Read Defying The Alliance (Novokin Alliance Invasion 1) Online
Authors: Bobbi Ross
Tags: #Alien, #Alpha, #SciFi, #Fantasy, #Romance, #Galactic Empire, #Action, #Adventure, #Pregnant Male, #Adult, #Erotic, #Paranormal, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Forever Love, #Invasion, #Novokin, #Alliance, #Captain, #Warbird Razor, #Galaxy, #Enslaving, #Fugitive, #Outlaw, #Deep Proteus, #Space Station, #Barbarian Alien, #Protectorate, #Alien Commander, #Crew Lives, #Cliffhanger
"How dare you board my ship? I'll have you arrested. I'll have you and all of your crew executed for this." The little man in the pink silk robe stomped a feathered slipper.
My lieutenant had finally gotten sick of staring at his nearly nude form and had chosen attire for the prime minister. Minister Flores was not amused. His voice rose and then rose some more, like the giant waves of the New Astorian West Sea. I turned away from the spitting and frothing of his ultimatums to consider exactly what we stumbled into.
“You know Senator... I'm so sorry. Forgive my breach of protocol, I meant Prime Minister. Our fortuitous meeting today brings me great joy. Do you know why?” My eyes drilled into his.
He turned his head away from me, grimacing his impatience. I guess I was beneath him. One of my eyebrows perked up sucking up all my annoyance. “Because, I’ve been dying to ask. Where were you Prime Minister? Why didn’t you die on that day? The day the Novokins massacred New Astoria. ”
He was conveniently absent. Possible. I could see him in a stupor, hung over from a night of debauchery in a hotel room on the morning of the attack, somewhere outside the main center of the city. The Novokins however, have shown that they don't have a very forgiving nature. They engaged in mass executions on a multitude of Protectorate worlds after the surrender. Why would they let this little, sniveling, sorry excuse for a man live? Not only live, but take the title of prime minister of a world under their purview? I spun on him, fixing the little skeck with my death stare. Coincidentally, his mouth stopped making talky talky noises.
"If the Senate was in session and all of your fellow ministers were killed in the last bombing of New Astoria, why are you still alive?" I stilled myself, fighting the urge to wrap my fingers around this sheetek's scrawny neck.
As expected, he backed away. No hole for him to slink into or rock to hide under, he stammered a reply, "I ...I ... someone had to save New Astoria. Someone had to have the fortitude to save our galaxy. Someone had to bring peace." He drew himself up to his full unimpressive height.
"Peace? You brought foxes into the hen house Prime Minister. No, what am I thinking? Foxes devour their prey. These were butchers!"
"How could you possibly know anything about what happened? You're nothing but a lowly pirate." Hiding behind his Alliance granted title, he looked down his nose at us.
"I was a Captain in the United Worlds Protectorate Fleet," I hissed, smashing a very expensive looking crystal vase, on the table beside me, with my fist. Everyone, including my crew stiffened, as I took a moment to pretend to compose myself.
"My crew and I were fighting for our worlds. We were fighting for our galaxy. We were winning, and you –you surrendered," I roared. I had to keep up the charade, his only weapons being words and subterfuge, he couldn't know I was on to him.
"When you disobeyed the order of the Senate's general assembly to surrender Captain, you became a traitor." He snickered at me, and then found something very interesting on his hand to stare at.
"Tell me Ruten, what is it you're trying to hide from me?" His eyes went wide and he twisted his face up in disgust.
I thought I had him, then he did something I couldn’t have predicted. Whipping his head back and then forward, he let fly what appeared to be a nasty phlegm-filled hock of sputum. I braced for impact, not even having the time to pray, when a large golden hand reached out in front of my face and caught the nastiness. Damn, the golden barbarian was fast. This move earned him major points in my book. Maybe I’d go easy on him for kissing me without my permission, disregarding my orders, and then saving all of our patooties.
Trex then proceeded to backhand the prime minister halfway across the room. He crumbled in a heap at the foot of a statue of two Celexian boars rutting. Can't believe he tried to spit on me. I guess he was closer breaking than I thought. My words echoed my feelings. "That's just –nasty."
