Deathless Discipline

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Authors: Renee Rose

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Deathless Discipline





Renee Rose


Copyright © 2012 by Stormy Night Publications and Renee Rose





Copyright © 2012 by Stormy Night Publications and Renee Rose


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.


Published by Stormy Night Publications and Design, LLC.



Rose, Renee

Deathless Discipline


Cover Design by Korey Mae Johnson

Image by Jimmy Thomas and


This book is intended for
adults only
. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults.


Deathless Discipline



Kate climbed into her little red Cooper Mini and looked at the clock. It read 3:38 AM.
Her heart started beating double-time. Her husband, Dom, had expected her home two hours ago. She'd had no idea she'd stayed at the party so long after her band had finished its set.

Her breasts were overfull of milk and as she realized her five month old Luci must be hungry by now, her nipples burned with the letdown. She felt breast milk leak into her bra and trickle down her ribs.

Dom was going to kill her.

He was a vampire, so staying up late with Luci wasn't a big deal, but it would be if he'd run out of the milk she pumped before going out to perform with the band.

She checked her phone.
He'd called four times. She hesitated with her thumb over the call button, but chickened out. It would be better just to face him in person in a few minutes.

Luci was screaming when she got home. Dom was bouncing her, walking up and down the hall murmuring softly in antiquated Italian, his original language. The look on Dom's face when their eyes met said it all. He was beyond pissed.

She took Luci from his arms and attached the frantic baby to her breast, her own eyes filling with tears at her baby's distress. She stood there, looking down at Luci to avoid looking at Dom. “I'm sorry, baby,” she whispered. “It's okay, Mama's here now.”

She plopped down on the nearest couch and tucked her legs up underneath her, still crooning softly to her baby.

“Where have you been?” Dom demanded in a tightly controlled voice.

“It was Kelly's birthday, so I stopped in at her after party,” she started nervously, but Luci pulled off her nipple and wailed again, most likely sensing her anxiety.

Dom waved his hand in the air, as if to ward off the negative feelings that were affecting Luci. “We'll talk when you're done feeding her,” he said, stalking off. She heard the door to the top of their basement bedroom open and close. She felt a stone sink from her chest to her belly.

Luci drew in a ragged breath, gave one more half-hearted wail and reattached to her nipple, drawing the milk in eagerly. Kate drew in a ragged breath herself. The thing was, Dom was capable of hypnotizing Luci into sleeping even if she was hungry. So letting her get that upset must have been for effect. Which pissed her off, because it was cruel to her baby.

Not that it wasn't her fault Luci was hungry. She had screwed up, big time, and she had a feeling she was going to get the spanking of a lifetime. Dom gave her erotic spankings all the time, because it turned her on. And he used firmer spankings as incentives for her to better herself. But only one other time had he spanked her because she had really irritated him, and it was not a pleasant memory.

Luci had drained her right breast and was now just sucking on her nipple, milk-drunk, her eyes drifting closed and her breath lengthening. The front door opened and Stella, one of their two vampire housemates (and also Luci's adopted “aunt”) came in. She saw Kate sitting on the couch and came over to sit down and stare with her at the baby's sweet face.

“I smell fear,” Stella commented.

Sometimes she cursed living with vampires and their extremely perceptive sense of smell. It was bad enough that Dom could sense her every emotion because he drank her blood, but she had no privacy from Stella or Fox, their other housemate, either.

“I'm in trouble with Dom,” she admitted heavily.

“Play trouble or real trouble?” Stella asked, knowing full well the dominant/submissive game they had going.

“Real trouble.”

“I'm sorry,” she said softly.

“Will you hold Luci for a while so we can talk?”
was really code for
, in this instance.

“Of course I will,” Stella said, gazing with pure adoration at the little miracle in all of their lives. Luci was the only child ever known to have been sired by a vampire. After a harrowing escape from nearly becoming another vampire's zombie, Dom's genetic makeup had changed. His hair had started to grow and Kate had conceived his baby, a miracle that had moved all three vampires in the house to tears.

She carefully transferred the sleeping baby to Stella's arms without waking her.

“So, remember, if you see fangs don't engage. Right?” Vampires’ fangs elongate when angry, and Stella had warned her before to treat them with great caution—like wild animals—when it happened.

She looked at Stella's beautiful face doubtfully. “You don't really believe I'd ever be in real danger with him, do you?”

Stella reached out and brushed a piece of hair out of her face. “No, Kate, I don't. But you're mortal and if anything did happen, it couldn't be undone.”

Right. She sighed and stood up, dreading facing her angry vampire.

Dom was sprawled in a stuffed chair in their bedroom. She was struck, as always, by his exotic looks. He'd been an Italian count when he was turned nearly 500 years ago, and he still looked every bit like royalty. All vampires have a magnetic beauty, but Dom was extraordinary. Thick dark hair fell to his shoulders and his dark-lashed eyes were hazel, with flecks of warm gold. His presence was all dominant male. He unfolded his elegant legs and stood, glowering at her.

“I was worried sick about you,” he growled.

“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just lost track of time.”

“How is that possible? Did your breasts not tell you it was time to feed your baby?”

She flushed with shame, the pain of having distressed her baby as devastating as her husband's anger. “I had a couple of glasses of wine, so I didn't notice,” she mumbled. “And then I had to wait for it to wear off so I could drive.”

