Debra Webb - In His Touch Box Set (Here To Stay, Up Close, Tempting Trace, Basic Instincts) (55 page)

Read Debra Webb - In His Touch Box Set (Here To Stay, Up Close, Tempting Trace, Basic Instincts) Online

Authors: Debra Webb

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Humor, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Humor & Satire, #General Humor, #Romantic Comedy, #Firefighter, #Fish Out of Water, #Unexpected Love, #Country Music, #Nashville, #Opposites Attract, #Alpha Hero, #Talk Show Host, #Reporter, #New Adult Romance, #First Love, #Lost Love, #Reunited Lovers, #Horses, #Ranch, #Native American Hero, #Secret Baby, #Hidden Identity, #sexy, #Steamy, #Bella Andre, #Stephanie Bond, #Summit Authors

BOOK: Debra Webb - In His Touch Box Set (Here To Stay, Up Close, Tempting Trace, Basic Instincts)
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Jake couldn’t reconcile the woman sitting beside him in his Jeep with the tempting seductress he had almost made love to in the club last night. His groin tightened at the first frame of memory that flashed before his eyes.

In the light of day, Merri Lang wore a sundress fashioned from some sort of flimsy material that caressed her curvy body. The flowered garment was held up by thin spaghetti straps and stopped mid-thigh. Those tanned legs seemed go on forever, sending another rush of blood to his already pulsing groin. Almost nonexistent strappy sandals adorned her pretty feet. If she was bare underneath, too, he might just die right now.

He forced his gaze back to the road. He had to stop thinking along those lines. No way was he going to think about sex today. Today he was going to get to know Merri, the person. He wanted to find out what she liked to talk about. What she liked to eat. He wanted to know the woman behind the lovely face and gorgeous body.

And, yes, he wanted to make love to her—with every fiber of his being. But first things first.

Merri looked at the scenery as if seeing Atlanta for the first time. Soft tendrils of hair curled around her cheek and nape. The rest of her thick, blond mane was pulled back into a loose braid. Her face was innocent of makeup. In any case, that natural glow to her skin couldn’t be bought in a bottle. The effect was amazing. How could clean skin and a simple braid be so sexy?

Jake gave himself a mental kick, something he seemed to be doing a lot of lately. Just another woman playing the field, he reminded himself. Merri would no doubt be like the rest. She would toy with him until something better came along, and then she would be history.

Anger tightened his chest, and he felt that all too familiar flexing of a muscle in his jaw. Not this time, he promised himself. This time he intended to be in control of the situation. Merri Lang would not get the best of him. He stole a glance at her perfect profile.

At that exact instant, she turned to him and smiled. Those amazing blue eyes sparkled like diamonds reflecting a cloudless sky. Her pink lips tempted him in a way that went beyond anything else he had ever experienced. Need twisted inside him. Jake shifted his attention back to the traffic he was meandering through. So much for good old-fashioned determination.

A colorful billboard welcoming visitors to Summerford Subdivision reigned over the corner of Apple Blossom Street and Cherry. Jake turned right onto Apple Blossom, careful to keep his gaze dead ahead. Though he wasn’t concerned with anyone else noticing, he knew with complete certainty that Dan would pick up on his unease. His best friend could read him like a book.

Today Jake would be in control. Somehow. No way could he afford to lose it like he had last night. In his peripheral vision, he saw Merri cross one toned leg over the other. Another quickening of lust pierced him, and he swore silently.

How the hell was he going to get through this day?

Jake tried to remember every woman he’d been involved with over the past two years. All seven of them. Irritation tugged at him. Though he had usually initiated the breaking up—except for Cynthia—still he didn’t like the way those empty relationships left him feeling. No way would he let anyone get to him that way this time.

No way in hell.

Sex. Companionship. That was all this pretty lady was getting from him.

He would not be the fool this time.


Jake tried to swallow the chunk of hot dog lodged at the back of his throat and prayed it would go down or simply kill him now and put him out of his misery. How was it possible for anyone to make the devouring of food in a crowd of screaming children and scolding parents look so damned erotic? He clutched his can of beer and chugged enough to down the hot dog without ever taking his eyes off Merri. She sat directly across from him, smiling and chatting as if nothing were amiss.

But he was losing his mind just watching her eat. That lush mouth molded to a hunk of juicy watermelon sending streams of red juice flowing over her bottom lip. Her pink tongue darted out to catch the overflow. His can slipped from his grasp and plopped onto the picnic table.