It did however provide me with an opportunity. I took my time getting over to the sorry lump of prime minister, still mewing and bleeding onto the floor below me. I made a show of fiddling with my pistol. When he caught on to what I was doing, he began to whimper, and tried to drag himself away from me.
I stomped my foot down between his legs, catching the silk robe. This sent the little prime minister into a fit of tears, shaking his head at the torture he suspected was coming, and no doubt he deserved.
Pressing the trigger on my gun, the light arced out in the shape of a long blade. I held it dangerously close to his ugly, frightened face for the briefest of moments. Then, in a swift, violent move I stabbed it down between his open legs, slicing off a piece of the robe. Grabbing it up with my free hand, I slowly made my way back through the destruction caused by the prime minister's unscheduled flight until I stood in front of the golden giant’s rippling chest who had defended my honor. Not that I’d asked for it.
Trex’s eyes were cold, distant and his jaw was clenched tight, as if expecting to be dressed down for his actions. I tried to be serious, but a brief, chaste smile escaped my captain's veneer. I presented him the cloth. "Here, wipe that off. It's disgusting." I’d rake him over the coals later, in private.
I turned my attention back to the prime minister. "In my experience, the only people that bark so loudly when they lose, are liars and cheaters. Let me ask you again, Mister Prime Minister, what are you trying to hide from me?"
Maybe, she wasn’t mad at him after all. He had done what he did to protect her, and he’d do it again. No matter how angry she got.
Her actions that day on the Deep Proteus space station 5 had forced him back onto an honorable path. She was a beacon of light, cutting through the darkness of his universe. Her spark gave him a reason to hope. To fight. Beyond his need for vengeance, he felt a greater need to keep her safe. To be there for her. And he’d do it whether she wished it or not. The corners of his mouth curled up. She would never back down. Never from a fight, not with him, not with anybody – it wasn’t in her nature. She would keep fighting, she would win her war and he would show her how.
Be that as it may, he had more pressing matters, mainly the rodent he smelled. The prime minister was hiding something. Something bad. Trex took measure of Caspia and her two lieutenants. They were competent, but he knew how to get information out of people. Bad people. And the prime minister was as bad as they came. The twisting in his gut said as much and his gut was never wrong. Besides, he was the prime minister of a Novokin occupied world and he would have access to certain information, like the coordinates of all the Novokin Captains’ ships posted in his region of space. He was interested in a specific Novokin Captain. Captain Veldar Asmot. The monster that annihilated his planet, murdered his people and enslaved his galaxy.
“Captain Jones, may I have a word?”
“Can it wait, Trex?”
“No Captain, it can not.”
“Fine,” she sighed and gestured for him to follow her into the next room.
He paused for a second to let her lead the way. He enjoyed watching her ample curves move and shake as she trod hastily across the room. Her luscious, brown hair was tied up in a knot and bounced freely like the tail of a leapsquirrel, waking the hunter in him. His cock stirred in his tight pants, straining against the hard fabric she had insisted he wear on this mission. He preferred his tattered loin cloth to these confining fabrics but she insisted it was inappropriate and if he wanted to stay on her ship, he’d have to at least wear pants. He had no choice. He’d do anything to please her. Without warning the sway of her hips stopped, and she spun around. He quickly snapped back to the present, when her spin had him drooling at her tantalizing sex which seemed to be calling for his attention through her skintight uniform. With supreme effort he lifted his gaze to hers and was immediately consumed by the fire burning in her beautiful, big, fearless eyes.
“Actually Trex, I need to talk to you first.”
“Of course Captain.”
Her hands sat comfortably on the curves of her voluptuous hips, taking an offensive stance. Her breathtaking stare focused completely on him. This could not be good. He has known this posture from his mother and it never turned up well for his father, himself nor his brothers and sisters. He winced inside readying himself for the blow.
“Well, Trex, although you’re not officially a member of my crew, you’re living in my ship and you’ve offered to help with our mission. Please, don’t misunderstand me. I’m very grateful for all you’ve done.” She added the last sentence gently. Her cheeks were flustered and she moved her arms a lot while she spoke. She was captivating, if not a little dizzying.
