Read Deathstalker Legacy Online

Authors: Simon R. Green

Deathstalker Legacy (12 page)

BOOK: Deathstalker Legacy
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Anne had to laugh. “You haven’t changed a bit, Jes.”
“I should think not, darling. I put a lot of effort into becoming who I am. You’re possibly the only person left who remembers who I used to be, back when I was using my real name; Elsie Baddiel. Thank God you made me change it. I just love this office, dear. It’s so you.”
Anne looked about her with a certain amount of pride. “From here I can keep tabs on everyone in the building, up to and including the King, and I’m in constant touch with Security. A mouse couldn’t fart in the pantry without me knowing about it. I am Mistress of all I survey, and I survey bloody everything.”
“I always wondered what attracted you to politics,” Jesamine said dryly. “Now I know, you little voyeur, you. But . . . don’t you ever miss show business?”
“This is show business!” said Anne. “The shows I get to organize are bigger than anything you’ve ever appeared in, and I reach audiences you never even dreamed of. Also, I get to order people around that even you would curtsey to, and kick their arses if they get cranky. Even the King does what he’s told, when I’m around. Luckily William’s a real sweetie, and never any real trouble. Unlike some Princes I could name. I swear, if Douglas doesn’t climb out of that bloody armor soon, I’m going to go after him personally with a can opener. I’ve planned every inch and detail of this Ceremony, and the whole Empire will be watching. I’m damned if I’ll let Douglas screw it up, just because it’s all about him.”
Jesamine frowned. “This is all very impressive, Anne, don’t get me wrong, but . . . no one knows it’s you. I didn’t know half of what you got up to here, until I had some of my people investigate this setup. Now don’t look at me like that, sweetie. I needed to be sure of what I was getting myself into. I mean, I’ve played enough Queens on stage in my time, but I never actually thought I’d be one!”
“Yours was the first name I put forward, when King William told me Parliament was insisting on an arranged marriage for their new King,” said Anne. “It seemed obvious to me. With your current popularity, you already are Queen of the Empire, in everything but name.”
“What other names did you put forward?” said Jesamine, with magnificent casualness.
“Let’s not go there,” said Anne. “It would only lead to bad feelings. Suffice to say, there was never any real competition. Once your name came up, they just couldn’t see anyone else as Queen.”
“You know, if I hadn’t seen your lips move I’d have sworn I said that,” said Jesamine happily. “Luckily for you, and I suppose Douglas, bless him, your people contacted me at just the right time. Like you, I need fresh challenges, or I get so terribly bored. It’s only the fabulous wealth and endless adoration that keep me going. I mean, I’ve just finished playing Hazel d’Ark for the

