Deep Surrendering (Episode Two) (8 page)

Read Deep Surrendering (Episode Two) Online

Authors: Chelsea M. Cameron

Tags: #adult contemporary romance

BOOK: Deep Surrendering (Episode Two)
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His answer was to go to the smaller of the two dressers in the room. One was painted gray and the other glossy black. He pulled something out of the top drawer and hid it behind his back.

“Take off your clothes and turn around.” He’d snapped into Dark Fin mode and I knew that the games were over. He had won and he was going to claim his prize. Me.

I stripped quickly and his eyes looked me up and down. I’d been naked in front of him before, but each time his eyes seemed to devour me as if it was the first time.

As I waited for further instructions, I watched how the shadow branches made patterns on my skin like I was an exotic creature.

“Put your hands on the post.” I did as he said, and then he came up behind me, pausing for a moment before he reached over me and wrapped a silky black rope around my wrists and the post, tying some sort of fancy knot that made me want to question whether he’d been a boy scout. But I kept my mouth shut.

It was strange having my hands tied to the post, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Yet.

“Is it too tight? You can shake or nod your head.” I shook my head.

“Good. You let me know if it becomes uncomfortable. I wouldn’t want you to lose circulation in those pretty hands.” Speaking of hands, his brushed up my arms to my shoulders and then through my hair. I felt like every nerve was waiting for his touch. I tested the bonds on my hands by tugging just a bit, but he’d done a good job. I wasn’t going anywhere.

A thought flitted through my head. What if there was a fire and he couldn’t get the rope undone in time? I’d die here in this room from smoke inhalation. Naked.

“You’re scared,” he said, noticing that I’d tensed up. “What are you scared of? Me?” I shook my head. “Answer me. What are you scared of? Name your fear.” Well, now I felt stupid and I was scared of him finding out I was an idiot.

“I just . . .” I said, testing the rope again. “I’m afraid that there’s going to be a fire, and I’m going to die tied up like this, and what would people think?” He stilled behind me, and I risked a look over my shoulder.

“Are you serious?”

“Yes,” I said with a sigh. “You asked.”

“I did.” There was another pause, and I wondered if he was going to laugh at me or run away again. Although, he could hardly do that since this was his apartment.

“I would never let anything happen to you, Marisol. Not on my watch. That is one thing I can promise you. While you are with me, no harm shall come to you.” Geez, don’t get all romantic on me, Fin.

“Thank you,” I said, because what else did you say to a declaration like that?

“With that said, are you ready for what’s next?”

“What’s next?”

“Whatever I want.” His hand stroked my spine, causing my body to shiver. The room was cool from the air conditioning, causing chills to break out all over my skin.

“I could touch you. Here. And here.” He touched my lower back and moved his hands lower to cup my ass. “I could kiss you here.” He leaned down and kissed where his hand had just been. Fin was getting very close to some sensitive areas.

“Or, I could just admire you like this.” He stood and moved away from me, and I heard his footsteps retreating.

Wait, what? I craned my neck to try and see where he’d gone.

“Don’t move,” was his command. “You know, you really have a beautiful body, Marisol. Sweet curves just where a man wants them. And that fire in your eyes. Not to mention those sweet-as-cherry lips.”

His voice moved further away from me. “Yes, you’re quite a specimen from behind. But I know what I want to do now.”

And he left the room, shutting the door behind him.

“What the fuck?” I said, twisting to see where he’d gone. “Seriously?” Was he just going to leave me here? What if I had to pee? What if there was a fire alarm? Why was I so worried about fires all of a sudden?

I waited a few more minutes for Fin to come back. I thought about yelling at him, but maybe this was part of the game? This had to be part of the game. Fin might be a kinky motherfucker, but he wasn’t an asshole. Or maybe he was?

My question was answered a moment later when the door opened.

“Where have you been?” My arms were tired from being tied up. I hoped whatever he was going to do, he was either going to untie me to do it, or it was going to be over quick. This kinky business was hard work.

“My apologies. I had to call down to the concierge for something.”

“For what?”

“I’m not going to tell you that. It would ruin the surprise.” I sighed. “Getting tired of me?”

“No. Well. My arms are. I guess I’m not cut out for this. You should have chosen someone else.” My own inadequacies were creeping into my head and invading the enchanted forest.

“But I don’t want someone else, Mari Cherry. I want you. And I’m going to make you want me.”

He walked up behind me again and slid his hand between my legs. I gasped at the sensation. His hand was slippery from something.

“Cherry-flavored,” he said, holding the bottle of lube over my shoulder so I could see it. “You should also feel—“

I moaned as the area he’d touched started warming. He stroked me again, front to back, and I swore I was going to come just from that.

“I thought you would like that. Now, spread your legs and back up.” I was confused by what he was asking, so I spread my legs and shuffled backwards until I was nearly bent over with my arms still tied up. Well, that wasn’t very comfortable at all.

“Like this?”

“Yes, stop talking now,” he said with a smack on my calf. He crouched down and then he was crawling between my legs, and then . . .

It was a good thing I was tied to the bed, because when his tongue darted out and licked me, my legs would have buckled and I would have crushed him, which probably would have put a damper on the evening.

“So sweet,” he said between licks and sucks, before dipping a finger inside me, and then another. Before I knew it, my orgasm was upon me and my legs were trembling so hard that I almost did fall. Fortunately he held me up as I finished, then he stood and I heard the unzipping of his pants.

