Delinquent Daddy (12 page)

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Authors: Linda Kage

BOOK: Delinquent Daddy
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"it's fine. I'm pretty sure most of my family will show up, and 109

Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

there're a lot of cousins his and Cassie's age. So, really, it's no problem if he came along."

Truth be told, he'd like to get on Nora Young's good side.

And if that meant taking her son to Chuck E. Cheese's, he'd do it.

But Nora glanced at him as if he were insane. "Are you sure about this?" she asked hesitantly. "His bedtime is half an hour earlier than Cassie's at eight thirty."

No, he wasn't sure about anything anymore. But he merely said, "It's fine. Really."

"Well, all right then," Nora relented, and the two children cheered, dancing around each other. "Let me get you some money for Keller's—"

"Don't worry about it," Boston said, lifting a hand to stop her. When she paused to send him a surprised look, he smiled. "I can cover it."

Nora blinked a couple more times before she matched his smile, flushing a bit in the cheeks. "All right then," she said, quickly turning away from him as if embarrassed. "You two have fun with Mr...." She frowned slightly when she realized didn't know his last name.

"Kincaid," he told her, sticking out his hand and realizing he'd just won over the neighbor lady despite what Ellie had probably told her. "But, please, call me Boston."


Ellie stared at Nora with wide eyes, thinking her neighbor had to be joking...
she was joking.

Nora paused. "He took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese's," she said slowly, as if talking too fast might get her into trouble.


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

"Why are you looking so alarmed?" she added, starting to look exactly that way herself. "That was okay to let him take her, wasn't it?"

Ellie pressed a hand to the side of her head. Her daughter was gone, and she had no idea when she'd be home...
she'd be home.

"When did they leave?" she asked, walking in a slow circle to beat back the panic.

Boston had taken Cassidy. He'd come and gotten her and just...taken her away. She couldn't believe it.

"I...uh, it was between three and five. I don't know. God, I thought you knew he was doing this. You didn't mention anything at lunch, but...Cassidy knew about it, and he didn't act like it was some covert, undercover outing or anything."

"I had no idea," Ellie said numbly. She looked at Nora with such a pale face the woman reached out as if to catch her before she could fall.

"I am so sorry, Ellie," Nora gushed. "I just...well, hell. I was reading a book one minute and the next, this complete hunk was staring at me and smiling and...damn, I couldn't think." She paused to look at Ellie in awe. "I always knew you had excellent taste, but I thought that was just about clothing sense and shoes."

"Nora!" Ellie moaned. How could she talk about Boston's looks now? Her daughter was missing.

"God, I'm sorry," Nora started again, realizing they had a real problem on their hands. She cupped her face with her fingers. "It's just that I even talked to him yesterday, and he didn't have that effect on me. But then again, yesterday, he 111

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didn't smile. Today he did, and it was like...oh, wow, El. That man has some smile."

Ellie didn't need to be told this. She was already well aware of the power behind his stupid, charming smile.

"I think all I could do was stammer, blush and drool. I probably would've handed over my house, car, and kidney if he'd asked. I guess I
hand over my kid, now that I think of it. And— Oh, my God!" Nora stopped blabbing and froze with a look of utter horror on her face. "He took Keller too,"

she said as if just now realizing that fact. "You don't think he'd keep Keller too, do you?"

Suddenly, she looked about as sick as Ellie felt.

The parking lot at Chuck E. Cheese's was packed, but Ellie spotted Boston's Infiniti among the family vans and SUVs quickly enough. She found a spot three places down and whipped in, jerking to a halt. In the passenger seat, Nora was out the door before Ellie had even tugged her key from the ignition. Though her friend was sprinting toward the entrance of the restaurant, Ellie could only sit there a moment and try to calm her breathing.

When Nora told her Boston had taken Cassie, she'd thought she would pass out from the fear. She'd feared she might never see her baby girl again. But now that she was staring at Boston's car and knew he'd at least been honest about where they were going, her fears subsided substantially. The relief was so overwhelming, she felt like crying, but for an entirely different reason, a more powerful reason. Moisture actually beaded at the corners of her eyes.


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

He hadn't been trying to steal her little girl. He'd merely wanted to spend some time with her. And that was the only thought that kept her from leaping from the car and racing Nora inside. Cassidy had wanted to meet her father for months now, and it wasn't just one of those passing wants either—this was a deep-seated need, consuming her entire nine-year-old body.

Ellie'd be lying if she denied dreaming about Boston returning to them and making them a complete, happy little family: mother, father, and baby. She'd always wanted to see him look at Cassidy with an emotion she herself had felt so many times.

But that was a stupid pipe dream; this was reality. And in reality, he'd taken her daughter away without telling her. The urge to kill him was so strong, she stayed in her car with both her trembling hands covering her mouth until the anger cooled a few degrees.

She blew out a breath, smoothed out the wrinkles on her blouse and slowly exited the automobile, reminding herself Cassie was okay. Boston hadn't stolen her. Everything was fine...for now.

As soon as she opened the door to the restaurant, she could hear her neighbor yelling.

You lousy son of a bitch

Obviously, Nora'd had no problem finding him in the crowded joint. Picking up her pace, Ellie hurried forward as her friend ranted on.

"How could you trick me and convince me to send my
out with a complete stranger? You made me think you'd 113

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by Linda Kage

cleared this whole outing with Ellie first. I thought it was okay. I thought it was
. But no, you just stole two children away from their homes. How were we supposed to know when you were bringing them back? You never said when you were—"

"Yes, I did," Boston quickly cut in.

He stood in front of Nora with his arms lifted as if to restore peace to the kingdom. Surrounded by a table full of more strangers who looked like they were probably his family, he'd obviously been watching Cassie and Keller and a few other children playing a video game not far away until he'd spotted Nora barreling toward him.

