could not help but smile. What a finale. It had been even better than he had imagined it would be, and as he pulled himself to his feet, he had one final thought before self-preservation kicked in and he made a run for it. He chuckled to himself, pulled his shorts up from his knees, placed his hands on his hips, and said out loud, “Even Batman could not have saved you. A kitten should know better than to try to swallow a full-size Robin!”

Later, after cleaning up and changing, Eddie stole into the night. He would never be charged for her murder, but unknown to Eddie, the universe had plans of its own and intended to balance the order of things.

And so it turned out that several states away that very same night, someone somehow identified Eddie as the Dynamic Duo sidekick who had robbed and killed an old retired couple while they slept in what they thought was a safe and secure home.






Chapter - 6

- Eddies Turn -


The facility was in lockdown, security was doubled, and the already ridiculously tight restrictions were tightened still further. The week had begun that way. Anytime an execution was planned, the prison would go into lockdown for the preceding week. Now, because two inmates would be executed not only on the same day but also within half an hour of each other, security was especially high. This was highly unusual, as normally the prison would go months between carrying out sentences.

The fact that two were being done was a message to all the would-be killers out there, which was that Florida is a no-bullshit state, its meaning directed and focused to make one point very clear—that if you kill, then we kill you! There were other rumors as to why the warden had given his go-ahead for this outrageous twin execution. One in particular was that he was in danger of losing his position as warden because he had been too soft on the inmates.

It’s a well-known fact, at least among the inmates, that conditions on the Row are bloody awful. When most people think of prison, they imagine pristine white cells, clean floors, and washing facilities that are manned and operated by both inmate and machine. The soap that people presume is used in fact does not even exist! If an inmate wants soap, he has to buy it himself. If he has no money, then he has no soap. It’s as simple as that.

It’s a similar problem when it comes to washing clothes and bedding. If an inmate has no money, then his sheets and clothes are merely rinsed. Many of the inmates prefer to wash their own linens themselves in the toilet with soap, and naturally they are kept in a pristine condition.

According to various sources and recently confirmed by investigative news reports seen on TV, to save yet more money on the executions there had been some serious research into the killer chemicals that are used in the injections. Not only was the research done because of cost, but also because the European suppliers had recently become unreliable and ceased supplying a key drug, claiming that the use of sodium thiopental was both barbaric and inhumane. The result was that an unnamed pharmaceutical company had developed a new cocktail of drugs that is 70 percent cheaper than the current death cocktail and promises clean and humane results, without any botch-ups. The supplier also promises that the prisoner will experience a sense of euphoria before falling gently to sleep, instead of experiencing excruciating agony, which has recently been the case.

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