Deborah Camp (24 page)

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Authors: Lady Legend

BOOK: Deborah Camp
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“Want something to eat?”

“Yeah,” he responded, and made the trek to the opposite shore.

She had dressed. Valor was asleep, wrapped in a bundle of fur and tucked into the big basket Copper had packed with their lunch, a change of clothes, and their bedrolls. She’d mentioned that if the weather held they might spend the night before returning to the cabin. After spreading a blanket over a flat rock, she set a makeshift table. She had brought squirrel she’d fried that morning, Indian bread, and a jar of applesauce. He didn’t think he was hungry until he took a bite of squirrel, then he realized he was ravenous. He ate with gusto, as did she. When they had satisfied their growling bellies, they lay supine beside the basin and the mist wafted over them.

Tucker slept. When he awoke the sun was a couple of hours past its zenith. He looked around. Valor was still sleeping in the basket, but Copper was swimming laps. Tucker ducked into the bushes to strip off his damp clothes. As he waded into the water he noticed that his mended leg felt stronger and more flexible.

Freedom was a tangible thing as the water caressed his bare skin and a breeze ruffled through his hair. He knew how Adam had felt in the Garden of Eden. Copper looked like a water goddess, her limbs moving in long, graceful strokes. Sunlight pooled in the arch of her back and ran in golden rivers along her arms and thighs. Her wet hair streamed over her back. Seeing him, she swam closer and treaded water.

“My leg feels much better,” he said lamely.

She smiled and sunlight caught in the droplets clinging to her face and shoulders. His gaze followed one drop as it raced from her collarbone and down the swell of her left breast.

“I want to touch you, Copper,” he said, his voice dipping low. “I want to prove to you that a man’s touch doesn’t have to hurt. If I don’t touch you, I think I might go insane.”

Her smile faded and her eyes blackened with wariness. “Let’s not talk about this, Tucker. You promised me that you wouldn’t do this.”

“But, I—”

“I don’t want you to prove anything to me.”

“Then let me touch you for me.”

A smile floated across her face. “Haven’t I done enough for you?”

He shook his head. “Not nearly enough.” He made a circle with his finger. “Turn around.”

“Why?” Suspicion rode on the word.

“Just do it. I’m not going to attack you.” He grinned and that won her over. She turned slowly in the water.

Before she could fathom his intentions, Tucker
hooked an arm around her waist and fell back. He relaxed and let the water hold him up.

“Hey, let go!”

“Calm down,” he commanded, but kept his tone light and laughing. “All we’re doing is floating and watching the clouds go by. Nobody’s hurting nobody, so quit your fussing and fuming.”

Surprisingly, she obeyed. Using one arm and his legs, Tucker settled into a lazy stroke that kept them both afloat in the warm water. The air was cool on their exposed skin, but pleasantly so. Copper’s smooth back rubbed against his chest and stomach. Her buttocks nestled against his sex and he wondered if she could feel him thicken, lengthen. He tried to concentrate on the sky above, but it was a futile exercise.

Craning his neck, he looked down into Copper’s face. Her eyes were closed and a pleased smile curved her lips. As smoothly as possible, he let his feet find the basin floor again. Copper’s lashes lifted slightly as his body peeled away from hers.

“Shhh,” he whispered. “Think of yourself as a leaf on the water.” He captured one of her hands and guided her floating body in a circle around him. The water squiggled across her stomach and breasts. Her nipples puckered when the wintry air kissed them. Her fingers were limply relaxed in his—a display of trust.

Copper did feel like a leaf on the water. With the slight touch of his fingertips, Tucker guided her in a wide circle. She kept her eyes closed and let the world slip away. A breeze scampered across her stomach and breasts, but the sunlight and steamy water kept her warm. Her body tingled, recalling Tucker’s body—the tickle of coarse hair, the rough texture of his skin, the stirring of his manhood. But now his touch was light and kind, and her body glowed with an inner sun that seemed to be located between her legs.

Tucker pulled her closer. Copper started to push
away, but a lethargy seeped into her and she made no protest when his palm slid over her stomach. His body heat enveloped her, hotter than the water or the mist rising from it. He moved his hand up to her right breast until her nipple rested at the base of his thumb. When his thumb swept over the sensitive bud, Copper gathered in a quick, harsh breath. Her inner sun glowed hotter. His thumb flicked over her nipple again. Hotter still.