Deathstalker’s Lament
is a very popular opera,” said Anne, almost reproachfully. “I’ve seen it twelve times.”
“Well yes, dear, but it’s not exactly a very complicated role. At least, not as written. And with all the historical records destroyed, there’s nothing left to show what she was really like. I mean, no one even knows what finally happened to the poor cow. She just . . . vanished, after the big finale on Haden. I always do my best to make her interesting, imply some emotional shadings, but when you get right down to it, she’s really little more than a sidekick.
she was the great love of Owen’s life, and it’s all very tragic that they never got it together, but there’s only so much you can do with that. The Deathstalker; now that’s the really meaty role. I have played him twice, but I don’t do masculine awfully well, even with the best holographic morphings. I was born to be a
and I glory in it!”
“Trust me,” said Anne. “Everyone’s noticed. Actually, that leads me to a rather delicate question . . .”
“I know,” said Jesamine. “Is there anyone I’m going to miss, if I marry Douglas. Anyone
. . . I’d have thought you’d have had your security people check that out long ago.”
“They did,” Anne said dryly. “However, according to their reports, which incidentally amounted to an absolutely huge file that you’d better pray I never get around to publishing, men come and go so often in your life that they couldn’t even keep track of who was in favor, and who wasn’t.”
“I’ve always had a very generous nature,” said Jesamine, entirely unperturbed. “And publish and be damned, sweetie. I’ve always been very open about my life. In fact, once I become Queen and boringly monogamous, half the gossip magazines will probably go out of business overnight.”
“Don’t you believe it,” said Anne. “The public are fascinated with every little detail of Royal life. The magazines will just find something else to excess about; like whether you’re pregnant or just putting on weight. I notice you still haven’t answered my question . . .”
“No, there’s no one special,” said Jesamine, just a little sharply. “You know very well there’s never been anyone
. Most men are just too damned intimidated by who I am. Hopefully that shouldn’t be a problem with Douglas. And what about him? Am I kicking anyone out of his bed?”
“No one who matters,” Anne said briskly. “Douglas has always tended to choose his women mostly on the grounds of how badly they’d piss off his father. Not really the basis for a strong relationship . . . And besides; he can be a real pain in the arse to get on with. Don’t get me wrong. He’s likeable enough, even charming when he puts his mind to it. But he’s stubborn as a mule, and he won’t be told what to do, even when it’s clearly in his best interests.”
Jesamine clapped her hands together. “We’re going to get on like a house on fire, I just know it! We have so much in common!”
They laughed together, drank their tea, and squabbled amicably over the last few chocolate biscuits.
“I suppose I’ll have to give up touring and performing completely, once I’m Queen?” Jesamine said finally.
“Almost definitely. Maybe later we can arrange something, if you really feel the need, but for now you’re going to have to concentrate on the dignity of your new role. We need to distance you from the . . . frivolities of your previous existence. I think you’ll find being a Queen very different from just playing one. Not least because you can’t leave this role behind you at the end of the evening.”
“Oh darling, trust me; that’s part of the attraction. As Queen, I’ll finally have a chance to
do something
with my life. I know I’ve always been a deeply frivolous person, party party and shop till you drop, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it; but more and more lately, I feel the need to
something. Something real. Something that lasts. I have a horrible feeling I’m growing up.
“And I’m tired of being other people. Tired of being a star. It’s so . . . up and down, and the public, bless their black little hearts, can be so very cruel about what’s In and what’s Out. I’ve had to reinvent myself so many times I’ve lost count. When I’m Queen, I’ll decide what’s In and what’s Out,
I’ll make them all love me for it!”
“That’s the spirit,” said Anne. “You were born to be Queen, Jes. You’ve always understood the first rule of Royalty; just because they love you, it doesn’t mean you have to love them back. Unlike most of your contemporaries, you’ve never taken being a star too seriously.”
“Well, can you blame me, darling? When everything comes easily, how can you value it? When everyone adores you, without even knowing the real you, how can you take it seriously? The person they love isn’t real, just an illusion I create on stage, six days a week and twice on Saturdays. God, I hate matinees. I am tired of hiding behind wigs and makeup and other people’s characters. As Queen, I will be myself. Let them adore the real me, for a change. I’ve earned it.”
“Damn,” said Anne, smiling broadly. “The Empire isn’t going to know what’s hit it.”
“So,” said Jesamine, putting down her teacup and looking Anne sternly in the eye. “When do I get to meet Douglas? What’s he
like? All I know of him is what I see in the news. Is he always that grim? Does he ever smile? What’s he like in bed? Does he like opera?
Does he know my work?

