December Rain (28 page)

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Authors: A. L. Goulden

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: December Rain
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“They loved you too. Even my dad. That was probably the best Christmas I’ve ever had.”

“Ever? Like ever ever?”

Quinn laughs, “Yep.” He leans forward to plant a quick kiss that heats a little more than expected. “It’s impossible to just give you a peck, you know that?” he says shaking his head. “I always get sucked in.” His hands smooth down her thighs.

Monica bites her lip and shakes her head as happiness consumes her. “I’ve never been with someone who...” She shifts her weight to lay by his side. “...communicates. Yeah... like this.” She motions her hand between them.

“You mean by talking? With words and stuff?” he giggles.

“No. Brat.” She smacks his chest playfully. “You know what I mean. You tell me things. What you’re thinking and… feeling. It’s not something I’ve had before.” She stills in his gaze. “It’s intense.”

“Too much?” His stare never flinches as the corner of his mouth curls just slightly. “It’s new for me too. I’ve never had this.”

“So this isn’t how you’ve been with past girlfriends? You didn’t stare into their eyes all the time and make them nervous.”

He laughs. “I don’t know about the nervous part, but I haven’t really been close with anyone. You know how I was with women. Fantasies that came and went.” He glides his finger along her forearm. “With you I just opened myself completely. It’s the only thing I could do... and I just hoped you’d see me. And see we were meant to be.” His eyes focus on her lips and then he shrugs. “You’re my Venus. My shield is down.”

There’s a vulnerability in his look; an innocence. The warmth of his breath as it slowly mixes with hers is a spark that ignites a wildfire. As their lips touch she’s aware of every inch of his body slowly moving under hers. She slides to sit up slowly testing the steadiness of the hammock. As she eases onto his lap she tugs the tie of her wrap dress, and lets it fall from her shoulders. She tosses it to the ground below and lets him take in the sight of her bare breasts and pale stomach.

He smooths his hand along the curves of her tummy to trace her left nipple as his other hand teases the edge of her panties. “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything,” he says, drawing her into his arms and kissing her as his hands trail softly down her back.

She can feel his abs tighten as he holds himself up to meet her. His erection feels so good through her panties. She sits upright to grind into him harder making them rock and sway.
This could be fun! He feels incredible. Oh... yeah...

She leans forward and slides her panties off while he unties his board-shorts and slides them far enough to release his thick wanting cock. The swinging starts again as she lowers onto him. Gripping his chest for stability, she rocks slowly on the tip, going further with each drop.

His watches her beautiful body dance with her hips rolling in a sensual rhythm that echoes the waves. He wants to touch her and take control, but doesn’t. She’s in that rare confident place that drives him insane. The place that makes him feel like a teenager seeing a naked woman for the first time. He throws his arms above his head, surrendering control as she starts pleasuring herself by hand. Her fingers swirl and hips circle while his fingers knot into the ropes. He tightens his grasp and tenses, making every muscle in his body flex with firm perfection.

Oh my god he’s magnificent! He’s mine. He’s surrendering to me now and loving it
When those eyes roll back... like that.
There’s a delicious friction as she slides him in and out that pairs with the swing. It’s exotic. The ocean air... the exposure to nature... to him. Her flesh pulls and tugs in and out around his warmth making her clit twitch and swell. She doesn’t want it to end, but the intensity of the position is too strong.

Oh god... right there... yes... oh yes...
“Mmmm... ohhh.... babyyy...” she cries, as her fingers squeeze his chest and she twists her pelvis into his. “Ohhhh.... fuck!”

Quinn’s face looks pained, unable to take it anymore. He lets go of the netting and sits up to press as far into her as possible. The hammock swings wildly as he pumps into her, his hands holding her hips firm as he releases his warmth inside. He tries to recover in her tired embrace, exhaling heavy next to her nipple. A drop of sweat runs down the pink tip and his tongue is quick to catch it, sending an earthquake through her body and tiny tremors below.

“That was unbelievable,” she says. “Even sore, you feel amazing. I can’t resist you. I can’t get enough of you. You’re like an addiction or something.” She looks down into his eyes perched between her breasts. “I don’t want to leave your arms. Like we’re on a honeymoon or something.”

No you didn’t say that! Shut up!

His eyes are full of response. “You know it could-”


“It’s not the worst idea-”

“Stop! No. The ink’s not even dry on my divorce… I don’t want to mess this up too.”

He doesn’t say anything and just sighs. Monica leans over the edge of the hammock, carefully gripping the wooden bar across the top. Quinn wraps his arms around her, assuring that she can lean out further to grab her dress now spread across the grass.

“How were you always so sure about us? It seems like you’ve been like this since… our first walk. Remember how crazy Lacey was that morning?” She smiles.

“Yeah. But I was sure before that.”

“Stretching in the yard?” She throws the dress around her shoulders.

“The stretching just confirmed that you make my heart pound harder the closer we are, but I knew you were the one when we were standing in your bedroom.” He traces his finger along the knuckles of her right hand. “We were leaning against your bed…”

Monica’s cheek flush. “I seem to remember a dog and husband having a lot to do with that scenario as well.”

He stretches to be only a couple of inches apart from her lips and stares deep inside. “I knew that I’d never swim to the bottom of those eyes… and I’d never want to stop trying.”

“There you go again,” she says, “Too intense.”

Quinn eases back a whole two inches. “You made me nervous. Women don’t usually make me nervous. And then you were difficult and threw a little attitude at me…”

“What?” she giggles. “That doesn’t sound like me.” Her smile presses even more blood to her cheeks. She looks down at her hand, tracing over the knuckles he just freed. “I am difficult. There’ll be times you’ll regret. There always are. You’ll hurt me… and I’ll hurt you.”

