Deceptive Nights (28 page)

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Authors: Sylvia Hubbard

Tags: #romance, #women, #suspense, #passion, #contemporary, #detroit, #urban, #sensual noir, #michigan, #sylvia hubbard, #city

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Jacoby. You’ve got him
about to burst. He hasn’t had a woman since you and it’s driving
him crazy. I think you should talk to him, Phoebe.”

He hasn’t had a woman?”
she asked in disbelief.

He believes himself to be
saving himself until you come to your senses. No matter how I have
tried to convince him that this is a foolhardy idea, he believes
you will one day, but I don’t think I can wait until you decide to
drive him to the nut house. Jacoby is my good friend and I need him
to be in good spirits especially for my wedding in two weeks. You
two need to speak and I want to know when.”

Her shoulders sunk in defeat. “I know,
Desmond, but there’s been no time lately with the new office and
since he doesn’t mix business with pleasure, I never know when to
speak to him and...” Her voice trailed off.

What?” Desmond asked

I really don’t know what
to say. I’ve been given a lot of ideas, but whenever I think about
doing them, it’s all wrong or it doesn’t feel right.”

Like Saturday?” he

She looked a bit perturbed that he would know
about Saturday, but they were all friends so most likely he also
knew about Natalie as well. “Yes, Saturday. I wanted to tell him
about how I felt, but I didn’t think it was the right time. Maybe
it will never be the right time, Desmond. Maybe I shouldn’t even

Don’t even think that way,
Phoebe. I think if you expressed the feelings I think you have for
Jacoby to him, then you wouldn’t have any problems with him. Bottom
line is I think the two of you need to talk. He really wants to
know how you’re feeling.”

She looked now a little wary. “Why are you so
concerned? I know that you have some animosity towards me, Desmond,
because of the kind of person you think I am, but I always made my
feelings known to both of them. I never led them into believing
there was more.”

But have you really told
Jacoby the extent of how you feel?” he asked.

Phoebe didn’t really want to answer his
question. Not until he answered hers. “You first Desmond. Why do
you care?”

All of a sudden his confidence faded a bit
and he stuttered slightly. “Like I told you, Jacoby’s my friend and
he’s starting to get on my nerves with his touchiness.”

She smiled, which relaxed him and decided to
answer his question. “No, I haven’t told him anything about how I
presently feel because like I said he doesn’t mix business with

He would make an exception
to this rule for you, Phoebe, trust me.”

This took a lot of weight off of Phoebe’s
mind and heart and a brilliant smile came to her lips. Desmond
seemed memorized as she approached him and kissed his cheek.

Thank you, Mr. White,” she

He took a moment and swallowed before he
said, “Desmond, please call me Desmond.”

Thank you,

No, thank you. He’s been a
sour puss for the longest.” He nodded towards Jacoby’s office.
“He’s in there right now probably biting off people’s

She gave him another kiss and rushed to
Jacoby’s door. Before opening it, she took a deep breath and closed
her eyes. Suddenly she remembered the intercom red light blinking
on the phone in the lobby.

Looking back at Desmond, she saw how he was
just standing there very sure and confident. It was a plan. All
planned, Phoebe realized. That son of a bitch was probably sitting
in his chair gloating wanting her to come back to him and confess
that he wanted her, and then what? What did he have planned?

The office phones rung and she decided to
answer it before going in the office. It was a team member letting
her know he had arrived at the conference center early and was
wondering when Jacoby would be coming down. She let him know they
still had an hour and a half left before Jacoby had to be there.
The team member then asked if she could add something on the

She agreed and wrote down what he needed for
Jacoby to address at the meeting. When she was off the phone, she
decided to go into Jacoby’s office and give him a piece of her mind
about how he was trying to deceive her.

Phoebe should have suspected Jacoby was the
mastermind behind all of this. First her car, then that horrible
Lawrence and Natalie situation, and now Desmond purposely trying to
convince her when she knew Desmond could care less.

Stubbornly, she decided to go in his office
and be perfectly professional to him and not give in first. That
was what he wanted, she was sure of. He wouldn’t have gone through
all this trouble if he didn’t want her to concede first. Phoebe
concluded that two could play his game.

Going in the office, Jacoby was just getting
off the phone. She paused at the doorway and remembered some of
Amy’s words on what to do. Shoulders back, breast thrust forward
and a walk so sexy he couldn’t help but stare. With the wicked
knowledge that he wanted her, Phoebe came in with the confidence of
a woman bent on seduction.

Late last night, she had put some reports on
his desk that he needed to have looked over by the time he went to
the meeting. He had a pencil in hand for corrections and as she got
closer and closer to the desk, the grip on the pencil became
tighter and tighter until his strain on the wood broke the pencil
in half.

He hissed an expletive dropping the pencil on
the desk. Jacoby’s cinnamon sensuous eyes were liquid pools of
passion seeming to visually caress every inch of skin from her head
to her toes. She couldn’t help herself knowing her heart rate
increased at her proximity to him.

Leaning over the desk, she placed the message
in front of him, but his eyes never moved from her, especially as
she leaned over revealing a very open neckline.

Phoebe was enjoying herself immensely as she
had to repeat her message over to him that she put in front of him.
He looked very perturbed now. It took all of Phoebe’s control not
to laugh at him and his present “hard” dilemma.

Did you need anything,
before leaving for the meeting?” she asked simply.

Whether he knew it or not, he was not
viciously gripping the arm of the chair. “You don’t have anything
else to say to me?”

Phoebe pretended innocence as she stood up
and came around the desk. “Well there is one thing I did want to
tell you.”

What?” he asked on the
edge of his seat.

She paused a moment, then said, “You weren’t
going to address Campbell about New York were you when he isn’t
completed with all three club openings yet, were you?”