And then his lips touched her throat. She smelled his hair, felt the scrape of his stubbled cheek as he rubbed it against the upper part of her breast. His breath cooled its peak and then his lips surrounded the dusky pebble. Involuntarily, her hands came up to clutch his shoulders. He brought her tightly against his side, his arms holding her fast as his mouth worshipped her breasts. Her nipples throbbed and unfurled ribbons of pleasure. She made a keening sound and he suckled harder. His tongue gathered the milky fluid seeping from her and he raised his head to smile into her eyes.

“Tastes sweet. No wonder your baby craves it.”

She felt a tide of color flood her face, but then his mouth covered hers and he stole her breath and fed her clamoring senses. He tested the seam of her lips. She knew what he wanted, but didn’t comply. Past experience told her it would be unpleasant, that his tongue would try to cut off her air, would feel like a thick flap of leather in her mouth. But her heart beat like a wild thing and the heat built within her. She parted her lips ever so slightly. It was all he needed.

The tip of his tongue slipped through, quick and light. It teased, it tickled, it stroked. Copper melted in his arms. He sought out honeyed pockets and coaxed her tongue to seek the same in his mouth. Once she started, she found herself immersed in the natural rhythm of thrust and parry. He moaned. She whimpered. He fondled her
breasts. She finger-combed his silky hair. One of his hands moved along the curve of her waist and then over her stomach. He cupped the mound between her legs where her inner heat flared. Copper tensed and tore her mouth from his.


“Copper, let me …”


His fingertips dipped into the folds and stroked lightly. She thrashed, twisted, and wrenched herself from his arms.

“I said no!” Shaking, she struck out for shore.

Tucker whirled and shook his fists at the sky. The roar he released sounded like a wounded animal’s. He spun back around to see that she was striding onto the shore.

“I’m not Stands Tall,” he shouted, and she pivoted to face him, her breasts heaving, glistening, building a sweet ache inside him. “It’s not fair to judge me by his actions.”

“It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have let you.”

“And why not? Where’s the harm in pleasuring each other?”

“Your pleasure, not mine.”

“That’s what I’m trying to show you, Copper. It can be a pleasure for you, too. It can be heaven on earth; a heaven we can make.”

“I’m getting dressed. I think we should not spend the night here, but head for home.”

He growled and released a word that challenged the color of the sky. The flat of his hand smacked the water, sending up spray. Copper turned away from him, grabbed her clothing, and moved behind the trees to dress. Tucker had never felt such a keen frustration. He wanted to throttle something. He wanted to shout and kick and throw a tantrum that would leave him weak and drive his lust for Copper clean out of his mind and body.

“You liked it,” he shouted. “I know you liked it as much or more than I did! That’s your problem!”
The idea struck like a hammer blow. “That’s it, isn’t it? You made up your stubborn mind that you could live without a man’s touch and I’ve proved you wrong! I know you can hear me, Copper, so quit playing ’possum. I’ve been around women. I can tell when one is hot for me, and honeypot, you were on fire! You were blazing like a—”

“Yes, I was!” She emerged from the thicket like a bee-stung bear. She’d covered her body with leggings and a leather shift. Strands of her hair striped one cheek and she peeled them off without ever taking her snapping gaze from his.

“Wh–what did you say?” he asked, sure he hadn’t heard right.

“I was on fire. I liked your mouth on mine and on my body.”

He shook his head, temporarily at a loss. “Then why?” he asked, spreading his arms wide in a desperate appeal.

She gathered in a deep breath and gathered her hands into small fists. Tucker realized he wasn’t the only one overtaken by frustration.

“I pieced my life back together. I have mapped it out, set my goals, and arranged my wishes. You’re not part of any of it, Tucker Jones.” She crossed her arms, hugged herself, and looked lost. “I didn’t plan on you.”

Chapter 15

hey took a shortcut home, which was more arduous and kept Tucker behind Copper as she and Ranger picked out a trail through steep declines and thickets of brambly brush. Tucker had to concentrate on keeping in the saddle, ducking low limbs, and sweet-talking Hauler to keep pace with the more adventurous Ranger.

The afternoon was warm, but had begun to cool toward twilight by the time the ground leveled and Tucker could nudge Hauler even with Ranger.