“Jake!” Suzy cried, quickly up-righting the over-turned can.

He blinked. All eyes were on him now. “Sorry,” he muttered.

“Men are such klutzes,” Suzy grumbled good-naturedly to Merri.

Merri smiled first at Suzy, then at Jake. As usual, his gut clenched at the sight.

“I’m going for more tea,” Suzy announced as she struggled to her feet. “Would you like another beer, Jake?”

He turned to Suzy and found himself up close and personal with her protruding belly. Surely that baby would come any day now, he thought vaguely as he shifted his gaze upward to find her watching him with that I-know-your-secret look. “No thanks, Suzy.” Jake managed a tight smile.

When he turned back to his barely touched plate and his empty beer can, he and Merri were alone at the table. He frowned. Where the hell had everybody gone? Shouted instructions captured his attention and he realized that the rest of the gang was setting up for a game of volleyball. “Thank you for inviting me, Jake.”

He jerked, startled. “What? Oh, no problem.” What the hell was wrong with him?

“I’ve really enjoyed meeting your crew and their families,” she told him with another of those devastating smiles.

At a complete loss for what to say next, he gestured to the rambunctious volleyball players. “Would you like to join the game?” he asked lamely.

She glanced over her shoulder, then flashed him another smile. “No, thanks. I don’t think I’m quite dressed for it.”

His lips compressed into a grim line when he imagined her frolicking in front of the guys in that flimsy dress. No way in hell, he thought, grinding his teeth.

“Maybe we could take a walk,” she suggested. “You could show me around.”

If he had gotten to his feet any faster, he would have knocked over the picnic table. At least this way he would have something to do besides look at her. “That’s a great idea.”


This had been a bad idea.

Thirty minutes later Jake had pretty much given Merri the grand tour. He wondered if she had noticed that he had all but broken into a run to get through it. He hadn’t wanted to spend any more time than was necessary too far from the gang and alone with her. How on earth would he ever survive the drive home alone with this woman?

He rubbed a hand over his face. “That’s pretty much it,” he told her, doing his best to avoid eye contact. This went beyond ridiculous. He was a grown man acting like a randy teenager—and a nervous one at that.

“I’m impressed.” Merri turned around slowly to take one last look. “Really impressed. The houses you’ve built are beautiful.”

“Thank you.” The only thing that impressed him at the moment was the nice, long look he got of that gorgeous body while she turned before him like a model on a runway. He swore silently and forced his gaze somewhere beyond her pretty blond head.

“Is that your office?”

Jake didn’t have to look. He knew she was asking about the trailer behind him. And, yes, it was his office. He just didn’t want to take her on a tour at the moment. He didn’t want to take her anywhere that involved a closed door and blinds on the windows. He didn’t trust himself.

“Yes,” he admitted. He gritted his teeth. She gazed at him expectantly. “Would you like to see it?” The words burst out of him as if they had a life of their own. Anticipation of her answer burned in his veins.

Fool that he was, deep down he wanted to get her alone.

“I’d love to see it,” she enthused, already heading in that direction.

Jake followed. He glanced toward the volleyball players one last time before closing the door behind him. Dan gave him a thumbs-up. He groaned. Just what he needed.

The window air-conditioner kept the office at a comfortable temperature despite the heat outside. Not to mention it helped to block any noise from the site. He stood idly by, his hands jammed into his pockets, while Merri surveyed the pictures and plaques on the far wall. He was proud of his company. Together, he and his crew had won numerous community and eco-minded awards. He kept those awards onsite to remind everyone how much he appreciated their hard work.

“Is this you?” She pointed to a picture taken seven years ago when he and Dan first started the company.

He took the three steps that separated them, glanced at the image of himself seven years younger. “Yep, that’s me.” Boy, had he been naive then. Too ready to trust and always taking people at face value. He still hadn’t learned that lesson when it came to his personal life.

“Your hair was really long there.” She looked from the picture to him. “I like it. Most men can’t pull off wearing their hair that long, but it suits you.” She chafed her arms as if she were cold.

Instinctively, he touched her bare arm. Electricity sizzled in his fingertips. “Cold? I could adjust the air-conditioning.”