The deflated look in his face was evident and
Phoebe gloated on cloud nine.

In a strained voice, through tightly clenched
teeth, he snipped, “No, I had no intentions, especially after
reading his report. Was there anything else?”

One more thing,” she said
leaning down again, and wrapping his tie around her hand. “You
weren’t going to wear this tie were you?”

He gave her a look as if she had lost her
mind. Unwinding his tie around her hand, he sneered, “My tie is
fine, Phoebe.”

Well then, I’ll be seeing
you at the meeting then.” She moved from around the desk and
started for the door.

That’s it!” he exclaimed,
jumping from the chair and coming around the desk.

She faced him. “What more were you asking
for, Jacoby? This is business.”

Dammit Phoebe. I don’t
give a fuck about the business right now and you damn well know

Looking insulted and confused, she asked,
“What do you care about then?” she asked.

He ran a frustrated hand through his hair
glaring at her knowing what she wanted. “You are nothing but a
stubborn anal woman.”

And you are nothing but a
conniving deceitful man, Jacoby Knight, and there’s nothing for us
to say.” She went to the door and opened it.

He was beside her in a flash, slamming the
door back closed. “Dammit, I love you, Phoebe. I Love you!”

And I love you too,
Jacoby, now get off the door!” she hollered back, just as
frustrated and hurt.

So confused and disconcerted, he opened the
door to let her leave. Phoebe gave him a look of disbelief. She
couldn’t believe that was it. He was going to just let her go!
Wasn’t this where he was supposed to take her in his arms, carry
her over to the desk and make good love to her?

Stepping out in the hallway, she decided to
just walk to her office and cry. Halfway down the hall, he came
after her, grabbed her arm and swung her around.

His mouth captured her own so possessively,
as the wind was knocked out of her as she was slammed against his
chest. Breathlessly pulling away for a moment, he asked again
filled with uncertainty, “You love me?”

Phoebe was too out of breath to speak and
only nodded. This was all he needed as he kissed her hard and long.
Her mouth couldn’t keep up with his, as he seemed to drain her
senses and then fill them up again with a need to have him so
overwhelming their surroundings were forgotten.

He swept her up and carried her to his
office, never breaking the kiss as he kicked the door hard behind
him. Jacoby didn’t stop until he got to the desk and knocked
whatever was on it off.

The reports,” she warned,
opening his tie and then his shirt.

Who cares,” he muttered,
kissing her face and neck. His hands were everywhere holding,
gently squeezing, and undressing her.

Phoebe relished in his touch and took great
measures to remember the smoothness of his skin, the velvety feel
of his hardened manhood, the tightness of his butt as she gripped
the muscles holding him closer to her.

Wanting her very ready for him, Jacoby wasted
no time once they were free of clothing preparing her for him. His
mouth made her ready, but he didn’t stop there, not when she was
begging for him to be inside of her. He continued to arouse and
please her until she was a whimpering mass of sensitive nerves. As
he joined with her, his body over hers, he whispered sweet words in
her ear on each thrust deep into her.

You’re my everything,
Phoebe. My sun, my moon, my stars.” He licked her neck up to her
earlobe where he briefly nibbled the soft cartilage. “You’ve given
me purpose,” he whispered in her ear. “And being with you is so
beautiful. I promise to never ever hurt you.”

Phoebe couldn’t help the tears of joy slowly
slipping from her closed eyes as she felt him explode deep into her
loins with her, filling her with his love. This man was much too
wonderful and she knew her heart, mind, body and soul would always
belong to him.

Amazingly, he was first to come to reality.
“Phoebe, look at me.”

She opened her eyes slowly to look up at this
handsome man, who had just made her so happy.

I’m going to prove to you
for the rest of your life, you are my world,” he

The rest of my life?” she
asked. “In that case why don’t we just get married if you’re going
to waste your time like that?” Phoebe was teasing and her tone of
voice clearly said so.

He smirked moving away from her and finding
his jacket on the floor. Phoebe sat up on the desk and looked down
filled with curiosity at his strange behavior. He dug through the
inside pockets and pulled out an old velvet green box.

Moving to one knee, he opened the box and
looked up at her. “Since you suggested it, why don’t we?” he said

Phoebe gasped as if he had cursed at her
covering her hands over her mouth. “Jacoby, that’s a ring!”

He chuckled and gently pulled her down to
him. When she was on her knees in front of him staring at the ring
like it was going to jump up and bite her, he asked, “I want you to
be mine, Phoebe, because I’m already yours. I’ve been yours from
the beginning and I’ll be yours until the end. I’ll make you so

Shut up and put the ring
on my finger!” she cut him off.

He did, and giddy with joy Phoebe threw her
arms around his neck. She had never imagined getting to propose to
by a naked man in the middle of his office, but love has its way of
making things so weird.

Jacoby, you already make
me happy when I’m with you,” she admitted with a brilliant smile on
her face.

He laughed in relief as he laid her down on
top of their clothes. This time when they made love, it was much
slower and she could tell he was relishing everything as if they
were making love for the first time. He made her mindless in
pleasure and she reciprocated this time until he too didn’t care
about the world around them. Phoebe wantonness for him made her
feel like a queen and he was her king reigning pleasure through
every vein in her body.

When their second love session ended, he
asked, “What about the meeting?”

What meeting?” she asked
then gasped, remembering they were supposed to be somewhere.
Checking the clock on the wall, she saw they still had five minutes
to get down to the conference center and smiled. “I think you
should call them and let them know you might be late.”

Might be? Who’s to say I’m
finished here?”

She blushed feeling his hardness still deep
in her. “Jacoby, this is the office and just because I agreed to
marry you, don’t think I’m going to allow you to break office
decorum all the time.”

Only when I want you?” he

Only when you really want
me,” she teased.

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