“Are we going to make it to the cabin before nightfall?”

Copper nodded. “We’re almost there.” Her eyes slid sideways. “How many women have you bedded?”

Tucker inched back his head to give her a thorough once-over. “Beg your pardon, ma’am?”

Copper faced front, her chin angled up and out. “You said you’d had enough,” she reminded him. “How many is enough?”

He laughed, then sobered when he realized he’d have to fashion some kind of answer. “A few. I’ve bedded a few.” His frown deepened as he swung his gaze around to her. “But not lately.”

She bit her lower lip to deny a grin, but her eyes sparkled with mischief.

“That’s funny to you, huh?”

Copper shook her head. “It’s just the way you
said it.” Her dancing, dark eyes laughed at him. “Like it’s my fault.” Her smile won out, dazzling him.

He laughed, conceding the point.

“None of the women complained?”

“Complained? Hell, no.” His male pride flinched at such a thought, then one corner of his mouth lifted. “A few begged.”

“Begged …” Worry lined her forehead. “Begged for what?”

“For more, of course.” The grin spread across his face.

“Oh, you pompous pig!” She tipped her head back and laughed at the sky.

Tucker’s gaze traveled the length of her throat to the swell of her breasts. He could taste her on his tongue and in his mouth.

Her laughter dwindled to a chuckle, then she snuffed it out altogether. “Serious now. You didn’t hurt any of these women? You’re sure you didn’t? Would they have had the courage to tell you if you brought them pain? And where would you find so many women who would bed with you and have you ruin them for other men?”

“Whoa, whoa! One question at a time.” The mule slowed and Tucker planted his heels in Hauler’s sides. “Not you, lazy butt. I wasn’t talking to you. Get up there. Feed and water are on up ahead.” He returned his attention to Copper, who held Valor against her shoulder. She patted the baby’s back, helping to relieve the build-up of air in Valor’s stomach. “Believe it or not, some women don’t deny themselves pleasure. Of course there are those who charge for their gifts. I’ve spent a few dollars on them.”


“Ladies of the evening, yes. And no, I didn’t hurt any of them,” Tucker said. “My mama raised a gentleman, you know, not a rutting ram. I do believe they would have told me if they weren’t
pleased. At the very least, they wouldn’t have asked for seconds.” He sent her a wicked grin. “Some even asked for thirds.”

Valor chose that moment to release an audible, juicy burp and spit up on Copper’s shoulder. Copper dabbed at the baby’s slobbering mouth with a corner of the blanket.

“I couldn’t have come up with a better reply to that pile of horse dung myself, baby-love,” Copper said, her gaze lifting to tease Tucker. She waited for him to laugh before she joined in.

“Copper, there are some things in this old world you’ve just got to experience yourself. Nobody can tell you what they’re like because they’re different for everybody. I remember asking my papa what sex felt like.”

“You didn’t!”

“Sure I did. Who was I supposed to ask?” He shrugged off her open-mouthed shock. “Oh, he stuttered and blustered and told me I shouldn’t speak of such things, but then he tried to give me an inkling. He was a man of words—a minister, in fact—but he couldn’t come up with a decent description. I was sorely disappointed in him until I had my first gal and realized I’d asked Papa to put into words something that can’t be defined. It’s got to be felt.”

“I’ve felt it,” she reminded him, and her voice was joyless, almost toneless.

“No, ma’am.” Tucker shook his head vigorously. “You haven’t felt what I’m talking about. Remember how it was between us in the hot springs? That’s only a taste.” He reached out and grasped her chin to force her gaze around to his. “Only a sprinkling of sugar from a pot full of sweetness.”

She jerked her chin from his grasp. Her eyes were dark and stormy and she trembled, shaken by an inner thunderclap. “One time Stands Tall took me and I didn’t please him. He laid me open with a whip. That’s what I remember feeling. The
pain. The blood.” A tremor made her hand unsteady as she stroked Valor’s hair. “But I healed.”

Tucker steeled himself against the senseless anger burning in his belly. He hated … oh, he hated … a dead man. Searching out her agony with his gaze, he wished he could hold her close and protect her from those awful, nightmarish memories.

“I healed,” she repeated hoarsely.


“Hmmm?” She blinked and focused her shimmering brown eyes on him. “What do you mean?”

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