Dom looked at her with skepticism. “Why didn't you call me?” he demanded.

“Honestly, I lost track of time. I had no idea I was there so long.”

His eyes narrowed. “So which is it? You lost track of time or you had to wait for the wine to wear off?”

She stared at him in dismay. She was just digging her hole deeper here. “Both, I guess. I just wasn't thinking at all, really. And I didn't know it was so late.”

“I tried calling you.
Four times

“I'm sorry, I guess I just couldn't hear it with the music turned up so loud.”

“Hmm, you'd been gone from your baby for six hours—two hours longer than you should have been and it didn't occur to you to even check your phone?”

She felt a tear trip down her face and she didn't bother wiping it. “I'm sorry,” she whispered, her lips trembling.

“Jesus, Kate!” Dom threw his arms up in the air, looking frustrated. He paced around the room. “It was so unlike you, I really thought something bad had happened. I tried both Stella and Fox and neither of them knew where you were…” he stopped and whirled back at her. His fangs were partially elongated.

She eyed the fangs, remembering Stella's warning. She took a breath. “May I respectfully request we take a breather from this conversation?” she asked carefully.

Dom touched the tip of his tongue to one of his fangs. “Good idea,” he said grimly. “Take off your clothes and stand in the corner,” he said, pointing to the corner in question. “And don't move.”

“Yes, sir,” she said meekly.

His eyes flickered at that—she had never called him “sir” before—but for some reason it seemed extremely appropriate at the moment. He dematerialized.

She obeyed his orders, taking off her clothes and standing with her nose to the corner, her nudity amplifying the feeling of vulnerability and exposure. She let go of her attempt at courage and rested her head against the wall and wept.

Dom opened the door and came in, his fangs back where they belonged, looking calmer. He sat down on the edge of the bed. “Come here, Kate,” he said softly. She went and stood before him, trembling.

He just looked at her for a long time, which only served to increase her discomfort and anxiety. Finally he spoke. “You should have called,” he said blandly.

The brevity of his lecture disconcerted her. “I know, I'm so sorry.”

“You really didn't look at your phone at all?” His eyes were narrowed, suspiciously.

“Not till I was in the car and then…” she trailed off, not wanting to tell him that she was too chicken to call him back. “Then I was already home,” she lied.

To her horror, Dom's fangs shot out and he jumped to his feet, looking down at her with blazing eyes. Then he turned and walked quickly away from her, as if realizing that he needed to get his temper under control. He paced around the room for a few moments and then finally stopped in front of her again. The fangs were back where they belonged, but his voice was deadly. “Do you lie to me because you're that afraid of a spanking or because you have so little respect for me?”

She was taken aback. “Afraid of a spanking,” she managed to say, her voice thin.

Dom's face was stone. “Then I won't spank you,” he said firmly. “Go to bed. We'll talk about this tomorrow.”

“No wait. Dom, please.” The thought of going to bed with him angry at her was too terrible. She needed the spanking. She needed to be taken to task and then forgiven. She needed Dom to help her heal this. “Dom, please,” she caught his arm, pleading. “Please spank me,” she said, tears rolling down her face.

Dom looked at her. His face was still stony, but she knew him well enough to recognize indecision there. “Please, Dom,” she begged.

In a smooth series of movements, Dom sat down on the bed and pulled her across one knee. Then he adjusted her so that his knee parted her legs, as if she were riding it, her torso bent over with her head resting on the bed. “All right,” he said grimly. “I'll spank you tonight for your irresponsibility and I'll spank you again tomorrow for lying to me just now.”

He spanked her hard and fast with a force of impact that rivaled a paddle. As a vampire, Dom had incredible strength, which he never used on her. She wondered, with a jolt of fear, if she shouldn't have pushed him into this when he was clearly still angry with her. But then he stopped and rubbed, and she knew that he was in control. He pulled her torso up and looked at her tearful face.

“Tell me what you should have done differently,” he commanded.

She drew in a choppy breath. “I should have called to tell you where I was going,” she offered, just barely managing to lift her eyes to meet his. He nodded, but seemed to be waiting for more. “I should have come home before Luci got hungry. I should have had my phone out where I could hear it. And I should have called you back as soon as I saw you'd called.”

Dom nodded. “Why didn't you?” he asked.

Her face crumpled. “I don't know,” she said with a hiccupping breath.

“I mean, why didn't you call me back when you saw I called? And why did you just lie to me when I asked you about it?”

She drew in a shuddering breath. “I'm a coward—that's all. I already knew you'd be pissed and I was delaying the inevitable.”

“And why lie?”

It was clear that the lie had offended him deeply. She had no idea how he knew with such certainly that she
lied. One of his mysterious vampire senses, she imagined. And it had been such a small lie, really. More of an exaggeration than a true lie. What difference would it have made if he'd heard from her fifteen minutes earlier than when she got home?

She shook her head miserably. “I was just ashamed, that's all.”

His face softened at that. He picked her up and repositioned her so that she was lying over both his knees, her hands catching her weight on the floor. He adjusted her so that her butt was perfectly angled and then began again to spank her upturned bottom.

She welcomed the pain. She breathed it in, submitted to it, knowing this would be her salvation. She cried and cried.

He stopped and rubbed again, then rolled her up to sitting on his lap, cradled in his arms. She sobbed into his chest. When she started to regain her composure, she looked up into his face. “Are you still angry?”

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