“If your hands weren’t otherwise occupied, I would ask you to rub this on me and take me in that mouth of yours until I came, but you’re all slippery and ready for me, aren’t you?” I didn’t trust my voice, so I just nodded as he parted my legs again.

“Someday I’m going to claim your ass, but I’m not sure if you’re ready for that. We’ll have to build up your tolerance, which will be quite enjoyable, I promise you.” Anytime a guy had even gone NEAR that area with his dick I’d put a stop to it. Just the idea of . . . UGH. But Fin made it sound like something I might be willing to try. But not tonight. Definitely not tonight.

“I’m going to fuck you now. Do you want me to fuck you?” I nodded. Hell yes, I did. If he didn’t do it soon, I was going to try to break the bedpost and beat him with it.

“Then that’s what I’ll do.” With the last word he slid inside me so smooth and so fast that I couldn’t help a sound popping out of my mouth.

The tingling warmth of the lube and his dick spread inside me, and I could feel myself getting ready to come again, if that was even possible.

Fin wrapped an arm around my stomach and slammed into me so hard I almost lifted off the floor. It was like he was trying to break me apart and all I wanted was to let him. I’d never been fucked this hard. I never knew someone could fuck me this hard. There would be bruises and soreness tomorrow, but at the moment, I couldn’t think about anything but how he felt inside me, hot and slick and demanding.

“I’m going to destroy you,” he said in my ear before he bit down on my earlobe. I was going to let him.

The rope chafed at my wrists, but the material was smooth, so it wouldn’t rub the skin off.

Fin plunged into me a few more times and then came with a string of curses moaned in my ear, and I was right behind him, leaning my head into the bedpost. He held onto me and rested his head on my shoulder.

“Good girl. You can talk now.”

“Can you untie me? I feel like my arms are being dislocated.” He chuckled and kissed my neck.

“Well, we can’t have that.” With just one tug of his hands, the ropes fell away from my wrists.

“That feels better.” I rubbed my wrists, which were considerably red. “You left your mark on me.”

“Good,” he said, turning me around to face him. He was still clothed and his pants were zipped.

“You know I’ve had sex with you twice and I’ve never seen you naked. Don’t you find that a bit odd?”

He shrugged one shoulder and then reached out and stroked my still-sensitive clit before putting his finger in his mouth and licking it, a smile on his face. “When you’ve seen what I’ve seen, there isn’t much that seems odd when it comes to sex.”

“Oh,” was my response.







Fin gave me a robe, and after I went to the bathroom and cleaned up from the lube job he’d given me, we got in bed together. I wasn’t planning on staying the night, but lying in bed and talking after sex just seemed like a natural progression.

“Have you ever done that before?” he asked as I moved my feet against the soft sheets. They must have been made of some sort of special cotton because they were cloud-soft.

“Been tied up? No. I was always very . . . conservative in the bedroom. Or maybe I was just with conservative guys.”

Fin made a weird sound at the mention of conservative guys.


“There is no such thing as a conservative guy. Trust me. Those that seem conservative are usually the ones with the most . . . non-traditional fantasies.”

“Really?” I’d heard that kind of thing before, but it was hard to believe when the guy you were sleeping with only liked missionary or doggie-style and would never go down on you or say anything remotely dirty in the heat of the moment.


“So it was me.”

He shook his head. “Not necessarily. For a girl who claims to be conservative in the bedroom, you’ve been open and willing so far. It makes me wonder just how far I can push you.” His hand moved up and down from my hip to my shoulder.

“Maybe you could . . . give me a hint about what we’re talking about here and I could tell you if it’s something I might be interested in.”

He laughed. “Nice try. I wouldn’t tell you for the world. A lot of the pleasure is in the anticipation. The not knowing what will happen. It’s delicious, isn’t it?” It was evident by his smile that he liked talking about this particular subject. I couldn’t lie, it was making me want to be fucked again. Maybe not tied to the bedpost though. At least not for a few days while my wrists recovered.

“I guess so.”

He continued lazily stroking my side.

“So what happens now? Do you throw me out of your bed to wander the streets after taking my virtue?” I was joking, but I really did want to know what was going to happen. Because if I had to get dressed and go back to my crappy apartment, that was going to suck.

“Do you want to stay?”

“Let me think about that. I could go back to my shitty apartment in the shitty neighborhood and sleep alone on my shitty mattress. Or I could stay here with a sexy prince in the enchanted forest.”

“I’m not a prince,” he was quick to say.

“You know what I mean, Fin. I’d like to stay if you’d let me. Even though I have no clothes here.”

He got up from the bed, and I almost reached out to stop him. “That won’t be a problem. I think I can guess your size. Excuse me.”

What did he mean he could guess my size? It took a second for me to figure it out. I got up from the bed and poked my head out of the bedroom door. Fin was speaking to someone on the phone in a low voice. I couldn’t catch what he said, and he hung up quickly.

“An outfit to sleep in, should you choose to wear it, and an outfit for tomorrow will be here shortly.” He slipped his phone in his pocket and walked toward me.

“Wow. It’s like you snap your fingers and things magically appear. You’re not a prince, you’re a wizard. Or maybe a wizard prince.” I leaned against the doorframe and watched him. He had such a way about him when he moved. As if he had choreographed every movement for maximum grace.

“It’s not magic. Just money. Do you think less of me?”

I shook my head before I even had a chance to think about it.


“You should.”

“I know. But I don’t.” Shit. I was falling for this guy. Really falling. Leaning over the edge, about to let go.

He smiled and put away Dark Fin. “Would you like something to eat?”

“Yes, I’m starving.”


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