“We’re gonna fight… and get angry or irritated… but I’ll never regret it.” His glossy eyes linger as his fingers weave between hers. “I’ll never regret loving you.”

Neither will I.
She meets his lips and lowers into his warm embrace.
The only lips I’ll ever need.

He leads her to the outdoor shower to clean up and surprises her with a camera. She fights feeling shy and lets him take photos throughout the house. At first they’re just meek little shots of her washing her body, but they soon become teasing poses in the living room and kitchen.
No one will know his paintings are me, right? Why not? I wonder who’ll buy them. Whose homes will I get to lie naked in?
The anonymity makes her feel daring and sexy in the moment, but above all, it makes Quinn happy, and she wants that more than anything.





December 30th - Friday



“I have to admit, I’m glad we’re home.” Quinn clearly enjoys his new Tesla as he drives them through San Francisco. The whirlwind is over and Monica watches the streets pass, feeling even more familiar and at home than in Hawaii.

“This car is gorgeous.” She turns to admire its driver as well. “You know it’s seriously sexy. Of course you know, look at that face.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I do love the car though.” He oozes cool and she starts taking photos with her phone.

“Now you can feel like the object of my affection,” she says. He just laughs as she takes one after another.

He pulls into the very narrow garage and reality starts to sink in.
How long will it take to feel like this is my home? I’m gonna have to talk to Doug and Robin. Move all my crap.
She squeezes out, careful not to hit the wall with the car door. It reminds her of that day five months ago when his SUV first blocked her driveway.
Carport to garage. Definite upgrade.
She smiles. “I never had a garage when I lived here. Not in any of the places I’ve lived actually... since my parent’s house.”

“This one is tiny, but it’s nice to have. Did you have a car here?”

She gives him a look, “That’s not the point.”

He laughs and opens the trunk to unload their suitcases. Monica steps outside the garage door and takes in the salty air of North Beach. The fog passes by in clumps as the sound of a fog horn billows a deep, rumbling wave down the narrow street. She closes her eyes, letting the tiny drops of cool mist tickle her face.

“I kinda like the horns,” he says.

“I love them.” Her eyes open and he’s completely hidden under the massive pile of baggage he’s trying to lug up the front steps.

“Oh my god Quinn!” She rushes behind him to start prying some of the bulk off. “Let me grab some of this. What are you doing?”

“It’s alright, only thirty six more steps,” he jokes.

She throws her duffel over her shoulder, unhooks her roll away suitcase from his and unties a large box of chocolate macadamia nuts that she added at the Kahalui airport. Her face flushes with embarrassment remembering his reaction when she came back to their gate with it. “We definitely brought back a lot more than we left with,” she says.

“Huh! I’m just glad we shipped the heavy stuff.” He laughs.

“Welcome back neighbor!” A man from the house next door waves as his little fluffy dog sniffs around the shrubs that flank the garage.

“Thank you, Kaleho, this is my girlfriend Monica.” He greets her with a huge smile and soft handshake.

“Aloha. How was your holiday?” he asks.

“It was great, but exhausting.”

Kaleho shoos his dog from peeing on their shrub. “Sorry. Isn’t that always the way though? Now you gotta go rest from your vacation.” He laughs and starts to move towards the sidewalk. “Hey, how’s the house?”

“It’s beautiful,” Monica says. She wasn’t afraid to jump in and let him know his family home has gained a new life.

“That’s so great. I can’t wait to see photos.”

Quinn drops one of their bags. “You’re kidding right? You and your family are welcome to go there and stay whenever you want. That home belongs to you as much as me. More even.”

It’s easy to see the emotion in Kaleho’s eyes, making him feel uncomfortable but also overcome with gratitude. He quickly says thank you and gets going, using the dog as an excuse to avoid a sentimental conversation too big for the a sidewalk.

Monica realizes the extent of Quinn’s generosity, and it concerns her a little that his heart may be bigger than his wallet.
We haven’t discussed our finances at all. I’m not gonna let him pay for everything if I’m here. He’ll fight me, but I have to pay for things. Keep some independence. I don’t want to fight about money. That’s why Alex just let me handle all of it. But we’re not married. Oh god, it’s been so long since I’ve had to think about this crap. Jack and I never really lived together. Of course he never had a problem letting me pay for everything ‘cause he was always broke. I’m just gonna have to bring it up. I’ll wait a few days. Figure out the whole moving thing and get through New Year’s.
It felt like she’d just made a good plan to talk, even though Quinn is completely unaware of it.

He’s nearly finished unpacking when she finally crawls out of her swirling head. He can tell she’s reeling about something, but hopes it’ll pass so they can relax. “Rick should be here in a minute with the dogs,” he says. Monica’s face lights up at the thought of holding his two dogs again.

When Rick comes in there’s an edge to him that Monica hasn’t seen. She leaves the guys to talk while she soaks up the energetic greetings from the slobbery dogs. They run to their crates upstairs and through the house sniffing their territory. Monica follows them still feeling she hasn’t explored either. They’re in the bedroom checking their toys when Quinn swoops in and starts to wrestle them on the floor.

That’s bound to last a while.
She laughs at the snarling and grown-man giggles figuring it’s a good time to get herself unpacked. She walks into the closet he designated hers and opens it up.
I’ve never had this much space. I can’t believe this. I can have things organized and pretty.
She puts most of her things in a laundry hamper but places the few clean items and shoes on lonely shelves before flopping her giddiness back on the sofa in the sitting room off the master.

When the dogs are calm and Quinn is sufficiently exhausted, he drops down on the couch beside her. “My lunch meeting this afternoon got postponed to next week, which is great ‘cause I’m too tired to deal with anything. So, I was thinking we’d go grab some food at the market and veg out for the whole day.”

“That sounds awesome. Is that what Rick was all wired about?”

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