December Rain (2 page)

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Authors: A. L. Goulden

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: December Rain
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Alex shakes his head in confusion. “Weird. So you didn’t know them?”

“No. They were just in town visiting someone. It was a big party.”

“And you let them carry you over their heads? That little velvet dress barely covers you.”

“Well... you know...” she snatches the photo, “they just picked me up. We were all drunk. I don’t know. It was fun.”

“They carried her around the party like that singing Christmas carols,” Tristan says.

Monica tilts her head. “They actually...”

“Sounded good!” they say in unison laughing.

Alex shakes his head. “Okay. Memory lane’s over. You two ready? You look ready.”

“Yeah. Let’s get outta here!” Hoi adds from the doorway now in a full body mouse costume.

Monica and Alex start cracking up, but Tristan rushes to the door, assuring him he looks great as they head out. They make their way into the cold night and board a BART train headed to a Halloween ball. The warehouse is only a few blocks from their stop, but the crowd and commotion can be heard from there. Alex starts to squeeze Monica’s hand tighter as the enormous party comes into view.

“You okay?” Monica asks quietly.

“I don’t know. That’s a lot of fuckin’ people.”

“You knew it was a ball,” she whispers.

“I imagined a little ballroom somewhere, not a warehouse.”

“It’ll be fine. Just stick with me.” She winks and relocates his hand to her upper thigh.

The distraction brings him off the ledge, at least for a moment. “Oh, I’ll be stickin’,” he says, groping her until she giggles. “Can’t let you walk around in that alone.”

They all get their hands stamped and follow the herd into a laser filled warehouse decorated with giant spider webs and flying bats on wires. Monica slides her cape open and snaps it to a chain that keeps it behind her shoulders like a superhero. Alex is nearly trampled when he stops to watch her.
Holy shit, she’s fuckin’ hot!
His face goes pale.

“You coming?” She reaches for his hand with a little wicked smile and a flick of her tongue. “Come on.”

He keeps his eyes focused on her behind with a tight grip as they walk. Hoi even sneaks a couple of glances before he cuts eye contact completely. Passing through the mezzanine, Alex watches her in the lights and music. There’s a confidence in her walk. Considering all they’ve been through she probably shouldn’t be so brazen, but she’s tuning to her reckless and wild side.

She looks different. Fearless. Her hips sway like a model. Do they always do that? Do I usually squash that? I gotta tell her how sexy she is more. I don’t like her gettin’ thin though, but that’s just stress. I’ll get her back eventually. If she didn’t have me, would she look like this all the time?

Monica glances back, but gets sucked in by the intensity in his eyes.
Looks like he wants to conquer me.
She laughs to herself.
I like the Roman thing. He could totally be Roman. His calves should be shown off more anyway, they’re so sexy.
She twists to kiss him just below his jaw line then continues forward.

He runs his hand across her behind caressing her skin through the mesh with his thumb.
Fuck she’s hot. Can’t believe this is my wife. I can’t lose her.
Alex’s breathing becomes painful and panicked.

Her wedding ring digs into her pinky in his grip.
He looks freaked out or something. Too many people here? He’s probably flippin’ out about the crowd. Shit! I don’t want to leave. I’m so over his fears.

Alex takes her lips with urgency. The power in his intent sparks goosebumps through each tiny opening in her dress. It’s the first time in months she’s felt alive. His hand tenderly smooths across her cheek and caresses the back of her neck. She reaches for his belt and pulls him closer. The layers of fabric draped around him feel cool against her thighs. She slides her hand inside the folds at his torso where her fingers can trace the muscles that stretch across his back. His warm skin invites her to dive further.

No underwear?

Alex pulls his lips away, resting against her forehead to reveal a tiny smirk. Neither can get their breathing under control, staring the other down. The lights of the club shift and draw across their faces as the DJ loops “Intro” by The xx into a sultry soundtrack. Hundreds of bodies and faces blend away as he moves with her to the music. She draws him into the pounding base while his eyes trace her lips and hands glaze her hips. His biceps are flexed and all Roman under her powerful fingers. They continue dancing slowly, not breaking the connection.