“Heck, you saved my life, I don’t know how many times now. And I owe you many life debts,” she proclaimed palms up, in a warm and passion-rich voice that made him want to take her in his arms and taste every bit of her. “I’m truly thankful to have met you.” Her eyes were soft, shining with an inner glow.
She paused for a few heartbeats and he saw the struggle flitter across her face, as she rubbed her hands together, creased her eyebrows and took a deep breath before she added, “But, there is a way we do things on my ship. I’m not sure how things are done in your galaxy or if you’ve ever had military training but there is a protocol to follow. To ensure everyone’s safety, the most basic rule is that you follow your Captain’s orders. I can’t have you gallivanting around on your own accord trying to rescue the day. You’ve been lucky so far, but soon someone will get hurt. You put the lives of my crew at risk. I can’t have such reckless behavior on my team.” The firm tone in her voice, the strong set of her jaw, the fire in her eyes and the slight tilt up of her chin challenged him to defy her. She expected a fight.
He wouldn’t give her one; she had enough fights on her plate. He had to make her understand that he was her ally. Someone she could depend on. Someone who’d fight for her. Someone, who’d do anything to keep her safe. Not a liability. He came from a strong warrior race. He was a commander in the king's own personal guard. From the moment he learned to walk, he was trained first by his father and then by the king’s own master-at-arms how to use a Charteth, the curved blade of his ancestors, to bring down his enemies. He was trained in advanced interplanetary military tactics, dozens of hand to hand combat techniques from several different warrior species over two different galaxies. More importantly he was taught how to win. He’d lived and breathed for the heat of battle in his whole life. He was a warrior.
The long years of peace and prosperity had made the Protectorate weak and soft. Despite her fierce warrior’s heart the Protectorate had not prepared Caspia for what she was up against. Be that as it may, he knew that she’d never give up. He also knew that alone on this path she had chosen...he must convince her to let him interrogate the prisoner. It was his chance to prove his worth to her.
It was also his chance to extract information that would help him track down the demon who annihilated his planet, killed every single male, female and child of his species, and enslaved his galaxy.
“Are we clear, Trex?” She commanded more than she questioned, as she thrust her ample bosom out. His palms suddenly itched to squeeze and fondle the seductive, round breasts fighting for escape from the tight deep cut bodice of her captain’s suit. “No more going into battle half-loaded.”
“Yes Captain, we’re clear,” he said with reverence, securing his hands behind his back. He didn’t want to upset her but her safety would always come first. Even if it displeased her.
“O...Ok, then,” she drawled, searching his face for intent. When she found no opposition, her deep, chocolate eyes softened and the muscles in her neck uncoiled. “Now, you needed me for something?”
“Yes Captain. I ask for your permission to interrogate the prisoner.”
“Which prisoner?”
“The Prime Minister, of course.”
“Oh, the Prime Minister. Why is that? Do you think you can do a better job than me or the rest of my crew? Do you even have any military training?” The tone in her voice was challenging but also curious.
“I have not always been a slave, Captain. I used to be a Commander in the Othmarvian army's Royal guard. My people were warriors. We were born to fight and defend our galaxy.”
“Much good did it do you. I assume the Novokin Alliance somehow overpowered and defeated your people much like mine. That’s why you’re here, right?” She wasn’t playing around. He liked that. She had no fear to say things the way they were. Here was someone who stood her ground and faced him down, even ready to defy him. Most males would never even consider challenging him. He was completely taken by her.
“The Novokin Alliance did not fight. They are a dishonorable and conniving race. The Novokin army came to my people many cycles ago, under the pretense of conducting trade negotiations while in fact they were seeding our atmosphere with MagnesiumXeflate particles.”
At the last bit of information, she pursed her lips and nodded sympathetically. “That’s an evil, praking piece of technology. Genocidal warfare. I am so sorry, Trex,” her eyes glimmered with unshed tears.