She shook her head without looking up at him. He was close enough to smell that gentle fragrance of hers. Summer roses and fresh air. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Need exploded inside him. God, how he wanted this woman.

“Tell me about your family.”

Those intelligent blue eyes stared up at him and just then he would have done anything she asked. “What would you like to know?” Unable to help himself, he reached up and allowed his fingers to trace the soft outline of her cheek. She was so very beautiful.

“Whatever...” her breath caught at his touch “you’d like to tell me.”

Lowering his hand back to his side, he ordered himself to get a grip. “All my folks live in Savannah. We get together as often as possible.”

“Sisters and brothers?” she asked from beneath lowered lashes.

She was a little shook up, too, he realized. She turned away before he could really decipher anything from her eyes.

“One younger sister.” He watched as she wandered around the cluttered office as if it were a museum. He shoved his hands back into his pockets and focused on anything but the way that gauzy material touched her body. “How about you?”

“What’s this?” she asked, then answered herself, “Oh, the break room.”

A frown burrowed Jake’s brow. He looked up just in time to see her disappear into the small kitchen. Was she avoiding his question, or did she simply not hear him? Tense, and a little confused, he trailed after her. She was busy admiring the fake wood cabinets and plastic countertops that were standard in these mobile offices.

“You have a nice setup here.” She shot him a quick, strained smile. “Never have to worry about sending out for coffee.”

Her next show of interest was in the chrome and Formica-topped table. “Really nice,” she murmured.

As curious as he was bewildered, he sidled up next to her. “Thanks.” A pang of jealousy needled him. Hell, he couldn’t be jealous of the way she was admiring the cheap table, could he? Jake groaned inwardly. Yeah, he could. He wanted her to look at him that way... to drag those fingers of hers along his body the way she caressed that tabletop.

Merri looked anywhere but at him. Obviously nervous, her interest finally lit on the bulletin board hanging on the wall above the table. She gifted him with another smile, this one a little shaky. “I guess you leave messages for your crew here.”

Jake looked from her to the bulletin board and back. “Yeah, from time to time,” he answered slowly. What was going on here? Why was she suddenly so nervous? “What about your family? Do they live here in Atlanta?”

There was no mistaking that cornered animal look this time. Rather than run as he fully expected, she stepped closer to him. Her gaze flitted left to right, then locked with his. “I don’t want to talk, Jake.”

Before he could respond, she went on tiptoe and pressed her mouth to his. Her tongue prodded his lips. He opened and she tentatively touched her tongue to his. He lost control then, and pulled her hard against him, wanting to feel her soft body mold to his. Her breasts flattened against his chest. A groan rumbled deep inside him. Desperate with want, he took charge of the kiss. He cupped the back of her head with one hand and kissed her hard. She moaned. His other hand gripped her rounded bottom and pulled her more firmly into his straining arousal. Desire shattered inside him when she threaded her fingers into his hair and softened completely against him.

He had to have her now. He settled her onto the table and leaned her back. Her fingers glided down to his waistband and tugged the shirt from its confines. Her hands moved under his shirt and over his bare chest, touching, teasing. He kissed her harder, pressed his arousal into her, evoking more sultry murmurs from her sweet mouth.

He urged one of her slender thighs around his waist, then the other. He found the tiny spaghetti strap on one shoulder and pulled it down until he exposed her breast. Stopping the mind-blowing kiss for one moment, he admired that soft, high mound. His breathing ragged, he nipped at its rosy peak. She gasped and her pelvis arched into his. He opened his mouth and covered her nipple, then sucked it. She writhed beneath him, her nails digging into his flesh.

Fire rushed through his veins with every sound of pleasure that passed those sweet lips. He moved to her other breast, sucking the nipple through the thin fabric of her dress.

“Jake,” she whispered.

The sound of his name on her lips sent a need so savage through him that he shook with the intensity of it. He growled his approval as he planted hot, lingering kisses up the column of her throat until he found her welcoming mouth once more. He thrust his tongue inside, over and over, as his desperate hands roved her body. One palm formed over that perfect bare breast, the other discovered her equally bare bottom. He traced the satin thong, finding her hot and wet. She cried out, the sound muffled by their kisses.

“Jake, you in there?”

. Jake stilled. Damn. He straightened, bringing a dazed and startled Merri up with him. He adjusted her dress strap back into place and turned just as Dan stepped into the kitchen. Merri hopped off the table behind him.

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