"I told you I'd have them back by eight thirty," he said, looking frankly panicked by the enraged female glaring at him.

"The hell you did," Nora growled.

"But..." Looking truly puzzled, Boston scratched his head.

"You said Keller's bedtime was eight thirty. I assumed—"

"Well, that's what we both get for assuming," Nora retorted. "Because I never,
, would've let you walk away with Keller, or Cassie either for that matter, if I'd known you hadn't talked to Ellie about this. I can't believe the nerve..."

As she continued to rail, Ellie started toward her daughter.

"Cass," she called. Once she got the girl's attention, she snapped her fingers and pointed to the floor in front of her.


Just as Cassie froze with her face showing that all-too-familiar expression of a tantrum about to start, Boston stepped away from the still-bickering Nora.


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

"Whoa," he said, grabbing Ellie's arm. Behind him, his alarmed-looking family had all come to their feet and moved supportively closer.

Ellie pulled her arm from his grasp and glared. "What made you think you could just take off with my daughter without even

Boston opened his mouth, but no words came out... He honestly looked too stunned to speak.

"I came home from work tonight and I had no idea where she was. And even after Nora told me you had her and where you'd taken her, I had no idea how long you were going to be gone. Or
you were ever going to bring her back."

Boston's jaw tightened, making his words strained. "I didn't realize I had to run it by you every time I wanted to see my own child."

Ellie let out a disgusted breath. "Yes!" she yelled. "You do."


"Why?! She's my daughter. I have to know where she is."

"Oh?" he drew out the word slowly. Then he glowered.

"You mean, like you let me know where
my daughter
was for the past nine years?"

Ellie probably would've wound back her arm and hit him square in the jaw if the older woman behind him hadn't tugged on his arm and jerked him around.

"Are you telling me you didn't get permission to take Cassidy tonight?"

"Permission?" he said incredulously. "She's my child. I don't—"


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

"Yes, you damn well do," the woman growled sternly, and Ellie suddenly realized this matriarchal figure was his mother.

She looked too much like Boston not to be. When she turned her attention to Ellie, Ellie instinctively moved a leery step back.

But the woman gave her a beseeching look. "Please excuse my son," she begged. "Sometimes, he just doesn't think."

"What? You're siding with
?" Boston yelped. "Jesus, Mother. She purposely kept my daughter from me for damn near a decade. I think I deserve one night."

But Diane Kincaid merely lifted a hand to shush him. "
is Cassidy's mother," she argued. "She's been the one raising this child. She's your daughter's ultimate guardian and caregiver. Legally, you have no right to her, and you know that."

"Yeah," Boston snorted. "Because... child from me. Did you not hear that the first time?"

"Boston," his mother said calmly. "You're the lawyer here.

You should know better. You have no claim to Cassidy. I doubt your name's even on the birth certificate."

"It's not," Ellie cut in, earning a scowl from both Boston and his mother.

"She could have you arrested for kidnapping," Diane finished. She and her son glanced Ellie's way again, obviously wondering if she'd do just that.

"I just want my daughter," she told them. Turning, she grabbed Cassie's hand and said, "Come on. We're going home."


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

"What?" Cassie exploded. "No! I want to stay. What does he mean you kept him from me?"

Ignoring her daughter's final question, Ellie glanced toward Nora, who was standing with a quivering Keller cowered next to her. Her friend gave a slight, supportive nod.

Boston stepped forward. "But she hasn't even eaten yet,"

he entreated.

"Can't she stay long enough for supper?" his mother added.

Her daughter wrapped both arms around her left leg.

"Please, Mom, please."

Ellie glanced at Cassie...then Boston. Then she turned her attention to the dozens of curious people standing behind him, watching the show with avid interest. They were going to think she was the Wicked Witch of the West.

But she didn't care.

Tightening her grip on Cassie's hand, she said, "Let's go,"

and turned away from Boston and his family.

She should've known better, but when her daughter wailed out her disapproval, Ellie still winced at the volume. Cassie hadn't thrown such a royal fit since she was four, but she truly outdid herself now. Thrashing and screaming, she dug her feet in and struggled against Ellie's hold, fighting for all she was worth.

"I want to stay with my daddy," she cried over and over again.

It'd been a few years since Ellie had held her child, but she tried to pick Cassie up anyway. The girl immediately flailed 117

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her limbs out, catching her right in the face with a swinging elbow.

"Cassidy!" Boston chided in shock. He stepped forward as soon as Ellie cried out. While she was busy touching her bruised cheek, he bent down in front of their daughter and took her arms. "Calm down."

"I want to stay with you," she howled.

"I know," he said softly. "But right now, you have to go home. I'll see you soon."

"When?" Cassidy demanded to know.

Boston glanced up toward Ellie as he quietly repeated,

"Soon." He sucked in a breath and got back to his feet. "Be good for your mom, okay?"

Cassie was still rebellious, but at least Ellie was able to drag her to the car after that.

It was a quiet trip home. Even Nora and Keller didn't dare speak. Not until Ellie had pulled into her drive and parked did her friend glance over and quietly say, "I'll talk to you later,"

before she hustled Keller across the yard to their own house.

"Into the bathtub," Ellie told her daughter.



Ten minutes later, she sat in the darkened living room, bawling into her hands. She hated this. She hated hurting her daughter. She hated being mean. But damn it, she was the injured party here. Boston had scared her to death tonight.

He'd taken off with her child. Why was everyone mad at her like
done something wrong?


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

When the doorbell rang, she surged to her feet, needing Nora's support more than anything. She didn't even stop to wonder why her friend was at the front door when she always came to the back until she'd already opened the portal. When she found someone who was completely not Nora, she tried to slam it shut.

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