He continued, as if he did not hear her, reliving the horrors of his past. “Four trillion people died that day. Including my family.” His voice was hoarse, strained with rage.
“My planet carried the command post for the entire military force of the Coalition of Planets, and also the most important civilian command post for the entire sector. With the leadership gone, and no advance warning, it took days for me to figure out what had happened. What little military still survived in the sector fell into disarray and was easily defeated within the following weeks. The remaining planets in my galaxy, mostly worlds of agriculture and industry succumbed one after another or were simply obliterated. Others of my species were systematically hunted down and killed. I am the last of my kind.” His chest tightened, as icy-cold realization set in saying the words out loud, for the first time.
The last of his kind
. Darkness clutched at his soul.
Suddenly her warm fingers squeezed his arm, inciting a wave of heat surging through his body, threatening to melt the icy fortress that surrounded his raw heart. The wave turned into tsunami as she leaned closer.
“Where were you, when it happened?” her eyes glistened and her voice cracked.
He recognized the emotion hiding behind her words. The loss of someone dear. She’d lost someone close to her. The same as he had. In that moment he felt a deeper connection to her, an inexplicable bond. A bond forged between two souls sharing the same, deep, agonizing pain and having bore witnesses to unspeakable evil. A sad smile marred her beautiful features casting a shadow on her inner light. He never wished to see that sad smile, and he’d do everything in his power to make sure it never again befell her radiant face. “I was off world due to the small rivulet of royal blood that runs in my family. Not enough blood to ever even be considered for the throne, but enough to be drafted for the exile."
"The exile?" She questioned him.
"It had been standard practice on my world ever since we achieved space travel. Back when our planet was still rife with civil wars and military coups, it was required to have at least one member of the royal family off world at all times. In our modern history, this antiquated tradition often fell to the more distant relatives of the crown. I was already in my third week of forced isolation when the Novokins attacked." He stiffened his back, deliberately trying to distance himself from the images of his return to Othmarvia.
"When my craft made its timed descent, everyone in the planet was dead. All the cities lay in ruin."
A tear streaked the beautiful little captain's face and he slid his thumb across her heated cheek to catch it, cupping her stunning face. His other arm wrapped around the small of her back. Pulling her into his chest, she gasped. Her sensual lips parted and he leaned forward to taste her sweet lips.
His next thought struck him like meteorite. He had a mission to complete. Four trillion souls to avenge. There was no telling, whether he’d even survive his fatal trek. He would not drag her in this. It was his burden to bear and he’d do it alone.
Resisting his urge to take her, he stiffened his spine, dropped his arms to his sides and let her slip from his embrace. “So, yes Captain, going back to your first question. I think I have adequate military experience.”
A bewildered expression took hold of her face. Brown, sparkling, inquisitive eyes locked into his, piercing every barricade all the way through to his very soul.
“Is it vengeance you’re after?” she queried.
“Yes Captain, and I will not rest until –."
“Are you going to torture the man?” she interrupted
“I’ll do whatever is necessary.”
“As I thought. My answer is no. There will be no torturing on my ship, or any ship I’m on. I’ve got to draw the line somewhere. I feel for you and your people and when my crew is safe I promise to do what I can to help you fulfill your mission.”
“But I -.”
“Nope there will be no further discussion. You may assist me if I require it but I’m not putting you in charge. You’re dismissed.” She lifted her elegant chin, revealing the long, alluring lines of her neck muscles.
He imagined his lips caressing the nook of her neck, nibbling on the taut muscle. Feeling her life force ebb and flow as his tongue grazed the soft skin. Slowly moving up to steal a taste of her salacious mouth...With a quick jerk of the head, he tore his sights away from her and turned to leave as hunger mounted inside of him. A hunger, he soon wouldn’t be able to control.
“Trex”, she whispered gently his name and paused.
He held still waiting for her to continue. Looking toward the exit door. Not daring to set his eyes on her. Not trusting himself. Not anymore.
The stern tone in her voice did not quite eclipse the hurt behind it, “Next time remember that my lips are off limits to you.”
There won’t be next time my fearless, beautiful Terran.
He strode across the room and out the door.