Tristan and Hoi realize they’ve been separated from their friends and turn back to find them. They can see glimpses in the moving lights that fly through the darkness. When they get back through the crowd it’s clear Monica and Alex are heated up. Their bodies are glued together and they’re completely unaware of the world around them. Tristan throws her hands and looks at Hoi pissed.

He starts laughing. “What’s wrong?”

“Seriously?” she yells over the music. Hoi is clearly not on her page. He shakes his big mouse head and shrugs confused. “They just ditched us to grope each other?”

“So! They’re having fun. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do?” He laughs and grinds into her a little with the music which ends up looking like a lewd gesture from a giant mouse.

“What? I’m not doing that?” she shouts shaking her head.

“Fun. I said we’re here to have fun! Dance you know. It looks like they get it.” Hoi glances back as Alex starts to run his lips down Monica’s neck.

Tristan looks away immediately, but notices that Hoi’s cartoon mouse eyes aren’t as shy about watching. She leans into the mesh opening near his ear, hoping to win his attention back. “What do we do? Just leave them?”

Hoi turns sneaking a final peek at Alex’s hand moving between Monica’s thighs swaying to the beat. “I guess.” He looks down at Tristan who’s now upset and embarrassed. He runs his fluffy fingers across her whiskers. “Shouldn’t you be happy? You were worried about them. They seem to be fine.”

Tristan glances back hoping they’ve gotten it out of their system, but they’re pressed against the railing of the mezzanine. The backdrop of bodies moving to the music under the steamy laser show silhouettes their pawing and panting.

“They’re married!” she says.

“Yeah... that’s what makes it so awesome!” he says. “Let’s go get a drink. You need one.”

Hoi tows her to the bar on the other side of the mezzanine taking her by surprise. It’s been a long time since he took control of anything, and she kinda likes it. For a minute she imagines his furry hands on her and it at least makes her smile. Before long he hands her a drink and finds the perfect spot along the railing to gawk at costumes filling the main floor. Tristan starts feeling a little self-conscious about the amount of clothing she has on compared to the amount of flesh bouncing below. The air feels primal. People moving to the rumbling beats, pressing their sweaty naked flesh together. Hoi takes off his mouse head and downs his cold vodka before sopping up some sweat with the cocktail napkin. She watches her husband’s jaw tighten as his head bobs to the beat. She can’t believe he’s not bothered by the display, except when caught by her anxious looks.

“I want to pee and then leave,” she says in his ear.

Rattled a bit, he sticks his mouse head back on and hustles to follow her back towards the stairs. She disappears into the bathroom line, and soon he’s sinking into a curtain he thought was a wall. The sticky floor in the dark space grabs onto the cheap fur of his costume making it hard to get up. Hoi rips off the stupid head again and climbs to his feet in the darkness. Sweat now burns as he tries to see, and the furry hands he’s confined in are too disgusting now to use as a towel. The only light is an occasional flash from the strobes and lasers outside and an exit sign lit nearly twenty feet away. He starts to pry the whiskers from the floor until he sees someone move and freezes. As a stream of light traces across flesh his eyes adjust. It’s Alex and Monica.

She’s lying on something he can’t see. All he can see is a bald head between Cleopatra’s thighs. Hoi stands perfectly still hoping they don’t see the giant mouse in the corner. A light drags across Monica’s body. Her dress is bunched up around her waist. She has one hand on her bare breast and the other on the back of Alex’s head. Darkness teases Hoi as he tries to focus. All he can hear is the pounding of the bass as it speeds with his pulse. A strobe starts revealing snapshots of action; fingers, nipples, and Alex getting to his feet. A flash between her thighs burns into Hoi’s memory making the need to peel out of his costume to breathe a requirement.