“Typical actress,” said Anne. “Calm down. He’ll be here in a few minutes, and then you can decide for yourself. Don’t worry; at heart, he’s a good sort. Luckily, with him, what you see is pretty much what you get. Just . . . be yourself, and let him be himself, and you’ll get on fine. I think you’ll make a great team.” There was a knock at the door, and Anne got up to answer it. She gave Jesamine one last stern look. “And Jes; do try to let him get a word or two in edgeways, just now and again.”
She unlocked the door, and let in Douglas Campbell. He was still wearing his Paragon’s armor and purple cloak. Anne sniffed, but Jesamine felt her heart flutter just a little as she got to her feet. He did look very impressive. She bobbed him an impish curtsey, and he bowed solemnly in return. And then they both just stood there and looked at each other.
“Oh hell,” said Anne. “I swear, it’s easier breeding dogs. Look, just sit down and
the pair of you. Neither of you is going to bite. Actually, you can’t sit down here, I’ve got work to do. But there’s a very nice room next door, utterly secure, with nothing in it to distract you. Follow me.”
She led them next door, and sat them down facing each other. They still hadn’t said anything. Anne sighed, loudly. “Try not to be too impressed with each other. Trust me; neither of you is worth it.”
And with that she was gone, not quite slamming the door behind her. Douglas looked after her, and then back at Jesamine. “Some days, I can’t help wondering which of us is really in charge around here.”
“I used to feel the same way, when I thought she was working for me,” said Jesamine.
Douglas smiled for the first time. “Hello, Jesamine. You look great. I’m Douglas.”
Jesamine smiled back at him, and Douglas had to brace himself. Having Jesamine Flowers turn the full force of her sexuality on you was like being hit point blank by a disrupter. Just sitting there, Jesamine was more woman than anyone he’d ever met. Douglas tried to remind himself he’d faced ELFs and devils and terrorists in his time and hadn’t flinched. Strangely, it didn’t help.
“I passed your entourage, on the way in,” he said, just to be saying something. “They didn’t seem too happy.”
“It’s not their business to be happy,” said Jesamine. “It’s their business to keep me happy. God knows I pay them enough. They’re just mad because I’m doing something without them. It makes them feel insecure. After all, if I can have a good time without them, what do I need them for? I’m going to enjoy firing them, once I’m Queen, just to see the look on their faces.”
“If you don’t like them,” said Douglas, “why put up with them?”
“Because it’s
of me,” said Jesamine. “And because I need a barrier between me and the fans, or I’d never get a moment’s peace. I got rid of them here because . . . I wanted you to meet me, as I am; not as a star, surrounded by hangers-on. The real me is . . . somewhat smaller, but hopefully more interesting. More human.”
Douglas had to smile. “I’m not sure who I am, when I’m not being a Paragon, or a Prince. There’s precious little time in my life when I’m not being called to be one or the other, these days. I take my responsibilities seriously, Jesamine. Because someone has to. But sometimes . . . I do wonder who the real me is, or even if there is a real me anymore.”
“Perhaps I could help you find him,” said Jesamine.
“That . . . sounds like it could be a lot of fun,” said Douglas.
Jesamine flashed him her devastating smile again. “Fun is what I do best, sweetie.”
They laughed quietly together, studying each other openly. It wasn’t often they got to meet someone with as famous a face as their own. There was an attraction between them, equal parts curiosity, respect, and sexual chemistry. And they liked each other immediately, which helped. But they were both used to captivating people just through sheer presence, and so neither of them let it overwhelm.
“We would make a good political match,” said Douglas.
“Oh yes,” said Jesamine. “Anne knows her business. The leading diva of her generation and the most famous Paragon of his? The media will eat it up with spoons, and the public will go out of their minds.”
“I’m not the greatest Paragon,” Douglas said immediately. “That would be Finn Durandal. Or possibly Lewis Deathstalker. I might make third, on a good day . . .”
“We’re going to have to do something about this modesty problem of yours,” Jesamine said firmly. “Kings aren’t allowed to be modest. We will be walking the biggest stage in history, and we have to be equally big. Our subjects will expect it of us.”
“I don’t know,” said Douglas. He leaned back in his chair, apparently completely at ease in Jesamine’s company. She wasn’t used to that. She found it charming. And she liked the way he could look so serious as he thought about things. He fixed her gaze with his, and she paid him her full attention as he spoke. “You’re used to being adored, Jesamine. I still find it rather embarrassing. I’d much rather be admired. I don’t want to give up being a Paragon to be King. I was able to
things as a Paragon. Tangible things. Things that mattered.”
“Fight the good fight?”
“Yes! Exactly!”
“You’ll be able to do that and more, as King,” said Jesamine. “As a Paragon, you could only protect a few people at a time. Once you’re King, the decisions you make and help Parliament to make, will lead to whole worlds being better, safer places. You’re a good man, Douglas Campbell. God knows you meet few enough of them in show business, so I value one when I meet one. Parliament could use a good man as King, to keep them honest. You can’t say no.”
“You’re right,” said Douglas. “I can’t say no. Not when my father wants so desperately to step down. He’s already carried the burden far longer than he should ever have had to. You know about my brother James?”
BOOK: Deathstalker Legacy
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