Hoi backs up to leave, but like a car accident, he can’t turn away. A flash of Alex’s cock straight and hard. Darkness. A flash of Monica’s feet around his shoulders. Multiple flashes of frozen poses. Alex kissing her ankles, teasing her with his tip. Hoi can’t leave. Not until it’s in. Until there’s a victory. A payoff. The interior of the costume is itching as it sticks to his wet skin. The fever washing over makes him near passing out. The next flash reveals it in and moving slow.
Thank God!
Hoi dives back through the curtain.

He straightens up on the other side, taking in the surroundings, but feeling lost. It’s still dark and yet his eyes hurt to adjust. The only benefit so far to the stupid costume is that it’s hiding a major erection, which is great because when he spots Tristan, it’s clear her disgust for the facilities have already pissed her off enough.

“You ready to leave?” he asks.

“Yes! The sooner the better!” Her eyes stall on his wet hair and stained collar. “You’re soaked. Gross. Do you want to take that suit off?”

“I’ll wait until we get home. I can jump in the shower.”

She rolls her eyes and they head back to their apartment. Tristan rambles on. “I knew Monica was going to ruin this night. The minute she put on that dress, I just knew.”

Hoi tries not to think of that dress or the naked body underneath. His dick twinges a little as she continues.

“She went through a phase like that in college where she went wild. I was afraid for her. She met a guy one time on the dance floor and let him give her ecstasy. By the time Ri and I knew she was all over him. I mean all over, like... was about to let him take her to a bathroom stall.” Hoi shifts in the seat as they near their stop on the train. “Can you believe that? She was pissed because we stopped her.”

“Huh.” Hoi pretends to be on her side.

“Eeww... and then after we got home, I got out of the shower and saw her in the living room with Jack. I did
need to see that.” Tristan looks at Hoi as they walk up the stairs to the street level. “She was like a cat in heat for a little while there. Jack took full advantage of that for sure.”

“Friends with benefits?” He tries not to reveal too big a smile.

“That was when they started being an item I think. When we told him about the guy at the club he swooped in. He was always in love with her and couldn’t handle her being, as she put it, carefree, huh.”

“Ironic,” Hoi says.

“I know. Sad.” She enters the code to get into their building and then hesitates to close the door behind. “What do we do with them?”

“I’ll let ‘em in when they come back. It’s fine.”

“It’s not fine. It’s rude.”

“How about a hot bath? I’ll run you one and open some wine.”

She wants to buck the idea at first, but then she softens with a smile. “Okay. That sounds great sweetie.”

Hoi stands over the tub, still in his mouse costume, waiting for the water to heat. Flashes of what he saw jump in and out of his head. He runs his fury fingers through the water again and again until it grows hot.

“Oh honey, you gotta be burning up in that suit by now, huh?” Tristan is already in her robe with a full wine glass in hand, ready to soak.

“Yeah. It’s gross in here,” he says pointing to the furry belly. “I’m jumping in the shower once you’re settled.”

“Okay. I’m good. You can go.”

He freezes and looks at the shower stall across from the tub. “I was just gonna jump in here.” He reaches towards the handle on the glass door.

“Oh. I was thinking you’d go in the guest bathroom... so it doesn’t get super foggy and sticky in here.” She doesn’t notice his disappointment as she prepares a candle and a book, and then awkwardly waits for him to leave.

“What?” he says.

“Are you gonna stand there?”

“Yeah. I was going to.”

“And just watch me?” She looks at him like he’s crazy.

“Yes, Tris I wanted to watch you get in the bath.”

She looks a little horrified and shocked by his blunt stare. “I don’t know if I can-”

“Really? I thought we were past-”

“Okay. You’re right. It’s just hard.”

“I know. It’s just me though.”

Tristan turns away from him, and drops her robe. Her body is thin, but her hips have enough shape to distinguish her as all woman. Hoi loves her pale pink skin and the graceful length of her back. A flash of another pink body part from earlier breaks his enjoyment for a second though. Tristan climbs in the hot water with a squeal. Her body, now turned sideways racks his attention back. Her small round breasts, and large nipples were all too quickly submerged in suds as sweat drips from his forehead.

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